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Exam Complex Analysis (AP3001-CA)

Part 1: 2 hours, Part 2: 2 hours.

Full exam (3 hours): SA: 1-7, Open 1: 1,3,5, Open 2: 1,3,4,5
Resources allowed: none.
Short answer questions (SA): only answer required.
Other questions: motivate all your answers and rewrite them in the form
z = a + bi, a, b ∈ R whenever applicable.

Part 1 (2 hours, 36 points)

Short answer questions
Q1, 2 points (SA) The set S is obtained by removing the points of the form z = x + ix, x > 0 from the complex plane.
Circle the correct statement(s) (multiple answers may be correct).

(a) A 0 is an interior point of S. (b) AS is open.

B 0 is an exterior point of S. BS is closed.
C 0 is a boundary point of S. CS is connected.
DS is bounded.

Q2, 2 points (SA) Sketch the following set S in the complex plane: S = {z ∈ C | |z − 3| > |z − 1 + 4i|}.

Q3, 2 points (SA) Compute the following limit (write either a complex number, “∞” or “does not exist”).

limz→0 Re zz2Im z =

Q4, 3 points (SA) The function f (z) = z 5 and the function g(z) = z 5 Circle the correct statement(s) (multiple answers
may be correct).
(a) A f (z) is one-to-one (b) A g(z) is one-to-one
B f (z) is one-to-many. B g(z) is one-to-many
C f (z) is many-to-one C g(z) is many-to-one
D f (z) is many-to-many D g(z) is many-to-many

Q5, 2 points (SA) From the analytic function f (z), = x + iy it is given that Re f (z) = x + y − 2y. Determine the
imaginary part of f (z).

Imf (z) =

Q6, 2 points (SA) Determine all the points where the function f (z) = ez̄ is differentiable.


Q7, 2 points (SA) The set S is obtained by removing the positive imaginary axis and 0 from the complex plane. The
√ −7π
function f : S → C, f (z) = z 3i is chosen such that f ( 12 + 12 i 3) = ee . How is the argument of z chosen, corresponding
to this branch of f (z)?.

Open questions
Q1, 3 points Determine all solutions of the equation cos z = −i.

z2 z 6= 0
Q2, 3+2 points We define the function f : C → C as follows: f (z) = Furthermore we set 0 ≤ arg
0 z = 0.
z < 2π to obtain a single valued function.
a) Sketch the image of the set G = {z ∈ C | Re z ≤ 0 and |z| ≤ 3} under f .
b) Sketch the image of G under f if we set −π ≤ arg z < π

R part of the circle z = R where Im z ≥ 0 (we give CR a positive orientation). Use an M L−estimate
Q3, 4 points CR is the
to show that limR→∞ CR 2z−3
z 3 +z dz = 0

Q4, 3+2
R points Compute the following integrals. The contour is traversed once in positive direction.
a) |z|=1 z −1+3i dz. For f (z) = z −1+3i the branch is chosen where 0 < arg z < 2π.
b) |z|=1 (z−2) 3 dz

Q5, 3 points Use (the extended version of) Cauchy’s integral formula to compute the following integral. The contour
is traversed once in positive direction. |z|=1 ez3 dz

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