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Dwiharso Nugroho, Dr. Ir.

Lab. Sedimentologi, Stratigrafi dan Geologi Bawah Permukaan
Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

0811 236 230

I. Introduction B. Defining Vsh

1. Single Clay Indicator :
II. Mud Logging Gamma Ray
III. Pre-Analysis (postponed..) 2. SCI : Spontaneous Potential
3. Double Clay Indicator:
A. Environmental Correction Neutron - Density
B. Normalization C. Defining Porosity
IV. Log Analysis 1. Concept of Porosity
2. Density Porosity
A. Picking Parameters (postponed..) 3. Neutron Porosity
1. Single well vs Multi well 4. Sonic Porosity
2. Picking Parameter Process D. Calculating Fluid Saturation
a. Gama Ray 1. Clean Sand Analysis
b. ρma, ρwet shale
c. Rw 2. Shaly-sand Analysis

Well Logging : The study of the properties of rocks (& fluids) by petrophysical
techniques using electric, nuclear, and acoustical sources

Log curve shapes are determined visually

from the appearance of the recorded data
when plotted versus depth.

Crain, E.R, 2000, The Log Analysis Handbook, Vol. 1

rOCk pROpERtieS
..directly taken from well data – Mineral composition
– Electrical Conductivity – Atoms/elements comp.
– Magnetism
– Spontaneous Potential – Stability, ..etc
– Natural Radioactivity
– Density  rOCk GEOLOGICAL pROpERtieS:
– Sound Velocity (sonic)  textures
– ..etc  Sedimentary structures
 Facies
 Facies successions
 Fractures
 Structural dip, ..etc

 rOCk (reservOiR) PETROPHYSICAL pROpERtieS:


© NUGROHO 2006
© NUGROHO 2006
Wireline Logging

• Log is a continuous recording of a geophysical

parameter along a borehole
• Wireline logging is a conventional form of
logging that employs a measurement tool
suspended on a cable or wire that suspends the
tool and carries the data back to the surface
• Basic physical parameters measured with logs
– size of the borehole
– orientation of the borehole
– temperature
– Pressure
– natural radioactivity of the rocks
– acoustic properties of the rocks
– electrical properties of the rocks
– Rock’s response to radioactivity generated by the
– NMR characteristics of the rocks
(Source: Glover, Paul W.J.)
(Taken from Glover, Paul W.J.)
Log Type

 Open Hole Logs

 Electric Logs
 SP
 Resistivity
 Image Log (FMI, EMI)
 Nuclear Logs
 GR
 Neutron
 Density
 Acoustic Logs
 Sonic Log
 Image Log (STAR)
 Cased Hole Logs

© NUGROHO 2006
Log Header

• Data, crucial for the evaluation, can

be found in the log header:
– Well name & -location,
– date,
– drill floor elevation (DFE),
– Ground elevation (GE),
– bit size,
– mud -type and -properties,
– resistivities of the -mud (Rm), -mud
filtrate (Rmf) &-mudcake (Rmc),
– total depth (TD),
– bottom hole temperature (BHT),
– weight-, size- . &depth- of previous
– time of last mud circulation,
– list of all tools run in this hole section,
– serial number of tools and logging unit
– name of logging engineer and company
…THICKNESS (overview)

• Gross Sand (GS)

thickness tebal
stratigrafis antara
dua top reservoir
• Net Sand (NS)
thickness  GS dng
cut off Vshale
NP • Net Effective Sand
NE (NES) thickness  NS
dng cut off Porosity
TAF-5 • Net Pay (NP) thickness
 NES dng cut off Sw
• Matrix • Grain
• Matrix
• Cement
• Pore (filled by fluid) • Pore (filled by fluid)
• Pore (none fluid within; rare)
!! Log analysis (determin) hanya menggunakan 1 nilai r ma and/or 1 nilai r sh
!!! shale fragment
!!! Carbonate has an intraparticle porosity (WP)
© NUGROHO 2006
“X” Sd
Vsh = 0.39 “Z”
PHIA = 0.13 Vsh = 0.25
PHIA = 0.16
Sw = 0.42
Sw = 0.71
“Y” Sd
Vsh = 0.17
PHIA = 0.13
Sw = 0.24
“K” Fm
Vsh = 0.34 “L” Fm
PHIA = 0.24 Vsh = 0.22
PHIA = 0.06
Sw = 0.80
Sw = 0.50
Mud Logging – Mudlogger

