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Character Profile


Name: Franklin ‘Frankie’ Nye |Age: 19 |Place of birth: Marlow, Buckinghamshire
Current location: Bucks new university |Nationality: English
Education: In university |Occupation: Student and Store Clerk at a charity shop
Income: Annually - £16,411
Height: 6’4 |Eye colour: Brown |Hair colour: Brunette
Build: Slender and extremely tall |Distinguishing features? Scar on his neck
Preferred outfit? Green jacket, jumper and hoodie, grey t-shirt, jeans and brown or red
boots. Glasses? Wears very poor prescription tortoiseshell, thin rimmed square glasses
Accessories? Usually has a ring on his right hand or as a necklace.
Grooming: Untidy but clean
Distinguishing “tics” and mannerisms: Scratches his scar when nervous.
Health? He is in almost perfect physical health but suffers from Asperger’s syndrome.
Handwriting: Neat but hard to read writing, usually types.
Gait: Leisurely stroll
Style of speech? He tries too hard to sound educated and thus usually sounds dumb
Tempo of speech? Rapid, almost too fast to hear at times
Do they have an accent? Yes, sounds like a northerner at times.
Pitch? Sounds monotone at times.
Gesturing: Controlled, only to make a point
Level of eye contact: Tries not to make eye contact
Speech impediments: Sometimes stumbles over his words.
Preferred curse word: Tries not to swear.
Laughter? What do they tend to find funny? Ricky Gervais’ comedy
Describe their smile? Smirks a lot.
Emotive? Do they wear their emotions on their sleeve? How easily can others to
read them? Depends on the person and how well they know him. But usually looks focused
Hometown: Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England.
Type of childhood? Divorced parents.
Education: Went to college for a degree in Media. Currently at university.
Were they involved in organizations and clubs at school? Not to anyone’s
Jobs (if applicable)? What would their résumé look like? Current and only Job –
store clerk/cashier | greatest regret: Never making up with his dad
Hobbies growing up: Reading comics
Father: Charles Nye |Age (if living): 50 | Occupation: Mechanic
Mother: Maureen Nye |Age (if living): 50 |Occupation: Secretary
Siblings: How many? 1 |What are their names? Alfie Nye Ages? 7
Family’s economic status: Middle class |how often do they see their family? Only
for holidays
Closest friends: Opal, Steve-o, Tony and Harper
How quickly do they respond to emails? 1-2 minutes
Who do they depend on for: practical advice – Opal, mentoring – Opal, a wingman
– Steve-o, emotional support – Harper, moral support - Tony
What do they want from a relationship? A nice girl who he can talk to (although
people do think he’s gay from time to time)
Are they: Book-smart, optimist, Introvert |What do they want the most? Success
Biggest flaw: Cowardice |Biggest strength: Intelligence |Biggest fear: Getting comics
ruined |What is their biggest accomplishment? Getting a job and getting into uni
What is their idea of perfect happiness? Success in love, a successful job, money
How do they approach: power? With madness |love? With extreme happiness|
change? Stubbornly
What is the one thing that they would rescue from their burning home? Comics
What bores them? Documentaries
What makes them angry? People asking if a superhero is DC or Marvel when it’s neither
What do they look for in a person? Whether or not they are fun
How strong is their moral compass? When, specifically, are they willing to
compromise their morals? Fairly strong, only compromises when drunk or for food.
Which fictional world would they most wish to visit? Mordor
If they didn’t have to sleep, what would they do with the extra time? Read comics
What are their pet peeves? People who fake caring about stuff
If they won the lottery, what would they do? Give it to charity or give the money to his
What is the best compliment that someone ever paid them? You’re a nice guy
In an elevator, do they push the button more than once? Yes if the doors take too

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