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Name: Minhalina binti Mohd Nasir Date: 4th September 2017 Day: Monday
Year: 4 Efisien Theme: Animals No. of pupils: 6

Topic: Listening and Speaking Skill Duration: 60 minutes Time: 8.00 am-9.00am

Pupil’s Name Type of Disabilities

Elisa binti Sofian Autism
Muhd Zahin bin Muhd Irfan Autism
Haris bin Taufiq Ali Hyperactive
Danish Wafi bin Idris Nor Down Syndrome
Amna Nafeesah binti Fauzi Slow Learner
Najmi bin Arman Slow Learner

Lesson Summary:
Teacher will ask pupils randomly about animal’s sound that they have heard. After that, teacher shows
video about “The Animal Sounds Song” to the pupils before start the lesson to attract pupils. Next,
teacher will show the slide about animal and its’ sound. Pupils must listen to the sound and remember
it. Then, pupils have to hang up the animal card picture based on the animal’s sound that they heard.
After complete the task, pupils also have to make animal’s sound when teacher mention the animal’s
name. Pupils who make the correct sound will get the gift as a reward. Then, teacher will give a
worksheet to every pupil. This lesson is to test the pupils about their listening skill. Finally, at the end of
the lesson teacher will ask the pupils what they have learn on that day.
Content Standard:
1.1 Able to pronounce words with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Learning Standard:
1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given:
iv) voice sounds

Pupils’ previous knowledge:

1. The pupils already knew the some of animals.
2. The pupils had heard some of animals’ sounds
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will able to:
1. The pupils able to listen and respond at least 2 out of 6 voice sounds of animals.

Content: The pupils able to listen and respond to voice sounds of animals.

Educational Emphasis: Thinking skills, constructivism, listening skills, speaking skills, interaction,
active listening, cooperative.
Teaching Aids:
Video, Card pictures, Worksheet
Stage / Time Teacher’s Strategy Pupils’ Activity Language Teacher’s Note

Set 1. Teacher ask 1. Pupils Example of Teaching Aids:

Induction pupils answer the questions: - Video
(5 minutes) randomly teacher’s 1. Who Moral values:
about voice question. knows the - Focus
sound of 2. Pupils see animal Educational
animals that and listen to sounds? emphasis:
they have the video 2. What type - Thinking
heard. that had of Skills
2. Teacher been shown animal’s - Interaction
shows video by teacher. sound that
“The Animal 3. Pupils sing you
Sounds Song” the song heard?
to the pupils. based on 3. What can
3. Teacher ask lyrics in the you see in
pupils to sing video when the video?
the song that video had 4. What
have been repeat. sounds
show on 4. After the that you
video. song finish, heard?
4. After the song they have to Acceptable
finished, answer answer:
teacher will teacher’s 1. Yes/No.
ask pupils a question. 2. Bird/
few questions Chicken/
about the Cat/ Tiger/
video that (Cengkeri
have shown. k)
5. Teacher 3. Cow/
inform pupils Goat/
the Bird/ Cat/
relationship Duck.
between the
video and 4. Moo/
their learning Beek/ Cip/
for today. Meow/

Presentation 1. Teacher 1. Pupils have Teaching Aids: Teaching Aids:

Stage shows the to pay an (Appendix 1) - Slide
(15 minutes) slide that attention The Slide Show - LCD
have a few when the – Animal Picture - Projector
pictures of teacher and Its Sound. - Pictures
animal with shows all the - Audio
their sounds. pictures and - Speaker
2. Teacher asks sounds of
the pupils for animals on Moral values:
listen to the the slide 1.Cow- MOO - Brave
slide show show in front - Confidence
and make of the class. - Focus
(mengajuk) 2. Pupils must
the sound of listen to the 2.Goat- BEEK Educational
animals that animals’ Emphasis:
displayed by sound - Active
teacher in the clearly. listening
correct and 3. Pupils have 3.Duck-QUACK - Interaction
clear to spell
pronunciation. animals’
3. Teacher name, make
guide pupils animal 4.Cat-MEOW
to spell the sounds and
animals animal
name, bring movements
animal based on
sounds and the slide 5.Frog-ONG
make animal show with
movements the teacher
based on the guide.
slide show.
4. Teacher ask 4. Pupils have
pupils to to remember
remember the the name
name and the and the
sounds of sounds of 6.Bird-CHIP
animals that animals that
have been have been
show on the show on the
slide. slide.

