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Which of the following

Service Broker objects
defines the content of the
messages exchanged 2,Message 3,Service
TM2001 between applications? m 1,Contract m Type m m 4,Queues m 2

Jack is database developer create a 3,He
in DoITnow, Inc,. He needs 1,He should managed should
to store the details of one of create a stored create a 4,He should
the tables into an XML file. managed user- procedure managed use T-SQL
TM2002 What should he do? m defined type m m trigger m m 2

John is creating a Web

Service in SQL Server
2005. He wants that the
name of the function, he
needs to host, should
be”Calculate”. Which of the
parameter of the CREATE
ENDPOINT statement will
John use to accomplish 1,Webmethod 2,Schema
TM2003 this? m m m 3,Path m 4,Ports m 1

James, a database
developer of
AdventureWorks has
implemented Service Broker
in the database. He needs
to send a message from
one of the service to
another. Which of the
following protocol will 3,DIALOG
TM2004 James use for that? m 1,HTTP m 2,SOAP m m 4,TCP m 3

John is the database

developer for
AdventureWorks. He has
been asked to implement
Service Broker in the
database. Which of the
following database objects
will John not create to
implement Service Broker? 1,MESSAGE 2,QUEUE 3,SERVIC 4,ASSEMB
TM2005 m TYPE m m Em LY m 4
you need
2,When ng logic for
1,When you you need to which you
need to create can reuse
perform data database the
access and objects, functionalit 4,When you
manipulation such as y provided need to
In which of the following operations that procedures, by the implement
situations will you can be done functions, .NET base basic
implement managed code using T-SQL or triggers. class programmin
TM2006 in your database? m statements. m m libraries. m g logic. m 3

The production database of

an organization stores the
details of raw material used 2, Create a 3,Create a
for the production process FOR FOR 4,Create a
in the Materials table. 1,Create an INSERT INSERT FOR
These details include the AFTER trigger on trigger on INSERT
ProductID, Description, INSERT trigger the the trigger on
Unit, QuantityOnHand, and on the PurchaseR PurchaseR the
ReorderLevel. It also stores MaterialIssued equests equests MaterialIssu
TM2007 the requests to table m table m table m ed table m 1

The production database of

an organization stores the
details of raw material used 2, Create 3,Create a
for the production process an AFTER transaction 4,Create a
in the Materials table. 1,Create a trigger that that function that
These details include the procedure that contains all contains all contains all
ProductID, Description, contains all the the the the
Unit, QuantityOnHand, and statements statements statements statements
ReorderLevel. It also stores given in the given in the given in the given in the
TM2008 the requests to batch m batch m batch m batch m 3
A university uses the
StudentsRegistration 2,Create an
application to store and AFTER 3,Create a
manage the student details. trigger for transaction 4,Create a
When a new student takes 1,Create a each that function that
admission, the users enter procedure that statement contains all contains all
the details of that student in contains all the to execute the the
a form. When the form is statements the next statements statements
submitted, the details are given in the statement given in the given in the
TM2009 stored in four different batch m m batch m batch m 3

A trgInsert trigger was

created on
e table. This trigger is no
longer required. So, the
following statement was
executed to
delete the trigger:


The above statement 1, DELETE TRIGGER TRIGGER HumanRes
generates an error. Identify TRIGGER Employee.t Employee.t ources.trgIn
TM2010 the error trgInsert m rgInsert m rgInsert m sert m 4

Two AFTER triggers have

been created for the
DELETE operation on the
Employee table as follows:

trgDelete1 ON
DELETE 3, 4,
AS 1, 2, sp_settrigg sp_settrigge
PRINT 'This is the first sp_settriggeror sp_settrigg erorder rorder
trigger' der erorder 'trgDelete2' 'HumanRes
'HumanResour 'trgDelete1', , ources.trgD
CREATE TRIGGER ces.trgDelete2' 'SECOND', 'SECOND', elete1',
trgDelete2 ON , 'FIRST', 'DELETE' 'DELETE' 'FIRST',
TM2011 HumanResources.Em 'DELETE' m m m 'DELETE' m 1
4, Create
3, Alter the displaying
prcDisplay the
2, Create EmpDetails manager id
You have created a stored another stored and title of
procedure named procedure procedure all the
prcDisplayEmpDetails in the displaying to display employees
AdventureWorks database. the the and call this
This procedure displays the employee employee procedure
Employee Id, and 1, Delete the id, login id, id, login id, from the
Login Id of all the prcDisplayEmp manager id manager id prcDisplayE
employees. Now, you are Details stored and title of and title of mpDetails
also required to display the procedure and all the all the stored
Manager id and title of the create a new employees. employees. procedure.
TM2012 employees al one. m m m m 3

You have created the

function, fx_Employee that
accepts an employee id as
a parameter and returns the
details of the department
and shift for that employee?

fx_Employee( @EmployeeI
D int )
RETURNS table 2,
SELECT * fx_Employee(1 fx_Employe fx_Employ fx_Employe
TM2013 )m e(1) m ee(1) m e(1) m 3
RE prcEmpDet
prcEmpDet ails
ails @ManagerI
1, CREATE @Employe 3, D
int SELECT prcEmpDet EmployeeID
AS EmployeeI ails FROM
SELECT HumanRes BEGIN ources.Emp
EmployeeID ources.Em SELECT loyee
FROM ployee EmployeeI WHERE
You need to display a report HumanResour WHERE D FROM ManagerID
containing the employee ids ces.Employee EmployeeI HumanRes =
of all the employees who WHERE D= ources.Em @Employee
work with a specific ManagerID = @Employe ployee ID
manager. How will you @ManagerID eID END END
TM2014 implement this? m END m END m m m 1

After creating a full-text 3, SELECT

index on the Description 1, SELECT Description 4, SELECT
column of the Description 2, SELECT FROM Description
Production.ProductDescripti FROM Description Production. FROM
on table, the following query Production.Pro FROM ProductDe Production.
was executed to search for ductDescriptio ProductDes scription ProductDes
the products containing the n cription WHERE cription
word 'bike' in their WHERE WHERE FREETEX WHERE
(Description, (Descriptio (Descriptio (Description
SELECT Description FROM 'bike') n, 'bike') n_bike) ) = 'bike'
TM2015 Production.Produ m m m m 1
A view displaying the
employee id, department id,
login id and title of all the
employees has been
defined as follows:


SELECT e.EmployeeID,
DepartmentID, LoginID, 1, You cannot 3, You 4, There is
Title modify the 2, cannot a syntax
FROM data in two or Department update the error in the
HumanResources.Employe more ID of the data in the above
ee underlying Employee table UPDATE
JOIN tables through cannot be through statement.
TM2016 HumanResources.Empl a view. m updated. m views. m m 1
Which of the following
database does not contains 3,msdb 4,Resource
any user data or user 1,master 2,model database s database
TM2017 metadata? m database m database m m m 4

Which of the following

Service Broker objects
specifies the type of
messages that will be
exchanged during a 2,Message 3,Service
TM2018 conversation? m 1,Contract m Type m m 4,Queues m 1

In which of the following

application architecture are
all the elements of the 3,Three-
business applications joined 2,Two-Tier Tier 4,n-Tier
in a single executable unit: 1,Single-Tier Architectur Architectur Architecture
TM2019 m Architecture m e m em m 1

Which of the following type

of integrity ensures that
each row can be uniquely 3,Referenti 4,User-
identified by an attribute 1,Domain 2,Entity al Integrity defined
TM2020 called the primary? m Integrity m Integrity m m Integrity m 2
you need
1,When you to
need to 2,When implement
implement you need to a CPU-
complicated access intensive 4,Perform
programming external functionalit data access
logic for which resources, y that can and
you can reuse such as run more manipulatio
the calling a efficiently n
functionality web service as operations
provided by or compared that can be
In which of the following the .NET base accessing with the performed
conditions, will you NOT class libraries. the file managed using T-
TM2021 use CLR over T-SQL? m m system. m code. m SQL. m 4
Through which of the
following protocol does the
web services
TM2022 communicates? m 1,SOAP m 2,HTTP m 3,UDDI m 4,WSDL m 1

Which of the following type

of authentication can use
both NTLM and Kerberos
authentication for 3,Kerberos 4,Integrated
TM2023 authenticating the client? m 1,Basic m 2,Digest m m m 4

George has created file

which maintains certain
standard to be followed by
the employees of the
company. However, he
finds that the spelling of
standards is spelled as
stindard. Which of the
following character should
George use at the vi editor
TM2024 to change 1, r m 2, R m 3, d m 4, x m 1
2, )Type vi 3, )Type vi 4, )Type vi
salesnorth salesnorth salesnorth
and press and press and press
Monica has stored the sales 1, 1)Type vi Enter. Enter. Enter.
figure of GoodWill salesnorth and 2)Type o 2)Type o 2)Type o
Electronics in the file press Enter. and press and press and press
salesnorth. 2)Type o and esc key. esc key. Esc key.
However, the divisional press esc key. 3)Type :wr 3)Type :wq 3)Type :q
head has asked her to 3)Type :wq and press and press and press
make certain changes to and press Enter. Enter. Enter.
the file. What are the series Enter. 4)type cat 4)type list 4)type ls -l
of steps she need to follow 4)type cat salesnorth salesnorth salesnorth
to modify the file? salesnorth and and press and press and press
press Enter. Enter. Enter. Enter.
TM2025 m m m m m 1

Daniel created a file

inventory in Linux. She
made certain changes to
the file. Which command
should she use to verify if
changes are made to the
3, ls
1, cat inventory 2, cp inventory 4, ls- l
TM2026 m m inventory m m inventory. m 1

Jim has stored the marks

details of students in the file
marks1 and marks2. These
files are stored in the
directory marks. After
updating the marks, Jim
wants to
send these files to the
directory /home/semester.
What command should Jim
TM2027 use to send these 1, cat m 2, mv m 3, ls m 4, rm m 2

Laura has stored the bill

details of the company in
the file bills. After updating
the file , she realizes that
most of these bills have
already been paid.
She deletes the details of
the bill which have paid,
leaving behind the details of
TM2028 pending bills 1, rm m 2, mv m 3, cat m 4, cp m 2
Ana has stored the sales
figure of the all the regions
in the directory sales. She is
preparing a region wise
analysis of the sales made
and would now like to move 2, rm
the file to the directory sales*rep
regions. What command regions 3, mv 4, mv
should Ana use to move the 1, cp sales*rep sales*rep sales?rep
TM2029 file salesnorth regions m m regions m regions m 3

