Prelim: What Is A Computer?

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Introduction to Computers, its Functions and Parts

This class is designed to introduce you to personal computers. It is for

students having little or no experience with personal computers, and for those
interested in learning more about their PC. We will cover the following topics in
today's class:
 The basics of how a computer works
 Understanding computer memory
 Preparing to use the computer

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that executes the instructions in a

program, it is a machine that can take instructions, and perform computations
based on those instructions. A computer has four functions:

a. accepts data Input

b. processes data processing
c. produces output output
d. stores result storage

The Information Processing Cycle

Your "computer" is a collection of devices that function as a unit. The

most basic collection includes a System Unit, a Monitor, a Keyboard, and a
Mouse. The System Unit is normally a rectangular box that sits on your desktop
(called a "Desktop Case") or next to your knee under the desk (called a "Tower
Case"). The computer's CPU is actually a small electronic device inside the case
but the term is often used to refer to the whole collection of electronics inside
the box. The computer system has two components: the Hardware and the

Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer. This is the
most basic level on which your computer operates. We can classify hardware into
one of five categories: input devices, system unit, memory, output devices, and


The software is a series of very simple computer instructions carefully

organized to complete complex tasks. These instructions are written in
programming languages like (C, Pascal, Java, etc.)

Types of software:
System software - The operation of your computer is controlled by
system software. As you boot the computer, the system
software is stored in the computer's memory that instructs
the computer to load, store, and execute an application.
Application Software - Application software lets you accomplish
specific tasks.

The Major Parts of a Computer:

1. Monitor - video display screen
2. System Unit - the heart of the computer
a.) the CPU (Central Processing Unit) – known as the brain of the
computer, processes information.
b.) Memory – stores instructions and information that are to be
processed by the CPU
c.) Disk Drives - secondary storage, used to read and write
information to and from a
d.) Various Adapters – hardware
components that sends
signals received and to be
3. Keyboard – the console, a
typewriter like input device that
receives commands from the user
and sends electronically, the
message intercepted to the
System Unit.

The Minor Parts of a Computer:

1. Mouse
2. AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) -
3. Printer
4. Speakers, Modems, etc.

Class Activity #1: Identify the parts of the computer system.

Types of Computers
Computers are categorized on the basis of physical structures and
the purpose of their use. Based on capacity, speed and reliability they can
be divided into three categories of computers:
1. The Mainframe Computer – these are computers used by large
organizations like meteorological surveys and statistical institutes
for performing bulk mathematical computations. They are core

computers which are used for desktop functions of over one
hundred people simultaneously.
2. The Microcomputer – These are the most frequently used
computers better known by the name of “Personal computers”.
This is the type of computer meant for public use. Other than
Desktop Computer, the choice ranges as follows:

 Personal Digital Computer

 Tablet PC PDA Laptop
Hand-held (HPC)
 Towers
 Work Stations
 Laptops
 Hand Held Computer Desktop
Tower Workstations

3. The Mini computer – Mini computers like the mainframe

computers are used by business organization. The difference is
that it can support simultaneous works of up to 100 users and is
usually maintained in business organizations for the maintenance
of accounts and finances.

Computer System Capabilities

1. Speed – computers can perform millions of operations
in just a second.
2. Accuracy – computers can handle large volumes of
repetitive tasks accurately
3. Reliability – computers can work continuously and it
can do repetitive work and produce results without a
decrease in efficiency.
4. Memory Capability – computers can keep large
amounts of data in its memory and data can be easily

Computer System’s Fundamental Components

1. Input 3. Output
2. Process 4. Storage

Input Devices
These are devices that allows you to enter data into the
a.) light pen – device that detects light from the cathode-ray-
b.) keyboard – console; an input device which has a
typewriter like keys; with numeric pad and function keys
c.) joystick – a vertical stick that moves the graphics cursor in
the direction that the stick is pushed.

d.) track ball – the ball inset in the work table in front of the
screen or in the keyboard or on some portable computers.
e.) digitizing pen and tablet – are pen and tablet which has
the same X-Y coordinates as the screen
f.) mouse – “pet peripheral”; when moved in the screen,
moves the graphics cursor accordingly.

Output Devices
These are devices that make information available for you to
view or use.
a.) monitor – video display terminal, monochrome or color
b.) printers – used to create permanent output; printouts,
hardcopies. Printers are used with computers fall into two
categories, impact or nonimpact. Impact printers, such as
dot matrix print by contact against a ribbon-making
imprint on paper. Inkjet printers print images by not
touching the paper. Ink jet printers spray ink onto the
page while a laser printer works like a copying machine.

Processing Devices
The central processing unit or (CPU) is the "brain" of your
computer. It contains the electronic circuits that cause the
computer to follow instructions from ROM (read only memory) or
from a program in RAM (random access memory). By following
these instructions information is processed.

The Memory – there are two types of memory contained on

a chip, these are RAM (Random Access Memory) or ROM (Read
Only Memory). ROM is the memory that determines all the basic
functions of the operation of your machine, such as startup, shut
down, and placing a character on the screen. RAM is temporary
memory, which displays the information you are working on

Storage Devices
Auxiliary storage devices, also called secondary storage
devices, are used to store instructions and data when they are not
being used in memory. Two types of auxiliary storage more often
used on personal computers are floppy disks and hard disks. Also,
CD-ROM drives, and USB flash Disks are common.

USES OF COMPUTER (eight(8) general categories)

1. Information processing / data processing 5. Education
2. Personal computing 6. Computer Aided Design
3. Science, research, and engineering 7. Entertainment
4. Process / device control 8. Artificial Intelligence

Laboratory Exercise #1: Practice Typing – from Basic to Advance
Typing. Refer to Appendix A for typing finger-chart and for
typing exercises.
Abacus – the first successful counting device; a computing machine with
movable beads
Milestones in the Development of the Early Computers
Date Inventor Machine Capability Technical Innovation
1614 Napier: Napier’s construct multiples from logarithm and slide rule
Bones 1 to 9 times of a number
1643 Pascal Pascal Addition, subtraction Automatic carry
Machine transfer, complement
number representation
1671 Leibniz Addition, subtraction, "Stepped Reckoner"
multiplication, division mechanism
1801 Jacquard Jacquard Automatic control of weaving Operation under
Loom program process
1820 Babbage Difference Polynomial evaluation by Automatic multi-step
Engine finite differences operation
1834 Babbage Analytical General-purpose Automatic control
Engine (never computation sequence mechanism,
completed) print-out of results
1939 Atanasoff The ABC Linear equations of type in Special purpose
& Berry physics Machine
1938 ENIGMA message encryption Supplied with
instructions Via
Punched Paper Tape
1941 Zuse Z3 General Purpose The first operational
1942 Eckert & ENIAC nos. presented in decimal 1st General-purpose
arithmetic form can Digital Computer
be electronic Performed in
Decimal System rather than
Binary System
1943 Colossus decryption device Constructed with
Machine Vacuum Tubes and
used Punched-Paper-
Tape Input

1944 Aiken Mark I Computation General-purpose

1945 Von EDVAC memory storage First Stored program
Neumann Computer
1946 Von IAS Control Unit, Memory, ALU, Prototype of all
Neumann Subsequent I/O unit

1950 Alan Turing ACE automatic computation General-Purpose
Digital Computer

The Scientists/Inventors
John Napier – Scottland(1614) Presper Eckert & John Mauchly
Blaise Pascal – France(1643) Philadelphia(1940)
Gottfried Von Leibniz – Germany(1671) Howard Aiken–Us, Harvard Univ.
Joseph Jacquard (1801) (1939-1944)
Charles Babbage – England(1820) John Von Neumann – England
Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff (1946-1949)
Clifford Berry - Iowa (1939) Zuse – Germany(1943)
Alan Turing – Germany(1937)



A special program that manages disk drives, keyboard and other parts of
the computer communicate and perform a special function.
Two (2) ways of issuing commands in DOS, through:
1. DOS Shell – menu – driven interface
2. Command Prompt – done by typing the name of the command
at the prompt
File – a collection of related information stored on either a floppy or a fixed disk.
Filename – a unique name to identify a file
Composition: Test . txt Extension name

Base name

Note: The basename can only be up to eight(8) and the extension

name is only up to three(3) characters

Definition and Syntax:

CLS – command to clear the screen
C:\> cls 
DIR – command issued to view files and directories of different types
/P pauses every after screen full of information
/W uses wide list format
/A displays file with specified attributes
D directories R read only files

H hidden files A files ready for archiving

S system files - prefix meaning, NOT
/O list by files in sorted order
N by names(alphabet) S by size(smallest 1st)
E by extension(alpha.) D by date and time
G group directories 1 st
- prefix to
reverse ord
A by last access date
/S displays file in specified directory and all subdirectories
/B uses bare format (no heading information or summary)
/L uses lowercase
/V verbose mode
wild cards: ? and *

Exercise #1 – Dos Commands (Practicing DIR)
- try typing these commands in the DOS prompt
1. C:\> dir 11. C:\> dir/L/p/b 
2. C:\> dir/w  now using wildcards…
3. C:\> dir/ad  12. C:\> dir/p_*.* 
4. C:\> dir/s  13. C:\> dir/L_*.txt 
5. C:\> dir/ad/w  14. C:\> dir_?r??x*.* 
6. C:\> dir/p/ad  15. C:\> dir_e*l?.??s 
7. C:\> dir/w/ad/L  16. C:\> dir/b_???k*L.*c 
8. C:\> dir/w/p  17. C:\> dir/w/p_document.?o? 