• A mudlogger is a professional geologist responsible for operating a

computerized logging unit at both onshore and offshore drilling sites.
• Mudloggers are responsible for :
– evaluating the lithology of all strata penetrated by drilling and reporting any
hydrocarbon discoveries by analyzing rock cutting samples from drilling mud,
– evaluating gas chromatography data used to screen for hydrocarbon in the
– sometimes analyzing wireline logs,
– monitor aspects of rig operations and downhole conditions on a wellsite, and
report suspected unsafe conditions to other rig personnel.
– Mudloggers provide time-sensitive geological and drilling data to clients in the
form of daily reports and logs, often transmitted live via satellite.
– write longer summary reports upon well completion

While drilling a well, the following information about the drilled

formations is recorded as a function of depth:
• The drilling rate or rate of penetration (ROP).
• All important parameters which influence the drilling speed, e.g.
type of bit, rotation speed (RPM), weight on bit (WOB), pump speed
(SPM), pump pressure (SPP), etc.
• The lithology and texture of the cuttings, which are sampled at
regular intervals (~5meter).
• The total combustible gas content in the air above the returning
mud from the well bore. The relatively simple gas detector can be
supplemented with a gas chromatograph to analyze the gas
• Hydrocarbon staining on the cuttings.

• The information related to the formation and its fluid content is

available on the moment that the mud with the cuttings come to
• The lag time between the moments of drilling and sampling (varying
from 0 - 2 hours), depends on the volume of the annulus and the
circulation rate. The depth of drilling is for this reason corrected,
using a lag-time estimate and an average ROP. The depth accuracy is
about +/- 5meter.
• Variations in specific gravity and shape of the cuttings from various
lithologies, causes differences in slippage. As a result a sample taken
from the flowline may originate from a range of depths and will
consist of a mix of the lithologies present.
• In some cases formations (often shales) higher up in the well bore
are not stable. Cavings (flakes) of this particular formation can
"contaminate" the cutting samples of lower intervals.
Evaluation objective

• Monitoring of the bit performance.

• Early indication ofthe well's position within the predicted stratigraphy.
This is of particular importance as a basis for operational decissions, e.g.
at what depth to set casing, or where to core a well.
• Determination of lithology.
• Indication of fluid type.
• Indication of pressure conditions.
Evaluation Technique

• Every formation has a signature on the ROP log. The depth of

formations can be determined, by correlating this log with the mud
log from a nearby well.
• The lithology of the cuttings are given as percentages of the total
sample. An accurate interpretation can be made in combination
with the wireline logs, which have a far better vertical resolution.
• The oil" staining on the cuttings is analysed using several small
chemical and fluorescence tests, which can differentiate the light
and heavy hydrocarbons.
– In water bearing formation no HC staining is expected.
– The presence of only light HC's indicates gas.
– In the case of an oil bearing formation more heavy HC's will be
Evaluation Technique
Lithology Analysis
• Every formation has a signature
on the ROP log. The depth of
formations can be determined, by
correlating this log with the mud
log from a nearby well.
• The lithology of the cuttings are
given as percentages of the total
sample. An accurate
interpretation can be made in
combination with the wireline
logs, which have a far better
vertical resolution.
Evaluation Technique
Fluid Analysis : Oil Cutting

• Stain
• Flourescence

• Cut Flourescence

• Odor
Evaluation Technique
Fluid Analysis : Gas detection

• After a section of a well has

been drilled , measuring
sondes are lowered into the
open hole at the end of an
electrical cable.
• Whilst pulling the tools out
of the well, various
properties of the formations
are measured continuously
as a function of depth.
• These physical properties
can be interpreted in terms
of lithology, porosity,
hydrocarbon saturation, etc.
Depth Measurement