Gavin has stored the sales

figures of different regions
in the directory sales. He
has moved these files to the
directory regions. He wants
to make sure that al
the files have been moved
from the directory sales to 2, ls -a 3, ls -R 4, ls -S
the directory region? What 1, ls -l command command command
TM2030 command shou command m m m m 1

Sam has stored the sales

details in the subdirectory
regions, which exists in the
directory sales within the
home directory. However, a 1, rm
lot of old versions are -v/home/sales/
stored in this directory. In regions 2, 3, rm 4, rmdir
order optimize disk space, rmdir/home -r/home/sal -v/home/sal
he needs to delete all the /sales/regio es/regions es/regions
TM2031 files and di m ns m m m 3

Ross has stored the

inventory details in a file
items.9112080 in the
/home/inventory directory. 2, rm
However, she feels that the 1, mv /home/inve
name of the file is not /home/inventor ntory/items. 3, mv 4, rm
appropriate and wants to y/items.911208 9112080 /home/inve /home/inven
change it to 0 /home/inve ntory/items tory/items.9
inventory.050700. Which /home/inventor ntory/invent .9112080 112080
command should Ross use y/inventory.091 ory.050700 inventory.0 inventory.05
TM2032 to change the name of 12080 m m 50700 m 070 m 1
George is working on a
project for storing the
inventory details of the
company. Due to virus
problems, a lot of her files 2, cp 3, mv
are getting corrupted. 1, cp /home/inve /home/inve 4, mv
He needs to take a backup /home/inventor ntory/invent ntory/inven /home/inven
of all the files related to the y/inventory* ory? tory* tory/invento
project. However, there are /home/backup /home/back /home/bac ry?/home/b
TM2033 around 75 files relat m up m kup m ackup m 1

The Administrator of Linux

server is trying to check the
number of people logged in
at a given point of time.
However, he is unable to
get a list of people
who have currently logged
at the Linux server. What
command should the
TM2034 Administrator use to get a 1, talk m 2, who m 3, pine m 4, telnet m 2

Robert has added dialog

boxes to the deployment
project. Now he wants to
change the sequence in 2,With the 3,With the
which the dialog boxes help of help of 4,With the
appear. Which editor can he 1,With the help Custom Launch help of User
use to accomplish the task? of File System Actions Conditions Interface
TM2035 m editor. m editor. m editor. m editor. m 4

You are creating an

application that uses the
backgroundWorker1. You
have a ProgressBar control,
ProgressBar1, which is
used to show the
percentage of work
completed by the 2, 4,
BackGroundWorker RunWorker 3, ProgressCh
component. You want to Completed RunWorker ange event
TM2036 show the perce 1, DoWork m event m Async m m 2
2, a) Drag 3, a) Drag
the the 4, a) Drag
BackGroun BackGroun the
dWorker dWorker BackGroun
component component dWorker
onto the onto the component
form. form. onto the
1, a) Drag the b) Assign b) Assign form.
BackGroundW event event b) Assign
orker handlers for handlers event
component the for the handlers for
onto the form. DoWorker DoWork the DoWork
b) Assign and and and
event handlers RunWorker RunWorker RunWorker
for the DoWork Completed Completed Complete
and events. events. events.
RunWorkerCo c) Insert the c) Insert c) Insert the
mpleted time- the time- time-
events. consuming consuming consuming
You are creating an c) Insert the process process process into
application that would need time- into the into the the DoWork
to perform multiple tasks consuming DoWorker DoWork event
simultaneously. You have process into event event handler.
decided to use the the DoWork handler. handler. d) In the
BackGroundWorker event handler. d) In the d) In the RunWorker
component in your d) In the RunWorker RunWorker Complete
application to handle the RunWorkerCo Completed Completed event
most time-consuming task mpleted event event event handler,
in the background. Explain handler, insert handler, handler, insert code
TM2037 the steps that you would code insert c insert code fo 3
3, a) Add a
2, a) Add a w 4, a) Add a
PrintDialog component PrintDialog
component to the form. and a
to the form. b) Add PrintDocum
b) Add programmi ent control
1, a) Add a programmi ng logic on the form.
PageSetupDial ng logic that prints b) Set the
og component that prints a a file in the Document
to the form. file in the PrintPage property of
b) Add PrintPage event the
programming event handler of PrintDialog
logic that prints handler of the to the
a file in the the PrintPrevie PrintDocum
PrintPage PrintDialog w ent control.
event handler component. component c) Add
of the c) Use the . programmin
PageSetupDial Print c) Use the g logic that
og component. method to Print prints a file
You have to create an c) Use the print the method to in the
application that provides Print method to document, print the PrintPage
simple printing functionality, print the it must sent document, event
which includes printing of document, it a Graphics it must sent handler of
individual text files. Identify must sent a object, a Graphics the
the steps you will perform to Graphics contained object, PrintDcoum
incorporate the printing object, in the contained ent control.
TM2038 functionality. m contained in t Graph in the Gra c) U 4
2, 1. 3, 1. 4, 1.
Double- Double- Double-click
click the click the the
PrintDocum PrintDialog PrintDocum
ent component ent
component in the component
in the component in the
component tray to component
tray to create a tray to
1, 1. Double- create a PrintPage create a
click the PrintPage event BeginPrint
PrintDocument event handler. event
component in handler. 2. In the handler.
the component 2. In the PrintPage 2. In the
tray to create a PrintPage event BeginPrint
EndPrint event event handler, event
handler. handler, type the handler,
2. In the type the following type the
BeginPrint following line of following
You are creating an event handler, line of code: line of code:
application that would be type the code: e.Graphics.
used to print text. You have following line e.Graphics. DrawString e.Graphics.
used the Print Document of code: DrawString( ("Printing DrawString(
component, printDialog e.Graphics.Dra "Printing current "Printing
control, and a button control wString("Printi current form",new current
in your application. It is ng current form", new Font("Arial" form",new
required that when the form",new Font("Arial" , font("Arial",
button is clilcked, the text font("Arial",20, , 20, FontStyle. FontStyle.B
TM2039 "Printing current form" FontStyle.Bo FontStyle. Bold, 2 o 2

You are creating an

application in which you
require a calender control.
You added Calender control
11.0 present as a built-in
component in .NET
Framework. After adding
the control to the toolbox,
you dragged it on to you 1,
form. When it is dragged to AxInterop.MSA 2, MSACAL 4, System
TM2040 the CAL m m 3, stdole m m 1
2,The should be
following written:
1,The following code
code should be should be private void
written; written: menuItemS
private void private void k(object
menuItemStud menuItemS sender,
ent_Click(obje tudent_Clic EventArgs 4,The
ct sender, k(object e) following
EventArgs e) sender, { code should
{ EventArgs be written:
The following code was e) frmStudent
written to display the frmStudent { stdFrmObj private void
frmStudent form inside the stdFrmObj = = new menuItemSt
Student_MDI Form, on the new frmStudent frmStudent udent_Click
click of menu item frmStudent(); stdFrmObj (); (object
“Student”. = new sender,
private void stdFrmObj.Mdi frmStudent( stdFrmObj. EventArgs
menuItemStudent_Click(obj = this; ); MdiParent e)
ect sender, EventArgs e) = this; {
{ stdFrmObj.Sho stdFrmObj.
frmStudent stdFrmObj w(); MdiParent stdFrmObj. stdFrmObj.
= new frmStudent(); = this; Show(); Show();
TM2041 s }m }m }m }m 3
2,The following
following 3,The code should
code following be written:
should be code ColorDialog
written: should be CDialog =
ColorDialog written: new
1,The following CDialog = CDialog ColorDialog
code should be new ColorDialo ();
written: ColorDialog g = new private
ColorDialog (); CDialog ();void
CDialog = new private private Background
ColorDialog(); void void _Click(objec
private void Backgroun Backgroun t sender,
Background_C d_Click(obj d_Click(objEventArgs
lick(object ect sender, ect sender,e)
sender, EventArgs EventArgs {
EventArgs e) e) e)
Jim wants to change the { { { CDialog.Sh
foreground and background ow();
color of the text box using
CDialog.Show textBox1.B textBox1.B
the class for color dialogDialog(); ackColor = ackColor = textBox1.Ba
box. He has written the CDialog.Co ColorDialo ckColor =
following code but it is textBox1.Back lor; g.Color; CDialog.Col
generating an error. Color = } } or;
CDialog.Color; private private
CDialog ColorDialog = new } void void }
CDialog (); private void Foreground Foregroun
private void Foreground_Cl _Click(obje d_Click(obj private
TM2042 Background_Click(obje i ct sender ect sender, void Foregr 1
2,On click 3,On click
of Button 1, of Button 1,
the the
following following
1,On click of message message
Button 1, the will get will get
following dispalyed: dispalyed:
The following code was message will Number of Number of
written to calculate the total get dispalyed: objects objects
number of instances of the created: 1 created: 2
class “StaticExample”. Number of On click of On click of
Identify the output of the objects Button 1, Button 2,
code when each of the created: 1 the the
buttons is clicked once. On click of following following
Button 2, the message message
public partial class Form1 : following will get will get
Form message will dispalyed: dispalyed: 4,The code
{ get dispalyed: Number of Number of will
public Form1() Number of objects objects generate
{ objects created: 1 created: 2 Compilation
TM2043 created: 2 m m m Error m 2

Harry maintains the sales

figures of the north region of
GoodWill electronics.Jim,
who is consolidating the
sales figure of all the
regions would like
to get quaterly sales figure
of the north region from
Harry. Which command
should Jim use to
TM2044 communica 1, talk m 2, pipe m 3, chat m 4, pico m 1

Goodwill electronic would

like to setup a user friendly
mail program of imitating
communication among
users. Which of the
following would provide a
graphic user interface for
sending and receiving mail?
TM2045 m 1, sendmail m 2, mail m 3, pine m 4, elm m 3
Ana has created a file
containing the standards in
maintaining the quality of
products. She is using the vi
editor to create to this file.
However, she
was unable to delete an
entire line using the x
character. What should Ana
TM2046 do to delete an entire lin 1, Use i m 2, Use r m 3, Use R m 4, Use dd m 4

John has used the vi editor

for creating a file in Linux.
However there are a lot of
spelling mistakes in the
document. Which editor
could be used
to perform a spell check on
the file?
TM2047 m 1, vi m 2, emac m 3, pico m 4, pine m 2
John needs to perform data 1,Business 2,SQL 3,Database Server
analysis. Which of the Intelligence Server Engine Configuratio
following tools will he use Development Manageme Tuning n Manager
TM2048 for that? m Studio m nt Studio m Advisor m m 1

