Ee215 Lab Report

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Name: Nguyen Huu Bach

Class: 15ECE2

*These experiments were carried out on March 3rd and March 17th
Experiment No.1:
I. Objectives:
+ Check continuity with a multimeter
+ Understand and describe breadboard internal connections
+ Create circuits on a breadboard
+ Measure DC voltage, current, resistance using multimeter
+ Calculate resistance from DC voltage and current measurements
+ Compute resistor power dissipation
+ Design voltage divider circuits

II. Theory:

+ Ohm’s Law:

+ Voltage divider:
𝑣𝑅1 = 𝑣𝑠
𝑅1 + 𝑅2

+ Power:

P = v.i

III. Result:


+ Voltage of source: vs

+ Measured value: v (m)

+ Computed value: v (c)

+ Theoretically calculated value: no sign

Procedure 1

a) Resistance between two holes in row 5 of connected holes:

R = 1.012Ω
Resistance between two holes of opposite ends of long side row:
R = 1.101Ω
b) The resistance between two unconnected holes is very large, and the
multimeter reads infinity value (0 MΩ).

c) It will not make any difference which probe goes in which hole.

Procedure 2

a) Circuit schematic diagram

b) The measured voltage v across RM: v1 = 1.58 V

c) The measured current i across RM: i1 = 0.285mA

d) vs = 9V

+ The measured voltage v across RM: v2 = 9.05 V

+ The measured current i across RM: i2 = 1.64mA

e) vs = 9V + 1.5V = 10.5V

+ The measured voltage v across RM: v3 = 10.59 V

+ The measured current i across RM: i3 = 1.91mA

f) The graph of measured values above:

g) The resistance calculated by Ohm’s Law for each set:

+ Set 1: RM (c) = = 5544Ω

+ Set 2: RM (c) = = 5518Ω

+ Set 3: RM (c) = = 5545Ω

h) The measured value of RM: RM (m) = ………Ω

i) The error between the average of the calculated value and measured

Procedure 3

a) Circuit schematic diagram

b) Applying voltage divider:
v30k = 𝑅 𝑣𝑠 = 6.75 (V)
30𝑘 + 𝑅10𝑘

v30k attains maximum value when R10k min, R30k max:

v30k = 𝑅10𝑘 (min) 𝑣𝑠 = 6.577 (V)
𝑅30𝑘 (max)

v30k attains minimum value when R10k max, R30k min:

v30k = 𝑅10𝑘 (max) 𝑣𝑠 = 6.915 (V)
𝑅30𝑘 (min)

The range of voltage between R30k with resistors tolerances:

v30k 𝜖 [6.577; 6.915] V

c) Measurement

+ The measured source voltage: vs (m) = 9.097 V

+ The measured value of R30k: R30k (m) = 29.657kΩ

+ The measured value of R10k: R10k (m) = 9.817kΩ

d) Applying voltage divider:

𝑅30𝑘 (𝑚)
v30k (c) = 𝑅 𝑣𝑠 (𝑚) = 6.835 (V)
30𝑘 (𝑚) + 𝑅10𝑘 (𝑚)

The computed value v30k (c) is still within the range of calculated
value in part b.

e) The measured voltage across R30k:

v30k (m) = 6.803 V

*Comment: The measured value is a little bit smaller than the computed
value in part d leading to very small error.
Procedure 4

a) Circuit schematic diagram

b) Applying Ohm’s law:

i300 = = 30 (mA)

i1k = = 9 (mA)

i = i300 + i1k = 39 (mA)

i attains maximum value when R1k max, R300 min:

1 1
i=( + ) 𝑣𝑠 = 42 (mA)
𝑅300 (𝑚𝑖𝑛) 𝑅1𝑘 (𝑚𝑎𝑥)

i attains minimum value when R1k min, R300 max:

1 1
i=( + ) 𝑣𝑠 = 34 (mA)
𝑅300 (𝑚𝑎𝑥) 𝑅1𝑘 (𝑚𝑖𝑛)

The range of current i with resistors tolerances:

i 𝜖 [34; 42] mA

c) Measurement

+ The measured source voltage: vs (m) = 9.083 V

+ The measured value of R300: R300 (m) = 301.05Ω

+ The measured value of R1k: R1k (m) = 1004.81Ω

d) Applying Ohm’s law:
𝑣𝑠 (𝑚)
i300 (c) = = 30.17 (mA)
𝑅300 (𝑚)

𝑣𝑠 (𝑚)
i1k (c) = = 9.04 (mA)
𝑅1𝑘 (𝑚)

i(c) = i300 (c) + i1k (c) = 39.21 (mA)

The computed value i (c) is still within the range of calculated value in
part b.


+ The measured value of i300: i300 (m) = 30.202 mA

+ The measured value of i1k: i1k (m) = 9.143 mA

+ The measured current leaving source: i (m) = 39.35 mA

*Comment: The measured values are a little bit larger than computed
values from part d leading to very small errors.

f) The power dissipated in each resistor:

+ P300 = vs (m).i300 (m) = 0.274 (W)

+ P1k = vs (m).i1k (m) = 0.083 (W)

The resistor was a little bit hot because it transformed electrical energy
to heat but it was not too hot since the powers are still smaller than their
theoretical values.
Procedure 4

a) Chosen resistors from lab:

+ R1 = 4.7kΩ
+ R2 = 5.6kΩ
+ R3 = 20kΩ

Circuit schematic diagram:


vb = 𝑣𝑠 = 4.893 (V)
𝑅1 + 𝑅2

v1 = 𝑣𝑠 = 4.107 (V)
𝑅1 + 𝑅2

i= = 0.874 (mA)
𝑅1 + 𝑅2

P1 = i.v1 = 4.28 (mW)

P2 = i.v2 = 3.90 (mW)

b) Measurement:

+ The measured resistance of R1 = ……….. Ω

+ The measured resistance of R2 = ……….. Ω

+ The measured value of vb: vb (m) = 4.882 V

c) Replacing R1 and R2 with 10kΩ potentiometer.

