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Name: Adrian V. Cajas Permit No.

: 880

Final Exam in Logic

Part I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. If you cannot prove that Ken had an affair with the Nanny; then he's been faithful to his wife.
Is an example of
a. False Dichotomy
It is a False Dichotomy because the statement itself is trying to imply that there are two
choices on either Ken having an affair or not. There are also possibilities that Ken might have
an affair with other women or person because of such circumstances rather having an affair
with the Nanny.
b. Slippery Slope
c. Begging the Question

2. We should move to the mid-west because the wall street journal says the cost of living is
cheaper there.
a. Begging the Question
b. Appeal to Authority
The statement appears to be an Appeal to authority because the statement itself talks about
an information coming from a known news writing company, the speaker would definitely
believe that the statement is true without having any information or facts as regards to the mid-
west having a cheaper cost of living.
c. Straw Man

3. Animal rights activist believe that we shouldn't keep animals captive and make them do our
will. They will have you abandon your pets in the wilderness.
a. Slippery Slope
b. Begging the Question
c. Straw Man
This statement seems to be a Straw Man fallacy, the Animal rights activist said that we
shouldn’t keep our pets in captive and make them do our wills doesn’t necessarily mean that
they trying to let us abandon our pets in the wilderness.

4. You didn't remember to take out the trash this morning. It will give up and the neighbors will
complain and the health inspectors will come and take away the kids.
a. Slippery Slope
The said statement appears to be a Slippery Slope fallacy because the statement has an
exaggerated tone, it doesn’t necessarily mean that if you happen to didn’t take out the trash
that morning the health inspectors will come and take away the kids.
b. Straw Man
c. Begging the question

5. Don't believe what Kim says about global warming. Kim is dropped out of college.
a. Straw Man
b. False Dichotomy
c. Ad Hominem

This statement is Ad Hominem fallacy because the one stating the statement points out the
ineligibility of Kim by degrading her. Kim might be a dropout of college but it doesn’t mean
that all the statement that have been said by Kim does not coincide with such facts as regards
to global warming.
Part II. Reflection

The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law became a hot
topic since it was implemented by the Duterte administration last January 1,
2018. This reflection paper is all about this Law being beneficial to our country.

Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law is the initial
package of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP) signed by our
President Rodrigo Duterte on December 19, 2017. The focus of the said Law is
that it intends to simplify previous system to make it more straightforward and
intuitive and it also intends to create more just taxation scheme, wherein
taxation is staggered and distributed on the basis of financial capability and the
underpriviledged are able to reap more advantages and it also has the intention
to improve the efficiency by which tax is collected, particularly tackling issues of
compliance and lastly, it increases the tax burden felt by general population thus
increasing the overall inflation rate which is a very important aspect of our
economy these changes instituted by the tax reform is expected to be able to
increase revenue to finance the infrastructure, healthcare and education
programs of the current administration. The notion that the poor will be taxed
less than the wealthy population is actually a propaganda widely spread by the
government, these additional taxes imposed by the government will just be
passed down through the lower and middle income class thus increasing the
inflation. The TRAIN Law practically aims to make the Philippine Tax System
simpler, fairer, and more efficient to promote more investments, create various
jobs and it can also reduce poverty of our country. One of the most publicized
parts of the TRAIN Law is the reduction in personal income tax, leading to higher
take-home pay and also, personal and additional exemptions for dependents
have been removed under the new Law. For about 5 years from the law’s
enactment, all revenues will be set aside for infrastructure and such special
programs only, with a 70% and 30% portion respectively. Many Filipinos would
definitely benefit with the said Law because of the various outputs that the
TRAIN Law would imply. For the next years, improvement to different structures
will be a great deal to the citizens of our country and many different social
program will be prioritized by the TRAIN Law. As regards to Unconditional Cash
Transfers or UCT, the vulnerable households will be provided by a provisional
protection from the initial shock of the TRAIN Law, unconditional cash transfers
will be dispense. The UCT is obtained from oil excise tax revenues. In the long
term, TRAIN Act is just the first from a series of tax reforms, as part of CSTP,
which will be one of the principal means by which the 2020 and 2040 vision of
the incumbent administration is to be achieved.
So I conclude that the TRAIN Law will be having a great deal to our country
in such a way that many Filipinos will benefit such as the poor citizens other
than the rich citizens that are subject to higher contribution.

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