Which of the following

system databases stores
server-specific configuration
information, including
authorized users,
databases, system 3,msdb 4,Resource
configuration settings, and 1,master 2,model database s database
TM2049 remote servers? m database m database m m m 1

Which of the following

background services allows
you to send messages to 2,Integratio 3,Notificati
the administrator about any 1,Analysis n Services on 4,Service
TM2050 particular event? m Services m m Services m Broker m 3

Which of the following

services allows you to
gather data from various
disparate sources and 4,Integratio
collate at a single location? 1,Database 2,Reporting 3,Analysis n Services
TM2051 m Engine m Services m Services m m 4

Which of the following types

of commands are used to
allow the users access to
TM2052 use database resources? m 1,DCL m 2,DDL m 3,DML m 4,DQL m 1
Which of the following
feature of CLR provides the
ability of an application to
interact with another 3,Languag
application written in a 1,Security 2,Standard e 4,Platform
different programming Management Type Interoperab Independen
TM2053 language? m m System m ility m ce m 3

John needs to look for

similar words or phrases in
the database. Which of the
following feature of SQL 4,Notificatio
Server 2005 will John use 1,Full-text 2,Service 3,Replicati n Services
TM2054 to accomplish it? m search m Broker m on m m 1

Sam, a database developer

needs to provide access to
the data using Web 2,By 4,By
services. Which of the 1,By implementi 3,By implementin
following feature will you implementing ng CLR implementi g High
implement in the database HTTP Integration ng Service Availability
TM2055 to achieve this? m Endpoints m m Broker m m 1

Samual needs to modify a

particular property of a
database object. Which of
the following T-SQL
statement will Samual use? 4,INSERT
TM2056 m 1,CREATE m 2,ALTER m 3,DROP m m 2

Which of the following

component provides you
with the feature to write and 1,Solution 2,Query 3,Template 4,Registere
TM2057 execute T-SQL queries? m Explorer m Editor m Explorer m d Server m 2

Consider the following


Statement A: Multiple
relationships CAN also exist
between the same entities.
Statement B: A relationship 2,Statemen 4,Both,
CANNOT associate an t A is True 3,Statemen Statement
entity with itself. 1,Both, and t A is False A and
Which of the following Statement A Statement and Statement
option is true with respect to and Statement B is False. Statement B, are
TM2058 above statement B, are True m m B is True m False. m 2
John has been assigned the
task to create the Employee
database design. During the
normalization process, he
has reached to a point 4,None, as
where every non-key the tables
attributes are functionally are already
dependent only on the in the
primary key. At the same 1, Second NF 2,Third NF 3,Boyce- normalized
TM2059 time, he found that the tabl m m Codd NF m form. m 3

Consider the following


Statement A: In a relational
database, a common field
existing in any two tables
creates a relationship 2,Statemen 3, 4,Both,
between the tables. t A is True Statement Statement
Statement B: A Relational 1,Both, and A is False A and
Database Management Statement A Statement and Statement
System(RDBMS) can be and Statement B is False Statement B, are False
TM2060 defined as a database man B, are True m m B is True m m 1

Consider the following


Statement A: In a
hierarchical model, data is
represented as a tree
Statement B: In a 2,Statemen 3, 4,Both,
hierarchical model, data is t A is True Statement Statement
represented as a single 1,Both, and A is False A and
record structure and Statement A Statement and Statement
relationships between the and Statement B is False Statement B, are False
TM2061 data are represented B, are True m m B is True m m 2

You are developing an

application for RedSky Inc.
to manage the project
records of the organization.
To remove data
redundancy, you are
normalizing the database
structure. At which
normalization level will you
encounter the condition that 4, Boyce-
TM2062 every attribute 1,1NF m 2,2NF m 3,3NF m Codd NF m 2
You are designing the
database design of an
academic system and
developing the ER diagram
of the system. A student
can take many courses and
many students can register
themselves for a particular
course. Which type of
relationship best suits for 1,One- to-one 2,One-to- 3,Many-to- 4,Many-to-
TM2063 the above m many m one m many m 4

The graphic displays how

you can create a new entity
to represent important
recurring groups of
Click the Exhibit button to
view the graphic. 1,
The example shown in the Specialization 2,Generaliz 3,Weak 4,Normaliza
TM2064 graphic is an example of: m m ation m Entity m tion m 2

2, 4,
StudCourse StudCourse
Details: 3, Details:
Student_ID, StudCours Student_ID,
CourseCod eDetails: CourseCod
1,StudCourse e, Student_ID e,
Jim is creating a database Details: InstructorN CourseNam
for a training institute. After Student_ID, ame CourseDet e
the 1NF, the Course table is CourseCode ails:
created. The rows of the CourseDet CourseCod CourseDeta
table are shown in the CourseDetails: ails: e, ils:
graphic. CourseCode, CourseCod CourseNa CourseCod
Click the Exhibit button to CourseName, e, me, e,
view the graphic. InstructorNam CourseNa CourseDur CourseDura
The primary key in the e, me, ation, tion,
Course table is a composite CourseDuratio CourseDur InstructorN InstructorNa
TM2065 key compris nm ation m ame m me m 1
There is a table called
cust_order. The cust_order
table stores the information
of all the customer orders
for a month. At the end of
every month the sum of
order qty will be added to a
table called cust_summary.

What is the relationship 1, One-to- 2, One-to- 3, Many-to- 4, Many-to-

TM2066 between cust_ many m one m many m one m 4

Shelley's company
database includes a
Products table that stores
information about each of
her company's products.
The database also includes
a Salespeople table that
includes information about 2,One-to- 3,Many-to- 4,Many-to-
each salesperson in her many one many
organization. One sales 1,One-to-one relationship relationship relationship
TM2067 person can se relationship m m m m 4

Consider the following

Statement A: A subtype is a
subset of another entity.
Statement B: The existence
of the regular entities 3,Both, 4, Both,
depends on the Weak entity 2,Statemen Statement Statement
and vice versa. 1,Statement A t A is False, A and A and
Which of the following is True, Statement Statement Statement
option is correct with Statement B is B is True. B, are B, are
TM2068 respect to the given st False. m m True. m False. m 1

A relational database
contains two relations, A
and B. You need to extract
records from relation A for
which the related records
do not appear in relation B.

Which of the following 2,Intersect

TM2069 operators will you use? m 1,Difference m m 3,Union m 4,Project m 1
An employee works in a
department. A department
contains many employees.
Employee and department
are two objects about
which data needs to be
stored. What do you call 2,Instance 4,Attribute
TM2070 these two objects? m 1,Relation m m 3,Entity m m 3

You are developing an

application for RedSky Inc.
to manage the project
records of the organization.
The database involves data
redundancy which can be
removed by the process of 4,Boyce-
data normalization. While 2,Second 3,Third Codd
normalizing the database, 1,First normal normal normal normal
TM2071 you have identified that form. m form. m form. m form. m 3

You are developing an

application for RedSky Inc.
to manage the project
records of the organization.
The database involves data
redundancy which can be
removed by the process of 4,Boyce-
data normalization. While 2,Second 3,Third Codd
normalizing the database, 1,First normal normal normal normal
TM2072 you have identified that form. m form. m form. m form. m 2
Which of the following
statement is used to add 3,
data from one table to 2, INSERT CREATE 4, UPDATE
TM2073 another? m 1, SELECT m m m m 1

A ________ column cannot

contain NULL values since
it is used to uniquely identify 1,Foreign Key 2,Primary 3,Composit 4,Candidate
TM2074 rows in a table. m m Key m e Key m Key m 2

Evaluate this statement:

DepCode CodeType,
DepName char(25) NOT
What does CodeType 2, 3, 4, User-
represent for the DepCode 1, Schema FileGroup Constraint defined
TM2075 column? m name m name m name m data type m 4
Evaluate this SQL script:
3 ItemCode char(4) NOT
4 ItemName char(10) NULL
Which line will result in
TM2076 error? m 1,3 m 2,5 m 3,1 m 4,4 m 4

When applying a CHECK

constraint using the ALTER
TABLE statement, you need
to ensure that the existing
values are not mapped to
the constraint being added. 2, WITH
Which keyword will you 1, WITH NOCHECK 4, WHERE
TM2077 use? m CHECK m m 3, LIKE m m 2

Titles 4,INSERT
(Title_ID, Titles
Title, Type, (Title_ID,
Pub_ID) Title, Type,
Values Pub_ID,
John wants to add a row to ('9001', NULL,
the Titles table, which 2,INSERT 'SQL NULL,
contains ten columns. The IN Titles Server', NULL,
first four columns: Title_ID, (Title_ID, 'computer', NULL,
Title, Type, and Pub_ID do 1,INSERT Title, Type, '1212', NULL,
not allow any NULL value. Titles (Title_ID, Pub_ID) NULL, NULL)
Rest of the column can Title, Type, Values NULL, Values
have NULL value. Pub_ID) ('9001', NULL, ('9001',
Values ('9001', 'SQL NULL, 'SQL
Which of the following 'SQL Server', Server', NULL, Server',
statements can he use to 'computer', 'computer', NULL, 'computer',
TM2078 acco '1212') m '1212') m NULL) m '1212') m 1
* FROM Sales.Sale Sales.Sales
The 1,SELECT * Sales.Sales sOrderHea OrderHead
Sales.SalesOrderHeader FROM OrderHead der er
table contains the details of Sales.SalesOr er WHERE WHERE
all the orders. The derHeader WHERE datepart(m datepart(m
OrderDate column contains WHERE datename( m, m,
the date when the order datename(mm, mm, OrderDate) OrderDate)
was received. You need to OrderDate) = 7 OrderDate) = 7 AND = 7 AND
display a report of all the AND = July AND datepart(yy datename(y
orders received in July, datepart(yy, datepart(yy, , y,
2001. How will you display OrderDate) = OrderDate) OrderDate) OrderDate)
TM2079 the required report? m 2001 m = 2001 m = 2001 m = 2001 m 3

Anna is working on the 1, ALTER TABLE
Publisher database. The TABLE Discounts
database contains the Discounts WITH 3,She 4,She can
Discounts table that WITH NOCHECK cannot add add the
contains data. Anna has NOCHECK ADD a primary- constraint,
been asked to create a ADD CONSTRAI key but she
primary-key constraint on CONSTRAINT NT disc_PK constraint cannot turn
the discounts table on the disc_PK PRIMARY to a table off the
discounttype column. The PRIMARY KEY ON with checking of
specification also states that KEY(Discountt Discounttyp existing the existing
TM2080 she does ype) m em data. m data. m 4

