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The cost associated with abamdoning a well or production facillity.

Abandonment cost
The measurment of the permeability, or ability to flow or transmit fluids throught a rock, conducted when a single fluid, or pha
A property of semivariogram models. Any linear combination of admissible models with positive coefficients can be nested or added together.
The arrangement in space of uniform spheres (atoms and molecules in mineral crystals, or grains in clastic sedimentary rocks) that results in
packing is mechanically unstable, but it is the most porous packing arrangement, with about 47% porosity in the ideal situation.
he relationship describing the capillary pressure required to obtain a given nonwetting phase saturation in a rock.
Laboratory study of a sample of a geologic formation, usually reservoir rock, taken during or after drilling a well. Economic and efficient oil and
dependent on understanding key properties of reservoir rock, such as porosity, permeability, and wettability.
The angle of intersection of the interface between two fluids at a solid surface.

Logs that have been calculated from other logs to find the rate at which a log is changing with depth. For example, the derivati

method for the measurement of fluid saturations in a core sample by distillation extraction. The water in the sample is vaporiz
absolute permeability

Cubic Pack
Capilary Pressure Curve

Core Analysis
Contact Angle

Derivative Log

Dean Stark Extraction

A subsurface condition in which the pore pressure of a geologic formation exceeds or is less than expected, or normal, formati
A term to indicate features in seismic data other than reflections, including events such as diffractions, multiples, refractions an

The measurement of age in years. The determination of the absolute age of rocks, minerals and fossils, in years before the pres

An algorithm used in numerical simulation along the boundary of a computational domain to absorb all energy incident upon t
The conversion of one form of energy into another as the energy passes through a medium.
Pertaining to the depositional environment of the deepest area of the ocean basins, the abyss.

A device used during surveying to measure the acceleration of a ship or aircraft, or to detect ground acceleration in boreholes
Sequence stratigraphic term for the amount of space available for sediment accumulation.
The phase in the development of a petroleum system during which hydrocarbons migrate into and remain trapped in a reservoir.

A boundary of colliding lithospheric plates. The present subduction zones of the Pacific Rim, the older mountains of the Alps, a
Pertaining to the subaerial (as opposed to submarine) environment, action and products of a stream or river on its floodplain, usually consistin
distinct from subaqueous deposition such as in lakes or oceans and lower energy fluvial deposition.
A surface that separates younger strata from eroded, dipping, older strata and represents a gap in the geologic record.

Having directionally dependent properties. For a crystal of a mineral, variation in physical properties observed in different direc
A formation with directionally dependent properties. The most common directionally dependent properties are permeability and stress.
Predictable variation of a property of a material with the direction in which it is measured, which can occur at all scales.
An entity or property that differs from what is typical or expected, or which differs from that predicted by a theoretical model.
an arch-shaped fold in rock in which rock layers are upwardly convex
A type of structural hydrocarbon trap whose closure is controlled by the presence of an anticline.
A body of rock whose fluid saturation, porosity and permeability permit production of groundwater.
The angle between the vertical projection of a line of interest onto a horizontal surface and true north or magnetic north measured in a horizon
clockwise from north.
The rock layer below which economic hydrocarbon reservoirs are not expected to be found, sometimes called economic basement.
Naturally-occurring, inflammable organic matter formed from kerogen in the process of petroleum generation that is soluble in carbon bisulfide
A depression in the crust of the Earth, caused by plate tectonic activity and subsidence, in which sediments accumulate.

A relatively impermeable rock, commonly shale, anhydrite or salt, that forms a barrier or seal above and around reservoir rock so that fluids ca
he thin, outermost shell of the Earth that is typically 5 km to 75 km thick [3 to 46 miles].
Abbreviation for coal seam gas.
A sedimentary rock and a variety of quartz made of extremely fine-grained, or cryptocrystalline, silica, also called chalcedony.
Natural gas, predominantly methane [CH ], generated during coal formation and adsorbed in coal.

Continental shelf, or the area at the edges of a continent from the shoreline to a depth of 200 m [660 ft], where the continenta
A geologic surface that separates younger strata from older strata and represents a time of nondeposition, possibly combined with erosion.
Abnormal Pressure
Abnormal Events
Absolute Age

Absorbing boundary condition



Active Margine

Angular Unconfirmity


Anisotropic Formation
Anticlinal Trap
Cap rock
Coal Bed Methane
Continental Shelf
A device for producing high-energy neutrons by using a charged particle accelerator.
A record of some acoustic property of the formation or borehole

The portion of the Earth below which strata cannot be imaged with seismic data, or the deepest relatively continuou
An elastic body wave or sound wave in which particles oscillate in the direction the wave