• The depth is measured along hole(AHO) in meters below derrick floor

• When the bottom of the tool-string touches the drill floor the depth
measurement is set at zero.
• The distance between the various tool detectors and the bottom of the
tool-string is automatically compensated by the computer in the surface
logging unit.
• The length of cable in the hole is measured with an accuracy of around 0.1
• In vertical wells the AHD is equal to the true vertical depth (TVD).
• In deviated wells, a deviation survey is needed to calculate the TVD from
the AHD.
• The TVD is often expressed in meters below a local datum, e.g. meters
subsea (mss).
Log Header

• Data, crucial for the evaluation, can

be found in the log header:
– Well name & -location,
– date,
– drill floor elevation (DFE),
– Ground elevation (GE),
– bit size,
– mud -type and -properties,
– resistivities of the -mud (Rm), -mud
filtrate (Rmf) &-mudcake (Rmc),
– total depth (TD),
– bottom hole temperature (BHT),
– weight-, size- . &depth- of previous
– time of last mud circulation,
– list of all tools run in this hole section,
– serial number of tools and logging unit
– name of logging engineer and company
Log types

• Logs, which are used to quantify the hydrocarbon in place, can be

classified into three families:
– Reservoir Thickness (Gamma Ray, Spontaneous Potential)
These logs discriminate reservoir from non-reservoir.
– Porosity (Density, Neutron, Sonic.)
These logs are used to calculate porosity, identify lithologies, and differentiate
oil from gas.
– Resistivity (Laterolog, Induction, Microresistivity.)
These logs, together with porosity logs, are used to calculate hydrocarbon
– Other types of wireline tools are:
• Side wall sampler (Takes small rock samples, which are used forlithology and fluid type
• Formation tester (Measures formation pressures and can retrieve fluid samples.)
• Dipmeter & FMS (Measure dip and azimuth ofthe layers)
• Well shoot & VSP (Used tocalibrate seismic.)
PRE-ANALYSIS (postponed)
Vsh :
• There are petrophysical
parameters that must be Vsh (linear) =
obtained to perform
petrophysical calculation.
• Those parameters are
– GR value of shale and clean
sand (GRmax, GRmin)
– Matrix and shale density v v
(ρma, ρsh) 𝜌𝑚𝑎 − 𝜌𝑏 − 𝑉𝑐𝑙 × (𝜌𝑚𝑎 − 𝜌c𝑠ℎ )
∅= v v c
𝜌𝑚𝑎 v
– Matrix and shale neutron c − 𝜌c𝑓𝑙 v
porosity v v
– Matrix and shale sonic (∆tma,
v v
– Formation water resistivity c
(Rw) cv
v vc
petrophysical parameters
( Q U A N T I TAT I V E L O G A N A LY S I S )


• Matrix • Grain
• Matrix
• Cement
• Pore (filled by fluid) • Pore (filled by fluid)
• Pore (none fluid within; rare)
!! Log analysis (determin) hanya menggunakan 1 nilai r ma and/or 1 nilai r sh
!!! shale fragment
!!! Carbonate has an intraparticle porosity (WP)
Log Analysis generally distinguish three distribution type of shale

– Laminar Shale
• consists of thin laminations of shale which separate stringers or
beds of clean sandstone.
• the occurrence (of these lamination) is not accompanied by a
reduction in the porosities of the sandstone stringers, but overall
could be reducing the bulk porosity (of the reservoir)
– Structural Shale
• the term for shale fragments, diagenetic altered mineral, etc.
which be the grains of sandstone
• is not necessarily matched by any reduction in porosity (Doveton,
– Dispersed Shale
• Consists of pore-filling clay minerals
• Leads to a progressive reduction in porosity
Shale :

• Clay + silt + other

• Clays Water
Sodium Ion
– Plate-like form
– Large surface area Water
– Contain Al+3 and Si+4 Clay
Crystal Water
– Substitution by Mg +2

– Negative charge results

– Attraction by water and cations Schematic
xH Water
The distribution of clay within porous
reservoir formations

– replaces both matrix and
– reduces porosity-permeability
– common
– e.g., intercalations
– assume similar to nearby
Structural Shale
– replaces matrix
– may not affect porosity-
– e.g., lithic/rock fragments
(altered metamorphic and/or f
volcanic), rip-up clasts, etc.

