6M AdjustableBase MeasuringVolumes 20151106 PDF

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Objektivlisten / Measuring volumes

Entwurf/Draft 06.11.2015
Slider Distance

Distance Ring

Lens Lift

Measuring Distance

Clear Width
Depth of Field
Measuring Volume
Adjustable Base 6M - Kowa 12.5

Measuring Distance
Measuring Volume

Clibration Object

Depth of Field
Slider Distance

Distance Ring

Clear Width
Lens Lift

mm x mm mm mm name mm mm mm 5.6
165 x 132 224 60 CP20 175x140 0 0.89 160 70
200 x 160 261 76 CP20 175x140 0 0.73 199 160
250 x 200 314 100 CP20 250x200 0 0.58 255 260
300 x 240 368 124 CP20 250x200 0 0.49 311 300
350 x 280 421 148 CP20 350x280 0 0.42 367 >350

500mm Base
400 x 320 474 171 CP20 350x280 0 0.36 423 >400
450 x 360 528 195 CP20 350x280 0 0.32 480 >450
500 x 400 581 219 CC20 500x400 0 0.29 536 >500
550 x 440 635 242 CC20 500x400 0 0.27 592 >550
600 x 480 688 266 CC20 500x400 0 0.24 648 >600
650 x 520 742 290 CC20 500x400 0 0.22 704 >650
700 x 560 795 313 CC20 700x560 0 0.21 760 >700
800 x 640 902 361 CC20 700x560 0 0.18 872 >800
900 x 720 1009 408 CC20 1000x800 0 0.16 985 >900
1000 x 800 1116 456 CC20 1000x800 0 0.15 1097 >1000

800mm Base
1100 x 880 1223 503 CC20 1000x800 0 0.13 1209 >1100
1200 x 960 1330 551 CC20 1400x1120 0 0.12 1321 >1200
1350 x 1080 1490 622 CC20 1400x1120 0 0.11 1490 >1350
1485 x 1188 1635 686 CC20 1400x1120 0 0.10 1641 >1485
Adjustable Base 6M - Schneider 24

Measuring Distance
Measuring Volume

Clibration Object

Depth of Field
Slider Distance

Distance Ring

Clear Width

mm x mm mm mm name mm mm mm 2 2.8 4 5.6 8 11.3137 16
90 x 72 226 61 CP20 90x72 0 5.49 178 3 5 7 10 14 19 28
110 x 88 265 78 CP20 90x72 0 4.88 220 5 7 10 14 20 29 41
135 x 108 314 100 CP20 90x72 0 4.38 272 7 10 15 21 30 42 60
150 x 120 343 113 CP20 175x140 0 4.15 303 9 13 18 26 37 52 74
175 x 140 392 135 0 3.87 355 12 17 25 35 50 70 101

500mm Base
CP20 175x140
200 x 160 441 157 CP20 175x140 0 3.66 406 16 23 32 45 64 92 131
225 x 180 491 178 CP20 175x140 0 3.49 458 20 28 40 57 81 116 166
250 x 200 540 200 CP20 250x200 0 3.36 510 25 35 50 70 100 143 205
300 x 240 639 244 CP20 250x200 0 3.16 614 35 50 71 101 144 206 298
350 x 280 737 288 CP20 350x280 0 3.02 717 48 68 96 137 195 281 >350
400 x 320 836 331 CP20 350x280 0 2.91 821 62 89 126 179 256 370 >400
450 x 360 935 375 CP20 350x280 0 2.83 925 79 112 159 226 325 >450 >450
500 x 400 1033 419 CC20 500x400 0 2.76 1028 97 138 196 280 402 >500 >500
550 x 440 1132 463 CC20 500x400 0 2.71 1132 118 167 237 339 490 >550 >550

800mm Base
600 x 480 1231 507 CC20 500x400 0 2.66 1236 140 198 282 404 587 >600 >600
650 x 520 1330 550 CC20 500x400 0 2.63 1339 164 233 332 476 >650 >650 >650
700 x 560 1428 594 CC20 700x560 0 2.59 1443 190 270 385 554 >700 >700 >700
750 x 600 1527 638 CC20 700x560 0 2.57 1547 218 310 443 639 >750 >750 >750
800 x 640 1626 682 CC20 700x560 0 2.54 1650 248 353 505 730 >800 >800 >800
Adjustable Base 6M - Schneider 35