9. C:\> dir/v/w  18. C:\> dir_*k.L* 

10. C:\> dir/b/p  19. C:\> dir_?e?a*.TXT 

For command #:
1. All files and directories will be listed on the screen. (only the last
group of files/directories will be displayed if there are too many
files and directories to be listed)
2. All files and directories (excluding hidden files) will be listed on
the screen in tabular form, or wide list display.
3. Only directories will be displayed on the screen.
4. All files in main directories including subdirectories will be
5. Directories will be listed in wide-list-display.
6. All directories will be listed and display will pause for every
screen full of information.
7. All directories will be listed in wide-list-display and in lowercase
format .
8. All files and directories will be displayed on the screen, display
of information will pause and will be in wide-list format.
9. All directories and files will be displayed in verbose mode and in
wide-list format.
10. All files and directories will be displayed in bare format and
display pauses for every screen full of information
11. All files and directories will be displayed in lowercase format,
bare format and screen pauses…
12. Only files will be displayed
13. All files with extension name-TXT will be displayed in lowercase
14. All files where the second character of the basename is r, the
the fifth character is x but with different extension names will
be displayed.

15. Display: All files where the basename begins with e, the third
character is L and the last character of the extension name is s.
16. Display: All files where the basename’s fourth character is k,
the basename’s last character is L and the extension name’s last
character s c.
17. Display: All files where the basename is document and the
extension name’s second character is o will be listed in wide-list
display, display will pause.
18. Display: All files where the basename’s last character is k and
the extension name’s first character is L.
19. Display: All files where the basename’s second character is e,
the fourth character is a and with an extension name-TXT.

CD – change directory
cd.. prompts you the previous calling directory
cd\ prompts you the root directory

Try typing these commands and see the results when enter key will
be pressed
(prompt) C:\>cd windows this command activates the
windows directory
C:\>cd..  this command prompts you back
to the previous calling directory

note: issuing the CD\ command will still prompt you to the
previous directory which is the directory of C:

COPY - copies one or more files to another location


If in windows directory:

C:\windows>COPY_*.TXT_C:\ 
After pressing the enter key, Dos will automatically provide
duplicates of the files specified in the root directory of C. To check
if they exist, type cd\ and issue the command dir_*.txt. Before
doing this, display first the files in the source directory: windows.

DATE – displays the current system date and accepts modification

eg. DATE
TIME – displays the current system time and accepts modification

eg. TIME
DEL – deletes one or more files

C:\mydir> del_*.txt  these commands must provided with
C:\mydir> del_*.*  mydir directory with contents

Caution: be careful in deleting files, you might loose important

and unnecessary files with this command and you can never
retrieve them unless your system is provided with the

EXIT – exits the command interpreter program

MD - make a directory
C:\>MD_<directory name> 

Laboratory Exercise # 2: Create a Tree Directory

PATH – displays or sets a search path for executable files.

PROMPT – specifies a new command prompt
Special codes:
$Q = (equal sign) $G > (greater-than sign)
$$ $ (dollar sign) $L < (less than sign)
$T current time $B | (pipe)
$D current date $H bkspace(erase prev char)
$P current drive & path $E escape code(ASCII#27)
$V windows version number $_ carriage return & line feed
$N current drive
COPY CON <Filename> – command used to create a file
RENAME – command to change the name of a file or directory

RD – remove directory
TYPE – displays the content of text and specific dos files.
VER – displays the DOS / WINDOWS version
eg. VER 

ATTRIB – displays or change file attribute:

+ sets an attribute
- clears an attribute
R read-only file attribute
A archive file attribute
S system file attribute
H hidden file attribute
/S processes file in all directories in the specified path
EDIT – MS – DOS editor
EDIT_[/B] [/H] [/R] [/S] [/<nnn>] [/?] [files(s)]
/B forces monochrome mode
/H displays the maximum nos. of lines possible for your
/R load file(s) in read-only mode
/S forces the use of short filenames
/<nnn>load binary file(s), wrapping line to <nnn> characters wide
/? Displays this help screen
(file) specifies initial file to load. Wild cards and multiple filespecs
can be given
FORMAT – formats a disk for use with MS-DOS
/V:[label] specify the volume level
/Q performs quick format
/F:size specifies the size of the floppy disk to format
/B allocates space on the formatted disk for system files
/S copies system files to the formatted disk
/T:tracks specifies the number of sectors per track
/1 formats a 5.25-inch 360k floppy disk in a High-
Density Drive
/8 formats eight sectors per track
/C tests clusters that are currently marked “bad.”
LABEL – creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk
LABEL_[drive:][path] filename 

Laboratory Exercise # 3: Create a TXT file inside your tree directory,
copy the file to a subdirectory in your tree
directory, edit the content of the copied file.

Working with Windows

Microsoft Windows – is an operating system software developed by Microsoft

Corporation that is used to make personal computers run. Ms Windows manages
the information and programs installed into your computer. It serves as the
interface between you and the software programs.

Parts of the Windows Screen

The Interface

It has a Start Button and Taskbar. The Start Button is used to quickly
open programs, find documents, and use system tools. The taskbar is used to
switch between programs easily as changing channels on your TV.

Types of Windows:
Group Window – a window where you can store the icons for a
group of related programs

Application Window – a window that displays an
application/program (e.g. Word, Excel, etc.)
Document Window – a window that exist within application
windows and are linked to their application window in one
main way: the menu commands that affect the application
windows also affect the document window.

Desktop - The area on the display screen that displays all your icons. The
desktop can also contain a background image.
Window – a program or group of icons that is open.
Icons – a pictorial representation of a program or file.

Types of Icons:
Program Icon – the graphical representation of a program that
you see inside group windows.
Group Icon – a group window that has been closed
Application Icon – represents an application that is open and
running in your computer memory but whose window has
been closed.

Taskbar – Is the bar that shows the tasks that are open and also
contains the start button, the lunch buttons, and the system tray.
Launch Buttons – start certain window programs immediately
System Tray – Contain programs that started the same time window 98
Task buttons – Show what programs are running
Title bar – Displays the name of the window, or the document in the
Menu bar – Show one or two words commands that commands the
computer what to do.
Tool bar – icons that give shortcuts to different commands contained in
the menu bar.
Work area – the white area in the middle of the window.
Status bar – Gray bar at the bottom that gives hints about what you are

Parts of the Windows Screen

Window – a framed region in the screen
Window Frame – the borders, the four edges that define the border of a
Title Bar – area directly below window’s top border (displays the window’s
Control Menu Box – the upper left corner of the window that has an inner
Sizing/Closing Buttons – buttons appear to the upper-right corner of the
window that is used to minimize, maximize, and close a window. Close,
Minimize, and Maximize buttons. Every window has an (Close button)
in the upper-right corner that you can click to close the window and quit
the program.
Menu Bar – area under the title bar, it provides access to most of the
application commands
Work Area – large blank area inside the window
Scroll Bars and Buttons - buttons and bars that are used to pan across
the screen (up, down, left, right)
Mouse Pointer – indicates where the mouse is currently positioned in the
Status Bar – bar along the very bottom of the window; displays
information about the active document, the page that contains the
insertion point, the status of several keys on your computer and
instructions and/or messages when you are issuing a command.

Class Activity # 2 – Identifying parts of the Window Screen .

Using a Mouse

Windows is designed to use with a mouse. The mouse is a hand-held

device, connected to your PC’s system unit, and controls the pointer on the
screen. It has two buttons, and performs four main actions: (moving), clicking,
double-clicking, and dragging, the center if present controls the scrolling bar.
The three(3) mouse actions:
1. To Click – (a button or option once to select it)
- position the tip of the mouse pointer over the specified
element, then press the left mouse button at one time.
2. To Double Click – (an option to execute it)
- position the tip of the mouse pointer over the specified
element, and then press and release the left mouse
button twice in quick succession.
3. To Click and Drag – (to relocate or highlight items)

- position the mouse pointer over the specified element
and hold down the left mouse button and move the
mouse to the desired location and release (drop).

Laboratory Exercise #4 : Practice using the mouse. Draw at MS


Objects on Desktop
The following are the common objects found in the Windows Desktop.
a) My Computer – this icon, when clicked, will show
the user all the files and folders contained in the
computer. It will also enable the user to access
different drives present in the computer.
b) My Documents – this folder contains all the
files/documents you have created.

c) Recycle Bin – this folder contains all the deleted files

from the computer.

d) My Network Place – this icon will allow the user to look

for computers in a local network and will allow the user to
share resources to the computers in the network.

Managing Objects in your Computer

1. Selecting Objects, Files, Folders

 In selecting objects, just place the mouse pointer over the
selected item and then click the left mouse button.
 In selecting multiple objects, click on the first object, hold down
the left mouse button and drag over all items selected
 In selecting objects that are not together, hold down the CTRL
key and select the items you want to select.
2. Creating a Folder
 In the desktop, click the right mouse button and select NEW, a
submenu will appear, click Folder to create a new Folder where
you could store your files.
3. Renaming Objects
 Right click on the object that you want to give a new name,
select RENAME and type the new name and then press Enter.
4. Copying and Moving Objects.
 Right click on the object you want to copy or move. A submenu
will appear, choose Copy and then select the destination to

which you will copy the object to, and then Right click and
choose Paste.
 In copying a file to a Floppy drive or to a Flash drive, Right click
on the object and choose Send To, then choose for either to a
Floppy drive or to a USB/Flash drive.
 In moving an object, Right click on the object and choose Cut,
then choose the destination where you want to move the
object, when you are in the destination folder, Right click and
choose Paste.
5. Deleting an object.
 Right in the object that you want to delete and then choose
Delete in the menu list or simply press the Del key in your

Note: You can undo the deletion or restore files by looking in the
Recycle Bin folder.

