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Bioresearch Bulletin (2010) 2: 91-93 91


Impact of Clinical Pathogens on the Gut Toxicity of Selected Albino Mice


Received: 02 August 2010 /Accepted: 22 August 2010 /Published online: 13 September 2010

© Bioindica Press 2010

ABSTRACT humans and animals by these pathogenic bacteria. The

The impact of various clinical pathogens on the toxicity inducement of the bacteria seems to be following
gut toxicity has remained an elusive question as the re- a different mechanism altogether when it comes to the
sults have been highly inconclusive till date. The mice organs being affected (Cancellieri and Fara 1985). Re-
were classified as normal and test with difference in their ceptor bound mechanism becomes the case in gut toxic-
feeding cycle. Various clinical pathogens used were Sal- ity whereas intermediate compound formation is the
monella typhi, Shigella and Escherichia coli. The intro- mechanism in case of nephrotoxicity. The case of neuro-
duction of the clinical pathogens was followed by the toxicity is the most complicated in terms of mechanism
removal of various visceral organs including small intes- as it involves a ‘stop-go’ approach where the toxicity is
tine, liver, spleen and kidney. Microbiological analysis of not induced in one step but in a phased wise manner
these organs using agar media, employing standard (Carter and Collins. 1974).
streak method yielded both qualitative and quantitative Pathogenic microbes also differ in their toxicity
details about the toxicity caused by clinical pathogens mechanism based on the species which is involved. For
used in these albino mice. Small intestine was found to example Salmonella species follows a molecular ap-
having the highest accumulation of the pathogens in proach whereas if Shigella species is involved, it has
comparison with other visceral organs with 89 x 10 -3 ‘stop-go’ approach (Chau and Tsang 1981). There is a
CFU. A clear correlation was found between the gut tox- distinct difference in the quantification of infection be-
icity and the nature of the clinical pathogen employed. tween the genus and the species as well. The same genus
The study can be extended to the mechanism beneath the with a different species yields a different result altogether
differences arising in the various visceral organs when when it comes to level of toxicity.
encountered with clinical pathogens. The organs which are most affected by any class
Keywords: Salmonella typhi, Shigella, Escherichia coli, of microbes are the visceral organs. Visceral organs
Toxicity, Visceral organs mainly include small intestine, large intestine, spleen,
kidney and the liver. Each organ shows its own charac-
INTRODUCTION teristic resistance against the advent of infection induced
Toxicity induced in the various visceral organs by the pathogenic microorganisms (Childers and Bruce
by the hyper presence of clinical pathogens has been a 1989, Kantele 1986). Liver is the most potent in putting
long standing common phenomenon (Brandtzaeg 1988, up a stiff resistance against a wide spectrum of patho-
Kerr 1990). Various kinds of toxicity are associated with genic bacteria and it is the most successful in warding off
pathogenic organisms, gut toxicity, hepatotoxicity, the potential threat posed by the bacteria. The above
nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity etc… The pathogenic mi- mentioned is the reason why liver is the least affected
crobial organisms which form the primary cause for most when it comes to clinical pathogen infection. In compari-
of these toxicities are bacteria followed by virus, yeast son the gut seems to be the most prone organ when it
and other types (Brandtzaeg and Sollid 1987). Gut toxic- comes to clinical infection by the microbes.
ity seems to be the most common toxicity induced in As gut is already containing a good number of
microbes which assist in digestion, the mechanism to
identify the harmful bacteria becomes week resulting in
Abhinav Chaurasia1 Abhishek Chaudhary1 it being the soft target as far as clinical infestation is con-
cerned (Edelman 1986, Hohmann 1978). The mechanism
Department of Biotechnology, SRM University, being the major factor does not stop the mention about
Kattankulathur – 603203, Tamilnadu, India the compositional difference in these organs. Liver is
made of thicker tissues as it is the primary organ for me-
R.Balaji Raja2* tabolism and detoxification. Spleen is made up of com-
paratively less hard tissues which are in transition phase
Department of Biotechnology, between being hard and soft. Kidney is composed of
National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India. spongy tissues which are easy target for the invading
Telephone: +91-09942574378, microbes and small intestine is the easiest target because
email: of the tissue composition (Finlay 1988, Gorbach 1989).
Bioresearch Bulletin (2010) 2: 91-93 92
Small intestine is made up of the softest tissues when 10-3 whereas the pathogen count in the case of test mice
compared with other organs in question. was found to be 41 x 10-3.