Measuring Distance
Measuring Volume

Clibration Object

Depth of Field
Slider Distance

Distance Ring

Clear Width
Lens Lift

mm x mm mm mm name mm mm mm 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16
52 x 42 221 59 CQ/CP20 30x24 0 8.36 156 2 2 3 5 7 11
60 x 48 242 68 CQ/CP20 55x44 0 7.23 179 2 3 4 7 10 15
70 x 56 269 80 CQ/CP20 55x44 0 6.19 208 3 4 6 9 13 20
85 x 68 310 98 CQ/CP20 55x44 0 5.10 252 4 6 9 14 20 31
100 x 80 351 116 CP20 90x72 0 4.33 296 6 9 13 19 28 44

500mm Base
125 x 100 420 147 CP20 90x72 0 3.46 369 9 14 20 30 44 71
150 x 120 489 178 CP20 175x140 0 2.88 442 13 20 29 44 66 107
175 x 140 558 208 CP20 175x140 0 2.46 515 18 27 40 62 93 153
200 x 160 627 239 CP20 175x140 0 2.15 588 24 36 54 83 125 >200
225 x 180 697 270 CP20 175x140 0 1.91 661 31 46 69 108 164 >225
250 x 200 766 300 CP20 250x200 0 1.72 734 38 58 87 137 210 >250
275 x 220 835 331 CP20 250x200 0 1.56 807 47 71 107 170 262 >275
300 x 240 905 362 CP20 250x200 0 1.43 880 56 86 130 207 >300 >300
325 x 260 974 393 CP20 250x200 0 1.32 953 67 102 156 250 >325 >325
350 x 280 1044 424 CP20 350x280 0 1.23 1026 78 120 184 297 >350 >350

800mm Base
400 x 320 1183 485 CP20 350x280 0 1.07 1172 105 162 250 >400 >400 >400
450 x 360 1322 547 CP20 350x280 0 0.95 1318 135 211 328 >450 >450 >450
500 x 400 1461 609 CC20 500x400 0 0.85 1464 170 268 421 >500 >500 >500
560 x 448 1628 683 CC20 500x400 0 0.76 1640 219 347 551 >560 >560 >560
Adjustable Base 6M - Schneider 50

Measuring Distance
Measuring Volume

Clibration Object

Depth of field
Slider Distance

Distance Ring

Clear Width
Lens Lift

mm x mm mm mm name mm mm mm 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22 32
28x22 224 60 CQ 23x18 20 2.91 137 - - - - 2 6 10 17
30x24 232 64 CQ 23x18 20 0.99 147 - - - - 2 6 11 19
35x28 248 71 CQ/CP20 30x24 10 7.98 167 - - - - 2 7 12 22
40x32 266 79 CQ/CP20 30x24 10 5.72 188 - - - - 3 8 15 25
50x40 302 95 CQ/CP20 30x24 10 2.56 229 - - - 0 4 11 20 34

500mm Base
60x48 339 111 CQ/CP20 55x44 10 0.46 271 - - - 1 6 15 26 45
70x56 377 128 CQ/CP20 55x44 0 8.96 312 - - - 2 9 20 34 57
85x68 435 154 CQ/CP20 55x44 0 7.38 374 - - - 5 14 30 48 79
100x80 493 179 CP20 90x72 0 6.27 436 - - - 9 21 41 65 >100
125x100 590 222 CP20 90x72 0 5.01 539 - - 4 18 35 64 99 >125
150x120 687 266 CP20 175x140 0 4.17 642 - - 11 29 53 93 141 >150
175x140 785 309 CP20 175x140 0 3.58 746 - 2 19 44 75 127 >175 >175
200x160 883 352 CP20 175x140 0 3.13 849 - 8 29 60 100 167 >200 >200
225x180 981 396 CP20 175x140 0 2.78 952 - 15 41 80 129 213 >225 >225
250x200 1080 440 CP20 250x200 0 2.50 1055 - 23 55 103 163 >250 >250 >250

800mm Base
275x220 1178 483 CP20 250x200 0 2.27 1159 5 33 71 128 200 >275 >275 >275
300x240 1276 527 CP20 250x200 0 2.08 1262 11 44 89 156 241 >300 >300 >300
350x280 1473 614 CP20 350x280 0 1.79 1469 26 70 130 220 335 >350 >350 >350
391x313 1635 686 CP20 350x280 0 1.60 1640 41 96 170 282 >391 >391 >391 >391
Adjustable Base 6M - Titanar 75b

