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SUBJECT MUSIC YEAR GROUP 4 TERM Autumn 2 TOPIC: Glockenspiel, understanding notation

and Christmas
Objectives Skills Knowledge and Understanding Attitudes Behaviours
All All pupils will develop instrumental control on This topic requires the children to really work together Focus Empathy
tuned percussion and understanding written and exercise good instrumental discipline and control. Resilience Reflection
notation They will need to be tolerant of others who may take Integrity Growth Mindset
Most (Av.) Most will be able to play accurate notes longer to grasp the music Drive Responsibility
using the glockenspiel pictures to help and Adaptability Curiosity
named letters Optimism Self-control
Some (Av.+) Some children will read solely from the Discernment Service
notation Courage Charity
Self-Awareness Cooperation
KEJS CORE VALUES - What we believe in - fundamental things we all think are important to be a good citizen
Respect, Tolerance, Courage, Honesty, Trustworthiness, Gratitude, Appreciation, Thoughtfulness, Kindness, Patience

KEJS Key Questions Evaluation and

Suggested Activities Resources/support
(Objectives) Assessment
1 Pupils listen to some examples Watch pulse video Charanga website Pupils did well
of music at different speeds. Tempo quiz on charanga site. Glockenspiels and playing through the
They understand that the speed xylophones pieces. Several
of the pulse determines the Pupils play through DEF initely, Easy E and third piece if time, concentrating in children were
tempo. particular on rhythmic notation and not playing gin the rests.
confused over note
values to start with
and also the
difference between
pulse and rhythm.
Good first lesson
with Hilla. Weaker
pupils – timing- D D,
Rhythmically solid:

Second class
(Tuesday) had a
much shorter lesson
due to extra form
2 Revise the pitches and note Revisit notation covered last week (def, minim notes and rests, crotchets and
values covered last lesson. semibreves)
Play through Mardi Gras and Play through mardi Gras as a class then as in small groups and assess accuracy.
lesson 3 glockenspiel Move to next stage.
KEJS Key Questions Evaluation and
Suggested Activities Resources/support
(Objectives) Assessment

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