Decide What To Teach

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Planning Instruction

E ffective teachers carefully plan their instruction. They decide what to teach and how to teach
it. They also communicate their expectations for learning to their students. In this part of our
resource, we describe evidenced-based strategies for each principle of planning instruction.

Component Principle Strategy

Planning Decide What to Teach Assess to Identify Gaps in Performance

Instruction (Chapter 1) Establish Logical Sequences of Instruction
(Part I)
Consider Contextual Variables

Decide How to Teach Set Instructional Goals

(Chapter 2) Establish Performance Standards
Choose Instructional Methods and Materials
Establish Grouping Structures
Pace Instruction Appropriately
Monitor Performance and Replan Instruction

Communicate Realistic Teach Goals, Objectives, and Standards

Expectations (Chapter 3) Teach Students to Be Active, Involved Learners
Teach Students Consequences of Performance


Planning Instruction Works: A Case Study

I’ve always considered myself an excellent planner, regardless of the

fact that my principal reviews my plan book every Friday. I really
want to be organized and prepared; you know, you have to be with
27 fifth graders in one room. So I’ve been very careful in deciding
what and how to teach; I also know exactly what the instructional
goals and objectives are each day. I have collaborated with our spe-
cial education staff to ensure that each student’s Individualized
Educational Plan (IEP) includes appropriate instructional goals and
objectives that specify exactly how each objective will be taught
and measured. The IEPs use the ABCC format: Actor (the student),
Behavior (observable/measureable student action), Content (materials/
methods used), and Criterion (how student performance will be
measured). For example: “Given ten flashcards, John will be able
to name ten CVC [consonant-vowel-consonant; e.g., h-a-t] words with
90 percent accuracy.”
So this year, it has been so helpful to have Mr. Laird, my special
education coteacher, in my classroom for most of the day. Between
the two of us, we are able to circulate around the classroom and
really monitor and record student learning, as well as respond to any
questions or problems students might be having. When we compare
our notes, we are able to make accurate decisions about what and
how to teach the next day. It’s really great because not only are we
able to make immediate modifications for any of our students, we
can be really smart about planning next steps and ensure that we’re
adhering to IEPs. We are also really able to “close the loop” between
evaluating and planning instruction. (Related tactic is located in
Chapter 1: Decide What to Teach under Strategy: Assess to Identify
Gaps in Performance.)
Decide What to Teach

Component Principle Strategy

Planning Instruction Decide What to Teach Assess to Identify Gaps in Performance

Establish Logical Sequences of Instruction
Consider Contextual Variables


Chapter 1:   Decide What to Teach

Strategy: Assess to Identify Gaps in Performance

Focus: Basic Skills; Content Skills

Area: Reading; Mathematics/Problem Solving/Calculating; Writing; Social

Studies; Science; Arts; Fitness

Learning Difference: Attention; Cognition High; Cognition Low; Cognition Mixed; Health;
Study Skills; Social Knowledge; Receptive Language/Decoding (lis-
tening, reading); Expressive Language/Encoding (speaking, writing,
spelling); Fine Motor (handwriting, articulation, etc.); Processing Verbal
Information; Processing Visual Information

Disability Category: Specific Learning Disabilities; Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder;

Visual Impairments; Deafness/Blindness; Gifted and Talented;
Hearing Impairments; Mental Retardation; Multiple Disabilities;
Traumatic Brain Injury; Second Language Learning Needs; Serious
Emotional Disturbance; Speech or Language Impairments; Orthopedic
Impairments; Other Health Impairments; Autism

Tactic Title: Observing Students

Problem: There are times when teachers of students with disabilities evalu-
ate the students and design modifications for their instruction based
on the students’ assessment test scores. But what do these scores
mean? Do these scores allow the teacher to meet the students’ needs

Tactic: Direct observation can be used to gain a more comprehensive under-

standing of the students. While the students are working, walk around
the classroom to monitor and record student progress. Ask students
questions regarding the lesson and the assignment. Use a checklist
to assess desired objectives (see Student Observation Sheet). Write
anecdotal records of students’ learning, including notes of inappropri-
ate behaviors, underdeveloped thinking skills, on-task behaviors, the
understanding of content instruction, or any other noticeable behavior
that needs to be documented.

Example: Observing students as they are working provides a wonderful way for me
to monitor their understanding. In fact, I use an Observational Journal to
organize my notes during observation. I monitor not only my students’
learning, but also their health.The number of days absent or their physi-
cal appearance can be a beneficial way of studying their work habits and
social skills. (These areas are important to set the framework for the aca-
demic learning.) Gathering data through close observation also helps me
when collaborating with parents and special education teachers. Parents
Decide What to Teach 5

and teachers can study my anecdotal records of students showing daily

occurrences of behaviors and progress. In this way, decisions concerning
the students’ education can be made appropriately.
Rosemary T., teacher
Benefits: Measuring learning progress informally can
· confirm other people’s observations of the students, the students’ test
scores, or the students’ behaviors;
· help identify and address individual student needs;
· lead to appropriate decisions for students’ individualized programs;
· meet the objectives of a student’s Individualized Education Program

Literature: Burns, M. S., Delclos, V. R., & Kulewicz, S. J. (1987). Effects of dynamic
   assessment on teachers’ expectations of handicapped children. American
   Educational Research Journal, 24, 325–336. 