A log of elemental concentrations derived from the characteristic energy levels of gamma
rays emitted by a nucleus that has been activated by neutron bombardment.
The difference between the maximum displacement of a wave and the point of no
displacement, or the null point.
An abrupt increase in seismic amplitude that can indicate the presence of hydrocarbons,
although such anomalies can also result from processing problems, geometric or velocity
focusing or changes in lithology

The inability of a system to exactly match input and output amplitude, a general example being an electronic amplifi

The velocity of a wavefront in a certain direction, typically measured along a line of receivers and symbolized by va.
A particular relation proposed by G.E. Archie between the formation factor (F) and porosity
(phi), in which F = 1 / phi , where the porosity exponent, m, is a constant for a particular

formation or type of rock.

A rock whose petrophysical properties are well described by the Archie equation with
constant values for the porosity exponent and the saturation exponent.

A borehole that is not to gauge or is rugose. The term usually refers to the detrimental effect
that such a borehole has on the response of logging measurements
The log used as the reference for depths in the well.

A theory for acoustic propagation in a porous and elastic medium developed by M.A. Biot.
A principle of physics stating that the product of pressure and volume divided by the
temperature is a constant for an ideal gas.
Bubble pulses or bubble noise that affect data quality.
A bundle of electrical wires that connects geophones, or the entire carrier system for marine
hydrophones, which includes the hydrophones, the electrical wires, the stress member,
spacers, the outer skin of the cable, and the streamer filler, which is typically kerosene or a
buoyant plastic.
The condition in which cement flows in a channel only on some sides of the casing or
borehole annulus, and thus does not provide adequate hydraulic isolation in all radial
An anomalously high transit time in a log, such as a continuous velocity log, observable as a
spike on the log, commonly caused by the presence of fractures, gas, unconsolidated
formations, aerated drilling mud and enlarged boreholes.
An agreed and known value, such as the elevation of a benchmark or sea level, to which
other measurements are corrected.
The structure used to support the crown blocks and the drillstring of a drilling rig.

A value added to reflection times of seismic data to compensate for the location of the geophone and source relativ
A subsurface boundary or interface at which a physical quantity, such as the velocity of
transmission of seismic waves, changes abruptly.
Accelerator Source
Accoustic log
Accoustic basement

Accoustic Wave

Activation log


Amplitude Anomaly

Amplitude Distortion
Apparent Velocity

Archie Equation
Archie Rock

Bad Hole
Base log

Biot Theory
Boyle's Law
Bubble effect



Cycle Skip


Datum Correction

The maximum flow rate a well could theoretically deliver with zero pressure
at the
Flow of
the perforations. The te

The property of some liquids or solids to soak up water or other fluids Absorbtion

A light liquid hydrocarbon used to absorb or remove the heavier liquid Absorbtion Oil
hydrocarbons from a wet gas stream. Absorption oil is also called wash oil.
In a system with two immiscible fluids in contact with a solid, the difference in Adhesion Tension
the two fluid-solid surface tensions.

The gas accumulated on the surface of a solid material, such as a grain of a Adsorbed gas
reservoir rock, or more particularly the organic particles in a shale reservoir.
The property of some solids and liquids to attract a liquid or a gas to their Adsorbtion

A device that uses Pitot tubes to measure the gas flow rate within a pipeline.

Annular flow
A multiphase flow regime in which the lighter fluid flows in the center of the pipe, and the heavier fluid is contained
Fluid pressure in the annulus between tubing and casing or between two Annular Pressure
strings of casing.
Production of formation fluid through the casing-tubing annulus. Annular Production
A specific gravity scale developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API)
for measuring the relative density of various petroleum liquids, expressed in API Gravity
In a reservoir waterflood or other fluid injection using a well pattern, the
fraction of the pattern area from which reservoir fluid is displaced by the Areal Sweep Efficiency
injected phase at the time of breakthrough.
In a reservoir waterflood or other fluid injection using a well pattern, the
fraction of the pattern area from which reservoir fluid is displaced by the Areal Displacement Efficiency
injected phase at the time of breakthrough.
A gas phase maintained above a liquid in a vessel to protect the liquid
against air contamination, to reduce the hazard of detonation or to pressurize Blanket gas
the liquid.

Bubble point
he pressure and temperature conditions at which the first bubble of gas comes out of solution in oil.

Barrels of Water per Day

Abbreviation for barrels of water per day, a common unit of measurement for the daily volume of produced water. T

A laboratory test usually performed as part of a routine PVT analysis that CCE
measures the change in volume of a reservoir fluid as a function of pressure.