– replaces pore space
– very common
– forms in situ
– may differ greatly from nearby
– porosity-permeability
reduction depends on form
• Dispersed Clay Forms
– Kaolinite:
• moderate perm effects
• may dislodge, block
– Chlorite:
• significant perm loss
• traps water
– Illite:
• chokes pores and throats
• significantly reduce the
Shaly Sands


Sh Sw Sb

Oil Free Bound Dry Matrix Solids

Gas Water Water Clay




• Vshale : ratio of shale volume to matrix volume

• Define lithology : Sand – non sand.
• Methods to obtain Vshale
– SingleClay Indicator: Gamma ray methods
– Double Clay Indicator:
• Neutron – Density
• Sonic- Density
• Neutron - Sonic
Defining Vshale – Single Clay Indicator

Determination of Shale Content (Vshale)

• The gamma ray log values can be used to calculate the shaliness or shale
volume Vsh of the rock.

IGR = the gamma ray index
GRlog = the gamma ray reading at the depth of interest
GRmin = the minimum gamma ray reading.
GRmax = the maximum gamma ray reading.

• Many petrophysicists then assume that Vsh = IGR. However, to be correct

the value of IGR should be entered into “the chart” from which the
corresponding value of Vsh may be read (Asquith and Krygowski, 2004).
Defining Vsh: Gamma Ray (GR)

• Shale volume is calculated in the following way:

– First the gamma ray index IGR is calculated from the gamma ray
log data using the relationship :

IGR = the gamma ray index
GRlog = the gamma ray reading at the depth of interest
GRmin = the minimum gamma ray reading. (Usually the mean minimum through a clean sandstone or carbonate
GRmax = the maximum gamma ray reading. (Usually the mean maximum through a shale or clay formation.)

– Many petrophysicists then assume that Vsh = IGR. However, to

be correct the value of IGR should be entered into “the chart”
from which the corresponding value of Vsh may be read.
Defining Vsh: Gamma Ray (GR)

• The gamma ray log (GR) measures the total natural gamma radiation
emanating from a formation.
• This gamma radiation originates from potassium-40 and the isotopes of
the Uranium-Radium and Thorium series.
• Once the gamma rays are emitted from an isotope in the formation, they
progressively reduce in energy as the result of collisions with other atoms
in the rock (compton scattering). Compton scattering occurs until the
gamma ray is of such a low energy that it is completely absorbed by the
• The gamma ray intensity that the log measures is a function of (Glover,
MSc Course Notes):
– The initial intensity of gamma ray emission, which is a property of the elemental composition of the rock.
– The amount of compton scattering that the gamma rays encounter, which is related to the distance between the
gamma emission and the detector and the density of the intervening material.
Total Gamma Ray Log

• Principle of Measurement
 The tool consists simply of a highly sensitive gamma ray detector in
the form of a scintillation counter.
 The scintillation counter is composed of a thalium activated single
sodium iodide crystal backed by a photomultiplier.
 The gamma ray measurement device accepts gamma rays from
almost a hemisphere that includes the formation and the drilling
mud between the formation and the sensor.
Total Gamma Ray Log


• Natural radioactivity is spontaneous decay of a certain isotope into
another isotope, characterized by emission of radiation (α, β, γ).
• The dacay is a statistical process, mostly described as a poisson-

• Can be described as an electromagnetic wave
• Frequencies are in the range v= 1019 -- 1021 Hz
• Energy is E = h v in the order of keV to Mev (h is the Plank constant)

