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Automated attendance notification system is an attendance management software

module. It is designed to handle the various attendance requirements of college

students. From almost effortlessly recording attendance, to producing daily

attendance bulletins, absentee record and letters and documents. Student

Attendance module simplifies a wide range of attendance tasks with ease.

One of the best feature of this software module is the online presence so the

college can access all student and staff attendance data online.

The system mainly focuses on indicating the leave percentage of students.

Automated attendance notification system can automatically send Email or SMS

notifications or alerts to student's phone in case of student absentee. Admin

record the details of department, course, subject and faculties. Admin can verify

the details of the details of stud

ents. Faculties can add the internal mark of each student for a semester. Daily

attendance is marked by the faculty. The students get an alert whenever the

attendance is marked, so that they get alert by the percentage of attendance.

Modules of the Project

1) Student Entry module

This module deals with the registration of students. Details such as name,

address, course etc. should be entered.

2) Staff Entry Module

This module deals with the registration of staffs. Details such as

qualification, name, address etc. should be entered.

3) Course Entry module

This module helps in registration of different courses which has internal


4) Subject Entry Module

This module helps in registration of different subjects which has internal

marks which are taught under each course.

5) Time table module

Time table of each class is entered by the admin.

6) Attendance module

Attendance of each student is recorded daily. Along with this an alert is

produced for the students to convey their attendance percentage.

1. Admin

2. Faculty


Students gets notified about their attendance only at the final stage of a semester.

They can’t predict the attendance while taking the leave. This will lead to

attendance shortage for them.


The system mainly focuses on indicating the leave percentage of students.

Automated attendance notification system can automatically send Email or SMS

notifications or alerts to student's phone in case of student absentee. Admin

record the details of department, course, subject and faculties. Admin can verify

the details of the details of students. Faculties can add the internal mark of each

student for a semester. Daily attendance is marked by the faculty. The students

get an alert whenever the attendance is marked, so that they get alert by the

percentage of attendance.


• SYSTEM : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz

• RAM : 512 MB


• Operating system : Windows XP Professional

• IDE : Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2015

• Coding Language : C#

• Front End : ASP.Net

• Back End : SQL Server 2014

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