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Fluid Conversions

Production Log Interpretation



Fluid Conversions
Production Log

0 Copyright 1974
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.


A Symbols, Subscripts, and Abbreviations iii


A. Client-Supplied Information 1
1. surface Flow Rates 1
2. Downhole Fluid Parameters 1
3. Mechanical Feanues 1
4. Intrinsic Fluid Parameters 1
5. Gened 2
B. Values Calculated Before Logging 2
C. Log-Derived Data 2
1. Fluid Phases 2
2. Flow Regimes 2
3. The Conversion Problem 2

A. Gas Formarion Volume Factor, B, 3
B. Gas Deviation Factor, z 4
C. Gas Deosiy 6
1. Spec&c Graviy, yg (air = 1.0) 6
2. Density, & ( gm/cc or lb/a ft ) 6
D. Gas Viiosiy, R 6
E. Producing Gas-Oil Ratio, R 7
F. Bubble-Point Pressure, ph 7
G. Solution Gas-Oil Ratio, R. 8
H Free Producing Gas-Oil Ratio, R, 9
I. Oil Formation Volume Factor, B, 10
J. Oil Density, P. 12
K Oil Viscosiy, p, 13
L. Solution Gas-Water Ratio, R,, 14
M. Warer Densicy, pw 15
N. Water Formation Volume Factor, B, 15
0. Water Viscosity, lh 16
P. Viscosity of Miies 16

A. Example 1, Water Injection (metric unis) 18
B. Example 2, Gas Production (English) 18
C. Example 3, Gas (metric) 20
D. Enample 4, Gas and Water (English) 22
E. Example 5, Oil and Gas, no free gas @q$ish) 24
F. Example 6, Oil and Gas, free gas present (English) 26
G. Example 7, Oil, Gas, and Water (metric) 28
H. Example 8, Oil, Gas, and Wafer (English) 30
A. Fg-1 l/B, from yg, p-r, and TW (typical gasa) 35
B. Fg-2 T, and ppe from yg 36
C. Fg-3 Gas compressibiliy factor, z, from T,. and pur 37
D. Fg-4 l/B, from pwf, TM, and z 38
E. Fg-5 pFmf from yg and l/B, 39
F. Fg-6 h from p,,= and Tti 40
G. Fgo-I pb 01 p+ from TM, Rsb a R,, R.. 01 ya. and I+
or Rgb from pa, T-r, P..< or yo, and yg 41
H. Fgo-2 k from pwr/pn 42
I. Fgo-3 Bob from Rsh yp, yo, and TM 43
J. Fgo-4 B, from yg, R, and T,, 44
K Fgo-5 B, from pob or Q ( pwi - pi,), and Bob 45
L. Fgod Pownrfrom yp, R,, Yoseor Pa and Bo 46
M Fgo-7 pob and yosc (‘API) from Tti and Rsb 41
N. Fgw-1 R’,, and FBo from be Twr, and total solids in brine 48
0. Fw-1 pwr 01:p.. from Csac,, pwi or p.., and TM or T, 49
P. Fw-2 pwM from Csaol and T,t 50

A. A-1 Water analysis by Re 52
B. A-2 Resistivicy of NaCl Solutions 53
C. A-3 v, “S qr, no tool 54
D. A4 V, YS gr, 1 1*/16-in. tool 55
E. A-5 vr ys qr, 2 l/S-in. tool 56
R References 57

SYMBOLS t time
V vohlme
A area
v velociy
AC, amplit% Gradiomanometez reading
7 average (su@cial) vekiy
B formation volume factot
W weight
c compressibility
concentration I holdup
z gas-compressibiliy deviation factor
G specific heat of well fluid
Y gravity: y. is gravity of oil in ‘API;
G fluid-flow-v&&y correction factor
yp is spechic gravity of gas, referred to
air (= 1.0)
P density
F Gradiomanometer friction factor
I viscosiy
FBC brine correction factor (for solubiliy of gas)
h height
h fluid head
air ai+
h vertical dice between RTS detectors
b bubble point
K Gradimnanometer kinetic factor
f fluid
k gas soluhility correction factor; Chart Fgo-2
Fg free gas
m mass
Reynolds Number g gas
Gr Gradiomanometer
P p*eSlxe
h hole
9 flow tare
Iiq liquid
R producing gas-oil ratio (GOR) : R = q&q-
m mixture
R’ producing ratio of free gas plus gas dissolved in
oil,tooil: R’= (49.e-qaacL)/qoae N&l salt (sodium chloride)
free gas-water ratio 0 oil
solution gas-water ratio in fresh water K pseudo-critical (temperature or pressure of gas)
temperaNte P* pseudo-reduced. p,,r = pwi/pw, T,r = T&T,