Practice 1. Teacher give 1. Each pupil Teaching Aids: Teaching Aids:

Stage six pieces of will receive (Appendix 2) - Card Pictures
(15 minutes) animal card six pieces of - Animal - Audio
picture (cow, animal card card - Speaker
goat, duck, picture (cow, picture
cat, frog and goat, duck, Moral Values:
bird) to the cat, frog and - Brave
pupils. bird). - Confidence
2. Teacher ask 2. Pupils have
pupils for to pay Educational
listen to the attention Emphasis:
sound that and listen to - Listening skills
have been the sound - Thinking skills
play. that will play - Interaction
3. Next, teacher by teacher - Active listening
asks pupils to on the
hang up the computer.
card picture of 3. Pupils need
animal that to hang up
they heard the card
and make the picture of
animal animal that
movement they heard
based on the and make
sounds. the animal
4. Teacher will based on
give the gift to the sounds.
the pupils 4. Pupil who
who hang up hang up the
the correct correct
card picture animal card
while pupils pictures will
that hang up receive the
wrong picture gift from
will receive teacher
the correction. while pupil
who hang
the wrong
card will be
correct by

Production 1. Teacher ask 1. Pupils have Worksheet Teaching Aids:

Stage pupils to been divided (Appendix 3 and -Computer
(20 minutes) divided by two by two Appendix 4) -Audio
groups. groups. -Speaker
2. Teacher ask 2. Pupils have -Worksheet
pupils to pay to pay an
an attention attention Moral Values:
before listen and listen -Teamwork
the animal the animal -Brave
name that will name that -Confidence
mention by have -Courage
her. mentioned
3. Teacher ask by teacher. Educational
pupils to 3. Next, pupils Emphasis:
make the have to -Listening Skills
animal’s make the -Active Listening
sounds and it animal’s -Cooperative
movement by sound (moo, -Thinking Skills
group. beek, meow,
4. Teacher will quack, ong
give a punish or chip) and
like “ketuk it’s
ketampi” movement.
around 3 4. Group that
times, if one make a
of three pupils correct
in the group sound of
make a wrong animal that
sound while have been
the group that mention by
make correct teacher will
sound will get a gift or
receive a gift claps while
from teacher. the group
5. After teacher who make
test the the wrong
listening skills sound will be
of pupils with punish.
this activity, 5. After this
teacher ask activity,
pupils to do pupils have
worksheet to do the
that have worksheet
given by her. by hearing
6. Teacher will the sound
play the that been
animal play by
sounds on the teacher.
computer for 6. Pupils have
the to answer it
worksheet. correctly.

Closure 1. Teacher 1. Pupils have Example of Moral Values:

(5 minutes) recaps the to give a questions: - Team work
lesson. respons - Brave
2. Teacher ask when 1. Who can - Confidence
pupils a few teacher ask tell me - Courage
questions some what we
about what questions. have learn Educational
they have today? Emphasis:
learn on that 2. Can you - Thinking
day. make two skills
animal’s - Interaction
sound that
you have
3. Do you
think that
to know
1. We have
2. Moo/
3. Yes.



Listening Skills

Theme : Animal

Tick ( / ) based on the sound that you heard.

Teacher’s 1 2 3 4 5
List Answer


Listening Skills

Theme: Animal

Listen, scan and circle the answer.

Instruction: Circle the animal’s sound that you heard by this colour:-

First animal’s sound – orange

Second animal’s sound – green

Third animal’s sound - blue

Teacher’s List Answer

Animal’s Sound /

1 Bird

2 Goat

3 Frog

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