MATERIALS AND METHODS As far as the Liver is concerned, Salmonella ty-

phi infection was found to be having minimum impact.
Pre-Clinical Standardization The pathogen count in the control mice was found to be
12 male albino mice were obtained from TANU- 81 x 10-3 whereas the pathogen count in the case of test
VAS (Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences Uni- mice was found to be 23 x 10-3. In the kidney, the patho-
versity), Madhavaram, Chennai. They were 6 weeks old gen count in the control mice was found to be 77 x 10 -3
and weighed around 25-30 grams. The mice were placed whereas the pathogen count in the case of test mice was
in 2 cages labeled as Control (C) and Test (T). They were found to be 14 x 10-3. Spleen had the pathogen count in
left for acclimatization period of 15 days in their respec- the control mice as 38 x 10-3 whereas the pathogen count
tive cages. The mice were fed once a day with standard in the case of test mice was found to be 10 x 10 -3. Small
rodent chow and provided with distilled water. All ex- intestine had the maximum pathogen count among the
periments were performed under controlled conditions visceral organs with control mice having a count of 90 x
(temperature [21 +_ 2°C], humidity, and a 12-h light- 10-3 whereas the pathogen count in the case of test mice
dark cycle). was found to be 32 x 10-3.

Infection As far as the Liver is concerned, Shigella sp.

Salmonella typhi (MTCC Number-237), Shigella infection was found to be having minimum impact. The
(MTCC Number-121), Escherichia coli (MTCC Number pathogen count in the control mice was found to be 65 x
-095) were procured from IMTECH, Chandigarh and 10-3 whereas the pathogen count in the case of test mice
were sub cultured in a specific medium (LB Agar me- was found to be 17 x 10-3. In the kidney, the pathogen
dium). 2 test mice were infected with 0.1 ml of 10 -2 E. count in the control mice was found to be 78 x 10 -3
coli , 2 were infected with Salmonella typhi and 2 were whereas the pathogen count in the case of test mice was
infected with Shigella sp. on the 16th day. On the 17th found to be 13 x 10-3. Spleen had the pathogen count in
day 0.1 ml of 10-4 E. coli , Salmonella typhi and Shigella the control mice as 44 x 10-3 whereas the pathogen count
sp were injected through subcutaneous route using gas- in the case of test mice was found to be 9 x 10 -3. Small
tric tube (Merck Instruments, USA). It was ensured that intestine had the maximum pathogen count among the
during injection all the mice were healthy and did not visceral organs with control mice having a count of 69 x
have any physical wounds. 10-3 whereas the pathogen count in the case of test mice
was found to be 15 x 10-3.
Harvesting of Visceral organs The liver seems to have been least affected by all
One mouse taken from both groups (Test and the clinical pathogens whereas the small intestine is the
Control), anaesthetised, dissected and the Visceral organs most affected by all three pathogenic bacteria. The im-
were harvested (Liver, spleen, small intestine and kid- pact of these clinical pathogens seems to be affected by
ney). The harvested organs were preserved in a formalin the organisation of the tissues and the mechanism fol-
solution. lowed by the system in which the particular organ is as-
sociated with. Further studies in the same line can solve
Calculation of CFU many unanswered questions about the mechanism of
200 mg of the visceral organ was grinded well every organ when encountered with each clinical patho-
using a mortar and pestle and made in to 5 dilutions, 10 -1 gen.
to 10-5. Dilution of 10-3 was taken for the 2 samples
(control and test). The CFU was calculated using the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
formula, We would like to thank the management of SRM
CFU = Number of colonies University for allowing us to carry out this work at their
Dilution factor premises. Our sincere thanks go to Dr.Shivashekhar, vice
principal, SRM Medical college who helped with histo-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION pathological analysis. The help of Dr. Sekar, veterinary
As far as the Liver is concerned, Escherichia coli officer, Animal House, SRM University; Mr. Prab-
infection was found to be having minimum impact. The hakaran, technician, Animal House, SRM University;
pathogen count in the control mice was found to be 93 x Mr.Jaganath Patra, Technician at Pathology lab, SRM
10-3 whereas the pathogen count in the case of test mice Hospital, Mr. Jayaprakash, Lab Assistant, Department of
was found to be 28 x 10-3. In the kidney, the pathogen Microbiology, SRM Hospital is really appreciable.
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