• The tool consists of a highly sensitive gamma ray

detector in the form of a scintillation counter.
• The scintillation counter is composed of a
thalium activated single sodium iodide crystal
backed by a photomultiplier.
• When a gamma ray strikes the crystal a small  These electrons are accelerated towards
flash of light is produced. This flash is too small the next anode, where each of the
to be measured using conventional electronics.
secondary electrons produce even more
So, it’s amplified by a photomultiplier (consists
of a photocathode and a series of anodes held at
secondary electrons.
progressively higher electrical potentials (are  This process is repeated for each of say
arranged serially in a high vacuum)). 10 anodes.
• The flash of light hits the photocathode and
causes a number of primary electrons to be  If 6 electrons are emitted at each anode
produced. These few electrons still represent too for each incident electron, we can see
small a signal to be measured. The primary that a single incident gamma ray
electrons are accelerated towards the first ultimately produces 610 = 60,466,176
anode. For every electron that hits the anode, a electrons, which represents a current
number of secondary electrons are emitted that can be amplified further by
(between 4 and 8 usually).
conventional amplifiers.
Depth of investigation

• At certain distance from the emitting atom

increases, the energy of the gamma rays
decreases but compton scattering until they
are too low to be measured by the
scintillation counter.
• Therefore, there is a maximum depth of
investigation for the tool that depends upon
formation and mud density.
• For average values of drilling mud and
formation density, we can say that
approximately 50% of the gamma ray signal
comes from within 18 cm (7 inches) of the
borehole wall, increasing to 75% from
within 30 cm (1 foot).
• Hence, the depth of investigation, if defined
at 75% of the signal, is 30 cm. Note that the zone of sensitivity is almost
• However, this will decrease for denser hemispherical, so the 30 cm depth of
formations of the same radioactivity, and investigation applies both horizontally
increase for less dense formations of the (perpendicular to the borehole wall) and sub-
vertically (sub-parallel with the borehole wall).
same radioactivity.
This has implications for the vertical resolution of
the tool..
Total Gamma Ray Log
Total Gamma Ray Log

Gamma ray log correction chart for a

3.75 inch tool in an 8 inch hole with a
KCl-free drilling mud with a mud weight
of rf g/cm3 as a function of borehole
diameter (courtesy of ReevesWireline
Figure Effect of caving on the gamma ray log
(Glover, MSc Course Notes).
Total Gamma Ray Log


 Determination of Lithology
 Determination of Shale content
 Depth Matching
 Cased Hole Correlations
 Recognition of Radioactive Mineral Deposits
 Recognition of Non-Radioactive Mineral Deposits
 Radio-isotope Tracer Operations
 Facies and Depositional Environment Analysis
Gamma Ray and Lithology
GR Response
Reservoir = sand
Non-reservoir = shale
GR reservoir = ?
Low GR

Reservoir = porous limestone

Non-reservoir = tite limestone Radioactive
GR reservoir = ? dolomite
No difference

Reservoir = granite wash

Non-reservoir = tite limestone
GR reservoir = ?
High GR
Reservoir = porous dolomite
radioactive /not
Non-reservoir = tite dolomite
GR reservoir = ?

No difference
Gamma Ray Values of Minerals
GR Borehole Effects

• Calibrated for:
– 8 inch hole
– 10 ppg mud
– 3-5/8 inch tool eccentered in hole

• GR
What happens
decreases, if holecould
so shales washes out?
look clean
GR high in borehole, GR high in invaded formations

• Must account for potassium muds

Lag on Old
Analog GR
Slide 105

Old GR logs showed

zone shallower than
its actual depths

New digital GR logs

don’t have this problem

Spectral GR Logs

• Contributions by Th, U, K are presented

• Used for:
– Better Vshale
– Distinguishing radioactive dolomite from shale
– Locating source rock
– Locating steamed-out zones

• Total GR and (Th + K)

are usually plotted in Track 1
Spectral GR Logs
Spectra for K, Th, and U
Clay Minerals Identification
Clay and Mineral Identification

Take core and

look at the
rock !!
Spectral GR Log
w/ Spontaneous Log (SP)

Volume shale dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan
beberapa alternatif log sebagai berikut :
a. Log Gamma Ray (GR)