Cut oil
A crude oil that contains water, normally in the form of an emulsion.

Continous Gas Lift

An artificial-lift method in which the gas-lift system is operated on a continuous basis to sustain liquid production at
A general term for injection processes that use special chemical solutions to
improve oil recovery, remove formation damage, clean blocked perforations Chemical injection
or formation layers, reduce or inhibit corrosion, upgrade crude oil, or address
crude oil flow-assurance issues

A general term for injection processes that use special chemical Chemical Flooding

An enhanced oil recovery method in which carbon dioxide (CO ) is injected

2 CO2 Injection
into a reservoir to increase production by reducing oil viscosity and providing
miscible or partially miscible displacement of the oil.
A gas that is compressed and injected back to the reservoir Cycle Gas

Dead oil
Oil at sufficiently low pressure that it contains no dissolved gas or a relatively thick oil or residue that has lost its vola
Live Oil
Oil containing dissolved gas in solution that may be released from solution at surface conditions.
Reservoir pore fluid pressure that is not similar to normal saltwater gradient pressure.
A laboratory test to evaluate drilling-grade weighting material for potential abrasiveness.
A type of high-specification fluid filter frequently used to remove small solid particles from workover or
treatment fluids that may be injected into, or placed adjacent to, the reservoir formation. In using absolute
filters, all particles larger than the micron rating of the filter element in use will be removed from the treated
Pertaining to an aqueous solution, such as a water-base drilling fluid, which has more hydrogen ions (H+)
than hydroxyl ions (OH-) and pH less than 7.
A chemical property of an aqueous system that implies that there are more hydrogen ions (H+) in the system,
or a potential to produce more hydrogen ions, than there are hydroxyl ions (OH-), or potential to produce
hydroxyl ions.
Referring to a condition or a situation in which free oxygen exists in an environment.
Pertaining to systems, reactions or life processes of species, such as bacteria, in which atmospheric oxygen
is not present or not required for survival.
The formation of groups or clusters of particles (aggregates) in a fluid.
Group or cluster of particles in a fluid. In water or in water-base drilling fluid, clay particles form aggregates in
a dehydrated, face-to-face configuration
A chemical property of an aqueous system that implies that there are more hydroxyl ions (OH ) in the system,

or a potential to produce more hydroxyl ions, than there are hydrogen ions (H ), or potential to produce

hydrogen ions.

Pertaining to an aqueous solution, such as a water-base drilling fluid, which has more hydroxyl ions (OH-) than hydro
A negatively charged ion.

Related to negatively charged ions. Clay surfaces, groups on polymer chains, colloids and other materials have distin
A large valve used to control wellbore fluids. In this type of valve, the sealing element resembles a large
rubber doughnut that is mechanically squeezed inward to seal on either pipe (drill collar, drillpipe, casing, or
tubing) or the openhole.
A flow of formation gas in the annulus between a casing string and the borehole wall.
The speed at which drilling fluid or cement moves in the annulus.
The half of a battery that is positively charged and to which anions migrate by electrostatic attraction.
A mud additive used to lower interfacial tension so that trapped gas will readily escape from mud.
A mud additive used to lower interfacial tension so that trapped gas will readily escape from mud. Mechanical
degassing equipment is commonly used along with defoamer

One of several classes of cement manufactured to the specifications of the American Petroleum Institute (API) Speci
The viscosity of a fluid measured at a given shear rate at a fixed temperature.

The compass direction of a directional survey or of the wellbore as planned or measured by a directional survey. The
A dense mineral comprising barium sulfate [BaSO ]. Commonly used as a weighting agent for all types of

drilling fluids,
Refers to the continuous phase in oil-base drilling fluids.
A conventional cement slurry used as the cementitious component of a foamed cement slurry.
The tool used to crush or cut rock.
A container, usually made of steel and fitted with a sturdy lock, to store drill bits, especially higher cost PDC
and diamond bits.
The part of the bit that includes a hole or opening for drilling fluid to exit.
The resistivity measured at the drill bit by a measurements-while-drilling (MWD) tool.

The pressure, usually measured in pounds per square inch (psi), at the bottom of the hole.

