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Vidit Jain

87, Palash Nivas(OBH), IIIT Hyderabad, Gachibowli - 500032 • Github (viditjn) • Linkedin • +91 - 8559924428

International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad 2015 – 2019*
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science And Engineering CGPA : 9.02/10
Software Engineering Intern | Google India | Google internal frameworks and tools | Full Stack Developer May – July 2018
• Added a new feature in one of the Gcloud Apps for user creation to reduce the repetitive work done by a user.
• Worked on both frontend and backend part of the project which include several Google’s internal tools and framework.
• Worked with asynchronous code and storing data in database.
• Also covers some auto suggestion part which requires some data analysis techniques.
Software Developer | Fabulyst | Django, Scrapy, BeautifulSoup, jQuery Aug – Nov 2016
• Developed a basic recommendation web application specially for women as their personal fashion stylist.
• Mainly scrapped data from various online shopping sites like Myntra, voylla, etc. using Scrapy and BeautifulSoup.
• Basic recommendation system using basic Machine Learning concepts.
Teaching Assistant | IIIT Hyderabad
• Teaching Assistant for the course MATHS 1 (Discrete Mathematics). Aug –Dec 2017
• Teaching Assistant for the course Computer Networks. Jan – April 2018
Undergraduate Researcher | Machine Learning Lab, IIIT-H | Mentor : Dr. Grisih Varma May 2017 – present
• Working on Reinforcement Learning : Understanding and Implementing various RL Algorithms and testing on Open AI Gym
• Working on to create an end to end ML model for path detection of an object in a video using Deep Neural Net and LSTM
Query Mapping | Deep Learning | Mentor : Prof Vasudev Varma Sep –Nov 2017
• A research project where to map tail queries (queries which are queried less and are weired in some sense) with head quires (common query).
• Proposed several methods for the problem with comparative analysis.
Wiki Search Engine | Python | Mentor : Prof Vasudev Varma Aug – Sep 2017
• Developing an efficient search engine to query Wikipedia documents of total size 42GB, using secondary indexing and external merge-sort.
• Query aimed time is less than 1 second and the maximum size of index is 1/4th of data size (~10GB).
Tic-Tac-Toe Bot | Python | Mentor : Prof Praveen Paruchuri Feb 2017
• Developed an A.I. bot capable of playing a 16x16 variant of Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe.
• Implemented alpha-beta pruning with iterative deepening and random move reordering.
RAFT Consensus Algorithm | Python | Mentor : Prof Suresh Purini Apr 2018
• Implemented RAFT Consensus Algorithm which has functionality of leader election, log replication along with keeping
the safety and consistency measures while leader change.
Web Server | Python | Mentor : Prof Moumita Patra Apr 2017
• Developed a web server that handles both http and https request and also allows POST/PUT request using sockets.
• Prevent from DoS attack by blacklisting the client after repeated requests and also handles authentication for file access.
Mini DropBox | Python | Mentor : Prof Moumita Patra Mar 2017
• Developed a program to keep two separate directories synced using sockets.
Linux Shell | C | Mentor : Prof P.K. Reddy Sep - Oct 2016
• Developed a bash like shell for Linux using syscalls, that supported some user-defined and built-in commands along with piping and I/O
redirection and signals.
Technical Skills
•Programming Languages - C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, Matlab, Bash, HTML, CSS
•Technologies and Frameworks – Google’s internal frameworks, web2py, Django, Bootstrap, jQuery, Scrapy(basic)
•Libraries and Tools – Google’s internal tools, Git, Unity3D, OpenGL 3.0, Atom, pytorch (basic), BeautifulSoup
•Database - MySQL, SQLite • Operating Systems - Ubuntu(Linux), Windows
Data Structures, Algorithms, Computer System Organization, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Software Analysis and
Design, Computer Graphics, Database Systems, Statistical Methods in AI, Information Retrieval and Extraction, Distributed Systems, Linear
Algebra, Optimization Methods, Natural Language Processing*, Complexity and Advanced Algorithms* (* -- current)
•Dean’s List Award – Stood in top 10% of the batch in 5 out of 6 semesters till now. 2015 - 2018
•JEE Advance - All India Rank 3542 (among 1,50,000 candidates) 2015
• KVPY Scholar 2015

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