Class Activity# 3: Manage the objects in your computer


Microsoft Word – a powerful word processing software used to create

documents conveniently.
Control Sizing/Closing
Menu Box Title Bar Buttons

Menu Bar

Ruler Line


Work Scroll
Area Bars

Word Features
choose and change typfaces, type sizes and types styles of fonts
(eg. bold, italic, etc.)
align text and set tabs
set margins, headers/footers and page numbers
draw lines and create shaded borders
insert and manipulate graphic images
draft memos and proof documents
merge addresses with form letters
Screen Features
The Title Bar

The Title bar is located at the very top of the screen. On the Title
bar, Microsoft Word displays the name of the document you are currently
using. At the top of your screen, you should see "Microsoft Word -
Document1" or a similar name.

The Menu Bar

The Menu bar is directly below the Title bar and it displays the
menu. The menu begins with the word File and continues with Edit, View,
Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, and Help. You use the menu to give
instructions to the software.


The Standard Toolbar

The Formatting Bar

Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands. Toolbars are

generally located just below the Menu bar. Before proceeding with the
lesson, make sure the Toolbars we will use -- Standard and Formatting --
are available. Follow these steps:

1. Point to View on the Menu bar.

2. Click the left mouse button.
3. Press the down arrow key until Toolbars is highlighted.
4. Press Enter.
5. Standard and Formatting should have a checkmark next to
6. If both Standard and Formatting have a checkmark next to
them, press Esc three times to close the menu.
7. If one or both do not have a checkmark, highlight
8. Press Enter.
9. Point to the box next to the unchecked word and click the
left mouse button. A checkmark should appear.
Note: You turn the checkmark on and off by clicking the left
mouse button.
10. Point to Close and click the left mouse button to close the
dialog box.

The Ruler

The ruler is generally found below the main toolbars. The ruler is
used to change the format of your document quickly. To display the ruler:

1. Point to View on the Menu bar.

2. Click your left mouse button.
3. The option Ruler should have a checkmark next to it.
If it has a checkmark next to it, press Esc twice to
close the menu. If it does not have a checkmark next
to it, continue to the next step.
4. Press the down arrow key until Ruler is highlighted.
5. Press the Enter key. The ruler should display below
the toolbars.

Document View

With word, you can display your document in one of four views:
Normal, Outline, Page Layout, or Online Layout.

Normal view
Normal view is the most often used and shows such
formatting as line spacing, font, point size, and italics.
Multiple-column text is displayed in one continuous column.
Outline view
Outline view displays the document in outline form.
Headings can be displayed without the text. A heading can
be moved and the accompanying text moved with it.
Page Layout view
The Page Layout view shows the document as it will
look when it is printed.
Online Layout view
The Online Layout view optimizes the document for
online viewing (viewing the document in a browser).

Text Area

Just below the ruler is a large area called the "text area". You type
your document in the text area. The blinking vertical line in the upper left
corner of the text area is the cursor. It marks the insertion point. As you
type, your work will show at the cursor location. The horizontal line next
to the cursor marks the end of the document.

Getting Started with MS Word

1. Creating a New Document

1. On the File menu, click New .
2. To create a new, blank document, click the General tab,
and then double-click the Blank Document icon.

To create a document based on a template or wizard,

click the tab for the type of document you want to
create, and then double-click the name of the template
or wizard you want.

To create a new document based on the default template,

click New  icon from the Standard tool bar..

Useful keys for moving Insertion point(IP) when you are

typing text into a document.

Up Arrow Moves the Insertion pt up one line

Down Arrow Moves the Insertion pt down one line
Right Arrow Moves the Insertion pt right one character
Left Arrow Moves the Insertion pt left one character
Backspace Deletes a single character to the left of the IP
Del Deletes a single character to the right of the IP
Enter Inserts a single blank line and moves the IP to
the beginning of that line. Ends a
paragraph to
start a new one.
Insert Turns on Overstrike mode so you can type new
text over old text.

2. Exiting Word

Typically you would save your work before exiting. To exit

1. Click on File.
2. Highlight Exit, which can be found at the bottom of
the drop-down menu.

3. Press Enter.
4. If you have entered text, you will be prompted: "Do
you want to save changes to Document1?" To save
your changes, click on Yes. Otherwise, click on No.
5. Specify the correct folder in the Save In box.
6. Name your file in the File Name field.
7. Click on Save.
3. Working with Text and Files
You will be encountering the following symbols and might be
wondering how they are used.

Nonprinting Characters

Certain characters do not print but do affect the document layout.

You can elect to see these characters on the screen as you type or have
them remain invisible. For these lessons, we will opt to see them onscreen.
Here they are:

Denotes a tab
. Denotes a space
¶ Denotes the end of a paragraph
.... Denotes hidden text
 Denotes a nonbreaking hyphen

4. Starting a New Paragraph

When you type in Microsoft Word, you do not need to press
a key to move to a new line as you do when typing with a
typewriter. To start a new paragraph, press the Enter key.

5. Typing and Using the Backspace Key

To enter text, simply type just as you would if you were
using a typewriter. To capitalize, hold down the Shift key while
typing the letter. Use the Backspace key to delete text. You do not
need to press Enter to start a new line -- Microsoft Word
automatically wraps at the end of the line. Press Enter the start a
new paragraph.

Word Exercise 1
1. Type the following sentence:
Joe has a very large house.
2. Now delete the word "house." Using either the arrow
keys or the mouse, place the cursor between the
period and the "e" in the word "house."
3. Press the Backspace key until the word "house" is

4. Type boat. The sentence should now read:
"Joe has a very large boat."

6. The Delete Key

You can also delete text by using the Delete key. First,
highlight the text you wish to delete; then press the Delete key.

Word Exercise 2
Delete the word "very" from the sentence you just typed.
1. Highlight the word "very."
2. Place the cursor before the "v" in the word
"very" and press the F8 key. Then press the
right arrow key until the word "very" is
3. Press the Delete key. The sentence should now
"Joe has a large boat."
7. Inserting Text
You can insert text. To insert text, you must be in the Insert
mode. To check to see whether you are in the Insert mode, look at
the Status bar, located at the very bottom of the screen. Look at
the right side of the Status bar. If the letters "OVR" are gray, you
are in the Insert mode. If the letters "OVR" are black, you are in
the Overtype mode.

To change to the Insert mode:

1. Double click on the letters "OVR."
2. The letters "OVR" should now be gray.

Word Exercise 3
Make sure the letters "OVR" are gray before proceeding. You
are going to insert the word "blue" between the words "large" and
1. Place the cursor between the words "large"
and "boat."
2. Type the word blue.
3. The sentence should now read:
"Joe has a large blue boat."
8. Overtype
You can type over the current text (replace the current text
with new text). However, you must be in the Overtype mode.

Word Exercise 4
Change the word "blue" to "gray."
1. Place the cursor before the letter "b" in "blue."
2. Type the word gray.
3. The sentence should now read:
"Joe has a large gray boat."

9. Bold, Underline, and Italicize

You can bold, underline, or italicize when using Word. You
also can combine these features -- in other words -- you can bold,
underline, and italicize a single piece of text.

a) Bold facing text

Word Exercise 5
1. Highlight the word large from the previous text.
2. On the menu bar, click on Format
3. Choose Font
4. When the font dialog box appears, choose on the
Font Style option and
5. choose Bold
6. After highlight the text, you can directly press CTRL +
7. The sentence should now read:
"Joe has a large gray boat."

b) Italicizing text
Apply italic formatting
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. On the Formatting toolbar, Click Italic
c) Underlining text
Add a basic underline
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. On the Formatting toolbar, click Underline

3. Save File
You must save your files if you wish to recall them later.
Before you can save, you must give your file a name. To save your
file and close Word, follow the instructions below:

1. Click on File.
2. Highlight Save As. Press Enter.

3. Specify the correct folder in the Save In box.
4. Name your file in the File Name box.
5. Click on Save.
6. Click on File.
7. Highlight Exit. Press Enter.

Note: Use SAVE when the document will be saved for the first
time or the document is edited and you want to save it
again using the same filename and use SAVE AS… when
the document is edited and you want to save it under a
new name or the document had to be saved in a different

Laboratory Exercise # 5: Type an Application Letter and a


Formatting Files.

1. Setting Page Margins

There are two ways in setting the page margin of your document.
a) Using the Page Setup command
a.1) Click the File Menu.
a.2) Click the Page Setup.
a.3) Click the Margins tab.
a.4) Enter margin values in the Top, Bottom, Left and Right
margin boxes.
The Preview window will reflect the changes.
a.5) Click Ok when finished.

b) Using the Ruler Line

b.1) Move the pointer over the margin tab indicator on the ruler
line. The pointer will change into a double-headed arrow
and the message tip “Left Margin” will appear.
b.2) Click and drag the margin indicator tab to the desired
location. Release the mouse button when the margin is

2. Setting the Paper Size

To change the paper size, do the following:
a) Click the File Menu, click Page Setup command.
b) Click the Paper tab.
c) On the Paper Size area, click the drop-down arrow then choose
paper size.
d) To customize your desired size, click the increment arrow up
and down for the Width and Height.

3. Setting the Page Orientation
Page Orientation will enable you to set the layout of the page.
In doing so, do the following:
a) Click the File menu.
b) Click Page Setup.
c) Click the Margins tab.
d) In the Orientation area choose either Portrait of Landscape.
e) Click Ok.

