Career Showcase Script

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Jennifer: The future begins today!

Rona: And the call to respond to Jose Rizal’s “Kabataan ang Pag-
asa ng Bayan” starts now.
BOTH Teachers, judges, guests, dear future professionals, welcome
to the 2018 Bacnor Senior High School Career Showcase.
Jennifer: In everything we do, we should put God first. May I call on
Angelica Cabalce for a prayer. Let’s All Stand
Rona: Please take your sit.
Professionals are not born, they are made. May I call on
Alona (apelyido) for her words of wisdom. Everyone, let’s
give her a big round of applause.
Rona: Thank you Alona for that fruitful message that I am sure, all of
us will truly remember.
Jennifer: We cannot spell the word future professionals without the
word talent. So, may we call on the selected grade 11
students for their intermission number.
Rona: Thank you grade 11 students for that entertaining
performance. But wait! There’s more!
Jennifer: May we call on, Kath Abuan for her spoken poetry. Let’s us
all give her a round of applause.
Rona: Thank you Kath for that masterpiece! You have proven that
words can sometimes be louder than actions.
Jennifer: Partner, I know you have a lovely smile, but right now, there
is something different in your smile, why?
Rona: It is because I am so excited for the showcasing of the
different careers. I know that you are too!
Jennifer: True partner! Sino ba naman ang di ma e excite. Kayo ba?
Both: Excited na ba kayo? (repeat if the response is weak)
Rona: Without further a due, may I request the students to please
form their line outside for the showcasing of careers.
Rona: There you have it! The clothes we wear today, with the grace
of GOD, will be the clothes that we will wear 5-10 years from
Jennifer : Claim it as they say partner! may we have Jamaica
(apelyido) for her words of thanks.
Rona : Thank you very much Jamaica! Well-deserved thank you to
those you mentioned.
Jennifer: To share. . . . To inspire . . . . To make an impact. . . that is the
true purpose of this event.
Rona: and although great moments like this only happen once, its
impact will definitely last for eternity . . . . and the inspiration
it brings will surely last more than a lifetime.
Jennifer: I am Jennifer Domingo
Rona: And I am Rona Mae Alimbaba
Both: We are your masters of ceremony, signing off. Thank you and
may fortune be with you!
Masters of Ceremony Script

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