EmployeeI EmployeeI 4,SELECT
HumanRes HumanRes FROM
1,SELECT ources.Em ources.Em HumanRes
EmployeeID ployeeAddr ployeeAddr ources.Emp
The FROM ess ess loyeeAddre
HumanResources.Employe HumanResour WHERE WHERE ss
eAddress table stores the ces.Employee AddressID AddressID WHERE
details of all employees and Address EXISTS >= AddressID
the Person.Address table WHERE (SELECT (SELECT > (SELECT
stores the address details of AddressID IN AddressID AddressID AddressID
the employees. The (SELECT FROM FROM FROM
following statement was AddressID Person.Add Person.Ad Person.Add
executed to display the FROM ress dress ress
employee ids of the Person.Addres WHERE WHERE WHERE
employees who live in the s WHERE City City = City = City =
TM2081 city ' = 'Bothell') m 'Bothell') m 'Bothell') m 'Bothell') m 1
Which of the following 2,Check 3,Unique 4,Foreign
options could be used to 1,Primary key constraint constraints key
TM2082 enforce entity integrity? m m m m constraint m 1
The ____________ of
Transact-SQL is used to
TM2083 manipulate data. m 1,DDL m 2,DML m 3,DCL m 4,DDM m 2

Which of the following

clauses is used to rotate a
table-valued expression by
turning the unique values
from one column in the
into multiple columns in the 2,COMPUT 3,HAVING 4,COMPUT
TM2084 output.? m 1,PIVOT m Em m E BY m 1
Which of the following
keywords are used to
generate control-break
summary reports with 2,COMPUT 3,GROUP 4,HAVING
TM2085 detailed information? m 1,PIVOT m Em BY m m 2
Which of the following is a 3,BETWEE
TM2086 comparison operator? m 1,> m 2,% m Nm 4,NOT IN m 1

A join that uses an asterisk

(*) sign in the SELECT list
and displays redundant
column data in the result set 2,Equi Join 3,Natural 4,Self Join
TM2087 is termed as ________. m 1,Cross Join m m Join m m 2
_______ is a join between
two tables that joins each
row from one table with
each row of the other table. 1,INNER JOIN 2,OUTER 3,CROSS 4,EQUI
TM2088 m m JOIN m JOIN m JOIN m 3

As a database developer,
you are designing a table,
StudentDetails, to store the
data of students. You need
to ensure domain integrity
of values. Which type of
constraint should be 2,PRIMAR 3,FOREIG
TM2089 applied? m 1,UNIQUE m Y KEY m N KEY m 4,CHECK m 4

2,Select * 3,Select * 4,Select *

Which of the following query from from from
will return all columns from 1,Select * from publishers publishers publishers
the Publishers table, with publishers Where Where Where
the values in Where Publishers_ Publishers Publishers_
Publishers_Name column Publishers_Na Name LIKE _Name Name LIKE
TM2090 begin with letter ‘N’? m me='N' m 'N%' m LIKE 'N' m 'P[^N]%' m 2
2,SELECT row_numb
row_numbe er() 4,SELECT
r() (ORDER OVER(OR row_numbe
Sales.SalesOrderHeader row_number() TotalDue SalesOrder BY
table contains the details of OVER(ORDER desc)AS ID desc)AS SalesOrderI
all the orders. You need to BY TotalDue RANK , RANK , D desc)AS
display the report containing desc)AS SalesOrder SalesOrder RANK ,
the SalesOrderID and the RANK , ID, ID, SalesOrderI
TotalDue columns of the SalesOrderID, TotalDue TotalDue D, TotalDue
Sales.SalesOrderHeader TotalDue FROM FROM FROM
table. You also need to rank FROM Sales.Sales Sales.Sale Sales.Sales
the orders based on the Sales.SalesOr OrderHead sOrderHea OrderHead
TM2091 amount in the T derHeader m er m der m er m 1

Sam is a database 1, SELECT 4, SELECT

developer for SafeProducts TOP 20 TOP 20
Corporation. The database LastName, 2, SELECT 3,SELECT LastName,
table Employees contains FirstName, TOP 20 TOP 20 FirstName,
information regarding the Title, Salary LastName, LastName, Title, Salary
employees. The Manager from FirstName, FirstName, from
has asked you to create a Employees Title, Salary Title, Employees
report of the top 20 highest Group by from Salary from Group by
paid employees displayed LastName Employees Employees LastName
in the ascending order of Order by 3 Order by 3 Order by 4 Order by 4
TM2092 sala DESC m DESC m DESC m DESC m 3

Evaluate this statement:

Use northwind

SELECT productid,
SUM(unitprice) FROM
GROUP BY productid
HAVING productid > 5 1,SELECT 3,GROUP 4,There is
productid, BY no problem
Which clause will cause the SUM(unitprice) 2,FROM productid in the query
TM2093 statement to fail? m m products m m m 4
Consider the following

UPDATE Employee,
SET EmployeeName = 2, Two
'Sam Marelio', Email = tables
'' cannot be 4, WHERE
WHERE EmployeeId = 708 1,Two SET updated condidtion
statements using a 3, Email cannot be
While executing the should be used single should not used with
preceding statement, an to update update be given in the update
error is generated. Which of values in two statement quotes( ' ') statement
TM2094 the following is the rea tables m m m m 2

To distribute annual TOP 5
awards, the HR department 3,SELECT OrderAmou
need a list of the five 2,SELECT TOP 5 nt,
highest revenue TOP 5 OrderAmo SalesPerso
transactions, in reverse 1, SELECT OrderAmou unt, nID FROM
order, from the Orders table
TOP 5 nt, SalesPerso Orders
in the Sales database. The OrderAmount, SalesPerso nID FROM ORDER BY
Orders table is defined as SalesPersonID nID FROM Orders OrderAmou
follows: FROM Orders Orders GROUP nt GROUP
CREATE TABLE Orders OrderAmount OrderAmou SalesPerso SalesPerso
TM2095 ( OrderID Int IDENTITY (1, m nt desc m nID m nID m 2

Your database includes a

table that is defined as 3, SELECT
follows: SalesPerso 4, SELECT
1, SELECT nID, SalesPerso
CREATE TABLE Orders SalesPersonID 2, SELECT RegionID, nID,
(OrderID Int IDENTITY(1,1) , regionID, SalesPerso SUM(Order RegionID,
NOT NULL, RegionID Int SUM(OrderAm nID, Amount) OrderAmou
NOT NULL, SalesPersonID ount) FROM RegionID, FROM nt FROM
Int NOT NULL, OrderDate Orders SUM(Order Orders Orders
OrderAmount Int NOT SalespersonID FROM BY RegionID
NULL) ,RegionID Orders RegionID COMPUTE
The sales manager wants SUM(OrderAm SUM(Order SUM(Order Amount) BY
TM2096 to ount) m Amount) m Amount) m RegionID m 4
N and NOT
Which of the following are 1,=, > , <, <=, 2,AND, OR BETWEEN 4,IN and
TM2097 the logical operators? m >=, != and !> m and NOT m m NOT IN m 2

______ creates an index in 4,Composit

which each row will contain 1,NonClustere 2,Clustered e clustered
TM2098 a different index value. m dm m 3,Unique m m 3
Which of the following types 2,UNIQUE
of indexes allows to store 1,UNIQUE NON 4,NON
duplicated values in the CLUSTERED CLUSTER 3,UNIQUE CLUSTERE
TM2099 indexed column? m m ED m m Dm 4

Your database includes a 1, Use SQL

table named Customer. The Server 2, Use SQL 4, Use SQL
Customer table currently Management Server Server
has clustered index on the Studio to Manageme 3, Use the Profiler to
primary key customer_id. create nt Studio to Index capture
There is also a nonclusted nonclustered generate Tuning performanc
index on the item column. index on each stored Wizard to e statistics
You are experiencing poor column being procedures identify and of queries
response times when referenced by for the build any against the
querying the customer each SELECT customer missing customer
TM2100 table. statement m table m indexes m table m 3

The Member table has a

high volume of transactions
executed against it each
day. Users are complaining 3,Place an
that updates to the Member 2,Choose index on
table takes a long time 1,Add the truncate columns 4,Remove
compared to other tables. additional on that the indexes
Currently the Member table indexes to the checkpoint contain from the
has five indexes applied on fields being database image data fields being
TM2101 it excluding the ind updated m option m m updated m 4

index on
A shipping company has a 1,Create the 3,Create 4,Create
database application that nonclustered Shipment_I clustered nonclustere
maintains an inventory of index on the D column, index on d index on
items on each vessel. When Shipment_ID the the the
each vessel is unloaded at column, the Item_Numb Shipment_I Shipment_I
its destination, the inventory Item_Number er column D column D column,
is counted, and the column and and and the and the
Arrived_Quantity column is Arrived_Quanti Arrived_Qu Item_Num Item_Numb
updated in the database. ty column antity ber column er column
TM2102 There can be thousand m column m m m 3
The ExternalCandidate
table contains large amount
of data. The first name of
each candidate and the
name of the recruitment
agency are required to 2,To speed
create a report. However, it up data
takes a long time to execute retrieval, 3,To speed 4,To speed
the following query: use up data up data
SELECT retrieval, retrieval,
SELECT vFirstName, 1,To speed up with Delete data use
cName data retrieval, WHERE from a ORDER
TM2103 use indexes. m clause. m table. m BY. m 1

2, Create a 3, Create a
clustered non
The Employee table of an index on clustered
organisation contains a EmpID field index on
large amount of data. The of the EmpID 4, Create a
first name of each 1, Create a Employee field of the clustered
employee and their non clustered table and a Employee index on
designation are required to index on non table and EmpID field
create a report. However, it EmpID field of clustered clustered of the
takes a long time to execute the index on index on Department
the following query: Department EmpID field EmpID table and
table and the of the field of the the
SELECT firstname, Employee Department Departmen Employee
TM2104 designation FR table. m table. m t table. m table. m 4

You are the database me ON
developer for Lucerne dbo.Emplo
Publishing. You are yee [First 4,CREATE
designing a human Name] CLUSTERE
resources database that 1,CREATE CREATE D INDEX
contains tables as CLUSTERED 2, CREATE INDEX IX_Employe
Employee and Salary. On INDEX CLUSTER IX_Employ eEmployeeI
analyzing the past IX_EmployeeN ED INDEX eeLastNam D ON
transactions, you have ame ON IX_Employ e ON dbo.Employ
noticed that the Employee dbo.Employee eeSSN ON dbo.Emplo ee
table is often joined with the (LastName, dbo.Employ yee [Last (EmployeeI
TM2105 Salary t FirstName) m ee (SSN) m Name] m D) m 3
Consider the following