Formatting Text
With formatting commands, you can produce a consistent,
pleasing look that enhances the appearance and the effectiveness
of your documents.

a) Change the font of text or numbers

1. Select the text you want to change.
2. On the Formatting toolbar, click a font name in the Font box

b) Change the size of text or numbers

1. Select the text you want to change.
2. On the Formatting toolbar, click a point size in the Font Size
c) Changing Fonts and Point Sizes
1. Select the text you wish to format.
2. Open the Format menu and choose the Font Command (or
press ALT,0,F) Word displays the Font dialog box with the
font tab highlighted.
3. Click the scroll arrow next to the Font list box (or press
ALT+F and then press the Down arrow keys) to scroll the list
of available fonts. Scroll through the list and click the name
of the font you wish to use. (or highlight the font and press
Enter). For example, use Arial.
4. Click the scroll arrow next to the Size list box (or press
ALT+S) to scroll the available point sizes. Scroll through the
list and click the point size you wish to use. (or highlight the
size and Enter). For example, click 14
5. Click OK (or press Enter) to apply the chosen format to the
selected text and return to the document.
6. Click anywhere in the document to unselect the text.

d) Underline text or numbers

1. Select the text you want to underline.

2. Click Underline or highlight text and press CTRL + U

e) Apply bold formatting to text or numbers

1. Select the text you want to make bold.
2. Click Bold or highlight text and press CTRL + B

f) Apply italic formatting to text or numbers

1. Select the text you want to make italic.
2. Click Italic or highlight text and press CTRL+I

g) Apply embossed, engraved, outlined, or shadow formatting

1. Select the text you want to format.
2. On the Format menu, click Font, and then click the Font tab.
 Under Effects, select the options you want.
h) Apply strikethrough formatting to text or numbers
1. Select the text that you want to format as strikethrough.
2. On the Format menu, click Font, and then click the Font tab.
3. Select the Strikethrough
I check box.

i) Change the color of text and numbers

1. Select the text you want to make a different color.
2. To apply the color most recently applied to text, click Font
 To apply a different color, click the arrow on the right of
the Font Color button, select the color you want, and
then click the button.

j) Create animated text

You can create animated text effects that move or flash for
documents that will be read online. The animated effects do not
1. Select the text you want to animate, or click the word you
want to animate.
2. On the Format menu, click Font, and then click the
Animation tab.
3. Click the effect you want in the Animations box.

Note: You can apply only one animation effect at a time. To

remove an animated effect, select the text, and then click None
in the Animations box.

k) Text Alignment
1. Align text with the left margin
1.1) Select the text you want to align left.

1.2) Click Align Left.
2. Align text with the left margin
2.1) Select the text you want to align left.
2.2) Click Align Left.
3. Align text with the right margin
3.1) Select the text you want to align with the right
3.2) Click Align Right.
4. Justify text
4.1) Select the text you want to justify.
4.2) Click Justify.

l) Add bullets or numbers

1. Select the items to which you want to add bullets or
2. To add bullets, click Bullets

Laboratory Exercise #6: Refer to Appendix __ at page ___

m) Changing the case of text

1. Select the text you want to change
2. Press SHIFT+F3 repeatedly to view the different
formats or goto Format (ALT+F) then choose CHANGE
3. When you find the case you want, press Enter

n) Change line spacing

1. Select the paragraphs in which you want to change line
2. On the Format menu, click Paragraph, and then click the
Indents and Spacing tab.
3. Under Spacing, select the options you want.

About line spacing

Line spacing determines the amount of vertical space
between lines of text. Word uses single line spacing by
default. The line spacing you select will affect all lines of text
in the selected paragraph or the paragraph that contains the
insertion point.

This option Results in

Single Line spacing for each line that accommodates
the largest font in that line, plus a small
amount of extra space. The amount of extra
space varies depending on the font used.

1.5 Lines Line spacing for each line that is one-and-one-
half times that of single line spacing. For
example, if 10-point text is spaced at 1.5 lines,
the line spacing is approximately 15 points.
Double Line spacing for each line that is twice that of
single line spacing. For example, in double-
spaced lines of 10-point text, the line spacing
is approximately 20 points.
At Least Minimum line spacing that Word can adjust to
accommodate larger font sizes or graphics that
would not otherwise fit within the specified
Exactly Fixed line spacing that Word does not adjust.
This option makes all lines evenly spaced.
Multiple Line spacing that is increased or decreased by
a percentage that you specify. For example,
setting line spacing to a multiple of 1.2 will
increase the space by 20 percent, while setting
line spacing to a multiple of 0.8 will decrease
the space by 20 percent. Setting the line
spacing at a multiple of 2 is equivalent to
setting the line spacing at Double. In the At
box, type or select the line spacing you want.
The default is three lines.
At The amount of line spacing you select. This
option is available only if you select At Least,
Exactly, or Multiple in the Line Spacing box.

If a line contains a large text character, graphic, or

formula, Word increases the spacing for that line. To
make all lines evenly spaced, click Exactly in the Line
spacing box, and then select the line spacing in the At
box that is large enough to fit the largest character or
graphic in the line. If characters or graphics still
appear cut off, select a larger number in the At box.

Writing Tools

Spelling and Grammar Check

Spelling and Grammar check are two writing tools in MS Word that
help the users to create thoughtful and well-written document.
MS Word automatically checks the spelling and grammar as you

Spelling errors are noted in with a wavy red line.
Grammar erros and extra spaces between words are indicated by a
wavy green line.

a) Checking the Spelling ang Grammar

1. Click the Tools Menu, then click on the Spelling and
Grammar command or
2. Click the Spelling and Grammar button from the Standard

b) Automatically check spelling and grammar as you type

1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Spelling
& Grammar tab.
2. Select the Check spelling as you type and Check grammar as
you type check boxes. If the option you want appears
dimmed, it is unavailable, and you need to install the
appropriate spelling or grammar checker.
3. Clear the Hide spelling errors in this document and hide
grammatical errors in this document check boxes.
4. Click OK. As you type the document, Word uses wavy red
underlines to indicate possible spelling errors and wavy
green underlines to indicate possible grammatical errors.
5. To correct an error, right-click a word with a wavy underline,
and then click the correction you want on the shortcut

To use additional spelling and grammar options, click

Spelling or Grammar on the shortcut menu. You can also
edit the error directly in the document.

To quickly move to the next spelling or grammatical error,

double-click the Spelling and Grammar Status icon  on the
status bar.

If the wavy underlines clutter your document, you can

temporarily hide them until you're ready to correct the
errors. On the Spelling & Grammar tab, select the Hide
spelling errors in this document and Hide grammatical errors
in this document check boxes.

Adding Borders

In a Word document, you can add a border to any or all sides of a

table, a paragraph, or selected text in a document. You can add a border,

including a picture border (such as a row of trees), to any or all sides of
each page in a document.

1) Add a border to a table, a paragraph, or selected text

1. To add a border to a table, click anywhere in the table. To
add borders to specific cells, select only those cells, including
the end-of-cell mark. To surround a paragraph with a border,
click anywhere in the paragraph. To surround only specific
text, such as a word, with a border, select the text.
2. On the Format menu, click Borders and Shading, and then
click the Borders tab.
3. Select the options you want, and make sure the correct
option is selected under Apply to.
4. To specify that only particular sides get borders, click Custom
under Setting. Under Preview, click the diagram's sides, or
use the buttons to apply and remove borders.
5. To specify the exact position of the border relative to the text,
click Options, and then select the options you want.

2) Add a border to a page in a document

1. On the Format menu, click Borders and Shading, and then
click the Page Border tab.
2. Select the options you want.
3. To specify that the border appears on a particular side of a
page, such as only at the top, click Custom under Setting.
Under Preview, click where you want the border to appear.
4. To specify a particular page or section for the border to
appear in, click the option you want under Apply to.
5. To specify the exact position of the border on the page, click
Options, and then select the options you want.

3) Change a border on a page

1. On the Format menu, click Borders and Shading, and then
click the Page Border tab.
2. Select the options you want.
3. To change only a particular border, such as only the top one,
click Custom under Setting. Under Preview, click the border
you want to change.
4. To specify a particular page or section for the border to
appear in, click the option you want under Apply to.
5. To specify the exact position of the border on the page, click
Options, and then select the options you want.

4) Change a border in a table or around text

1. To change borders in tables, click anywhere in the table. To
change the border of specific cells, select only those cells,
including the end-of-cell marks.
2. To change the border that surrounds a paragraph, click
anywhere in the paragraph. To change the border that
surrounds specific text, such as a word, select the text.
3. On the Format menu, click Borders and Shading, and then
click the Borders tab.
4. Select the options you want, and make sure the correct
option is selected under Apply to.

You can use the Tables and Borders toolbar to quickly

change only the border you want in a table. Use the Line
Style, Line Weight, and Border Color tools to select the new
border formats, click Draw Table, and then draw the new
border onto the existing border.

5) Remove a border from a page in a document

1. On the Format menu, click Borders and Shading, and then
click the Page Border tab.
2. Under Setting, click None.

To remove the border from only one edge of the document

for example, to remove all but the top border click the
borders you want to remove in the diagram under Preview.

Copy character and paragraph formats

1. Select the text that has the formatting you want to copy.
2. Click Format Painter, and then select the text where you
want to apply the formatting.

To copy the selected formatting to several locations, double-

click Format Painter. Click the button again when you're

Inserting Pictures, Cliparts

1) Insert a Clipart or Picture at Clip Gallery

1. Position the insertion point where you want to insert clip art
or a picture.
2. On the Insert menu, point to Picture, click Clip Art, and then
click the Clip Art or Pictures tab.
3. Click the category you want, and then double-click the

2) Replace a clip art image
1. Double-click the image you want to replace.
2. Double-click a new image.

If you've converted the image to a drawing object, you need

to delete it before you select a new image. (You'll know it's
been converted if the Clip Gallery doesn't appear when you
double-click the image.) To select a new image, point to
Picture on the Insert menu, and then click Clip Art.