Describing the amount (in percent) of a material added to cement when the material is added based on the total am

Describing the amount (in percent) of a material added to cement, and is often abbreviated as BWOC. BWOC is the m

Describing the amount (in percent) of a material added to a cement slurry based on the weight of water used
to mix the slurry. Commonly abbreviated as BWOW, this convention normally is used only for salt [NaCl].
The residue deposited on a permeable medium when a slurry, such as a drilling fluid, is forced against the
medium under a pressure.
A measurement of the thickness of the filter cake, usually recorded in 32nds-inch

The set of valves, spools and fittings connected to the top of a well to direct and control the flow of formation fluids

A drilling-fluid additive used primarily for fluid-loss control, manufactured by reacting natural cellulose with
monochloroacetic acid and sodium hydroxide [NaOH] to form CMC sodium salt. Up to 20 wt % of CMC may
be NaCl, a by-product of manufacture, but purified grades of CMC contain only small amounts of NaCl.
Large-diameter pipe lowered into an openhole and cemented in place.
The minimum rate required to achieve turbulent flow.
Small pieces of rock that break away due to the action of the bit teeth.
The binding material in sedimentary rocks that precipitates between grains from pore fluids. Calcite and
quartz are common cement-forming minerals
The elapsed time for mud to circulate from the suction pit, down the wellbore and back to surface.

The elapsed time required for a specific fluid to pass a designated depth or point in the annulus during pumping ope
A representation of the integrity of the cement job, especially whether the cement is adhering solidly to the
outside of the casing.

A rheological property of matter related to the cohesion of the individual particles of a given material, its ability to d
The area surrounding the wellbore that has been harmed by the drilling process, generally as a result
of mud or cement-filtrate invasion.
The daily cost to the operator of renting the drilling rig and the associated costs of personnel and routine
supplies. This cost may or may not include fuel, and usually does not include capital goods, such as casing
and wellheads, or special services, such as logging or cementing.
The relatively small work area in which the rig crew conducts operations, usually adding or
removing drillpipe to or from the drillstring.
A term to describe the inclination from vertical of a wellbore.

A wellbore that requires the use of special tools or techniques to ensure that the wellbore path hits a particular
subsurface target, typically located away from (as opposed to directly under) the surface location of the well.
A component of a drillstring that provides weight on bit for drilling.
A special fluid designed exclusively for drilling through the reservoir section of a wellbore.
The machine on the rig consisting of a large-diameter steel spool, brakes, a power source and assorted
auxiliary devices. The primary function of the drawworks is to reel out and reel in the drilling line, a large
diameter wire rope, in a controlled fashion.

A hydrocyclone much like a desander except that its design incorporates a greater number of smaller cones.
One of the rig crew members who gets his name from the fact that he works on a platform attached to the
derrick or mast, typically 85 ft [26 m] above the rig floor, during trips. On small land drilling crews, the
derrickman is second in rank to the driller.
The angle at which a wellbore diverges from vertical.
The process of removing water from water-base drilling mud
Abnormal Pressure
Abration Test

Absolute filter








Annular BOP

Annular gas flow

Annular Velocity
Anti foam agent

API Cement

Apparent Viscosity


Base oil
Base Slurry
Bit box
Bit Nozzle
Bit Resistivity

Bottom hole pressure

By Weight of Blend

By Weight of Cement

By Weight of Water

Cake Thickness

Christmas tree


Critical Rate
Cycle Time

Contact Time

Cement Evaluation Log


Damaged Zone

Day Rate

Derrick floor/rig floor


Directional well

Drill Collar
Drilling fluid


Derrick man

A wellbore treatment in which a fluid laden with solid particles is used to
remove deposits from the surface of wellbore tubulars and completion Abrasive Jetting

A downhole tool used in conjunction with a jar to store energy that is suddenly released when the jar is activated.

The treatment of a reservoir formation with a stimulation fluid containing a Acid job
reactive acid. In sandstone formations, the acid reacts with the soluble
substances in the formation matrix to enlarge the pore spaces.
The treatment of a reservoir formation with a stimulation fluid containing a Acid Stimulation
reactive acid.

Acid Inhibitor
A chemical additive used to protect wellbore components and treatment equipment from the corrosive action of an
A wellbore acid treatment designed to remove scale or similar deposits Acid wash
from perforations and well-completion components.

To pump acid into the wellbore to remove near-well formation damage and other damaging substances.
The temperature at a point or area expressed as an average of the
surrounding areas or materials. Ambient surface temperature is generally Ambient Temperature
given to be 70 to 80 F [21 to 27 C]-an average of daily and seasonal
o o


The space surrounding one cylindrical object placed inside another, such Annular Space
as the space surrounding a tubular object placed in a wellbore.
Fluid flow in the borehole from one zone into another in response to
pressure differences between the zones
Back Flow

Back Pressure
The pressure within a system caused by fluid friction or an induced resistance to flow through the system.
The point at which the forces acting on a tubing string suspended in a live Balance Point
wellbore are equal.

Blank Pipe
A short section of plain tubing used to separate or space-out specialized components in a completion assembly.