Statement A: Clustered
indexes should be built on
an attribute whose values
are unique and do not
change often.
Statement B: Data is 2,Statemen 4,Both,
physically sorted in a t A is True 3,Statemen Statement
clustered index. 1,Both, and t A is False A and
Statement A Statement and Statement
Which of the following and Statement B is False Statement B, are False
TM2106 option is true w B, are True m m B is True m m 1
Which index organizes data 1, 2,
logically but does not store NONCLUSTE CLUSTER 3, UNIQUE 4, MULTI
TM2107 data physically? m RED m ED m m COLUMN m 1

prcGetPos RE RE prcGetPos
@Pcd prcGetPos prcGetPos @Pcd
You are developing an char(4) @Pcd @Pcd char(4),@D
application for RedSky Inc., OUTPUT,@De char(4),@D char(4),@ escription
which is in the process of scription escription Description char(20)
expansion. The application char(20) OUTPUT char(20), OUTPUT,
should display the formatted OUTPUT, char(20), @RD int @RD int
report of the status of @RD int @RD int OUTPUT OUTPUT
positions available in the OUTPUT AS AS AS AS
company. You are required BEGIN BEGIN BEGIN BEGIN
to create a procedure ... ... ... ...
TM2108 named prcGetPos that w END m END m END m END m 4
2, SELECT 3,SELECT @Descriptio
vDescriptio Description n as
n=@Descri = vDescriptio
1,SELECT ption, vDescriptio n,
@Description n, @RD
= vDescription, iBudgetedS RD = as
You are developing an @RD = trength - iBudgeted iBudgetedSt
application for RedSky Inc., iBudgetedStre iCurrentStr Strength - rength -
which is in the process of ngth - ength=@R iCurrentStr iCurrentStre
expansion. The application iCurrentStrengt D ength ngth
should display the formatted h FROM FROM FROM
report of the status of FROM Position Position Position
positions available in the Position WHERE WHERE WHERE
company. You are required WHERE cPositionC cPositionC cPositionCo
to create a procedure cPositionCode ode = ode = Pcd de = @Pcd
TM2109 named prcGetPos that w = @Pcd m @Pcd m m m 1

Jim is creating an
application using SQL
database. The application
allows a user to create
customized output using
various tables. Jim wants to 4,Organizin
use views in his application. 1,Providing 3,Hiding g data from
Which of the following is relevant data 2,Changing data heterogene
NOT an advantage of using from different design of complexity. ous
TM2110 views? m tables. m the table. m m sources. m 2

Consider the following


Statement A: The data of a

view can be modified even
if the modification affects
more than one underlying
Statement B: The user of a 2,Statemen 3,Statemen 4,Both,
view cannot change a t A is True t A is False Statement
column that is the result of a 1,Both, and and A and
calculation. Statement A Statement Statement Statement
and Statement B is False. B is True. B, are
TM2111 Which o B, are True. m m m False. m 3
1,Is Therefore,
precompiled. 2,Requires it improves
Therefore, repeated the
imposes geenration performanc 4,Increases
serious of e at the network
Which of the following is security threats execution execution congestion.
TM2112 true for a procedure? m to the data. m plan. m time. m m 3

3,Create a
You are the database procedure
developer for a company that
that provides consulting requires a
services. The company EmpType
maintains data about its as a
employees in a table named parameter.
Employee. The syntax that Include the
was used to create the WITH
employee table is shown 1,Create a 2,Create a RECOMPI 4,Create
below: view, and view using LE option one stored
include the the WITH when the procedure
CREATE TABLE Employee WITH CHECK procedure for each
( ENCRYPTION OPTION is created. EmpType.
TM2113 Em clause. m clause. m m m 2

transaction 3,
While performing a transactioninto A into A 4,BEGIN
database operation, you INSERT INSERT BEGIN transaction
have decided to create a into A into B transaction INSERT
transaction that includes SAVE SAVE INSERT into A
three tasks: insert data in TRAN TRAN into B INSERT
table A, insrt data in table B, INSERT into B
and upadte data in table C. into B UPDATE C UPDATE C UPDATE
You need to ensure that UPDATE C C
either all the tasks are COMMIT COMMIT COMMIT COMMIT
TM2114 complete or none of them TRAN m TRAN m TRAN m TRAN m 1
VIEW vFirstName
vwEmpSkill , 4,SELECT
as SELECT vLastName VIEW
vFirstName , vwEmpSkill
, vQualificati orderby
vLastName on, vSkill Create
1,CREATE , FROM vFirstName,
VIEW vQualificati Employee. vLastName,
vwEmpSkill on on, vSkill PositionSki vQualificatio
vFirstName, FROM ll n, vSkill
vLastName, Employee ON FROM
vQualification, JOIN Employee Employee.P
vSkill PositionSkil JOIN ositionSkill
FROM l cCurrentP ON
Employee ON Osition = Employee.c
JOIN Employee.c PositionSki CurrentPOs
You are developing an PositionSkill CurrentPosi ll JOIN ition =
application which involves ON tion = cPositionC PositionSkill
three tables named Employee.cCu PositionSkil ode.Skill .cPositionC
Employee, PositionSkill, rrentPosition = l.cCurrentP ON ode.Skill
and Skill. Your application PositionSkill.c osition PositionSki ON
needs to implement a view PositionCode JOIN Skill ll JOIN PositionSkill
which may derive the data JOIN Skill ON ON cSkillCode JOIN
from the three tables. PositionSkill.c PositionSkil = Skill cSkillCode
The Employee table has SkillCode = l.vSkill = JOIN = Skill JOIN
columns named, Skill.cSkillCod Skill.vSkill cSkillCode cSkillCode
TM2115 vFirstName, vLastNa em m m m 2
RE Both RE
prcDisplay @city prcDisplayB
1,ALTER Both char(15) oth
PROCEDURE @city AS @city
prcDisplayBoth char(15) BEGIN char(15)
@city char(15) AS AS
You are a senior developer AS BEGIN CREATE BEGIN
with your organization and BEGIN EXEC prcListCont EXEC
developing an application CREATE prcListCont ractRecruit prcListContr
which requires the details of prcListContract ractRecruit er @city actRecruiter
the HR Consultancies and Recruiter er @city @city
the contract recruiters in a @city EXEC CREATE EXEC
city. The details should be CREATE prcPrintCon prcPrintCo prcPrintCon
generated in a single report. prcPrintConsul sultantList nsultantList sultantList
You have already tantList @city @city @city @city
TM2116 incorporated two END m END m END m END m 2

2,DECLAR E @retval
E @retval int 4,DECLAR
int, DECLARE E @retval
DECLARE @ytd int int,
@ytd int, EXEC DECLARE
1,DECLARE EXEC @retval = @ytd int,
@retval int, get_sales_f get_sales_f EXEC
You are the database DECLARE or_title 12, or_title get_sales_f
developer for a XYZ @ytd int, @ytd 12,@ytd or_title 12 ,
company. You create the EXEC OUTPUT, OUTPUT @ytd,
following stored procedure get_sales_for_ IF @retval IF @retval IF @retval
to report the year-to-date title 12 < 0, <0 < 0,
sales for a particular book ,@retval PRINT ‘No PRINT 'No PRINT ‘No
title: OUTPUT, sales sales sales
IF @retval < 0, found’, found' found’,
get_sales_for_title @title sales found’, PRINT PRINT PRINT
varchar(80), @ytd_sales int ELSE, ‘Year to 'Year to ‘Year to
OUTPUT PRINT ‘Year to date sales: date sales: date sales: ’
AS date sales: ’ + ’ + STR ' + STR + STR
BEGIN STR (@ytd), (@ytd), (@ytd) (@ytd),
TM2117 SELECT GO m GO m GO m GO m 3
Smith is working as a
database programmer in
Horizon Corporation. He
has been assigned a task to 2,sp_helpd 3,sp_helpt
create a query that will give b ext 4,sp_helpte
the output of the procedure 1,sp_helpdb prcDisplay prcDisplay xt
named prcDisplayEmployee prcDisplayEmp Employee Employee prcDisplayE
if the procedure exists. He loyee output exec mployee
has executed the following exec prcDisplay prcDisplay show
queries: prcDisplayEmp Employee Employee prcDisplayE
TM2118 sp_helptex loyee m m m mployee m 3

The following trigger was

created on the
e table to check for the
modified date value. When 2,Rollback 3, Commit
a record is inserted in the transaction transaction 4,Create an
HumanResources.Employe 1,Create a statement statement update
e table, value in the stored is not is not trigger
ModifiedDate column procedure included in included in instead of
should be the current date. instead of the IF the IF insert
TM2119 Otherwise the transac trigger. m block. m block. m trigger. m 2

2,The 3,The
Consider the following statement statement
query: will return will return 4,The
DECLARE @EmpID more than more than SELECT
SELECT @EmpID = 1,The SELECT one value one value, statement
EmployeeID FROM statement will and all of but only will return
HumanResources.Employe return only one them will be the last only one
e value that can stored in value will value that
PRINT @EmpID not be stored the be stored will be
What will be the output of in the variable. variables. in the stored in a
TM2120 above query? m m m variable. m variable. m 3

The OrderDetails table

stores the order details. The
OrderNo and the ProductID
columns uniquely identify 4,Clustered
each order. The users need index on
to frequently query for OrderNo
orders based on the 3,Non and Non
combination of OrderNo 2,Clustered Clustered clustered
and ProductID. Which type 1,Composite index on index on index on the
of index will you apply to index on both both the both the ProductID.
TM2121 imp columns m columns. m columns. m m 1
2, stored 4,
A trigger is a 1,Set of T-SQL procedure 3, function transaction
TM2122 _____________. m statements m m m m 1
When a trigger is fired in
response to the INSERT
statement, how many magic
TM2123 tables are created? m 1,One m 2,Two m 3,Three m 4,Four m 2

If you have created multiple

triggers on a database
objects, which of the
following database objects
help in specifying the 4,syscomm
sequence of execution of a 1,sp_settrigger 2,sp_helpte 3,sysobject ents tables
TM2124 trigger? m order m xt m s tables m m 1
Which magic table is used
to store the updated rows, 2,Syscomm
whenever an update trigger 1,Deleted table ents table 3,Sysobjec 4,Inserted
TM2125 is fired? m m m ts table m table m 4

security of
data and 4, business
Triggers can be used to 2, the the rules and
ensure and enforce 1, the security business business data
TM2126 _________________. m of data. m rules. m rules. m integrity. m 4

1, Can be 2, Prevents
explicitly incorrect,
invoked or unauthorize
executed, as in d, and 3, Can
Which of the following the case of the inconsistent return data 4, Cannot
statements is true for a stored changes in to the user. be nested.
TM2127 trigger? m procedures. m data. m m m 2

