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Sport Coaching Skill Development drill assessment reflection

The coaching skill, being expressed with full of potential from coach, can help

their players to perform their best ability along with essential techniques for greater

result. Coaching truly helps players to gain higher in confidence and enhance the

intrinsic motivation in sport. Our group had coached some basis of basketball skills

and provided together with the drill assessment to the class. During the session,

there were things that we did well although it did not reach our expectations. Every

member did his own best to keep all the class members on task, moving along with

our activity successfully. Furthermore,we planned well what our activity supposed to

be; for example, every prepared all the equipments on right time. However, there

were area of improvement as we made several mistakes. Despite knowing well of

our assessment, we have some problems in communication. We did not express out

clearly to the audience on what we were trying to explain. For example, we did not

well realize that some participants did interpret some technical words in basketball.

To be coaching someone, we must firstly give understandable direction from steps to

steps and know that those people literally have not much engage in this sport. Next,

we accidentally made the mistakes of not checking the understanding from everyone

after the end of assessment. Without warning, we would have forgotten to ask

questions to others. For a goal that I could formulate from the area of improvement, I

would aim to be more careful about the entire of my assessment and provide the

better and clearer explanation.

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