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IQWQ-CE-GRSIT-00-0902 Topographic & U/G Detection Survey Report 05-MAR-2015

Attachment B

Station Description Form

CPECC Internal Ctrl No.: 650270-XXXX-XX-XXX-XXXX Category II, Rev. 0

Att –B (6 Pages )
IQWQ-CE-GRSIT-00-0902 Topographic & U/G Detection Survey Report 05-MAR-2015

Station Description Form

Station Designation DS6-BM-001

Marker Type Concrete
Agency CPECC
Stamping DS6-BM-001
General Location DS6,West Qurna
Northing (UTM 38N) 3406015.370
Easting (UTM 38N) 722009.395
Latitude(deg min sec) 30 45 59.10775 N
Longitude(deg min sec) 47 19 10.53269 E
Ellipsoid Height (m) -11.855
Elevation (FAO 1979) 2.702
Survey Date 17-NOV-2014

The monument is located at the DS6, West Qurna. It is approximately 3 meters east of the fence and
approx. 250 meters northeast of the DS6 entrance gate.

CPECC Internal Ctrl No.: 650270-XXXX-XX-XXX-XXXX Category II, Rev. 0

Att –B (6 Pages )
IQWQ-CE-GRSIT-00-0902 Topographic & U/G Detection Survey Report 05-MAR-2015

Station Description Form

Station Designation DS6-BM-002

Marker Type Concrete
Agency CPECC
Stamping DS6-BM-002
General Location DS6,West Qurna
Northing (UTM 38N) 3406077.908
Easting (UTM 38N) 722081.566
Latitude(deg min sec) 30 46 01.08907 N
Longitude(deg min sec) 47 19 13.29414 E
Ellipsoid Height (m) -12.061
Elevation (FAO 1979) 2.476
Survey By BI KEWEN
Survey Date 17-NOV-2014

The monument is located at the DS6, West Qurna. It is approximately 2 meters south of the fence
and approx. 350 meters northeast of the DS6 entrance gate.

CPECC Internal Ctrl No.: 650270-XXXX-XX-XXX-XXXX Category II, Rev. 0

Att –B (6 Pages )
IQWQ-CE-GRSIT-00-0902 Topographic & U/G Detection Survey Report 05-MAR-2015

Station Description Form

Station Designation DS6-BM-003

Marker Type Concrete
Agency CPECC
Stamping DS6-BM-003
General Location DS6,West Qurna
Northing (UTM 38N) 3406076.811
Easting (UTM 38N) 722366.939
Latitude(deg min sec) 30 46 00.86134 N
Longitude(deg min sec) 47 19 24.01976 E
Ellipsoid Height (m) -11.913
Elevation (FAO 1979) 2.652
Survey By BI KEWEN
Survey Date 17-NOV-2014

The monument is located at the DS6, West Qurna. It is approximately 2 meters south of the fence
and approx. 520 meters northeast of the DS6 entrance gate.

CPECC Internal Ctrl No.: 650270-XXXX-XX-XXX-XXXX Category II, Rev. 0

Att –B (6 Pages )
IQWQ-CE-GRSIT-00-0902 Topographic & U/G Detection Survey Report 05-MAR-2015

Station Description Form

Station Designation DS8-BM-001

Marker Type Concrete
Agency CPECC
Stamping DS8-BM-001
General Location DS8,West Qurna
Northing (UTM 38N) 3419219.139
Easting (UTM 38N) 722219.852
Latitude(deg min sec) 30 53 07.52995 N
Longitude(deg min sec) 47 19 28.76731 E
Ellipsoid Height (m) -12.252
Elevation (FAO 1979) 2.363
Survey By BI KEWEN
Survey Date 19-NOV-2014

The monument is located at the DS8, West Qurna. It is approximately 3 meters south of the fence
and approx. 270 meters northeast of the DS8 entrance gate.

CPECC Internal Ctrl No.: 650270-XXXX-XX-XXX-XXXX Category II, Rev. 0

Att –B (6 Pages )
IQWQ-CE-GRSIT-00-0902 Topographic & U/G Detection Survey Report 05-MAR-2015

Station Description Form

Station Designation DS8-BM-002

Marker Type Concrete
Agency CPECC
Stamping DS8-BM-002
General Location DS8,West Qurna
Northing (UTM 38N) 3419219.752
Easting (UTM 38N) 722296.215
Latitude(deg min sec) 30 53 07.49819 N
Longitude(deg min sec) 47 19 31.64161 E
Ellipsoid Height (m) -12.011
Elevation (FAO 1979) 2.592
Survey Date 19-NOV-2014

The monument is located at the DS8, West Qurna. It is approximately 2 meters south of the fence
and approx. 320 meters northeast of the DS8 entrance gate.

CPECC Internal Ctrl No.: 650270-XXXX-XX-XXX-XXXX Category II, Rev. 0

Att –B (6 Pages )
IQWQ-CE-GRSIT-00-0902 Topographic & U/G Detection Survey Report 05-MAR-2015

Station Description Form

Station Designation DS8-BM-003

Marker Type Concrete
Agency CPECC
Stamping DS8-BM-003
General Location DS8,West Qurna
Northing (UTM 38N) 3419220.383
Easting (UTM 38N) 722510.384
Latitude(deg min sec) 30 53 07.37370 N
Longitude(deg min sec) 47 19 39.70205 E
Ellipsoid Height (m) -12.414
Elevation (FAO 1979) 2.216
Survey By BI KEWEN
Survey Date 19-NOV-2014

The monument is located at the DS8, West Qurna. It is approximately 2 meters south of the fence
and approx. 490 meters northeast of the DS8 entrance gate.

CPECC Internal Ctrl No.: 650270-XXXX-XX-XXX-XXXX Category II, Rev. 0

Att –B (6 Pages )

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