The Employee table

contains the details of all
the employees. When a
new employee joins the
organization, his details are
stored in the Employee 2,Create 4,Create
table. Once the details of AFTER 3,Create INSERT
the new employee are 1,Create trigger on INSERT trigger on
updated in the Employee AFTER trigger the trigger on the
table, the on the EmployeeP the EmployeeP
EmployeePayHistory table Employee ayHistory Employee ayHistory
TM2128 sh table. m table. m table. m table. m 1
Anna is working on a
database. She plans to
delete the INSERT trigger
attached to the Product
table. But, before deleting
the trigger, she wants to
recheck whether a trigger
exists with that name.
Which of the following
system procedure can help 2,sp_depen 3,sp_helpt 4,sp_settrig
TM2129 Anna? m 1,sp_help m ds m ext m gerorder m 1

Consider the following


Statement A: Triggers fired

in response to the DML
statements, refer to two
magic tables, Inserted and
Deleted.. 2,Statemen 3,Statemen 4,Both,
t A is True t A is False Statement
Statement B: The magic 1,Both, and and A and
tables are physical tables Statement A Statement Statement Statement
with structure different from and Statement B is False. B is True. B, are
TM2130 the table on which th B, are True. m m m False. m 2

3, Create 4,Create
2,Create Trigger Trigger
Trigger trgDeletete trgDeletete
You are developing an 1,Create trgAltertem mp_emp mp_emp
application to manage the Trigger p_emp ON ON ON
records of the Employees trgDeletetemp Employees Employees Employees
table, which has a column _emp ON AFTER AFTER AFTER
named temp_emp. When Employees DROP Alter DELETE
the data in this column is no AFTER AS AS AS
longer required, then the UPDATE Print { You Print 'You Print ‘You
data is remove it and a AS have have have
message is displayed as Print ‘You have removed it removed it removed it
'You have removed it removed it successfull successfull successfully
TM2131 successfu successfully’ m y} m y' m ’m 1

You are developing an

application for Sigma Soft to
manage the employee 2,Delete all
records. The Human the records
Resource department from all the
demands that if an dependent
employee leaves the tables
organization, all the 1,Create a individually 3,Create a 4,Create a
concerned records should trigger using using trigger trigger
be deleted from the the cascade delete using the using the
database. What should be delete method. command. nullify restrict
TM2132 done to accom m m method. m method. m 1
2,A trigger
named 3,A trigger
trgDeletePr named
oject is trgDeletePr
created on oject is
1,A trigger the created on
Consider the following named ProjectMan the Project
statement: trgDeleteProje ager table table and
CREATE TRIGGER ct is created on and all the all the
trgDeleteProject the Project correspondi correspond
ON Project table and all ng records ing records
FOR DELETE the in the in the
AS corresponding ProjectMan Project
DELETE records in the ager table table are
ProjectManager ProjectManage are deleted deleted
FROM ProjectManager t r table are whenever a whenever
JOIN Deleted d deleted row is a row is
ON t.Project_ID = whenever a deleted deleted
d.Project_ID row is deleted from the from the
from the ProjectMan ProjectMan 4,The query
What will be the output of Projects table. ager table. ager table. will result in
TM2133 this query? m m m m an error. m 1

In a data operation, you

need to update data in table
A. Before this, you need to
refer to table B to verify the
relativeness of data. If
corresponding data if not
found, the data shold not be
update in table A. 2,Create an 3,Create 4,Create an
1,Create an insert an insert update
How will you implement update trigger trigger on trigger on trigger on
TM2134 this? m on table A. m table A. m table B. m table B. m 1
4,Create an
3,Create trigger that
an will insert
You are a database 2, Create DELETE rows in the
developer in Inpro, Inc. You 1, Create an an DDL trigger that Audit table
have created a procedure in INSERT trigger trigger that will insert whenever
which you are creating a a that will insert will insert rows in the the table is
table to store some values rows in the rows in the Audit table created and
that need to be processed Audit table Audit table whenever a DELETE
during the execution of the whenever the whenever the table is trigger
procedure. Before the end table is created the table is created whenever
of execution of that and dropped. created and and the table is
TM2135 procedure, the table is m dropped. m dropped. m dropped. m 2

Consider the following


Statement A: The
Shared(S) Lock mode is
used for the operations that
change or update the data.

Statement B: The 2,Statemen 3,Statemen 4,Both,

Exclusive(X) Lock mode t A is True t A is False Statement
ensures that multiple 1,Both, and and A and
updates can not be made to Statement A Statement Statement Statement
the same resources at the and Statement B is False. B is True. B, are
TM2136 sam B, are True. m m m False. m 3

A user User 1, uses an

application to get data from
a table, modifies the values,
and updates the values
back into the table. During
this operation, another user
updates some values in the
Which type of problem has 1,Phantom 2,Lost 3,Dirty nt analysis
TM2137 occurred? m read m update m read m m 2
You are developing an
application in which a
transaction acquires a
Shared(s) lock on the
resource, and any attempt
of the transaction to modify
the row, implements the
lock conversion to an
Exclusive(X) mode. During
the conversion of lock from 1,Update locks 2,Intent 3,Exclusive 4,Schema
TM2138 the shared m Locks m Locks m locks m 1

Consider the following


Statement A: By default,
SQL Server scans for the
sessions that are waiting for
a lock request in order to
detect the deadlock
situation. 2,Statemen 3,Statemen 4,Both,
t A is True t A is False Statement
Statement B: SQL Server 1,Both, and and A and
provides the SET Statement A Statement Statement Statement
DEADLOCK_PRIORITY and Statement B is False. B is True. B, are
TM2139 command to custom B, are True m m m False. m 1

____________ can be used

to transfer structured data
between heterogeneous
TM2140 systems. m 1,XML m 2,CLR m 3,URL m 4,MSIL m 1

A cross-platform, hardware
and software independent
markup language that
enables you to store data in
a structured format by using
meaningful tags that can be
interpreted by any computer
system 3,DHTML 4,JavaScrip
TM2141 is________________. m 1,XML m 2,HTML m m tm 1

You need to create a

reusable component that
exposes only functionality
that can be used in various 2,Windows 3,Console 4,Web
projects. Which template 1,Class Library Control Application Control
TM2142 will you use? m m Library m m Library m 1
______________ helps you
to create logical groups of
related classes and
interfaces that can be used 4,Portable
by language on .NET 2,Class 3,Namespa executable
TM2143 framework. m 1,Assembly m Libraries m ces m m 3

Consider the following

Statement A: The default
value of the SelectionMode
property of the ListBox
control is One.
Statement B: The 2,Statemen 3,Both, 4,Both,
SelectedItem property of t A is False Statement Statement
the ListBox control is not 1,Statement A and A and A and
available at design time. is True and Statement Statement Statement
Statement B is B is True. B, are B, are True.
TM2144 Which of the following is Tr False. m m False. m m 4

Consider the following

Statement A: A namespace
is a naming scheme that
helps in avoiding name
Statement B: You can use 2,Both, 3,Statemen
two classes with the same Statement t A is True 4,Statement
name in an application 1,Both, A and and A is False
provided they belong to Statement A Statement Statement and
same namespace. and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2145 Which of the follo B, are False. m m m B is True. m 3

Template is
used to
create a
class or a
reusable 4,The Class
1,The Class component 3,The Library
Library that Class Template is
Template is exposes Library used to
used to create some Template create an
a custom functionality is used to application
control that that can be create a that does
Which of the following is a can be added used in console not have a
usage of the Class Library to the user various application. user
TM2146 Template? m interface. m projects. m m interface. m 2
Consider the following
Statement A: WindowState
property of the form is used
to specify the position of the
form on the screen as 2,Both, 3,Statemen
Manual, CenterScreen or Statement t A is True 4,Statement
CenterParent. 1,Both, A and and A is False
Statement B: StartPosition Statement A Statement Statement and
property of the form is used and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2147 to specify wheth B, are False. m m m B is True. m 1

Consider the following

Statement A: The Show()
method of the form is used
to display a form.
Statement B: The Activate() 2,Both, 3,Statemen
method of the form is used Statement t A is True 4,Statement
to activate a form and set 1,Both, A and and A is False
the focus on it. Statement A Statement Statement and
Which of the following is and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2148 True, with respect to B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2

Consider the following

Statement A: When the Pull
model is used to access
data from the data source,
the database driver directly 2,Both, 3,Statemen
retrieves the data from the Statement t A is True 4,Statement
data source. 1,Both, A and and A is False
Statement B: In the case of Statement A Statement Statement and
the Pull model, crystal and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2149 report creates and B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2

Consider the following

Statement A: The Report
Header section of Report
Designer contains the
Report title and appears at 2,Both, 3,Statemen
the beginning of the report. Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Statement B: The Page 1,Both, A and and A is False
Header section of Report Statement A Statement Statement and
Designer contains the and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2150 components that are d B, are False. m m m B is True. m 3
click 4,Right-click
2,Right- Formula Formula
click Field Fields Fields
Explorer option in option in
1,Right-click option in Field Field
Formula Fields Formula Explorer Explorer
You have created a blank option in Field Fields window window and
report. Now, you need to Explorer window and and select select the
add a formula field to the window and select the the Add NewFormul
report. Which of the select the New New option option from aField
following steps would you option from the from the the option from
perform to add a formulae? shortcut menu. shortcut shortcut the shortcut
TM2151 m m menu. m menu. m menu. m 1

Consider the following

Statement A: To display a
crystal report in the
control, the report needs to
be bound to the
CrystalReportViewer 2,Both, 3,Statemen
control. Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Statement B: The 1,Both, A and and A is False
ReportSource property of Statement A Statement Statement and
the CrystalReportViewer and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2152 control c B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2

Consider the following

Statement A: Crystal
Reports support two
models, pull and push, to
access data from a data
Statement B: In the push 2,Both, 3,Statemen
model, the database driver Statement t A is True 4,Statement
directly retrieves the data 1,Both, A and and A is False
from the data source. Statement A Statement Statement and
and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2153 Which of the f B, are False. m m m B is True. m 3

While globalizing your

application, you are facing
problems in dealing with
dates and currency. Which
of the following categories 1,User- 4,String-
does your problem fall into? interface 2,Language 3,Formattin related
TM2154 m issues m issues m g issues m issues m 3
You are creating a Windows
application and need to
associate help system with
your application. Which of
the following control you will 1,HelpNavigat 2,HelpProvi 3,HelpStrin 4,HelpKeyw
TM2155 use for this purpose? m or m der m gm ord m 2

