Important Questions For 1 Semester Subject: Mtob Branch: MBA Unit-1

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Subject: MTOB Branch: MBA

1. a) Describe the scope and importance of management.

b) How would you define management? Explain what are the management functions?

2. a) Explain the role of corporate social responsibility in management?

b) Write a brief note of a development of management thought?

3. a) Explain the nature and principle of planning? Give an example?

b) Explain the steps involved in planning? Give an example? Or write about the planning

4. a) Give a brief note of the decision making models you are familiar with or Explain
about the tool and techniques of decision making?

b) Explain the steps involved in decision making? Or Explain about the decision tree
analysis? Or Explain about the process of decision making?

5. a) Explain about managing for competitive advantage.

b) Write about the co-ordination principles or importance of co-ordination in


6. a) Brief note of the approaches to management?

b) Brief note of the “MBO”?

1. Describe the scope of organization and importance of organization and nature of

2. Explain the principle of organization?

3. Brief note of the organization structure? Or Explain about the types of organization?

4. Write about difference between the decentralization and centralization? Or “C and D

are mutually dependent”. Comment?
5. Write about difference between the delegation and authority?

6. Describe the scope and importance of controlling?

7. Explain about the control techniques?

8. What is span of management? Discuss the ways in deciding the span? Or What do you
Understand by “span of management”. How this is taken into account in preparing an
organization structure?

1. Elaborate various models of organization?

2. Elaborate the various approaches to the study of organization behavior?

3. Discuss the nature and scope and importance of organization behavior?

4. Define perception? Write about perception process?

5. Elaborate the various earning theories?

6. Explain about the personality types and models? Or

7. Write a detailed note on personality theories?

8. What is the role of johari window and Transitional Analysis in personality

development or Explain the personality attitude influencing OB.

1. What is motivation? Write a detailed note on content theories of Motivation?

2. Explain the different theories of leadership styles? How could you choose your
leadership style as a manager? Or Different dimensions of leadership?

3. Write a note on women and corporate leadership?

4. Discuss various approaches to leadership?

5. What are the problems of Group Dynamics? How do you manage them?

6. Now a days How to use conflict management in organization?

1. What is organizational culture? Explain the factors influencing the culture of

2. Discuss the relation between organization culture and development?

3. Discuss the nature and importance of organizational effectiveness? Or

Elaborate the learning of organizational culture?

4. Explain about the approaches to organizational culture.

5. Brief note of a organizational culture measurement. Or

Explain about the organization culture methods. Or Models Or Techniques?

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