slippage cf/D or
cubic feet per day
FBS FulIboreSpinner Flowmeter
solution gas
Fw fomution volume factor
solution gas at bubble point
GOR gas-oil ratio (R )
standard conditions
GWR gas-water ratio
solurion gas/water
Mcf/D thousands cubic feet per day
MMscf/D millions standard cubic feet per day
PFM Packer Flowmeter
well flowing
PI productivity index
well static
PSia lb per sq in. (absolute)
threshold speed, Flowmeter spinner
Psk lb pa sq in. (gage)
PVT pI~SW-VOl~~-teElpW-LU~
rPs revolutions per second
B/D bards pa day
RTS Radioactive Tracer Survey
BHYP bottom-hole pressure
SC standard conditions
BHT bottom-hole temperature 14.7 psia, 60°F or 520-R
BOPD barrels oil per day I 1.033 k&q. cm., 15.56”C ox 288.56”K

BWPD barrels water per day scf cubic feet of gas, a SC

cf/B cubic feet pa barrel TC time consrant



Production-Log interpretation consists of determining

fluid flow rates by means of logs. The fluids are oil, gas, and
water, all of which vary considerably in their properties. Each
typ of Auid is variously atfeaed by changes in temperature
and pressure. Moreover, the multiphase case (two or three
fluids in contan) is complicated by variations in solubility,
particularly of gas in liquid. These solubility changes are also
greatly influenced by temperature and pressure.
The Production Logging Document’ shows how flow
rates at existing pressures and temperatures are derived from
Production Logs. For these data m be put to use, rhe down-
hole quantities must be converred m surface conditions, or
vice vessa (as for injection wells). There is also the common
production problem which makes use of both downhole and
surface flow measurements as inputs; all the fluids must be
converted ro rbe same conditions prior to the analysis.
This manual is devoted to providing solutions m these
0uidanversion problems.


A. CLIENT-SUPPLIED INFORMATION l T, . well flowing rempaarwe (or, m-e with

it will be seen rhar reliable fluid flow analyses, parricu- Thermometer)
laxly in multiphasic situations, require more input data rhan
can be derived from logs alone. Much data must be obtained
in advance of rhe job. The clienr’s representatives should
rherefore consult with the Schlumberger engineer well ahead
of the logging operation, in order m make plans and ro spec-
ify the rypes of data considered necessary or desirable for
Production Log interpretation. l pp. gas density at SC(or use local knowledge)
The information ro be obtained from the well operator l pm. oil density at SC(or use local knowledge)
falls into three priority classifications: l pwec water density at SC(01 derive from Rw)
1. Required. 3. Mechanical Features
l Permanent depth datum of the well.
2. Needed, but can be approximated from lcal knowl-
edge, indirecr masuremems, and charrs, if direct l Casing sizes and weights
measuremenrs cannor be provided. l Tubing sizes and weighrs.
l Minimum restriction in tubing string.‘*
3. Infrequendy available, but desirable for the mosr
reliable interpretations. l Depth, size, and orientation of perforations.
l Production method being used.
Even rhough charts, nomogmphs, and average-case
values are provided to allow estimarions or approximations . Depth and narure of packers, plugs, or any other
of non-available parameter m-emenrs, the use of rhae downhole mechanical devices.
shortcut methods is discouraged except as a last ~esorr. Pro- 4. Intrinsic Fluid Parameters (Sometimes labora-
duction-logging analyses are capable of high r&ability, pro- tory data are avrdlable; this is preferable.)
vided the measu~emenrs on which they are based are accurate . pob density of oil ac bubble point pressure, pb
and complete. . pb bubble-point p~e.wre
Pre-job planning should rhus provide for obtaining the l Rsb solution GOR at pb
following data (lisrings shown in boldface are essential) :
. Bob oil Formation Volume Factor* * * at pb
1. Surface Flow Rates at Standard Conditions* l co oil compressibility (obtained from p,,b)
l qme . . . oil flow rate (stock-rank oil) . R. . ..solurionGOR
. q, . . . gas flow rate, M GOR, or GWR
. q,, . . . water flow rate, or wafer cur
English 14.7 pia and 60°F M 520’R
2. Downhole Fluid Parameters (Dirscf measure- Metric.. .I.033 kg/sqaand 15.56”Cor288.56”K
ments desired, but approximations can be ob-
tained es shown.)
l pwi .weU flowing pressure (or, measure with
Manomera 01 Amerada Gage)
l Bo . ..oilFvF at any or zll points in a well. LJltimately, the imerpreta6on of
l pm gas pseudo-crirical pressure these logs consists of identifying and drawing logical infer-
l Tw . gas pseudo&&xl temperature ences from my de-es of measured flow rates from those
assumed to exist. Such assumprions are ideally based on su-
.7. . . gas deviation factor
face flow rats converted to downhole conditions. (There
. Bs gas formation volume factor are exceptions, such as dump-flood wells in which there is no
l R, . solution gas-water ratio surface fluid flow.)
. B, water formation volume factor The selection of the bar logging mire to meet a given
and . a chemical analysis of gas set of conditions should be made on the basis of ail available
since measuremerlu al-e not always available, some of fore!alowledge.
values can be estimated from “average-property” nomographs
and charts in Section 4. 1. Fluid Phases

