A. Background of The Problem

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Background of the Problem

Writing is one of the four language skills and it is one of the activities done by

the language learners. As a language skill, writing cannot be separated by language

components: grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, linguistic convention, and

etc. To be able to master these components, the writer must be involved in a learning

process. The process can be taken place in or out of formal educational institutions.

Writing is a tool for communication that is between reader and writer. In line with the

idea above, Olstain, (in Celce-Murcia, 2001:207) said that through writing, someone

is able to communicate a variety of messages to a close or distant, known or unknown

reader or readers.

Writing becomes an important aspect in teaching and learning English besides

speaking, listening and reading. To support this idea, Weigle, (2002:1) says “the

ability to write effectively is becoming increasingly important in our global

community and instruction in writing is thus assuming an important role in both

second and foreign education.

In School-based curriculum (2013), teaching English at senior high school is

targeted to achieve the functional level of literacy. Students are able to communicate

orally and written form to resolve problems. For the writing skill, students of eight

grade senior high school are expected to be able to express the meaning of functional

text and simple essay in the form of descriptive, recount and narrative text.

Based on the problems that exist in XI Grade at State Senior High School 2

Rangsang Barat Kepulauan Meranti, researcher found the following phenomenon.

1. Some of the students still lack of vocabulary mastery.

2. Some of the students are still not able to write sentences in the correct


3. Some of the students are still difficult to express the idea in the form of

written language.

4. Some of the students are still not able to expand the paragraphs based on the

generic structure.

B. Formulation of The Problem

1. How is the students’ writing ability which is taught by using Think-Ink-Pair-

Share (TIPS) strategy at XI Grade at State Senior High School 2 Rangsang

Barat Kepulauan Meranti?

2. How is the students’ writing ability which is taught without using Think-Ink-

Pair-Share (TIPS) strategy at XI Grade at State Senior High School 2

Rangsang Barat Kepulauan Meranti?

3. Is there any significant difference on students’ writing ability between those

who are taught and those who are taught without using Think-Ink-Pair-Share

(TIPS) strategy at XI Grade at State Senior High School 2 Rangsang Barat

Kepulauan Meranti?

Based on the problems illustrated above, thus the researcher interested in

investigating the problems above into a research entitled “The Effect of Using Think

Ink Pair Share (TIPS) Strategy on Students’ Writing Ability at XI Grade at

State Senior High School 2 Rangsang Barat Kepulauan Meranti.

C. Method of The Research

This research is experimental research. According to Creswell (2012:295), “in

an experiment, you test an idea (or practice or procedure) to determine whether it

influences an outcome or dependent variable”. In this research, there were two

variables where Think Ink Pair Share strategy was an independent variable and

writingability was dependent variable.Thus, this strategy was applied to the

experimental group in order to know its’ influences on students’ writing

ability.Frankel et.al (2012:12) says “in this research, the researcher actually

establishes different treatments and then studies their effects; results from this type of

research are likely to lead to themost clear-cut interpretations”. Indeed, Kumar

(2006:179) said, “in an experiment, we observe and measure the effect of treatment

given to few variables by controlling other variables affecting our observations.”

There were two variables in this research, the first variable wasThink Ink Pair

Share strategy as independent variable (x variable), the second was students’ writing

ability as dependent variable (y variable). The research design of this research can be

illustrated as follows (Cresswell, 2012: 310).

Quasi-Experimental design
Pre- and post-test design Time

Select control Pretest No treatment Posttest

Select experimental Pretest Experimental Posttest
group treatment

D. References

Ary, D. at al (2010). Introduction to Research in Education: Wadsworth.

Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Researh. Boston: Pearson.

Reid, Joy M. The Process of Composition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1988.

Rijlaarsdam, Gert, and Huub Van Den Bergh.” Effective Learning and Teaching
Writing: Students Involvement in Teaching of Writing. Effective Learning
and Teaching of Writing; A Handbook of Writing in Education. Boston:
Kluwer Academic Publishers.2005.

Rivers.Teaching Foreign Language Skill.Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.


Syafii, M., M. FauzanAnsyari., and JonriKasdi.A Writing English for Academic

Purposes. Pekanbaru: LBSI. 2007.

_____. From Paragraphs to a Research Report: A writing of English for Academic

Purposes. Pekanbaru: Suska Press. 2014.

Weigle, Sara Chusing. Assessing Writing: Cambridge Language Assessment

Series.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2002.

Woods, Peter. Successful Writing for Qualitative Researchers. New York: Rouledge.

Yeliza Riani. “Teaching Writing in Hortatory Exposition Text by Combining What

Why How and Think Pair Share Strategy for Senior High School Students”.
Retrieved on December 31, 2015<http://ejournal-s1.stkip-pgri-sumbar. ac. id
/index.php /Inggris/ article/ view/ 785/776>

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