Blast Joint

A section of heavy walled tubing that is placed across any perforated interval through which the production tubing m
The pressure at which the rock matrix of an exposed formation fractures Breakdown pressure
and allows fluid to be injected.
The accumulation or buildup of material, such as sand, fill or scale, within a
wellbore, to the extent that the flow of fluids or passage of tools or Bridge off
downhole equipment is severely obstructed.

A description of reservoir conditions under which a fluid, previously isolated or separated from production, gains acc
The measurement and analysis of (usually) bottomhole pressure data Build up test
acquired after a producing well is shut in.
The upward force acting on an object placed in a fluid. Bouyancy
A generic term used to describe the assembly of downhole tubulars and
equipment required to enable safe and efficient production from an oil or Completion
gas well.
A solids-free liquid used to "complete" an oil or gas well. Completion Fluid
A short subassembly used to enable two components with different thread Well Completion
types or sizes to be connected.

Charged Zone
A formation interval that has become overpressured by the injection of drilling or treatment fluids.
A balanced plug of cement slurry placed in the wellbore. Cement plugs are
used for a variety of applications including hydraulic isolation, provision of a Cement Plug
secure platform, and in window-milling operations for sidetracking a new
A chemical or fluid that alters the performance of an engineered slurry or Contaminant
treatment fluid.

Contigency Plan
A key component of the operational planning process that takes account of reasonably foreseeable events that may

Permeability that varies with direction of flow through the porous

medium. Lateral permeability contrast can be particularly
important in fractured formations, where effective permeability in Directional permeability
the direction of the fractures may be many times greater than the
matrix permeability. If the permeability in one direction is
significantly more than in the other, the flow pattern may more
closely approximate linear flow than radial flow. This can be
detected from well-test data. Likewise, laminations in most clastic
formations cause the permeability normal to the bedding plane to
be less than the lateral permeability parallel to bedding. This is
called vertical to horizontal permeability anisotropy.
a trade association founded in 1919 with offices in Washington, DC, USA.
The API is sponsored by the oil and gas industry and is recognized
worldwide. API
A measure of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one pound
of water by one degree Fahrenheit. British Thermal Unit
Mention four types of drilling based on its purposes!

Mention three types of logging equipment belonging to the

type of log porosity tools
What does TCP stand for?
What is the type of log that used to detect thin layers of a
long way in determining the value of True resistivity when
combined with Short Normal Logs?

Sedimentary structures caused by the sedimentation process

or by processes that occur shortly after sedimentation, or
before or at the time of diagenesis is definition of..

What is the name of the tools used to make holes that

penetrate the casing and cement so that the formation fluid
can flow into the well?
A continuous recording of wells on the rate of drilling (in
time) for each foot along the borehole depth is the definition
What is the name of the tools that used to catch the
reflection of seismic waves from the formation to the
What does EUR stand for in reservoir engineering terminolo
The tools that used at the bottom of the tubing that prevents
the production of grains of sand come together with
hydrocarbon fluid from the productive formation into the
wellbore is..

Naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having

orderly internal structure and characteristic chemical
composition, crystal form, and physical properties or a
structurally homogeneous solid of definite chemical
composition, formed by the inorganic processes of nature is
the definition of.
What is the type of drilling wells that aimed to explore the
limits of the spread of oil and gas in the producing layers?
Comparison between the production rate of a producing well
against the pressure difference (draw-down) is the
definition of...
What is the name of the tools that used to protect the well
from the influence of formation fluids and the surrounding
pressure, protect the well from avalanches formation,
separating the productive formation with each other and
together it reinforce the cement wall and facilitate the well
drilling and other production operations?

What is the name of method that used to monitor and record

the mud and drilling parameters that can be used as initial
data to detect reservoir / hydrocarbons during the drilling
process at the time?
What is the name of systems that regulate the course of oil
production from each well in order to get the optimum
production rate and collect fluid production in a particular
A set of transmission pipe and choke that aims to regulate
the course of production rate and testing of individual wells
to the separator is one of tools in oil production process.
What is the name of this tool?
Clastic sediments are classified based on certain parameters.
Mention three of them!
This tool has circular shape like a ring or annulus that
located at the very top of the BOP stack that works to close
the well. What is the name of this tool?
What is the name of the fluid used in the calculation of
porosity experiments using fluid injection pump in the

Geologists also study unlithified material, which typically

comes from more recent deposits. It includes the study of
sediment and soils, and is important to some (or many)
studies in geomorphology, sedimentology, and
paleoclimatology. The study of such material is often known

A suction process of wells fluid or completion fluid after

perforation overbalance conditions which aims to know the
actual production of formation fluid that flows into the well
and then produced to the surface. What is the name of this
This type of log is used to determine resistivity formation in
the flushed zone. The other measurements are focused to
minimize the effect of mudcake and rogues hole. This log is
usually combined with a laterolog or induction log to correct
the latter for the effects of invasion and for saturation
determination in quick-look ratio methods. What is the name
of this log?
The strength of cement in holding the pressures that
come from the formation as well as from the casing
or holding the pressure in the horizontal direction, is
the definition of...
Cyclic Steam Stimulation Method is also known as..
Step in Huff and Puff method
What is the type of separator that suitable for the
high Gas Liquid Ratio?

