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Our team comes up with a blended chicken drink which is a protein shake that uses

chicken breast as the source of protein. Our product contains more texture and flavor than
most of the protein shake available in the market that uses milk as the source of the protein.
Proteins are the building blocks of all life and play an essential role in nutrition. Regular
exercise increases the need for protein to 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. The
increased daily protein requirement has to be covered by diet or sports nutrition. Protein
shakes are the most comfortable and most convenient way of adding to your regular food to
cover this daily protein requirement. One shake a day makes an additional 27 grams of
protein available to your body, which it can use for building and processes within the
Muscle gainer: Blended Chicken drink highly contains protein and sufficient carbohydrate
with lack of fat that help people to achieve higher in muscle growth and reparation in some in
of skeletal muscles after intense workout. Our product is easily to consume and cheaper
compare to competitive. We have a various flavour, so customer could have different taste.
As some current concern, although whey protein is nowadays popular in market, some
companies cheat on customers by amino spiking. ​Amino spiking ​is a technique that allows
supplement companies to put in less protein than what's listed on the label without actually
getting caught.

How is your product/service different from your competitors?

We believe that our product is unique from our competitors in various ways. We consider
about three main things that lets us to compete the others team. The first thing that we
concern about is nutrition for each bottle. Our drink needs to be composed of a high amount
of protein and nutritive value. The second thing is our product design. It is one of the most
important things that represent our band. The logo identities need to have a concept of
energetic chicken power. The last main thing is our price. In order to reach the customer, the
price needs to be effort able for everyone. So, we decided to make price low as much as

Basic description of the company’s management team

This protein drinking product is originated from my determination of being a chef and
enthusiasm in fitness. With some experiences in cooking and adequate knowledge of health,
I spent my time on modifying the flavor of the blended chicken and calculate the basis of
nutrition facts and figured out how to reduce the smell from chicken as possible. Eventually,
there are four flavours in total, which are yoghurt, chocolate, oreo, and green tea. Pathanin
who has learned and basic skill in accounting, will be an accountant that response for all the
transactions and statement. Sippaphon takes the responsibility in part of marketing and
advertising. Akarawat is a ​Financial advisors assess the financial needs of individuals
and help them with investments.

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