Student Observation Sheet

Student Objective(s) Understanding Style Behavior Comments/Notes

Copyright © 2009 by Corwin Press. All rights reserved. Reprinted from 63 Tactics for Teaching Diverse Learners, K–6
by Bob Algozzine, Pam Campbell, and Adam Wang. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press,
Reproduction authorized only for the local school site or nonprofit organization that has purchased this book.
Decide What to Teach 7

Chapter 1:   Decide What to Teach

Strategy: Establish Logical Sequences of Instruction

Focus: Basic Skills

Area: Reading; Mathematics/Problem Solving/Calculating; Writing; Social

Studies; Science; Arts; Fitness

Learning Difference: Attention; Cognition High; Cognition Low; Cognition Mixed; Mobility;
Hearing; Health; Memory Short-Term; Memory Long-Term; Seeing;
Speaking/Talking; Study Skills; Fine Motor (handwriting, articulation,
etc.); Gross Motor (running, walking, etc.); Processing Visual Information;
Processing Verbal Information; Receptive Language/Decoding (listening,
reading); Expressive Language/Encoding (speaking, writing, spelling);
Social Knowledge; Self-Control; Social Behaviors

Disability Category: Mental Retardation; Specific Learning Disabilities; Multiple Disabilities;

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Visual Impairments;
Deafness/Blindness; Gifted and Talented; Traumatic Brain Injury;
Hearing Impairments; Second Language Learning Needs; Serious
Emotional Disturbance; Speech or Language Impairments; Orthopedic
Impairments; Other Health Impairments; Autism

Tactic Title: Tailoring Curriculum to Individual Student Needs

Problem: Many teachers have difficulty creating a curriculum plan that encom-
passes the needs of all the students in a classroom. Often, they make
changes to accommodate the needs of one student when a broader
approach is equally effective.

Tactic: Design the curriculum in the form of a grid, running objectives vertically
and Bloom’s taxonomy horizontally (see Curriculum Planner). Place activi-
ties in each box.
Bloom’s taxonomy organizes cognitive learning into six hierarchical
(from lowest to highest) categories:

Level I Remembering: recalling facts, basic concepts, and answers

Level II Understanding: paraphrasing, describing, comparing,


Level III Applying: solving problems using acquired knowledge in

different ways

Level IV Analyzing: breaking information into parts, making infer-

ences, supporting generalizations

Level V Evaluating: making judgments about information, ideas, or

quality of work
Level VI Creating: combining elements of information into new pat-
terns or alternatives

Example: I’ve been a teacher for nine years. I know that, as a general education
teacher, I am supposed to include students with disabilities. However,
sometimes it is just so hard. I have 23 students and 5 with different
types of disabilities: autism, learning disabilities, speech and language
impairments, gifted and talented, and hearing impairments. Each one
has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) with specific goals and objec-
tives, not to mention the range of abilities among all my other students.
I’ve been working closely with Manuel, my special education coteacher,
to develop our grids. We’ve been using the grids for several months
now, and it really has simplified our planning. We also know that we
are covering the IEPs.
Kay N., teacher
Benefits: Grid planning is efficient because it
· provides a great way to follow Bloom’s taxonomy in everyday practice;
· helps teachers make conscious decisions about the level of thinking
they expect from their students by choosing the appropriate level of
Bloom’s taxonomy;
· incorporates individualized differences;
· allows for higher-order thinking; and
· lays a foundation for knowledge and comprehension.

Literature: Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (Eds.). (2001). A taxonomy for

   learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of
   educational objectives (abridged). New York: Longman.
Roberson, T. (1984). Determining curriculum content for the gifted.
   Roeper Review, 6, 137–139.
Decide What to Teach 9

Curriculum Planner

Bloom’s Taxonomy
Objectives Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating







Copyright © 2009 by Corwin Press. All rights reserved. Reprinted from 63 Tactics for Teaching Diverse Learners, K–6
by Bob Algozzine, Pam Campbell, and Adam Wang. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press,
Reproduction authorized only for the local school site or nonprofit organization that has purchased this book.

Chapter 1:   Decide What to Teach

Strategy: Consider Contextual Variables

Focus: Basic Skills

Area: Mathematics/Problem Solving/Calculating

Learning Difference: Attention; Expressive Language/Encoding (speaking, writing, spell-

ing); Cognition Mixed; Processing Visual Information
Disability Category: Specific Learning Disabilities

Tactic Title: Mathematics in Daily Life

Problem: Students have difficulties in math because of their inability to read or

simply because they do not enjoy it. In other words, variables (differ-
ences) in the context (room arrangement, student interest/motivation,
instructional arrangements, learning demands, etc.) can have a direct
effect on a student’s ability to be successful.
Tactic: First, decide on an activity that you know the student will eventually need
to use in the future. One example might be an activity in which students
are “paid” for the number of hours they are in school. They can then pay
their bills with the money they earn. Individuals who plan to work and live
independently need to learn this skill. Students can learn to balance their
checkbooks every month. If they have extra money, they can use it to “buy”
things. This activity continues through the whole year but expands every
couple of months. For example, students might have to calculate the tax that
is taken out of their checks or decide which kind of car insurance to buy.
Example: I’ve used this tactic in my classroom; however I “pay” my students with
corn kernels. My local camera shop donates empty film containers that
my students use to store their kernels. I ask my parents to donate items
that we store in a classroom cabinet with glass doors, so the goodies are
always visible. Every now and then, we have an “auction” in which stu-
dents can bid on desired items using their kernels. As the year progresses,
the auctions are spaced further apart, and items become more costly.
Nevertheless, they are using their mathematical thinking all the time.
Cindy K., teacher
Benefits Developing a student payment system
· keeps students busy with math and helps them understand its
· helps students see how math is useful in the real world;
· keeps students interested in math; and
· provides a structure for students to build upon prior knowledge as the
year goes on.
Literature: Saarimaki, P. (1995). Math in your world. National Council of Teachers
   of Mathematics, 9, 565–569.

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