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In the world of fitness, over years, there are numerous researches and

studies in sports, emerging dissimilar theories, founded by sport

psychologists. Each theory has its own weaknesses and strengths being

applied differently to sport players’ personal favourites. Essence of arousal

also engages in the sport along with the performance in such an important

role. Arousal is the state of awareness and anticipation that prepares body in

action involving physiology and psychology. Therefore, arousal theories are

divided into four which are Inverted U theory, Drive theory, Catastrophe

Theory, and Optimal arousal theory.

Along with my routine sport, weight training, Inverted U Theory often

applies to my capability in the most effective way. Inverted U Theory, founded

by ​Yerkes and Dodson in 1908 and known as ​Yerkes-Dodson law​, is the

relationship between changes in arousal and motivation of being expressed.

The more arousal increases, the higher performance is being performed

during the workout. In the meantime, beyond at some point, the initial decline

of arousal is moving along with performance as a result until failure. Hence, I

view that this theory is applied to my weight training program. Weight training

is the self- competing exercise to improve personal strength and develop size

of skeletal muscles, required tremendous power from player. The necessity of

arousal engages importantly to reach my expected goal for my great muscle

growth. Therefore, the Inverted U Theory has shown a great relation to my

sport. For example, regarding to my experience, my arousal rises abruptly in

the middle of workout that my performance increases by lifting more weight

with more mental concentration. My expectation has willingly to compete

against my limitation by achieving more reps or lifting heavier than the

previous workouts. Later, my performance begins to diminish as my both

arousal and performance have reached over their limits.

Evidently by attaining high pressure , my mindset turns to lift heavier

and expects to reach my goal deliberately no matter how many shocking

muscles are into growth at my optimal arousal which leads to the range of

anxiety intensity, along with performance. Weightlifting shows its perfect

relation to Inverted U Theory, that it may benefit from having higher level of

arousal. People who attend in weightlifting, obtained several pressure, highly

have mindset to succeed their limitation for development of their skeletal

muscles and more enthusiasm in their goal. In the meantime, weakness will

negatively play large effects on players. The theory states out that

maintenance of peak is not possible that athletes will experiences sudden

collapses, slow decline arc of effectiveness subsequently after reaching their

best without gaining it back to the identical level. This theory also has its

strength providing great benefits to player’s optimum. With applying and

development of this theory into our routine sport, we will have a better reach

and know in optimal level of arousal to ensure the occurrence of performance

In the conclusion, Inverted U Theory, one of arousal theory, has been

applied for weightlifting and several others. Some sports needed to obtain

anxiety to rise the level of arousal, could perform higher with beneficial

outcome. With its strength and weakness, the player will reach the high

quality according to performance and pressure but inevitably, exceeding at

some point, declination of both diminish the whole process of user.

Reference list

- A. & C. Black. (2006). ​Dictionary of sport and exercise science​. London.

- Brewer, B. (2009). ​Sport psychology.​ Chichester, West Sussex, UK:


- McMorris, T. ​Acquisition and performance of sports skills.​

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