What is the name of well testing that conducted to determine

the relationship between one well to another?

The Basin is occurred between island arc and continent. The

basin was filled by shallow marine sediments. "Heat Flow" from
the basin is usually high to very high that causing volcanic
activity. What is the name of the basin?

FSO is one platform that used to accommodate oil production in

offshore. What does FSO stand for?

The method of geology to excavation of fossil material for

research into past life and evolution, or the study of prehistoric
life, including organisms' evolution and interactions with each
other and their environments is..
Defined as the maximum temperature above
which liquid cannot be formed regardless of
pressure is the denition of ?
An artificial-lift method used in wells with low
reservoir pressure. The gas lift system is
operated on intermittent basis so as to allow
the buildup of fluids in the borehole, What is
the articial lift method called ?
Where and when was opec founded ?

A downhole valve assembly that is designed to hold pressure from above while allowing fluids to flow
This is a graphical procedure used for
analyzing declining production rates and
forecasting future performance of oil and gas
wells. Oil and gas production rates decline as a
function of time; loss of reservoir pressure, or
changing relative volumes of the produced
fluids, are usually the cause, What is this
calculating reserve called ?
The process of drilling for oil or natural gas in an unproven
area, that has no concrete historic production records and
has been unexplored as a site for potential oil and gas
output, what is this process called ?
This is an efficient and reliable artificial-lift method for
lifting moderate to high volumes of fluids from wellbores.
These volumes range from a low of 150 B/D to as much as
150,000 B/D. what is this artificial lift called ?

A method of secondary recovery in which water is injected

into the reservoir formation to displace residual oil. The
water from injection wells physically sweeps the displaced
oil to adjacent production wells. What is this method
called ?

The fraction of sedimentary organic constituent of

sedimentary rocks that is insoluble in the usual organic
solvents. Different types of this thing contain different
amounts of hydrogen relative to carbon and oxygen. What is
this thing called ?

An ultra-deepwater, dynamically positioned, semi-

submersible offshore drilling rig owned by Transocean. Built
in 2001 in South Korea by Hyundai Heavy Industries, the
rig was commissioned by R&B Falcon (a later asset of
Transocean),[10] registered in Majuro, and leased to BP from
2001 until September 2013. In September 2009, the rig
drilled the deepest oil well in history at a vertical depth of
35,050 ft (10,683 m) and measured depth of 35,055 ft. what
is the name of this drilling rig ?

The max pressure which gas can be found is called ?

Mention 4 part of SRP under the surface ?

A crude oil containing hydrogen sulfide,

carbon dioxide or mercaptans is called as ?
A hydrocyclone much like a desander except
that its design incorporates a greater number of
smaller cones. As with the desander, its
purpose is to remove unwanted solids from the
mud system. What is it?

What is it, The primary and probably most important device

on the rig for removing drilled solids from the mud. This
vibrating sieve is simple in concept, but a bit more
complicated to use efficiently.

The volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely

proportional to its pressure at a constant temperature. What
the name of this law?
What is the owner of Deepwater Horizon Rig?
The percentage of original oil in place displace from the
formation by flooding fluid is
A high-pressure pipe leading from an outlet on the BOP
stack to the high-pressure rig pumps. During normal well
control operations, kill fluid is pumped through the
drillstring and annular fluid is taken out of the well through
the choke line to the choke, which drops the fluid pressure
to atmospheric pressure. What is it ?

A high-pressure pipe leading from an outlet on the BOP

stack to the backpressure choke and associated manifold.
During well-control operations, the fluid under pressure in
the wellbore flows out of the well through the choke line to
the choke, reducing the fluid pressure to atmospheric
pressure. What is it?

1. The condition in which cement flows in a

channel only on some sides of the casing or
borehole annulus, and thus does not provide
adequate hydraulic isolation in all radial
azimuth. What does the condition called?