Consider the following

Statement A: A tool tip is a
brief help message for
individual controls on a form
and can be displayed with 2,Both, 3,Statemen
help of a ToolTip control. Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Statement B: The Active 1,Both, A and and A is False
property is used to set the Statement A Statement Statement and
current status of the ToolTip and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2156 c B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2

You are creating an 2,System.T

application for German hreading.T 3,System.T
audience. You want the 1,System.Thre hread.Curr hreading.C 4,System.T
application to be ading.Thread. entThread. urrentThre hreading.Cu
customized as per German CurrentThread. CurrentUIC ad.Current rrentThread
culture. Which of the CurrentCulture ulture = UICulture = .CurrentCult
following syntax can be = new New new ure = New
used to set the current System.Globali System.Glo System.Gl System.Glo
culture to German zation.CultureI balization.C obalization. balization.C
Language -Germany nfo (“de-DE”); ultureInfo CultureInfo ultureInfo
TM2157 region? m m (“DE-de”) m (“DE”); m (“DE”); m 1

Consider the following

Statement A: All resources
are kept in resource-only
assembly so that you can
update the assembly
without recompiling your 2,Both, 3,Statemen
application. Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Statement B: Satellite 1,Both, A and and A is False
assemblies include Statement A Statement Statement and
separate resources for and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2158 different culture B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2
The following code snippet
is used to display an error
icon and an error message 4,The
next to a text box control on 3,The ToolTip
the Windows Form. What is SetError property of
the error in the following 2,The method the
code? 1,The number of must be ErrorProvid
private void errorProvider parameters provided er control
button1_Click(object control needs passed to with some must be set
sender, EventArgs e) to be SetError text in the to display
{ instantiated are parenthesi the error
TM2159 if (textBox1.Text =="" before use. m incorrect. m s. m message. m 2

Consider that you want to 2,TextBox txtbox =
dynamically load a textbox, txtbox = new 4,TextBox
txtbox, in the form. Which of 1,TextBox Txt1 new TextBox(); txtbox =
the following code you will = new TextBox(); new
write in the Form1_Load TextBox(); Form1.Cont this.Control TextBox();
event handler of the this.Controls(T rols.Add(Te s.Add(txtbo Form1.Add(
TM2160 Windows Form? m xt1); m xtBox); m x); m txtbox); m 3

3,1. Create
2,1. Create a project
1,1. Create a an Index. file. 4,1. Create
project file. 2. Create 2. Create HTML Topic
2. Create an HTML HTML Pages.
Index. Topic Topic 2. Create
3. Create Pages. Pages. an Index.
HTML Topic 3. Create a 3. Create 3. Create a
Pages. Table of an Index. Table of
4. Create a Contents. 4. Create a Contents.
Table of 4. Create a Table of 4. Create a
You want to build help Contents. project file. Contents. project file.
system for your project. 5. Compile the 5. Compile 5. Compile 5. Compile
What steps will you follow to Help Project. the Help the Help the Help
TM2161 create the help system? m m Project. m Project. m Project. m 3
3,1. Open
Properties 4,1. Open
2,1. Open window for the
the the control. Properties
Properties 2.Set the window for
1,1. Open the window for ShowHelp the form.
Properties the form. on 2.Set the
window for the 2.Set the helpProvid ShowHelp
form. ShowHelp er1 on
2.Set the on property to helpProvide
ShowHelp on helpProvide True. r1 property
helpProvider1 r1 property 3.Type a of the form
property to to False. search to True.
True. 3.Type a keyword 3.Type a
3.Type a search for the search
search keyword for HelpKeywo keyword for
keyword for the rd on the
the HelpKeywo helpProvid HelpKeywor
HelpKeyword rd on er1 d on
You need to add context- on helpProvide property. helpProvide
sensitive help to one of the helpProvider1 r1 property. 4.Select an r1 property.
control. You want that property. 4.Select an appropriate 4.Select an
whenever the user clicks on 4.Select an appropriate value for appropriate
the control he should be appropriate value for the value for
able to view the help topic value for the the HelpNavig the
related to that control. HelpNavigator HelpNaviga ator on HelpNavigat
Identift the steps, which are on tor on helpProvid or on
required to accomplish this? helpProvider1 helpProvide er1 helpProvide
TM2162 m property. m r1 property. property r1 3

John has created an

application and now he
wants to convert the
existing format to Unicode
format. Which of the
following namespace
should be used by him to 1,System.Glob 2,System.T 3,System.T 4,System.R
TM2163 convert the format? m alization m hreading m ext m esources m 3

David is creating an
application in which scripts
are read from right-to-left.
So he has setth
RightToLeft property to Yes.
Now he has textbox control
in the form with the text
written as ‘Hello123’. How
will the text be displayed in 2,olleH123 3,321olleH 4,olleH321
TM2164 the textbox? m 1,Hello123 m m m m 1
You need to display the tool 2,ToolTip tooltip1 =
tip “Hello there” when a tooltip1 = new
user points to a button new ToolTip();
named Button1 on a form. ToolTip(); tooltip1.Set
Which of the following code tooltip1.Set 3,button1.S ToolTip( “H
snippets will you use to set 1,button1.toolti ToolTip(but etToolTipT ello
the tool tip text of the ptext = “Hello ton1, “Hello ext(“Hello there”,butto
TM2165 Button1 button? m there”; m there”); m there”); m n1); m 2

3,1. Drag a
2,1. Drag a er control 4,1. Drag a
HelpProvid on to the HelpProvide
er control form and r control on
on to the specify the to the form
form and name of and specify
specify the the the name of
1,1. Drag a name of the HelpProvid the
HelpProvider HelpProvid er control HelpProvide
control on to er control as r control as
the form and as HelpProvid HelpProvide
specify the HelpProvid er1. r1.
name of the er1. 2. Set the 2. Set the
HelpProvider 2. Set the HelpName HelpNames
control as HelpFile space pace
HelpProvider1. property to property to property to
You has developed a help 2. Set the the help file the help file the help file
file for the Customer Data HelpNamespa to be to be to be
Entry form in your ce property to associated associated associated
application. When a user the help file to with the with the with the
presses the F1 key while be associated HelpProvid HelpProvid HelpProvide
the input focus is on the with the er control. er control. r control.
Add button, you need to HelpProvider 3. Set the 3. Set the 3. Set the
provide help for the Add control. ‘HelpKeywo ‘HelpKeyw ‘ShowHelp
button. What do you need 3. Set the rd on ord on on
to do to perform the task ‘ShowHelp on HelpProvid HelpProvid HelpProvide
TM2166 mentione HelpProvider1’ er1’ p e r1’ 1
3,1. Drag a
2,1. Drag a HelpProvid
HelpProvid er control
er control on to the 4,1. Drag a
on to the form and HelpProvide
form and specify the r control on
specify the name of to the form
name of the the control and specify
1,1. Drag a control as as the name of
HelpProvider HelpProvid HelpProvid the control
control on to er1. er1. as
the form and 2. Set the 2. Set the" HelpProvide
specify the "MinimizeB ShowHelp r1.
name of the ox" and on 2. Set the
control as "MaximizeB HelpProvid "MinimizeB
HelpProvider1. ox" er1" ox" and
2. Set the properties property of "MaximizeB
"HelpNamespa of the the ox"
ce" property of Student Retrieve properties
the Data Entry button to of the
HelpProvider form to True. Student
You need to display pop-up control to True. 3. Set the Data Entry
help displaying the text Retrieve 3. Set the " "HelpButto form to
“Retrieve Student Data” on Student Data. HelpButton n" property False .
the Retrieve button on the 3. Set the " of the 3. Set the
Student Data Entry form. "ShowHelp on properties Retrieve "HelpButton
Which of the following steps HelpProvider1" of the button to " property of
will you follow to accomplish property of the Student True. the form to
TM2167 the task? m Retrie Data 4. Se True. 4
2,1. Drag
the ToolTip
control on
to the form 3,1. Drag
and specify the ToolTip
its name as control on
ToolTip1. to the form 4,1. Drag
2. Set the and specify the ToolTip
SetToolTip its name as control to
1,1. Drag the property of ToolTip1. the form
ToolTip control the Add 2. Set the and specify
on to the form button to ToolTip on its name as
You have created a form for and specify its Add invoice ToolTip1 ToolTip1.
accepting invoice details. name as details to property of 2. Set the
When a user points to the ToolTip1. database. the Add ToolTipTitle
Add button on the form, a 2. Set the 3. Set the button property of
tool tip displaying the text ToolTipText ShowHelp control to the ToolTip
“Add invoice details to the property of the on ToolTip1 Add control to
database” should be ToolTip control property of invoice Add invoice
displayed. What do you to Add invoice the Add details to details to
need to do to perform the details to the button to database. database.
TM2168 task mentioned above? database. m True. m m m 3
Which project template 4,Crystal
should be chosen from the 2,Console 3,Windows Reports
VC# Projects list to create 1,Class Library Application Application Application
TM2169 a .dll file? m m m m m 1

2,Applicatio 3,Applicati 4,C:\Applica

Identify the location of the 1,C:\Program nfolder\bin\ onfolder\D tionfolder\D
TM2170 components in Visual C#. m Files m Debug m ebug\bin m ebug\bin m 2

Consider the following

Statement A: The
UserControl class can be
used to combine the
functionality of different
controls into one reusable 2,Both, 3,Statemen
unit. Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Statement B: The 1,Both, A and and A is False
UserControl class presents Statement A Statement Statement and
multiple interfaces, which and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2171 contain members inherited B, are False. m m m B is True. m 3
3,Create a
control and
inherit it
from a
1,Create an button
interface and control and
add a button a textbox
and a textbox 2,Customiz control. 4,Implemen
You want to create a new to the e the Write code t the control
control. This control should interface. Write properties in the code class and
be reusable and the code in the of a button window to add a
interface should include a code window control to add button and
button and a textbox. What to add add a functionalit a textbox
mechanism will you use to functionality to textbox y to the object to it.
TM2172 create the control? m the control. m control. m control. m m 1