IGR= (GR – GRmin)/(GRmax – GRmin)

GR = bacaan log GR pada zona interest

GR min = bacaan log GR pada zona 100% bersih lempung
GR max = bacaan log GR pada zona 100% lempung

b. Log Spontaneous Potential (SP)

Vsh = (SSP – PSP) / SSP = 1 – (PSP/SSP)

SSP = static spontaneous potential of a thick clean sand or carbonate

= the deflection from the shale/base line to the clean line
PSP = pseudo static spontaneous potential (SP of shaly formation)
= the deflection from the shale/base line to the curve reading

• The SP is a record of direct current (DC) voltage differences between the

naturally occurring potential of a moveable electrode in the well bore, and
the potential of a fixed electrode located at the surface.
• measured in millivolts
• Normally, the SP log is recorded on the left hand track, and is used to: (1)
detect permeable beds, (2) detect boundaries of permeable beds, (3)
determine formation water resistivity(Rw), and (4) determine the volume
of shale in permeable beds.
• Influence Factor
– Bed thickness:
• <10 feet, need a
• general rule : whenever
the SP curve is narrow
and pointed in shape,
the SP should be
corrected for bed

– Bed resistivity: Higher

resistivities reduce the
deflection of the SP curves.

– Borehole and invasion: The

effects of borehole diameter
and invasion on the SP log
are very small and, in
general, can be ignored.
• Shale content:
The presence of shale in a
permeable formation reduces
the SP deflection.
– In water-bearing zones the amount of SP
reduction is proportional to the amount of
shale in the formation.
– In hydrocarbon-bearing zones the amount of
SP reduction is greater than the volume of

• The SP response of shales is

relatively constant and follows
a straight line called a shale
baseline. SP curve deflections
are measured from this shale

• Permeable zones are indicated

where there is SP deflection
from the shale baseline.
• The SP log can be used to calculate the
volume of shale in a permeable zone by the
following steps:
– Establish the shale/ base
– Obtain the SSP
– Obtain the PSP
– Compute the shale fraction
Vsh = (SSP – PSP) / SSP
= 1 – (PSP/SSP)
– Vsh = volume of shale
– PSP = pseudo static spontaneous potential (SP of
shaly formation)
= the deflection from the shale/base line to
the curve reading

– SSP = static spontaneous potential of a thick clean

sand or carbonate
= the deflection from the shale/base line to
the clean line

– SSP = -K x log (Rmf / Rw)

• K = 60 + (0.133 x Tf)
Defining Vshl – Double Clay Indicator

• Neutron - Density
– Clay volume can be obtained from crossplot
Neutron data vs density data
– Clay volume is defined as how close a particular
point inthe cross plot to the clay point
Defining Vshl – Double Clay Indicator

• This Figure illustrates this method

graphically. The graph is a triangle, whose
apices are at the following points:
• The clean matrix point: fN = 0% rb = 2.65
• The fluid point: fN = 100% rb = 1.00 g/cm3
• The clean matrix point: fN and rb obtained
from an adjacent clay
• The linear effective porosity scale is shown
on the matrix-water side and the clay-water
• The iso- Vsh lines are drawn across the
triangle. Each pair of fN and rb values
obtained from the logs can be entered into
the graph and the relevant effective porosity
and Vsh can be read off. Alternately, a more
• accurate figure can be obtained by solving
Eqs. (20.1 and 20.2).

RHOB  r ma  ( r sh  r ma ) Vsh
fe 
r fl  r ma

ft  fe  Vsh ftsh


Calculating Porosity
• Matrix • Grain
• Matrix
• Cement
• Pore (filled by fluid) • Pore (filled by fluid)
• Pore (none fluid within; rare)
!! Log analysis (determin) hanya menggunakan 1 nilai r ma and/or 1 nilai r sh
!!! shale fragment
!!! Carbonate has an intraparticle porosity (WP)
a. Log density
ρ rock (ρb) = (1- Ф) ρ matriks + Ф ρ
Ф = (ρma - ρb) / (ρma- ρf)