To transmit rotary motion from the rotary table

to the drillstring, while allowing the drillstring
to be lowered or raised during rotation. What
is the name of drilling tool that has a long
square or hexagonal steel bar with a hole
drilled through the middle for a fluid path?
A type of sand-control completion in which the gravel pack
screen is packed off in an openhole section with no casing or
liner to support the producing formation. The openhole
interval is often prepared by underreaming a section of
reservoir below the last casing shoe. When the treatment is
to be applied on an existing well, a section of casing may be
milled out. What is it?

1. A device used to collect small liquid

droplets (moisture or hydrocarbons) from the
gas stream before it leaves the separator. Once
the small droplets of liquid are collected, they
are removed along with the other liquids from
the separator. What the name of this device?
1. A solid or nearly solid form of bitumen
that can melt upon heating and contains
impurities such as nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur.
It forms naturally when the light components
or volatiles of petroleum have been removed
or evaporated.
1. What is the cementing operation to place a
cement sheath around a casing or liner string
with purposes to prevent migration fluids in
the annulus, support for the casing or liner
string, and protection of the casing string from
corrosive formation fluids is called?

A viscous fluid used to aid removal of drilling fluids before

a primary cementing operation. It is prepared with specific
fluid characteristics, such as viscosity and density, that are
engineered to displace the drilling fluid while enabling
placement of a complete cement sheath. What is it?

This is the one of method to increase the oil recovery.

It degrades hydrocarbon into smaller molecules so that
hydrocarbon can be produced. In this method we inject
bacteria through the injection well.What method is it?

A rapid increase in pressure downhole that occurs

when the drill stem is lowered rapidly or when the mud
pump is quickly brought up to speed after starting is
called ?
What is the refining process / in which crude oil
components are separated from each other through
the heating and subsequent cooling and condensing of
the fractions?
Name this country known for owning 6.7% of world oil
reserves and hosting the world's tallest building
"Name the term that is used to describe the gas
accumulated on the surface of a material, such as the
grain of a reservoir rock, or more particularly the organic
particles in a shale reservoir."
Which aquifer model is based on the premise that the
water influx rate is directly proportional to the pressure
drop between the average aquifer pressure and the
pressure at the reservoir aquifer boundary?
Hydrates are icelike structures made of what?
The predecessor company to BP was formed in 1908
after the discovery of a large oil field in Iran. What was
the original name of this company?

1. A meeting point between two components, where at the

point of physically meeting will occur during the balance or
equilibrium pressure. This means that the fluid that comes out of
a component would be equal to the fluid that comes into the
subsequent components that are interconnected or the pressure
at the end of a component will be equal to the pressure at the
other end of the related components. The explanation describes
the definition of..

1. The measurement and analysis of bottomhole pressure data

acquired after a producing well is shut in. Soon after a well is
shut in, the fluid in the wellbore usually reaches a somewhat
quiescent state in which bottomhole pressure rises smoothly and
is easily measured. This allows interpretable test results. What is
the name of the well testing?

1. A process of improvement wells to increase the value of

permeability. Performed at wells whose production is decrease
caused by the presence of formation damage (formation
damage) around the well by way of improving the permeability
of reservoir rocks. The explanation describes the definition of?

1. A procedure as calibration of permeability data obtained

from a minipermeameter device. When using nitrogen gas for
core plug measurements, correction is usually necessary due to
the so called gas slippage effect. This takes place when the pore
space approaches the free path of the gas. What is the name of
the correction factor?
1. The most common test sequence consists of a short flow
period, perhaps five or ten minutes, followed by a buildup period
of about an hour that is used to determine initial reservoir
pressure.This is followed by a flow period of 4 to 24 hours to
establish stable flow to the surface, if possible, and followed by
the final shut-in or buildup test that is used to determine
permeability thickness and flow potential. What is type of the

1. Mention two types of thermal displacement which often

used in the oil industry to improve oil recovery factor

What SPF stand for?

1. The point in time when the maximum rate of global

petroleum extraction is reached, after the rate of production
enters terminal decline. This concept is based on the observed
production rates of individual oil wells, and the combined
production rate of a field of related oil wells. What is it called?

1. It transfers fluid by means of the progress, through the

pump, of a sequence of small, fixed shape, discrete cavities, as its
rotor is turned. consists of a helical rotor and a twin helix, twice
the wavelength and double the diameter helical hole in a rubber
stator. What is the name of this artificial lift?

1. The disintegration of an engineered material into its

constituent atoms due to chemical reactions with its
surroundings. This means electrochemical oxidation of metals in
reaction with an oxidant such as oxygen. Formation of an oxide
of iron due to oxidation of the iron atoms in solid solution is a
well-known. What is the name of this term?

