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Daran Rungwatthanasophon

English 1207
2 October 2017
The Reflection of the Reality

In the poem named Complaint, William Carlos, the author, made an attempt to

express the theme passing by poem about how the compassion of doctor towards his career

during labor. The poem was initially implied that the doctor was urgently called by woman at

the past of the midnight. In the moment of arrival, he opened the door and approached to the

bed where the patient lied on for help,undergoing along unbearable suffer of childbirth. The

quality of medical ethics is shown up by “I smile, enter and/ shake off the cold.”(7-8). The

doctor well knows what supposed to respond and provide willpower to pregnant patient . The

author has referred, “She is sick/ perhaps vomiting/ perhaps laboring/ to give birth to/ a tenth

child.”(11-15). This short phrases emphasizes how the pregnant woman is suffering through

her difficulty for delivering birth. Additionally, the doctor has brought out his true-deep will

to help successfully. Hyperbole is apparently in use, “a great woman”used rather than “a

pregnant woman”. “Great” gives insight to the doctor’s viewpoint although the patient is

struggle in the difficult circumstance. He praises her courage to deliver her tenth child that

woman ought to be old. Based on the current situation in society, ​via poor childhood

developmental environment, ​low-class and uneducated women result having many baby

despite lack of responsibility, as sex is the only most pleasurable activity with any payment.

“To a Poor Old Woman” ,written in 1935 by William Carlos William, used technique

of repetition to expose the description of poverty. It was after the Great Depression that

numerous people resulted their financial issues in poverty. In the poem consisting of 4

stanzas, the author used old woman as the symbol of poorness regarding to her behaviour
who was having plum on side of a street. Specifically to the second stanza, with minimal

words, the writer states “They taste good to her/ they taste good/ to her. They taste/ good to

her”(4-7). Evidently, the writer used the vivid repetitions of “they taste good to her” for the

whole to point out its importance. These phrases make description to the taste of plum that

the enjambments of lines later turns into more meaningful. To clarify, the first phrase of the

stanza suggest the audience that the plum is good on how she is literally enjoying its flavor.

The next repetition slightly changes the meaning of the previous sentence towards the good

taste of plum as because of her hunger, it ought to be good to her only not others. The last one

implies the plum become very essential to her as she needs it for her survival. The author also

referred to plum because it is not expensive for a beggar to support this purchase as a whole

bag that William used “they” instead of “it”. Therefore, with the repetitions of sentences, this

poem emerges the deeper meaning despite exact same sentences. Additionally, plums are a

great indication of happiness, that poor people could find it although your are at the lowest

point of life.

This is another modern poem written by William Carlos William named “This Is Just

to Say” in the theme of expression of guilt. The poem ,consisted of three stanzas, has no line

exceeding three words in which there would be two main characters, husband and his wife.

Everything originates when the husband has eaten the plum from the ice box, implying "I

have eaten/ the plums/ that were in/ the ice box"(1-4). However, those eaten plums were

actually saved for his wife's delicious breakfast that the speaker notes "and which/ you were

probably/ saving/ for breakfast"(5-8). The sense of apology has arrives when the speaker asks

for the forgiveness. The last stanza states " Forgive me/ they were delicious/ so sweet/ and so

cold"(9-12). He not only pleases for the forgiveness but also, does not resist the great taste
from the plums. By clarifying, specifically to the last stanza, the technique of enjambment

and repetition being use by William displays a meaningful intention from the poem. The

word “so” was used twice at the last two lines and describe what made plum so good which

are “so sweet” and “so cold”. However, these couple of lines contradict to the line 9 said

“Forgive me” because it starts with forgiveness from the owner who saved plums, and then

ends opposingly about the wonderful taste of sweet and cold plums. Therefore, the speaker

ought to have no any intention to give apology but did it for manner, preventing conflicts.

This short line-breaks poem point out to the bigger view about the human behaviour in

current society. Occasionally, people have apologized to others to end the matter and longer

the good relationship.

Poem: The Man Digging

It was under the

dark vicious sky

The man digging

a pile of dirt


No gold no silver

No gold no silver

someone walks by
despising his

hard work


“The man digging” is short and line-breaks poem, written from my own unique idea.

The structure and words from the verse has its own purpose, under the theme of hard working

with dedication despite despisement from others . In present day, there are uncountable

numbers of negative comments and judges from people who have lack of true-depth

understand and empathy. People do not give any attention or occasionally provide support but

rather disrupt others’ dedication on their tasks because they will concern as long as those

tasks have relations or belong to them. Directing to the second stanza, “the man digging/ a

pile of dirt/ formed” illustrates out the hardness of the man who goal to pursue. Subsequently,

in the second stanza, “No gold no silver/ No gold no silver” does not define there no any

achievement which actually means the man has not reach his goal yet. Following to the last

stanza, in the meantime, there was a disruption from his surrounding and lead him to stop his

dream from the phrase stating “someone walks by/ despising his/ hard work”. Therefore,

people could sometimes set others to failure from only their unintentional words. I have this

view the point of my poem as people currently do not themselves in the other person’s shoes.

William Carlos William, a renowned poet, used variety of techniques and

literary devices in his poem. The modernist who turned the step out from the structure,

meaning, and sound of traditional poem. His skills inspired me to conduct my own poem

along his techniques and literary devices. Regarding to my poem, by applying repetition and

enjambment, they literally support the poem and its purpose. For example, “No gold no
silver/ No gold no silver” is apparently a repetition which helps the as an indication of

achievement of man who has not yet achieve. Evidently, my poem shortly has only four

stanzas where every line in each stanza does not more than 4 words. Also, there are 10 lines

in total.

To write my poem, William has played a significant role who inspires theme and

others. Considered as a mentor, his imagism on every of his poem points the bigger despite

short and lack of words. His poems are very meaningful which emerges a great reflection to

the world in some issues occurring. Many good dictions are used such as “immaculate”

considered as the essential and stunning word among others. Also, his repetition in some

poems truly fascinating me as every repetition turns the definition of that phrase into deeper


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