3,1. Right- 4,1. Right-

click click
2,1. Right- Toolbox Toolbox
click and select and select
Toolbox Choose Choose
and select Items. Items.
1,1. Right-click Choose 2. Select 2.Click the
Toolbox and Items. the .Net Browse
select Show 2. Select Framework button to
All. the COM Componen locate and
2. Click the Component ts tab, in select the
Browse button s tab, in the the Choose DLL of the
to locate and Choose Toolbox user
select the DLL Items Items control.
of the user dialog box. dialog box. 3. Select
control. 3. Click the 3. Click the the .Net
You have created a user 3. Click the OK Show Browse Framework
control named button. button to button to Component
UserControl1. This control 4. Select locate and locate and s tab, in the
needs to be used in a the .Net select the select the Choose
Windows application. Which Framework DLL of the DLL of the Toolbox
of the following step Components user user Items dialog
sequence will you perform tab, in the control. control. box.
to make the user control Choose 4. Click the 4. Click the 4. Click the
available in the Toolbox of Toolbox Items Open OK button. OK button.
TM2173 the Windows application? m dialog box. m button. m m m 3
Which of the following class
cannot be instantiated 1,FontDialog 2,FileDialog 3,ColorDial 4,PrintDialo
TM2174 directly? m class m class m og Class m g class m 2
Which template is NOT
available in Choose an
Expert section in Crystal
Reports Gallery dialog box? 2,Cross- 3,Mail
TM2175 m 1,Standard m Tab m Label m 4,Chart m 4

In which of the following, 3,Both,

the data from the data Push nd 4,Caching
source is cached in a Pull data in the
dataset and multiple Crystal modes, dataset is
Reports accesses the data 2,Push support not possible
TM2176 from the dataset. m 1,Pull Model m Model m this m m 2
Which field of the Field
Explorer is used to insert 2,Group
page number field in a 1,Formula Name 3,Special 4,Database
TM2177 blank Crystal Report? m Fields m Fields m Fields m Fields m 3
Which registry key stores
information, such as file
extensions and their 2,HKEY_C 4,HKEY_LO
association with executable 1,HKEY_CLAS URRENT_ 3,HKEY_U CAL_MACH
TM2178 files? m SES_ROOT m USER m SERS m INE m 1

Which of the following

Visual Studio .NET
deployment project editors
help you to add project
outputs and additional files 2,User 3,File 4,File Types
TM2179 to a deployment project? m 1,Registry m Interface m System m m 3

Consider the following

Statement A: You can add
custom actions to a
deployment project using
the Custom Actions Editor. 2,Both, 3,Statemen
The custom actions that you Statement t A is True 4,Statement
perform must be compiled 1,Both, A and and A is False
into a .dll or an .exe file and Statement A Statement Statement and
added to the deployment and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2180 project by us B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2
Consider the following
Statement A: An assembly
contains metadata about
the components.
Statement B: An assembly 2,Both, 3,Statemen
is made up of one file only. Statement t A is True 4,Statement
1,Both, A and and A is False
Which of the following is Statement A Statement Statement and
True, with respect to the and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2181 above Statements? m B, are False. m m m B is True. m 3

Consider the following

Statement A: When you
build a merge module
project, Visual Studio .NET
generates a file with the
.msi extension. 2,Both, 3,Statemen
Statement B: The Setup Statement t A is True 4,Statement
project allows you to 1,Both, A and and A is False
package all application files Statement A Statement Statement and
and create a Windows and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2182 Installe B, are False. m m m B is True. m 1

Consider the following

Statement A: Application
Configuration files provide a
way of overriding the
metadata in assemblies
without having to rebuild the 2,Both, 3,Statemen
application. Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Statement B: The location 1,Both, A and and A is False
of Machine configuration file Statement A Statement Statement and
is: and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2183 %SystemRoot%\M B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2

Consider the following

Statement A: Configuration
files can have various file
formats, such as XML and
Statement B: Configuration
files are used to change the 2,Both, 3,Statemen
application settings without Statement t A is True 4,Statement
recompiling the 1,Both, A and and A is False
applications. Statement A Statement Statement and
and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2184 Which of the f B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2
You are creating an
assembly and for this you
need to first create a strong
name key pair. Which of the 3,sn –k 4,sn –i
following syntax will you 1,sn myKey.snk myKey.snk
TM2185 follow? m myKey.snk m 2,sn –k m m m 3

3,<configur 4,<configur
ation> ation>

2,<configur <appSettin <appSetting

ation> gs> s>
1,<configuratio <appSettin key="Appli <key="Appli
n> gs> cation cation
<add Name" Name"
<appSettings> key="myAp value="my value="myA
Which of the following code <add p"/> App"/> pp">
will be used to make an key="myApp">
application setting in a </appSettin </appSettin </appSettin
configuration file using the </appSettings> gs> gs> gs>
predefined <appSettings> </configuration </configurat </configura </configurat
TM2186 section? m >m ion> m tion> m ion> m 3

2,Select the the This is
1,Select the This is a a partial
You do not want an This is a full partial trust trust
application to be a full trust trust application application 4,Select the
application for Web application in in the in the Updates
deployment. However, for the security tab Security tab Publish tab button in
deploying the application on and deleted and click and click the Publish
web, it must have certain the the the tab and
permissions. What could be permissions, Calculate Calculate specify the
done to specify the required which are not Permission Permission permissions
TM2187 permissions? m required. m s button. m s button. m .m 2
2,1.Select 3,1.Select Action-
Action- Action- >Add
>Add >Add Dialog.
Dialog. Dialog. 2.Select
2.Select 2.Press the License
License F4 key to Agreement
1,1.Select Agreement switch to in the Add
Action->Add in the Add the Dialog
Dialog. Dialog Properties dialog box
2.Select dialog box window. and click
License and click 3.Select the OK
Agreement in the OK the button.
the Add Dialog button. LicenseFile 3.Press the
dialog box and 3.Press the property. F4 key to
click the OK F4 key to Click the switch to
button. switch to drop-down the
3.Press the F4 the list and Properties
You have created a key to switch Properties select window.
Windows application. While to the window. Browse. 4.Select the
creating the deployment Properties 4.Click the 4.Click the LicenseFile
project, you need to add a window. Add File Add File property.
licence agreement to the 4.Select the button. This button. Click the
project. Which of the File property. opens the This opens drop-down
following tasks need to be Click the drop- Add Files the Add list and
performed to ensure that down list and dialog box. Files dialog select
the license dialog box will select Browse. Select the box. Select Browse.
TM2188 be displayed while installing 5.Click the file to the file to b 5.Cl 4

You are creating an

application in which you are
adding tool tip. You want
that when you move mouse
pointer from one tool tip
region to another, the tool
tip should take one second
to appear. Which of the
following value will you set
TM2189 for AutomaticDelay pr 1,5000 m 2,1000 m 3,1 m 4,5 m 1
A programmer in NewEra
company is developing a
world-ready application. He
is trying to translate a text
written in one language to
another language. When he
changes the text, the
interface created by him 1,String- 2,User-
gets affected. After the related issues Interface 3,Languag 4,Formattin
TM2190 changes have been done it m issues m e issues m g issues m 2

System.Glo 4,using
1,using balization; System.Glo
System.Globali using balization
zation; System.Thr using
using eading; System.Thr
System.Thread … eading
ing; CultureInfo …
… myCulture 3,using CultureInfo
CultureInfo = new System.Gl myCulture =
myCulture = CultureInfo obalization; new
new (“fr-FR”); … CultureInfo
CultureInfo (“fr- myCulture. CultureInfo (“fr-FR”)
Mary is updating an FR”); NumberFor myCulture myCulture.
application for PressInfo myCulture.Nu mat.TextInf = new NumberFor
company. The client wants mberFormat.C o = “$”; CultureInfo mat = “$”
that the application should urrencySymbol Thread.Cur (“fr-FR”); Thread.Curr
be France specific, and the = “$”; rentThread. myCulture. entThread.
currency used should be Thread.Current CurrentCult NumberFor CurrentCult
U.S. dollars. Which of the Thread.Current ure = mat.Curren ure =
following syntax should she Culture = myCulture; cySymbol myCulture
TM2191 follow to achieve this? m myCulture; m m = “$”; m m 1
If the name of an
application is myapp.exe,
what will be the name of the
corresponding configuration 1,myapp.exe.c 2, 3,myapp.c 4,
TM2192 file? m onfig m nfig.msi m onfig m mm 1
Which of the following files
is NOT the correct type of
security policy level for a
.NET Windows application ? 1,Enterprise 2,Machine 3,User 4,Server
TM2193 m policy m policy m policy m policy m 4

Which version number of

the assembly gets changed 1,Major 2,Minor
while adding a new class or version version 3,Build 4,Revision
TM2194 a new project? m number m number m number m number m 1
Consider the following
Statement A: When an
application is installed, you
can add registry keys and
values to the registry of the 2,Both, 3,Statemen
target computer using the Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Registry Editor. 1,Both, A and and A is False
Statement B: The File Statement A Statement Statement and
Types editor allows you to and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2195 specify file types B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2

Consider the following

Statement A:. The User
Interface editor contains a
list of dialog boxes and this
list is divided into two 2,Both, 3,Statemen
sections, Install and Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Administrative Install. 1,Both, A and and A is False
Statement B:. You can add Statement A Statement Statement and
new dialog boxes to a and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2196 deployment project B, are False. m m m B is True. m 3

Consider the following

Statement A:. Errors in
custom actions can cause
an installer to fail.
Statement B:. You can
change the sequence of
execution of custom actions 2,Both, 3,Statemen
by selecting the Move Up or Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Move Down options from 1,Both, A and and A is False
the Action menu. Statement A Statement Statement and
and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2197 Whi B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2

Using CAS you can specify

the set of operations your
code should be allowed to
perform, as well as, the
operations your code
should never be allowed to
perform. You can specify
the trust levels for your
code. In which of the
following trust level, 2,Medium 3,No trust 4,Full Trust
TM2198 Program 1,Low Trust m Trust m m m 2
2,1) In the 3, 1) In the
Registry Registry
editor editor 4,1) In the
select the select the Registry
Registry on Registry on editor select
Target Target the File on
Machine Machine Target
1,1) In the node. node. Machine
Registry editor 2) Select 2) Select node.
select the File Action - Action - 2) Select
on Target Get. Import. Action -
You are creating a Machine node. 3) Select 3) Select Get.
deployment package for a 2) Select the .reg file the .reg file 3) Select
trial version of an Action - Import. that you that you the .reg file
application. This application 3) Select the want to want to that you
would be using the registry .reg file that include include want to
keys of an existing registry you want to from the from the include from
file. Which of the following include from Import Import the Import
options is the correct set of the Import Registry Registry Registry
actions to add the existing Registry File File dialog File dialog File dialog
TM2199 registry file. m dialog box. m box. m box. m box. m 3

Consider the following

Statement A: The
registry key stores
information specific to the
current user, such as the
screen color and the 2,Both, 3,Statemen
settings specified using Statement t A is True 4,Statement
Control Panel. 1,Both, A and and A is False
Statement B: The Statement A Statement Statement and
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and Statement B, are True. B is False. Statement
TM2200 registry key B, are False. m m m B is True. m 2

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