1. Mention 2 types of valves in gas lift!

1. What is the type of secondary method that supports
pressure of the reservoir (also known as voidage replacement),
and to sweep or displace oil from the reservoir and push it
towards a well?

1. What is the type of EOR injection that works by reducing

surface and interfacial tension, making emulsification, and
changing the wetability?

What is this, The calculated or measured rate a gas well will

produce for a given bottomhole or wellhead pressure

A equation used to generate the well test analysis solutions is

linear. It is possible to add several pressure responses, and
therefore to describe the well behavior after any rate change
1. What is the condition in pumping unit that compressible gas
interferes the operation to preventing the intake of fluid?

A device for the bottom-hole separation of oil and gas in a

pumping well. It serves to prevent GAS LOCK by minimizing gas
entry into the pump

What is it, A device that raises the pressure of air or natural gas,
so that the gas can flow into pipelines and other facilities

1. What is it, Gas produced from a relatively impermeable

reservoir rock. Hydrocarbon production from tight reservoirs can
be difficult without stimulation operations. Stimulation of tight
formations can result in increased production from formations
that previously might have been abandoned or been produced

1. A vertical or horizontal separator used mainly to remove any

free water that can cause problems such as corrosion and
formation of hydrates or tight emulsions, which are difficult to
break. Usually called as three-phase separator. What is it?

1. A downhole device used in almost every completion to

isolate the annulus from the production conduit, enabling
controlled production, injection or treatment…

1. The act of forcing a cement slurry that has been pumped

into a casing string or drillstring to exit the bottom of the casing
or drillstring by pumping another fluid behind it in work over job.
What is it?

1. A mineral salt deposit that may occur on wellbore tubulars

and components as the saturation of produced water is affected
by changing temperature and pressure conditions in the
production conduit. What does it meant?

1. A rise in well pressure as a function of time observed after a

well is shut in or after the production rate is reduced. This kind of
well test which used to measured BHP, what is it?

In the circuit of tubing known i-eue term. What does EUE stand

1. SAGD is an enhanced oil recovery technology for producing

heavy crude oil and bitumen. What does SAGD stand for
1. What type of EOR injection to improve oil recovery with the
criteria of oil gravity < 25 API, Depth < 9000 ft, Reservoir temp <
200 F and to reduce interfacial tension between fluid injection
with hydrocarbon is

1. In Hydraulic Fracturing Terminology, The pressure measured

immediately after injection stops. The ISIP provides a measure of
the pressure in the fracture at the wellbore by removing
contributions from fluid friction. What does ISIP stand for?

1. The level to which fluid rises in a well when the well is shut in. The hydrostatic head of this fluid is equal to the

1. A method of improved oil recovery in which chemicals

dissolved in water are pumped into a reservoir through injection
wells to mobilize off left behind after primary or secondary
recovery and to move it toward production wells. what is the
name of the injection, included into the type of chemical
a. Exploration Drilling

b.Delineation Drilling
c. Development Drilling
d.Infill Drilling

Density Log, Sonic Log and Neutron Log

Tubing Conveyed Perforation

Induction Electric Survey (IES)

Primary Sedimentary Structure


Drilling Time Log


Estimate Ultimate Recovery

Conventional screen




Mud Loging

Gathering Systm


grain size, clast and cementing material

(matrix) composition, and Texture

Annular Preventer

Mercury (Hg)

Quarternary Qeology


Compressive Strength

Huff and Puff Method

Injection, Soaking, Productiom
Vertical Separator

Interference Test

Back arc basin

Floating Storage Offloading



Intermitent gas lift

at baghdad conference 10-14 sept 1960

Standing Valve

Wild cat Drilling


Water flooding


Deep Water Horizon

Gas Anchor, Traveling valve, standing
valve, pump, siker bar, casing

Sour Crude Oil


Shale Shacker

Boyle's Law

Sweep efficiency

Kill Line

Chocke Line


Open Hole Gravel Pack

mist Extractor


Primary Cementing


MEOR (Microbial Enhanced Oil


Surge Effect


UAE (United Arab Emirates)

Adsorbed Gas


Gas and Water

Anglo-Persian Oil Company


Pressure Build Up

Well Stimulation

Klinkenberg Correction
Drillstem test

Steam injection, in situ combution

Shoot per foot

Peak Oil


Unloading and operating valve

Water flooding/water injection

Alkaline Injection

Gas well Deliverability

Diffusivity Equation
Gas lock

Gas Anchor


Tight gas

Free Water Knock Out




Pressure Build Up
Internal-External Upset End

Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage

Surfactant Flooding

Initial Shut In Pressure

Static Fluid Level

Polymer Flooding

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