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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Consolidation activity

Stage 1: The person I admire the most

A. What to do?

Write a biography of the person you admire the most. This person can be, for example, a public figure, a
celebrity, a politician, a world leader or someone close to you, a relative.

Note: The person you choose cannot be the same chosen for Evidence 3 of
this learning activity.

B. How to do it?

You need to carry out some research in order to collect the necessary information for writing the biography. If
the person chosen is a public figure, you can surf the web in order to get the details you are going to include.
On the contrary, if the person chose is someone you know personally, you can set up an interview in order to
ask the person the questions you may have about his / her life.

Here is an outline we suggest following for writing the biography. We have chosen Charles Darwin (public
figure), an influential scientist of the nineteenth century, as example for the outline.

Suggested outline
1. Early life and education.
2. Voyage of the Beagle.
3. Darwin's evolutionary theory.
4. Overwork, illness, and marriage.
5. Natural selection.
6. Geology books, barnacles, evolutionary research.
7. Publication of the theory of natural selection.
8. Responses to publication.
9. Descent of man, sexual selection, and botany.
10. Death and funeral.

Stage 2: My admiration for…

A. What to do?
In this section, you will record a tape or video in which you orally present the person you chose in Section 1.
For this part of the evidence you need to present the biography as well as explain and illustrate the reasons
why you admire this person.

B. How to do it?

Record an audio or a video in the device of your preference. Before start the recording, you need to organize
the information you are going to introduce. Your presentation has to include the following aspects:

1. An introduction.
2. A description of the biography.
3. Arguments and illustrations supporting your admiration for this person.
4. A conclusion.
5. Sources (In the event you consulted any articles, the web, journals, etc.)

Note: During the presentation you need to include the appropriate

signpost language for oral presentations and also some of the
vocabulary related to responsibility and leadership.

Stage 3: Submitting my evidence

When you finish your work, send the files to your instructor through the platform as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the files in your computer. Make sure the files are attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Important: The platform will only allow you to submit your files once. Please, make sure you upload the two (2)
files when submitting your evidence.
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in order to know if you have
done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Expresa ideas sobre productividad y responsabilidad usando el
vocabulario requerido.

 Prepara presentaciones orales haciendo uso del vocabulario y las

diferentes estructuras gramaticales requeridas.

 Expresa ideas sobre liderazgo y responsabilidad usando el vocabulario


 Combina diferentes tiempos verbales para expresar ideas, usando la

estructura y el vocabulario requerido.

 Usa expresiones idiomáticas teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y contexto


 Expresa reflexiones críticas sobre el pasado en el contexto requerido.


Next, one of the artists who was and continues o be the most influential in the world will be

Michael Jackson, known as the King of Pop, with his music and dance highlighted in the music
industry world great successes.

His legacy left great trajectories in his personal and professional life. Great songs known and danced
by all.

Here he left a brief history of who was the King of Pop.

Michael Jackson's Biography

1. Born
Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958. Michael's father,
Joe Jackson, worked as a crane operator at a steel mill. His mother, Katherine,
took care of the family and sometimes took part time jobs. Both of Michael's
parents loved music. His dad played guitar for an R & B band and his mother
sang and played the piano. Growing up, all of the Jackson children were
encouraged to study music.

2. Early Age Of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was interested in singing at the age of 5, his family were fairly
poor. When Michael’s father Joe Jackson saw that his children were talented we
made a band of Jackson 5. At the age of 8 Michael Jackson showed his parent
how talented he was and was gifted. Michael Jackson became the leader and
singing leader of the Jackson 5 gang because he was gifted

3. Teenage Life

While still singing with the Jackson 5, Michael had a number of solo albums. At
first his solo career didn't take off, but he did have a few hit songs including
"Ben" and "Got to Be There." However, in 1978 Michael met music producer
Quincy Jones while working on the set of the movie The Wiz. He broke away
from the family band and worked on his first "grown up" album.
In 1979, Michael released the album Off the Wall. It was a huge hit and had four
top ten songs including the number one singles "Rock with You" and "Don't Stop
'til You Get Enough." Michael was now one of the biggest stars in music.

4. Michael Jackson´s First Realised Songs



5. Michael Jackson´s New Realised Songs

Michael wanted to follow up Off the Wall with an even bigger album. This was
going to be quite the task. He worked with Quincy Jones again and in late 1982
released the album Thriller. The album was a huge success. It had seven top ten
singles and won eight Grammy awards. Eventually, Thriller would become the
bestselling album of all time. Michael had now become the biggest star in the
music industry. In addition to the music on Thriller, Michael also broke new
ground with his music videos. Up until that time, most music videos just showed
the band or singer performing the song. Michael wanted to create a story with
his videos. These new types of music videos became very popular and changed
the way music videos were made. The most famous of his videos was a 13
minute long video for the album's title song Thriller. It was later voted as the
most influential music video of all time.
6. Michael Jackson Adult Life

Michael Jackson became more famous and he was called the king of pop
Michael was married twice. His first marriage was to Lisa Marie Presley,
daughter of the famous rock singer Elvis Presley. His second marriage was to a
nursing assistant named Debbie Rowe. He had two children, Michael Joseph
Jackson and Paris- Michael Katherine Jackson, with Debbie before they were
divorced. Michael also had a third child, Prince Michael Jackson II, but the
mother's identity is unknown.

7. Marriage
Michael was married twice. His first marriage was to Lisa Marie Presley,
daughter of the famous rock singer Elvis Presley. His second marriage was to a
nursing assistant named Debbie Rowe. He had two children, Michael Joseph
Jackson and Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, with Debbie before they were
divorced. Michael
also had a third child, Prince Michael Jackson II, but the mother's identity is unknown.
8. Michael Jackson Death
Michael Jackson, the “King of Pop” died on June 25, 2009 at age 50. His death
was sudden and unexpected, leaving many grieving fans wondering what
happened. An unidentified man called 911 from Jackson’s California mansion at
12:21 p.m. He reported that Jackson was unconscious and not breathing. In
excerpts from the call, the man said that Jackson’s personal doctor was the only
other person present and was performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the
unconscious Jackson without results. “He’s pumping, he’s pumping his chest but
he’s not responding to anything, sir, please,” the caller said. The caller is still
I chose Michael Jackson, because he is one of the most influential artists in the world.
Despite the negative things that the media said about him, Michael was a great man as
he helped the children of the world, donating millions of dollars. dollars to

I admire his music since some have the way of taking care of the world.

This activity was done with the purpose of learning and getting to know the artist, actor,
singer or known person that you most admire.


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