Circuit schematic diagram:

The measured value of vb: vb (m) = 4.864 V

We have:

R1 + R2 = 10kΩ

𝑅1 𝑣𝑠 −𝑣𝑏
𝑅2 𝑣𝑏

Thus, we get: R1 = 5404.4Ω and R2 = 4595.6Ω

Experiment No.2: Wheatstone Bridge Circuit

I. Objectives:
+ Construct, analyze and measure multiple-source circuits
+ Model transistors as dependent sources, and confirm the model with
+ Develop Thevenin equivalent models of real world components
+ Design an experiment to determine a Thevenin equivalent model

II. Theory:

+ Circuit analysis techniques: node voltage, mesh current, source

+ Thevenin equivalent circuits.
III. Result:

Procedure 1

a) Applying KCL:
𝑣−9 𝑣 𝑣−1.5
+ + =0
10𝑘+8.2𝑘 20𝑘 10𝑘

 v = 3.145 V

b) Applying KVL:

10k.i1 + 20k.(i1– i2) + 8,2k.i1 – 9 = 0

10k.i2 + 20k.(i2– i1) + 1,5 = 0

=> i1 = 0.322 (mA) and i2 = 0.165 (mA)

=> i = i1– i2 = 0.157 (mA)

c) Measurement

+ The measured voltage v across the 20k resistor:

v(m) = 3.164V

+ The measured current i through the 20k resistor:

i(m) = 0.158 mA

*Comment: the measured values are a little bit larger from calculated
values due to resistors tolerance and inner resistance in each source.

d) Thevenin equivalent

*Circuit analysis technique: source transformation

+ Req = 6.454 kΩ

+ veq = 4.159 V
e) Measurement

+ The measured voltage between two terminals of removed 20kΩ


vth = 4.157 V

+ The measured current through short circuit of removed 20kΩ:

ith = 0.654 mA

+ The Thevenin equivalent resistance:

Rth = = 6.356 kΩ

*Comment: the measured and computed values of vth and Rth are closed
to those calculated values in part d. The difference occurs due to resistor’s
Procedure 2

a) Measurement

+ The measured open circuit voltage:

v(m) = 1.488 V

+ The measured short circuit current:

i(m) = 14.13 (mA)

b) The thevenin equivalent resistance: Rth = = 105.31 (Ω)

Inertial resistance of the source: Rs = Rth – 100 = 5.31Ω

c) Raw potato with 2 ends stuck with a piece of zinc and copper

+ The measured open circuit voltage of potato:

vp (m) = 0.78 V

+ The measured short circuit current of potato:

ip (m) = 0.006 (mA)

d) Calculation
𝑣𝑝 (𝑚)
Req = = 130kΩ
𝑖𝑝 (𝑚)

Rp = Req – 100 = 129.9kΩ

e) The battery is much better since the internal resistance is much

smaller than that of potato with much higher voltage developed.

Procedure 3

a) Circuit schematic diagram


+ The measured voltage of battery: vs (m) = 9.048 V

+ The measured voltage between R1: v1 (m) = ………V

+ The measured voltage between R2: v2 (m) = 4.01 V

+ The measured voltage between base and emitter: vBE (m) = 0.65 V

+ The measured voltage between collector and emitter: vCE (m) = 5.085 V
𝑣1 (𝑚)
+ The calculated current through R1: iB (c) = = …….. (𝜇A)

𝑣2 (𝑚)
+ The calculated current through R2: iC (c) = = 401 (𝜇A)

b) Parameters of the CCCS model for the transistor:

+ vBE (c) = 0.65V

𝑖𝐶 (𝑐)
+ β(c) = =
𝑖𝐵 (𝑐)

c) Circuit schematic diagram with CCCS model for the transistor:

d) iB = 3.5 𝜇A

+ The voltage across R1: vR1 = iB.R1 = 0.07 (V)

+ The current across R2: iC = β.iB =

+ The voltage between collector and emitter: vCE = 9 – iC.R2 =

+ The measured voltage between collector and emitter: vCE (m) =

e) 2N3904 data sheet values:

+ hFE =

+ vBE = 0.65 V

The values we computed, vBE and β, are closed to the values from data
sheet of 2N3094.
Procedure 3

a) Parts to build the circuit:

+ 3V battery/voltage source

+ 1000Ω resistor


+ Switch


+ Build the circuit as diagram above on bread board.

+ Turn on the switch and wait a moment.

+ Measure the voltage of source.

+ Measure the current flowing in the circuit.

+ Measure the voltage across LED.

+ Compute the thevenin resistor then get the resistance of the LED by
eliminating for R = 1000Ω.

b) Measurement

+ The measured voltage of souce: vs = 3.07 V

+ The measured current: i (m) = 2.53 mA

+ The measured voltage across LED: vLED =

𝑣𝑠 (𝑚)
+ The resistance of LED: RLED = – 1000 = 213.5Ω

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