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Goal setting is the main key for athletes to approach their success of ideal
performance that motivation literally plays an important role in the factor of achieving.
Goal orientation is consisted of two components, task and ego, presented in athletic
achievement goal theory that together with my personality, I am likely to be more
task orientation than ego orientation.

Task orientation proposes about the attitude towards the fulfillment of athlete
in mastering skills of sport who highly gives attention to his development of ability to
perform in better consequence. In weight training, I make an attempt to keep
developing on my strength and progress on growth. My opinion of task orientation
truly matches to the result of Task and ego orientation in sport
questionnaire(TEOSQ) that states the outcome of higher task than ego as indication
of the intrinsic motivation of high effort and doing our best. Positively, the TEOSQ
helps my performance and attitude by reminding what to concentrate and consider
during the workout. For the weakness, I will perform not efficiently and fully when too
much companions accompany with me in the gym, totally having distraction.
Contradicting to weakness, I perform utterly when I workout with only two or three
partners along with more attention towards my tasks. For the short term, I want to
achieve high score in IELTS test besides, high school academic GPA. My mid-term
is to study in the best culinary school in the program of Bachelor Degree in London.
At last, my long term expects to be amongst the greatest chefs in Thailand.

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