3) Ungroup and modify clip art

1. Select the clip art you want to modify.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw, and then click Ungroup.
3. To modify an individual object within the image, continue to
select and ungroup objects until the one you want becomes
4. Use the options on the Drawing toolbar to modify the object.

For example, you can rearrange parts of the image, combine

two or more images, or change fill and line colors. To
restore the individual objects to one image, select all groups
that make up the image, and then click Group.

Laboratory Exercise # 7: Refer to Appendix ___ at page ___

Page Numbers

1) Positioning page numbers anywhere on the page

Make sure you've inserted page numbers by using the Page

Numbers command on the Insert menu. Word inserts page
numbers in frames, which you can position anywhere on the page.

1. On the View menu, click Header and Footer.

2. If you positioned the page numbers at the bottom of the
page, click Switch Between Header and Footer on the
Header and Footer toolbar.
3. Select the frame around the page number and drag it to a
new location.

If you move the page numbers outside the header or footer area,
the page numbers are still part of the header or footer. If you want
to edit or format the page numbers, you need to click Header and
Footer on the View menu.

If you inserted page numbers by clicking Page Numbers on the
Header and Footer toolbar, Word inserts the page numbers as part
of the text in the header or footer. Page numbers aren't enclosed in
frames, and you can't drag them to a new location.

2) Repaginate documents automatically as you work

1. Switch to normal view.
2. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the General
3. Select the Background repagination check box.

Printing Documents

You can print the active document by clicking Print . To display

each page as it will look when printed, click Print Preview .

a) Print a range of pages

1. On the File menu, click Print.
2. Under Page Range, specify the portion of the document you
want to print.

You can also select the portion of the document you want to
print. Click Print on the File menu, and then click Selection.

b) Print more than one copy at a time

1. On the File menu, click Print.
2. In the Number of copies box, enter the number of copies
you want to print.

To print a complete copy of the document before the first

page of the next copy is printed, select the Collate check
box. If you prefer to print all copies of the first page and
then print all copies of subsequent pages, clear the check

c) Print only odd or even pages

1. On the File menu, click Print.
2. In the Print box, click either Odd pages or Even pages.

Creating a Calendar

The Calendar Wizard can help you create calendars in many

different styles. You can create a calendar that includes a placeholder

where you can insert a picture, and you can start the calendar with any
month you want.
1. On the File menu, click New.
2. Click the Other Documents tab.
3. Double-click Calendar Wizard.
4. Follow the steps in the wizard.

Laboratory Exercise # 8: Create a Personalized Calendar

Creating Mail-Merge Document.

The easiest way to create a data source in Word is to use the Mail
Merge command to start a main document. After you've created the data
source, you can delete the blank main document.
In a new document window, click Mail Merge (Tools menu), click
Create, and then click Form Letters. When Word displays a message, click
Active Window. Then click Get Data and create a data source.

a) Create a form letter

1. To use an existing letter as a form letter, open the letter.
 To create a new letter, click New on the File menu, and
then select a letter template.
2. On the Tools menu, click Mail Merge.
3. Click Create, click Form Letters, and then click Active
 The active document becomes the mail-merge main
4. Click Get Data.

To create a new list of names and addresses in Word, click

Create Data Source, and then set up the data records. To
use an existing list of names and addresses in a Word
document or in a worksheet, database, or other list, click
Open Data Source.

b) To use addresses from an electronic address book, click Use

Address Book.
1. After you designate the data source and Word displays a
message, click Edit Main Document.
2. In the main document, type the text you want to appear in
every form letter.
3. Click where you want to insert a name, address, or other
information that changes in each letter. On the Mail Merge
toolbar, click Insert Merge Field, and then click the field
name that you want.

4. After you insert all of the merge fields and complete the
main document, click Mail Merge Helper on the Mail Merge
5. Click Merge.
6. In the Merge to box, click Printer.

c) To send the form letter only to selected addressees, click Query

Options, and then specify criteria for selecting the data records.
 Click Merge.

You can view the resulting form letters before you print
them or send them online.

d) Add new data records

1. Display the data source in the Data Form dialog box.
2. Click Add New.
3. Type the information for each field, and then press ENTER.
 If no information exists for a particular field, press ENTER
to skip the field.
 Do not type spaces in the box.
4. Repeat step 3 for each new record.
5. When you finish adding records, click View Source, and then
click Save.

e) Add new data fields

1. Display the data source in a document window.
2. On the Database toolbar, click Manage Fields .
3. In the Field name box, type a name for the new field, and
then click Add.
4. To add the new field information to each record, click Data
Form, and then edit the records in the Data Form dialog box.

f) Print a form letter

Before you can merge or print a form letter, you must have
previously created the main document, selected a data source, and
inserted merge fields in the main document.
1. With the main document in the active window, click Mail
Merge on the Tools menu.
2. In the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, click Merge.
3. In the Merge to box, click Printer.
 To merge only selected data records, click Query
Options, and then select the data records.
4. Click Merge.

Tips on planning a data source
Allow enough data fields for the data records with the most

Some clients on a mailing list might have more address

information than others, for example, a business name, a
department title, and up to three lines for the address. In a data
source, however, all the data records must have the same number
of data fields. If a data record doesn't have a particular category of
information, leave the field blank for that record.

Organize data so that you can use it in different ways.

 For example, when you set up a data source to print form

letters, plan the address information so that you can use the
same data source to print either mailing labels or envelopes.
By placing the title, first name, and last name in separate
fields, you can use the same field to print the last name in
both the address (Mr. Juan Dela Cruz) and the salutation
(Dear Mr. Dela Cruz).

Laboratory Exercise #9: Mail Merging

MICROSOFT EXCEL - is an electronic spreadsheet program that you can
use to efficiently evaluate and revise data, calculate and compare
numbers, and create charts and reports.

Worksheet - refers to the row-and-column matrix sheet on which you

work upon and the term spreadsheet refers to this type of
computer application.

Workbook - refers to the book of pages that is the standard Excel

document. The workbook can contain worksheets, chart sheets,
or macro modules.

Uses of Excel
1. Personal Finances
2. Financial Reports
3. Charts

Excel is composed of more than:

 256 columns with alphabetical headings
 65, 536 numbered rows

Excel Features
changing the typefaces, size and style of data in sheet
adding borders and shading to data cells
adjusting the width and height for selected cells or entire
ranges of columns and rows
moving and copying columns and rows in a sheet
managing, sorting and searching for workbook data
creating a chart based on workbook data
automating workbook tasks you use regularly

The Excel Window

Screen Components
Workbook – is the file, in which you work and store your data;
contains Sheets. The workbook consists of grids and columns. The
intersection of a row and column is a rectangular area called a cell.
Sheet – basic unit of a workbook
Worksheet – store numbers and words
Chartsheet – store charts
Cell – basic unit of a sheet; formed by intersection of row and
Active Cell – displayed with heavy borders around it; indicating that
the cell is selected
Name Box – displays the column number and row letter of the
active cell
Formula Bar – is the area of the workbook where you use to enter
and edit data and formula; displays the contents of
the active cell

The Title Bar

The Title bar is located at the very top of the screen. On the Title
bar, Microsoft Excel displays the name of the workbook you are currently

The Menu Bar

The Menu bar is directly below the Title bar and displays the menu.
You use the menu to give instructions to the software.


Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands. Toolbars are

generally located just below the Menu bar.


Microsoft Excel consists of worksheets. Each worksheet contains

columns and rows. The columns are lettered A to IV; the rows are
numbered 1 to 65536. The combination of column and row coordinates
make up a cell address.

The Formula Bar

1. If the Formula bar is turned on, the cell address displays on the left
side of the Formula bar. Cell entries display on the right side of the
Formula bar.

The Status Bar

1. If the Status bar is turned on, it appears at the very bottom of the

Notice the word "Ready" on the Status bar at the lower left
side of the screen. The word "Ready" tells you that Excel is
in the Ready mode and awaiting your next command. Other
indicators appear on the Status bar in the lower right corner
of the screen.

The Num Lock key is a toggle key. Pressing it turns the

numeric keypad on and off. You can use the numeric keypad
to enter numbers as if you were using a calculator. The
letters "NUM" on the Status bar in the lower right corner of
the screen indicate that the numeric keypad is on.

Other functions that appear on the Status bar are Scroll Lock
and End. Scroll Lock and End are also toggle keys. Pressing
the key toggles the function between on and off. Scroll Lock
causes the pointer movement key to move the window but
not the cell pointer. End allows you to jump around the
screen. We will discuss both of these later in more detail.

The Navigation Keys

a) The Arrow Keys

The Down Arrow Key

You can use the down arrow key to move downward on the
screen one cell at a time.

1. Press the down arrow key several times.

2. Note that the cursor moves downward one cell at a time.

The Up Arrow Key

You can use the Up Arrow key to move upward on the
screen one cell at a time.

1. Press the up arrow key several times.

2. Note that the cursor moves upward one cell at a time.

The Right and Left Arrow Keys

You can use the right and left arrow keys to move right or
left one cell at a time.

1. Press the right arrow key several times.

2. Note that the cursor moves to the right.
3. Press the left arrow key several times.
4. Note that the cursor moves to the left.

Page Up and Page Down

The Page Up and Page Down keys move the cursor up and
down one page at a time.

1. Press the Page Down key.

2. Note that the cursor moves down one page.
3. Press the Page Up key.
4. Note that the cursor moves up one page.

b) The End Key

The Status Bar

The End key, used in conjunction with the arrow keys, causes the
cursor to move to the far end of the spreadsheet in the direction of the

Exercise with End and Arrow Keys

1. Press the End key.

2. Note that "END" appears on the Status bar in the lower right corner
of the screen.
3. Press the right arrow key.
4. Note that the cursor moves to the farthest right area of the screen.
5. Press the END key again.
6. Press the down arrow key. Note that the cursor moves to the
bottom of the screen.

