Yun 2019

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SUBJECT: Request for Sponsorship of our First Model Youth United Nations from April
13-14, 2019.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We feel deeply delighted and privileged to acquaint all concerned that Jaipur National
University, as a part of its aim of providing holistic academic and co-curricular education, is now
gearing up to organizing the Second Edition of the Model Youth United Nations Conference at
its Seedling School of Law and Governance.

A Model Youth United Nations Conference is a re-creation of the United Nations proceedings,
with students role playing as representatives of different countries in UN bodies like the General
Assembly, Human Rights Council etc. The purpose of a YUN is for students to achieve a greater
understanding not only of the UN, but also of global issues, through an interactive and gratifying
educational experience. It is an attempt to engage students with global challenges, and encourage
them to think creatively with an international outlook to problem-solving, that attracts many of
the brightest minds in the country.

Our YUN structure includes a Secretary- General and Under-Secretaries General, with
committees handling Finance, Fundraising, Logistics and Communications. We plan to simulate
2 main bodies in the YUN: the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council and an Indian
Committee i.e. Lok Sabha. There will also be a subsidiary body, the Press Corps. This will act as
international media covering the discussions and debates of the conference and publishing their
reports in a daily Newsletter. A tentative Programme is attached herewith.

As the Seedling School of Law and Governance is now planning to oganize the Second Edition
of the Model Youth United Nation Conference, it gives us immense pleasure to cordially invite
your reputed institution to sponsor this event by liberally contributing to this worthy cause.

A word about the Jaipur National University, Jaipur and the Seedling School of Law and

Jaipur National University, established by Government of Rajsathan, India in 2007, in 2008 and
expect panel of UGC members accorded approval to our programmes under 2(f) of the UGC Act,
1956 aims to meet the country’s increasing demands for knowledge and learning for life skills
with a difference. Knowledge savvy studies, semester system, on-going evaluation, advisory
system, functional research, integrated dual and joint degree programs are among its salient
features. The National Assesment and Accrediation council (NAAC) has accredited to the Jaipur
National University, Jaipur,based on a very comprehensive evaluation and accredation
undertaken by the NAAC. The university has demonstrated high standards of teaching and
research. Highly qualified and experienced faculty adorns its classrooms. Moreover the
university was ranked amongst Top 30 Best Universities in India by India Today 2015.
Lectures by eminent scholars are arranged on a regular basis for the benefit of both students and
teachers. Collaboration with both national and international universities and Institution is also its
hallmark. The university is financed by a private body dedicated to education the Mahima
Shiksha Samiti, Jaipur which has established by successful Seedling Group of Educational
Institutions. JNU, Jaipur is its flagship.

The Seedling School of Law and Governance is its constituent unit of JNU, Jaipur. It beckons
students for an innovative experience in legal education and overall development. The school
assures the students personal guidance an a friendly atmosphere. With the close links that the
school is bulding up with the Bench, the Bar and the industry, not only Rajasthan, but throughout
the country, it is one of the best among the la schools of the State of Rajasthan.


YUN is essentially an educational cum role modelling simulation of United Nation that aims to
educate on practical grounds about the current events, topics in then international reations,
diplomacy, and the United Nations agenda. The participants act as the real Delegates of different
countries paticipating in a session of UN organ (committee), such as United Nations Security
Council or Humans Right Council. Participants are alloted a country each and are required to
research on the country alloted to them in totality, take on their responsibilites, investigate the
international issues, debate upon them, consult with other “delegates’ and attempt to develop
solutions to the world problems. In this process the participants and the executives along with the
chief guests and the heads of the YUN conference receive awards for their work.

We would liketo extend our invitation to undergraduate students of Law, Political Science,
History and Economics from all over India, to come and participate in this event that would
render them more sensitive to the global problems.

The benefits we can offer to sponsors are:

 Logo on publicity posters (to be displayed in all participating colleges)

 Logo on the background of guidelines and invites to be provided to all participants
 Space for putting up 3-4 banners in the college
 Advertisement in Delegate handbook and Newsletter
 Space to put up a stall where all participants would be present at Lunch and Tea Hours
 Frequent announcements on the PA system
 Representatives to be present at the opening ceremony. Reserved seats.


Proposed rates for sponsors

I. Full page = Rs 15,000
II. Half page = Rs 7,500
III. Quarter page = Rs 3,750
IV. 3/4th page = Rs 11,250
V. Banners = Rs 10,000
VI. Second page = Rs 20,000
VII. Back page = Rs 20,000
VIII. Inner to last and first page = Rs 30,000

 Announcement Rs. 15,000/-

 Hoarding on main gate Rs. 40,000/-

Considering the importance of the endeavour to the budding citizens of tomorrow we are trying
to raise funds for organising the YUN, and we are sanguine that you will help us in facilitating
the execution of this educational- charitable project. Please contact

Thank You

Yours Sincerely

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