Measuring Distance
Measuring Volume

Depth of Field
Clibration Object
Slider Distance

Distance Ring

Clear Width
Lens Lift

mm x mm mm mm name mm mm mm 5.6 8 11 16 22
10x8 293 91 CQ 10x8 90 4.15 108 - - - 0 1
12x10 289 89 CQ 10x8 70 8.39 120 - - - 0 2
15x12 291 90 CQ 15x12 60 2.65 138 - - - 1 2
20x16 305 96 CQ 15x12 40 6.93 168 - - 0 2 4
25x20 324 105 CQ 23x18 30 7.51 198 - - 1 3 7
35x28 372 126 20 6.76 259 - - 3 7 13

500mm Base
CQ/CP20 30x24
40x32 397 137 CQ/CP20 30x24 20 3.40 289 - 0 4 10 17
50x40 450 160 CQ/CP20 30x24 10 8.71 349 - 2 7 16 26
60x48 505 185 CQ/CP20 55x44 10 5.58 410 - 4 11 23 37
70x56 560 209 CQ/CP20 55x44 10 3.35 470 - 6 15 31 50
80x64 616 234 CQ/CP20 55x44 10 1.68 531 - 9 21 40 64
90x72 673 259 CP20 90x72 10 0.38 591 1 12 26 50 79
100x80 730 284 CP20 90x72 0 9.34 652 2 16 33 61 96
125x100 872 347 CP20 90x72 0 7.47 803 7 26 50 91 >125
150x120 1015 411 CP20 175x140 0 6.22 955 12 37 69 123 >150

800mm Base
175x140 1159 475 CP20 175x140 0 5.33 1106 18 49 88 157 >175
200x160 1302 538 CP20 175x140 0 4.66 1258 23 60 108 190 >200
225x180 1446 602 CP20 175x140 0 4.15 1409 29 71 126 222 >225
257x206 1630 684 CP20 250x200 0 3.63 1603 35 83 145 256 >257
Adjustable Base 6M - Titanar 100

Measuring Distance
Measuring Volume

Clibration Object

Depth of Field
Slider Distance

Distance Ring

Clear Width
Lens Lift

mm x mm mm mm name mm mm mm 5.6 8 11 16 22 32
10x8 400 138 CQ 10x8 125.0 5.82 142 - - - 0 1 3
12x10 395 136 CQ 10x8 100.0 9.08 159 - - - 1 2 4
15x12 397 137 CQ 15x12 75.0 12.35 184 - - - 1 3 6
17x14 403 140 CQ 15x12 75.0 2.13 200 - - - 2 4 8
20x16 416 145 CQ 15x12 62.5 3.14 225 - - 0 3 6 10

500mm Base
24x19 437 154 CQ 23x18 50.0 4.80 258 - - 1 4 8 15
28x22 461 165 CQ 23x18 37.5 9.56 291 - - 2 6 11 20
30x24 474 171 CQ 23x18 37.5 6.47 308 - - 2 7 13 22
35x28 507 186 CQ/CP20 30x24 37.5 0.28 349 - - 4 10 18 30
45x36 578 217 CQ/CP20 30x24 25.0 4.54 432 - 1 7 17 30 >45
60x48 690 267 CQ/CP20 55x44 12.5 9.83 557 - 5 16 32 54 >60
75x60 804 317 CQ/CP20 55x44 12.5 5.51 682 - 10 27 51 >75 >75
90x72 920 369 CP20 90x72 12.5 2.64 806 1 18 41 74 >90 >90
100x80 998 403 CP20 90x72 12.5 1.20 889 3 23 51 93 >100 >100
130x104 1232 507 CP20 90x72 0.0 10.71 1138 12 45 92 >130 >130 >130

800mm Base
150x120 1389 577 CP20 175x140 0.0 9.38 1304 21 64 125 >150 >150 >150
160x128 1468 612 CP20 175x140 0.0 8.85 1387 25 74 144 >160 >160 >160
170x136 1547 647 CP20 175x140 0.0 8.37 1470 30 85 164 >170 >170 >170
175x140 1586 664 CP20 175x140 0.0 8.15 1512 33 91 174 >175 >175 >175

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