7. Press the End key again.
8. Press the left arrow key. Note that the cursor moves to the farthest
left area of the screen.
9. Press the End key again.
10. Press the up arrow key. Note that the cursor moves to the top of
the screen.

If you have entered data into the worksheet, the End key moves
you to the end of the data area.

c) The Home Key

The Home key, used in conjunction with the End key, moves you to
cell A1 -- or to the beginning of the data area if you have entered data.

d) Scroll Lock

The Status Bar

Scroll Lock moves the window, but not the cell pointer.


If you wish to perform a function on a group of cells, you must first

select those cells by highlighting them. To highlight cells A1 to E1:

1. Place the cursor in cell A1.
2. Press the F8 key. This anchors the cursor.
3. Note that EXT appears on the Status bar in the lower right corner
of the screen. You are in the Extend mode.
4. Click in cell E7. Cells A1 to E7 should now be highlighted.
5. Press Esc and click anywhere on the worksheet to clear the

Alternative Method - Selecting Cells by Dragging

1. You can also highlight an area by holding down the left mouse
button and dragging the mouse over the area.

Closing Microsoft Excel

1. Click on File, which is located on the Menu bar.
2. Press the down arrow key until Exit is highlighted.
3. Press Enter.
4. Click on No, if you are prompted, "Do you want to save the
changes you made to Book1?"

You enter data when you type text or numbers into an empty cell.
If a cell already has data, your typing overwrites the existing data. You
edit data when you make changes to existing data. You clear data when
the cell's contents are erased, but the cell itself is not deleted.

1) Step-by-Step: Enter/Edit/Clear
Start with a blank workbook

a) Select: Cell
Select cell A1 at the upper left by clicking it. (It should be
already selected when you open a new workbook.) The status bar
shows the word Ready and the cell has a darker, wider border
than other cells. You are ready to enter data!

b) Data Entry: Type

Type This is a cell while A1 is selected. Do
not press ENTER yet. The Status bar shows

When you start typing, the pointer changes to the I-beam and a
blinking cursor appears in the cell to show where the next
character will appear. The characters appear in the standard font
(also called Normal), which you selected in Options dialog.

c) Erase Data (before ENTER)
Press the ESC key to cancel your typing. All changes to cell
A1 vanish. This works only if you haven't pressed ENTER yet.

Retype the text and press ENTER. The selection moves to

the next cell down and your typing is accepted into the cell. The
Status Bar now shows Ready.

d) Erase Data (after ENTER)

Several methods work to erase, or clear, a cell after the data
has been entered into the cell.

 Clear Contents
1. Right click on cell A1, and from the
popup menu select Clear Contents...
(This command is also on the Menu bar
as Edit | Clear | Contents…)
The data in the cell is erased. Any formatting will
remain and will be applied to new data that you enter later.

2. Undo

 Delete
1. With cell A1 selected, press the DELETE key. Again the cell
contents are erased. This works when you have many cells
selected, too.

 Drag
1. Type numbers in the cells A1, A2
A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 as
shown at the right.

2. Select range A1:C3. The selected

range has a small black square
in the lower right corner.

3. Drag the small black square back

up into the selected region. The
rows and/or columns you drag
back over turn gray.

4. Release the mouse button. The

cells that you backed over are
empty. This action is quite a

surprise and can be hard to figure out if you were not
warned about it.

5. Drag up again to clear all the numbers from the cells.

2) Editing a Cell

After you enter data into a cell, you can edit it by pressing F2 while
you are in the cell you wish to edit.

Alternate Method – Editing a Cell by Using the Formula Bar

You can also edit the cell by using the Formula bar.

E.g. You can change "Jones" to "Joker" as follows:

1. Move the cursor to cell A1.

2. Click in the formula area of the Formula bar.

3. Use the backspace key to erase the "s," "e," and "n."
4. Type ker.
5. Press Enter.

Alternate Method – Editing a Cell by Double-Clicking in the Cell

You can change "Joker" to "Johnson" as follows:

1. Move the cursor to cell A1.

2. Double-click in cell A1.
3. Press the End key. That will place the cursor at the end of your
4. Use the backspace to erase "r," "e," and "k."
5. Type hnson.
6. Press Enter.

3) Adjusting the Standard Column Width

When you enter Microsoft Excel, the width of each cell is set to a
default width. This width is called the standard column width. To make
the change, try these steps:

1. Click on Format, which is located on the Menu bar.

2. Press the down arrow key until Column is highlighted.
3. Press Enter.

4. Press the down arrow key until Standard Width is highlighted.
5. Press Enter.
6. Type 25 in the Standard Column Width field.
7. Click on OK. The width of every cell on the worksheet should now
be set to 25.

4) Cell Alignment
4.1) Centering by Using the Menu
4.2) Right-Aligning by Using the Menu
4.3) Left-Aligning by Using the Menu
4.4) Alternate Method -- Alignment by Using the Formatting Toolbar
4.5) Centering by Using the Toolbar

The red circle designates the Align Center icon.

4.6) Right-Aligning by Using the Toolbar

4.7) Left-Aligning by Using the Toolbar

5) Adding Bold, Underline, and Italic

You can bold, underline, or italicize text in Microsoft Excel. You can
also combine these features -- in other words, you can bold, underline,
and italicize a single piece of text.

In the exercises that follow, you will learn three different methods
for bolding, italicizing, or underlining text in Microsoft Excel. You will learn
to bold, italicize, and underline by using the menu, the icons, and the
shortcut keys.

5.1) Adding Bold -Using the Menu

5.2) Adding Italic -Using the Menu
5.3) Adding Underline -Using the Menu
5.4) Adding All Three – Using the Menu
5.5) Removing Bolding and Italics – Using the Menu
5.6) Removing an Underline – Using the Menu
 Alternate Method – Adding Bold by Using the Icon
 Alternate Method – Adding Italic by Using the Icon
 Alternate Method – Adding Underline by Using the Icon
 Alternate Method – Bold, Underline, and Italicize Using Icons
 Alternate Method – Adding Bold by Using Shortcut Keys
 Alternate Method – Adding Italic by Using Shortcut Keys

 Alternate Method – Adding Underline by Using Shortcut Keys
 Alternate Method – Bold, Underline, and Italicize Using
Shortcut Keys

6) Changing the Font and Font Size

You can change the Font and Font Size of the data you enter.

7) Working with Long Text

Whenever you type text that is too long to fit into a cell, Microsoft
Excel attempts to display all of the text. It will left-align the text
regardless of the alignment that has been assigned to it, and it will borrow
space from the blank cells to the right. However, a long text entry will
never write over cells that already contain entries— instead, the cells that
contain entries will cut off the long text. Do the following exercise to see
how this works.

1. Move the cursor to cell A6.

2. Type Now is the time for all good men to go to the aid of
their army.
3. Press Enter.
4. Note that everything that does not fit into cell A6 spills over into
the adjacent cell.
5. Move the cursor to cell B6.
6. Type TEST.
7. Press Enter.
8. Note: The entry in cell A6 is cut off.
9. Move the cursor to cell A6.
10. Look at the Formula bar. The text is still in the cell.

8) Changing a Single Column Width

Earlier the column width had been increased. You can also increase
individual column widths. If you increase the column width, you will be
able to see the long text.

1. Make sure the cursor is anywhere under column A.

2. Point to Format, which is located on the Menu bar.
3. Click the left mouse button.
4. Press the down arrow key until Column is highlighted.
5. Press Enter. Width is highlighted.
6. Press Enter.
7. Type 55 in the column width field.
8. Click on OK.

Column A is now set to a width of 55. You should now be able to see all of
the text.

 Alternate Method – Changing a Single Column Width

You can also change the column width using the cursor.

1. Place the cursor on the line between the B and C column headings.
The cursor should look like the one displayed here, with two

2. Move your mouse to the right

while holding down the left
mouse button. The width
indicator will appear on the

3. Release the left mouse button

when the width indicator
shows approximately 40.

9) Moving to a New Worksheet

In Microsoft Excel, each workbook is

made up of several worksheets. Before moving to the next topic, move to
a new worksheet.

1. Click on Sheet2, which is located in the lower left corner of the


Filling Cells Automatically

You can use Microsoft Excel to automatically fill cells with

information that occur in a series. For example, you can have word
automatically fill in times, the days of the week or months of the year,
years, and other types of series. The following demonstrates:

1. Type the following into the worksheet as shown.

1 1:00 Sun Sunday Jan January 2000 Type 1
2. Place the cursor in cell A1.
3. Press F8. This will anchor the cursor.
4. Press the right arrow key six times
to highlight cells A1 through G1.
5. Find the small black square in the
lower right corner of the
highlighted area. This is called the
Fill Handle.

6. Grab the Fill Handle and drag with your mouse to highlight cells A1
to G24.
7. Note how each cell fills.

2. Press Esc and then click anywhere on the worksheet to remove the

10.) Saving Your File and Closing Microsoft Excel

Formatting Cells

a) Widening Columns

You probably noticed, as you typed in the numbers, some of the

words were just too wide for the default cell width. Try widening the
width of column B, slowly move the mouse arrow to the right edge of the
B cell (between the B and the C). The cursor will turn into an arrow
pointing right and left with a small vertical line in the middle (see arrow
below). Hold down the left mouse button and move (drag) the line to the
As soon as you start
to move (drag) a dotted
vertical line will go down the
spreadsheet and it will move
as you hold down the left
button and drag the mouse. Keep dragging to the right until you are past
the widest word and a bit more (for some space). Release the button.
The column is widened. You can also widen the column width using the
menu. Try this:
1. Select the column in which you will widen its width
2. On the Format menu, choose column, choose Width
3. and input in the width text field, your desired width to
widen the column’ size.

b) Inserting Rows
To insert a row, click on the second row to insert the row before it. For
example, if you want to insert a row between row2 and row3, click on row3 so
the new row will appear before it. The same procedure is done in inserting a

c) Aligning Cells
In aligning cells, select the cell where you want to
center its content, and click on any alignment from the
Formatting bar, refer to the image shown in the right.