ρma = nilai densitas matriks

ρb = bacaan log density (bulk density) pada zona interest

ρf = nilai densitas fluida

b. Log neutron
Bacaan log neutron merupakan nilai hasil perhitungan konsentrasi ion
hidrogen pada suatu formasi.
Konsentrasi ion hidrogen pada suatu formasi sebanding dengan jumlah fluida
yang mengisi pori batuan.
Karenanya, bacaan log neutron dapat digunakan secara langsung untuk
menentukan porositas suatu formasi/batuan/reservoir.
c. Log sonic

Ф = (∆t–∆t ma) / (∆tf –∆t ma)

∆t = bacaan log sonic pada zona interest

∆t ma = nilai ∆t matriks
∆t f = nilai ∆t fluida
Calculating Porosity

Density Log (RHOB)

Density Log


• The gamma rays enter the formation and undergo compton scattering by
interaction with the electrons in the atoms composing the formation.
Compton scattering reduces the energy of the gamma rays in a step-wise
manner, and scatters the gamma rays in all directions.
• When the energy of the gamma rays is less than 0.5 MeV they may
undergo photo-electric absorption by interaction with the atomic
electrons. The flux of gamma rays that reach each of the two detectors is
therefore attenuated by the formation, and the amount of attenuation is
dependent upon the density of electrons in the formation.
 The formation density log is a porosity log that
measures electron density of a formation.
 It can assist the geologist to:
 identify evaporite minerals,

 detect gas-bearing zones,

 determine hydrocarbon density, and

 evaluate shaly sand reservoirs and complex

• The tool consists of:
– A radioactive source.
This is usually caesium-137 or cobalt-60, and emits gamma rays of
medium energy (in the range 0.2 – 2 MeV).
For example, caesium-137 emits gamma rays with an energy of 0.662
– A short range detector.
This detector is very similar to the detectors used in the natural
gamma ray tools, and is placed 7 inches from the source.
– A long range detector.
This detector is identical to the short range detector, and is placed 16
inches from the source.
• A formation with a high bulk density, has a high
number density of electrons.
It attenuates the gamma rays significantly, and
hence a low gamma ray count rate is recorded at
the sensors.
• A formation with a low bulk density, has a low
number density of electrons.
It attenuates the gamma rays less than a high
density formation, and hence a higher gamma ray
count rate is recorded at the sensors.
Calculating Porosity

Neutron Log
• A neutron source bombards the formation with high
energy Neutrons.
• Most collisions of the neutrons with heavy atoms of the
formation are near elastic. As a result hardly any energy is
• A collision with a hydrogen atom (H) lowers the speed
(energy level) of the neutron significantly, as both have
the same mass.
• The distance over which the neutrons travel before they
reach a lower (thermal) energy level, is therefore related
to the amount of hydrogen atoms present in the
• A source and two detectors are mounted in a tool, which is pressed
against the bore hole wall. The detectors only count returning neutrons
which have a thermal energy level.
• From the ratio of thermal neutrons detected by the far- and the near-
detector, the amount of hydrogen (H) atoms in the formation is
empirically determined.
• The tool assumes all H atoms to be present in the porespace (water or
hydrocarbons). The tool is calibrated to read the true porosity in water
filled Limestone. These limestone-porosities are computed and plotted
against depth in porosity units (p.u.).
• The matrix type has a small influence on the Neutron response. Across
other lithologies the readings must therefore be corrected using an
empirically derived chart.

• Neutron logs are porosity logs that measure the hydrogen ion
concentration in a formation.
• In clean formations (i.e. shale-free) where the porosity is filled
with water or oil, the neutron log measures liquid-filled porosity.
• Whenever pores are filled with gas rather than oil or water,
neutron porosity will be lowered. This occurs because there is less
concentration of hydrogen in gas compared to oil or water.
• A lowering of neutron porosity by gas is called gas effect.
• Neutron log responses vary, depending on:
– differences in detector types,
– spacing between source and detector, and
– lithology-i.e. sandstone, limeston, and dolomite.

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