Here is another way to center the word. Click right on cell C3. Then click on Format

When the Format Cells Menu appears, click-on the – Alignment Tab and then
click-on -- Horizontal - Center --Vertical - Center -- then click OK.


In this lesson you will learn how to work with numbers and how to
perform mathematical calculations.

1) Making Numeric Entries

In Microsoft Excel, you can enter numbers and mathematical

formulas into cells. When a number is entered into a cell, you can perform
mathematical calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division. When entering a mathematical formula, precede the formula
with an equals sign. Use the following to indicate the type of calculation
you wish to perform:

+ Addition / Division
- Subtraction ^ Exponential
* Multiplication

2) Moving Quickly Around the Worksheet

The following are shortcuts for moving quickly from one cell to a
cell in a different part of the worksheet.

a) Go to –F5 - this function key will prompt you to the cell you
wish to go.
b) Go to – Ctrl + G – this command is used when you wish to
go to a specific cell.

3) Performing Mathematical Calculations

The following are the three(3) methods in computing values of data

1.) by Typing
2.) by Pointing
3.) by using a formula

By Typing
Enter the following:
Cell Type – in

B2 4
B3 6
B4 8
B5 1
B6 =B2+B3+B4+B5 and press enter
You will then see that the sum is 19.
By Pointing
Erase what you have entered in B6, type the “=” (equal) sign back,
then use the mouse to point to the values at B2 to B5, put a “+”
(addition) symbol in between cell names and after selecting all cells press
enter, the sum will show.

By Using a Formula
Erase the entry at B6 again, then type the “=sum(B2:B5) then
press enter, the sum will again show.

The following exercises will further demonstrate how to perform

mathematical calculations.

a) Addition

1. Move the cursor to cell 7. Press Enter.

A1. 8. Note that cell A1 has
2. Type 1. been added to cell
3. Press Enter. A2 and the result is
4. Type 1 in cell A2. shown in cell A3.
5. Press Enter.
6. Type =A1+A2 in cell A3.

Place the cursor in cell A3 and look at the Formula bar.

b) Subtraction

1. Press F5. The Go To dialog box will appear.

2. Type B1.
3. Press Enter.
4. The cursor should move to cell B1.
5. Type 5 in cell B1.
6. Press Enter.
7. Type 3 in cell B2.
8. Press Enter.
9. Type =+B1-B2 in cell B3.
10. Press Enter.
11. Note that cell B1 has been subtracted from B2 and the result is
shown in cell B3.

Place the cursor in cell B3 and look at the Formula bar.

c) Multiplication

1. Hold down the Ctrl key while you press "g" (Ctrl-g). The Go To
dialog box will appear.
2. Type C1.
3. Press Enter. You should now be in cell C1.
4. Type 2 in cell C1.
5. Press Enter.
6. Type 3 in cell C2.
7. Press Enter.
8. Type =C1*C2 in cell C3.
9. Press Enter.
10. Note that C1 is multiplied by C2 and the answer is displayed in C3.
Place the cursor in cell C3 and look at the Formula bar.

d) Division

1. Press F5.
2. Type D1.
3. Press Enter. You should now be in cell D1.
4. Type 6 in cell D1.
5. Press Enter.
6. Type 3 in cell D2.
7. Press Enter.
8. Type =D1/D2 in cell D3.
9. Press Enter.
10. Note that D1 is divided by D2 and the answer is displayed in cell

Place the cursor in cell D3 and look at the Formula bar.

e) Automatic Calculation

If you have automatic calculation turned on, Microsoft Excel

recalculates the worksheet as you change cell entries. Let’s check
to make sure automatic calculation is turned on.

 Setting Automatic Calculation

1. Click on Tools, which is located on the Menu bar.

2. Press the down arrow key until Options is highlighted.
3. Press Enter.
4. Click on the Calculation tab if it is not in the front.
5. Select Automatic, if it is not already selected.
6. Click on OK.
 Trying Automatic Calculation

Make the changes outlined below and note how Microsoft Excel
automatically recalculates.

1. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing Home (Ctrl-Home).

This will move you to cell A1.
2. Type 2. Press the Tab key.
3. Note that the results shown in cell A3 have changed. The
number in cell A1 has been added to the number in cell A2
and the results display in cell A3.
4. You should now be in cell B1.
5. Type 6. Press the Tab key.
6. Note that the results shown in cell B3 have changed. The
number in cell B1 has been subtracted from the number in
cell B2 and the results display in cell B3.
7. You should now be in cell C1.
8. Type 4. Press the Tab key.
9. Note that the results shown in cell C3 have changed. The
number in cell C1 has been multiplied by the number in cell
C2 and the results display in cell C3.
10. You should now be in cell D1.
11. Type 12. Press the Tab key.
12. Note that the results shown in cell D3 have changed. The
number in cell D1 has been divided by the number in cell D2
and the results display in cell D3.

4) Formatting Numbers

You can format the numbers you enter into Microsoft Excel. You
can add commas to separate thousands, specify the number of decimal
places, place a dollar sign in front of the number, or display the number
as a percent in addition to several other options.

Before formatting. After formatting.

1. Move the cursor to cell A5.

2. Type 1234567.
3. Press Enter.
4. Move the cursor back to cell A5.
5. Click on Format, which is located on the Menu bar.
6. Press the down arrow key until Cells is highlighted.
7. Press Enter.
8. Click on the Number tab, if it is not in the front.
9. Click on Number in the Category box.
10. Type 2 in the Decimal Places box. This will cause the number to
display with two decimal places.
11. Place a checkmark in the Use 1000 Separator box. This will cause
thousands to be separated with commas.
12. Click on OK.

a) Adding a Dollar Sign to the Numeric Entry

 Alternate Method – Formatting Numbers by Using the


5) More Advanced Mathematical Calculations

When you perform mathematical calculations in Microsoft Excel be

careful of precedence. Calculations are performed from left to right, with
multiplication and division performed before addition and subtraction.

a) Cell Addressing

Microsoft Excel records cell addresses in formulas in three different

ways, called absolute, relative, and mixed. The way a formula is recorded
is important when you copy it.

With relative cell addressing, when you copy a formula from one
area of the worksheet to another, Microsoft Excel records the position of
the cell relative to the cell that originally contained the formula

b) Creating the Formula

c) Copying by Using the Menu

6) Mathematical Functions
Note: Colon(:) indicates range
a) Sum – adds all the numbers in a range of cells.
Syntax: =sum(range)
b) Average – returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the
c) Count – counts the number of cells that contain numbers
and also numbers within the list of arguments. Use COUNT to get the
number of entries in a number field that's in a range or array of
d) Max - Returns the largest value in a set of values.
e) Min – returns the smallest number in a set of values.

7) Other Functions
a) If - Returns one value if a condition you specify
evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE.
 Use IF to conduct conditional tests on values
and formulas.
Syntax: IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false)

b) Lookup - returns a value either from a one-row or

one-column range or from an array. The LOOKUP function has two
syntax forms: vector and array. The vector form of LOOKUP looks in a
one-row or one-column range (known as a vector) for a value and
returns a value from the same position in a second one-row or one-
column range. The array form of LOOKUP looks in the first row or
column of an array for the specified value and returns a value from the
same position in the last row or column of the array.

b.1) LOOKUP(lookup_value,lookup_vector,result_vector)
 Lookup_value is a value that LOOKUP searches for
in the first vector. Lookup_value can be a number, text, a
logical value, or a name or reference that refers to a value.
 Lookup_vector is a range that contains only one
row or one column. The values in lookup_vector can be text,
numbers, or logical values.
b.2) LOOKUP(lookup_value,array)
 Lookup_value is a value that LOOKUP searches for in an
array. Lookup_value can be a number, text, a logical value,
or a name or reference that refers to a value.

 If LOOKUP can't find the lookup_value, it uses the largest

value in the array that is less than or equal to lookup_value.
 If lookup_value is smaller than the smallest value in the first
row or column (depending on the array dimensions),
LOOKUP returns the #N/A error value.
b.3) Other Lookup Functions
1) VLOOKUP - searches for a value in the leftmost column of
a table, and then returns a value in the same row
from a column you specify in the table. Use VLOOKUP
instead of HLOOKUP when your comparison values
are located in a column to the left of the data you
want to find.
The V in VLOOKUP stands for "Vertical."
2) HLOOKUP - Searches for a value in the top row of a table
or an array of values, and then returns a value in the
same column from a row you specify in the table or
array. Use HLOOKUP when your comparison values
are located in a row across the top of a table of data,
and you want to look down a specified number of
rows. Use VLOOKUP when your comparison values
are located in a column to the left of the data you
want to find.
The H in HLOOKUP stands for "Horizontal."

3) MATCH - Returns the relative position of an item in an
array that matches a specified value in a specified
order. Use MATCH instead of one of the LOOKUP
functions when you need the position of an item in a
range instead of the item itself.
MICROSOFT POWERPOINT - is a powerful tool to create professional looking
presentations and slide shows. PowerPoint allows you to construct presentations from
scratch or by using the easy to use wizard.

PowerPoint provides you with four screen layouts for use in designing your
presentation in addition to the Slide Show view. You can select the page view by the
View menu on the menu bar or by using the view toolbar located just above the drawing
toolbar and at the bottom of the page.

This tiny toolbar is unique to PowerPoint. The icons allow you to switch between 5
different modes of viewing your work.

The views include:

← Normal View |Outline View | Slide View | Slide Sorter View | Slide Show
Normal View Slide View
This screen is split into three major sections In the slide view, slides are displayed almost in full
showing the outline on the left, the current slide in view on the screen. This view is helpful for adding
the main window, and speaker notes section at the images, formatting text, and adding background
bottom. styles.

Outline View Slide Sorter View

The Outline view displays the "slideshow outline" A thumbnail view of each slide is displayed in this
on the majority of the screen with small windows view. Slides can easily be ordered, sorted and/or
for the slide view and speaker notes. This view is deleted from this screen.
recommended for editing text or creating text in

This screen will be prompted and you will be
asked how you are going to create a new
presentation. You have three options for creating a
new presentation:

The Auto Content Wizard asks you a few

questions, and then creates your slides for you. This
produces a very 'canned' presentation, and should be
avoided at all costs... Do browse through the options,
though, because they're useful for getting ideas.
If you are relatively new to PowerPoint, using a design template
produces slightly better looking presentations, but once you know what you're
doing, you'll find that few templates meet your needs exactly, and you'll end up
modifying them anyway.

Fortunately, there is an option to create a 'blank' presentation, which gives

you full control over the look, feel and content of your presentation.

a) Inserting a New Slide

Follow these steps to insert a new slide into your presentation:
1. From the Outline
window, select the slide
you want the new slide
to appear after by
selecting the slide's
2. Select Insert>New Slide
from the menu bar or
click the new slide
button on the standard
3. Choose the layout from
the new slide window and press OK. (new slide window is shown below)

b) Applying a Design Template

To add a design template or changing the existing one, selection
Format>Design Template from the menu bar. Select the template and click

c) How to Change Slide Layouts

To change the layout of a slide, select Format>Slide Layout from the menu bar.
Select one of the layout thumbnail images and click Apply.

d) How to Reorder Slides

To reorder a slide in Slide Sorter
View, simply click on the slide you wish
to move and drag it to the new location
within the presentation.
In Normal or Outline View, click
the slide icon beside the number of the
slide you want to move and drag the
icon to a new location.
SHORTCUT KEYS: Most Windows programs allow you easy access to common
functions using either the CTRL or ALT keys in combination with a modifier key

← CTRL+Z = Undo
← ALT + F = File (displays the file menu
← CTRL+C = Copy
← ALT + E = Edit (displays the edit menu
← CTRL+V = Paste
← CTRL+X = Cut
← Once a menu is displayed, pressing the
← CTRL+S = Save
underlined letter in a menu item's name executed
that command.
← CTRL+P = Print

e) Adding Text
1. Select the TEXT tool, and 'draw' a container area on your slide.
2. Type your text

f) Adding Graphics

1. From the Main Menu Choose Insert/Picture/Clipart.

2. PowerPoint will insert the clipart in the center of the slide. Simply
reposition and resize to suit.
3. If you want to insert a picture from
your own files, repeat Step 1
(Insert/Picture/... but choose From
File, and browse to the location of
the file)
4. If you want to insert a picture from
a book or a journal, you can choose
Insert/Picture/From Scanner or
5. Movies and Sounds is another
option on the Insert menu. Video
and sound can be a very effective
addition to your presentation when used appropriately.
g) Working with Shapes

1. PowerPoint has a rich collection of

autoshapes. To see them, click on the
'Autoshapes ' tool bar at the bottom of
the PowerPoint screen
2. From the shapes menu, select the one
you want, and then drag an area for it
on the slide.
3. Shapes (and other graphics) can be
rotated via the "Rotate or Flip" option
on the Drawing tools menu.
4. If you want to write in a shape, it's
better to write directly onto the shape
(click on the shape first then click the
text tool and start typing) rather
than creating a separate text box.

It is often very helpful to make an object automatically fit its text:

1. Select the object you want to resize.

2. On the Format menu, click the command for the type of object you
selected — for example, AutoShape or Text Box — and then click
the Text Box tab.
3. Select the Resize AutoShape to fit text check box.
4. Optionally, select Word wrap text in Autoshape.

Note: If the Resize AutoShape to fit text check box is selected and
you later try to make the shape smaller, the shape will resize only
to where the text still fits within it.

h) Inserting WORD ART

This works in exactly the same way as it

does in Word

1. Click the WordArt Button on the

Drawing Toolbar
2. Choose a style from the WordArt
3. Type your text
Another unique feature of Powerpoint presentations is that you can include slide
transitions or animation effects.

i) Applying Transitions
1. In slide or slide sorter view, select the slide
or slides you want to add a transition to.
2. On the Slide Show menu, click Slide
3. In the Effect box, click the transition you
want, and then select any other options you
4. Click Apply (you would almost never want
to Apply to All - see note below)

j) Applying Animations
You may also want to animate the individual
elements on your slides. The animation effects toolbar can
be accessed by clicking on the STAR tool . This opens
the Animation Effects Toolbar

Each tool applies a different effect to the selected screen element. In

PowerPoint (i.e. not on the graphic on this page!), try holding your mouse
pointer over each tool to get an idea of what it does. Then experiment.

Important Note: The transitions dialog box at the top of the page is
shown with the worst possible selections in place. If you wish to drive
everyone from the presentation hall before the fourth slide is displayed,
make the above selections and click "Apply to All".

Transitions and animations should be used very sparingly and they should
only be applied when the serve some purpose (i.e. to call attention to a
"Conclusions" slide that summarizes your major points).

A conservative approach is almost always best. Resist the temptation to

"jazz-up" your presentation with too many transitions or animations--they
tend to distract your audience by calling attention away from the points
that you are trying to make
k) Applying Custom Animations
In addition to the automatic (i.e. built-in) slide transitions, and text animation
effects, you are also able to create your own custom animations. Here's how you
do it:

1. Right-click the element (either text or graphic) you wish to animate

2. Choose Custom Animation from the shortcut menu
3. Click the check box of the element(s) that you want to animate
4. Choose from the options on the various tabs for the sort of movement,
timing, or sound effects that you want the selected element to display

l) Creating a Speaker Notes

Go to View/Normal, or click on the Normal View button. From Normal
View, notes can be added to the slide in the notes window.

These notes will not be seen on your presentation, but they can be
printed out on paper along with the slide the notes refer to by selecting Print
What: Notes Pages on the Print menu.

m) Inserting Video Files

To add a video to your presentation select Insert>Movies and
Sounds>Movie from File. Locate the movie/video file you want to place in your
presentation and click Insert.
You can also insert an animation from Microsoft's ClipArt/Animation gallery
by choosing Insert>Movies and Sounds>Movie from Gallery and selecting the
video file.

n) Inserting Audio Files

To add sound to your presentation select Insert>Movies and
Sounds>Sound from file. Locate the audio file you want to place in your
presentation and click Insert.
You can also insert a sound or sound file from Microsoft's ClipArt/Sound
gallery by choosing Insert>Movies and Sounds>Sound from Galleryand selecting
the audio file.

o) Slide Show

1. Select 'Slide Sorter View' from the toolbar in the bottom left of the screen (the
one with the four boxes, remember?).

2. Select the first slide by clicking on it when it appears on the screen.

3. Click on the 'Slide Show' tool.

Your first slide will fill the screen. To move on to the next slide, click anywhere
on the slide with the mouse (or press the right arrow on your keyboard)

To go back to a previous slide, press the left arrow key. To get back to Slide
sorter view, right-click anywhere on the screen and choose "End show" from
the popup menu.

Shortcut Keys for Slide Shows:

To start your slide show from the first slide regardless of which slide you
are currently on, press F5, to end the show and return to the slide that
you were working on, press Esc.

p) Editing a Graphic

In order to edit a graphic image, it must first be selected. To select the

click on it once with the mouse. Several selector handles will appear around the
graphic. You can click and drag these handles to resize the image. The handles
on the corners will resize proportionally while the handles on the straight lines
will stretch the image.

More picture effects can be changed using the Picture toolbar.

 Insert Picture - Opens the Insert Picture dialog box so that you can
insert a graphics file.
 Image Control - Provides options for changing the color and intensity of
the selected graphic.
 Contrast - Increases or
decreases the contrast
among the colors of a
selected graphic.
 Brightness - Increases
or decreases the
brightness of a selected
 Crop - Allows you to
"cut away" part of a
selected graphic.
 Line Style - Provides
choices of lines as border of selected graphic.
 Format Object - Opens the Format Object dialog box which provides
additional formatting options.
 Text Wrapping - Offers options for controlling how text wraps to
selected graphic.
 Set Transparent Color - Enables you to make one color of a selected
graphic transparent.
 Reset Picture - Returns selected graphic to its original condition.
 Recolor Picture - Available in PowerPoint only, this button takes the
place of the Text Wrapping button and lets you change the colors of a

q) Using Page Setup and Printing

Select File>Page Setup from the menu bar to access options for printing
the presentation. Select the format the printed slides will be used for from the
Slides sized for drop-down menu or enter a specific print size using the Width
and Height boxes. Select the page orientation for the slides and for other print
material from the presentation in the Orientation section.
Select File>Print from the menu bar to print the presentation.

Print range - Select All to print all the slides in the presentation,
Current slide to print only the current slide, or enter slide numbers in
the Slides field to print only certain slides.

Copies - Enter the number of copies of each slide specified in Print range
and check the Collate box if necessary.

Print What -

 Slides prints a full-page slide on each page.

 Handouts prints as many slides as you designate on each page.
 Notes Page prints one slide with that slide's notes on each page
 Outline view prints the outline of the presentation

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