5. Geneml It is important to know beforehand whether the fluid

. All open-hole logs. flow in the producing or injecting zone5 is monophasic
(liquid), monophasic (gas), biphasic (liquid-liquid), bi-
l Driller’s, geologist’s strip logs.
phasic (liquid-gas), or aiphasic.
l Core descriptions. It must be remembered char, except in wells having
l Drillstem and pmducrion test results. very high Eow rates, water is nearly always a factor, even
. Knowledge of flow regime ro be expected: single- tbougb no uuter is being produced.
phase, bubble, slug, froth, emulsion, or mist flow. Also, wells which flow gas, oil, and water at the surface
l Any available mechanical-condition logs: Cement will be flowing oil and water downhole, but may or may not
Band, Variable Density, Casing Collar, Pipe Inspe- be flowing gas. If the well flowing pressure ( pwi) is above
tion, etc. bubble-point pressure ar existing conditions, the gas will
still be in solution in the producing zone. The flow will be
B. VALUES CALCULATED BEFORE LOGGING - NEEDED biphasic, facilitating the imerprerarion.
2. Flow Regimes
These data are determined beforehand from flow mres
and ocher surface measwemencs, using techniques and charrs Foreknowledge of the flow regimes to be encomxered
given in this book They include flow rare, density, and vis- in multiphase flows is also a factor in the selection of Prcduc-
cosiq of oil, gzs, and water, ali ac well-flowing conditions. rion Log types. Chapter 1, Ref. 1, conrains a discussion of the
The symbols are shown in Table 1-L interacting variables that govan Bow regimes.

TABLE 1-I 3. The Conversion Problem

Tne conversion of surface to downhole flow rates (or
vice vasa) must be propaIy related to pressures, wmpera-
twes, and solubilities. The following section explains the
sreps involved in each type of conversion Then, in Section 3,
examples and flow &arcs are given for each of the general
type of fluid conversion problems. Section 4 is made up of
C. LOG-DERIVED DATA the chars and nomographs used in these operations, and Sec-
Production Logs’ provide measurement.s or derivations tion 5 is a collection of supplementary charts which have
of average fluid density, temperature, pressure, and flow rate ken found useful in Production Log interpretation work

F,“id con*enionr,*



A. GAS FORMATION VOLUME FACTOR, 6. Using Fig. 2-l (lines drawn in) this is solved as follows:
Throughout the industry, gas volumes are referred to a 1. Select the group of temperatute lines for yp = 0.70.
standard temperature of GOoF and a pressure of one atmo-
Entering on the abscissa at 2,000 psia, go vertically
sphere (14.7 psia). These conditions are refened to as
to the 200’F line, then move left m the ordinate
“standard conditions”, abbreviated SC.“Standard cubic feei’,
value of 125 for l/B,.
the English unit of volume measured under these conditions,
is sometimes abbreviated scf.
Bh is the ratio of the volume occupied by a certain
weight of gas at a given rempesatwe and prffsure to the
volume occupied by the same weight of gas at standard
B = gas volume at a given temp. and press. (V,)
8 EXAMPLE- Interpolation needed.
gas volume at standard conditions (V,)
(2-l) Find the volume occupied by 600 scf of gas where: yp
= 0.74, Tm = 175’F, and pai = 2,000 psia.
In field usage, the gas formation volume factor is viewed
as a function of flow rafes, nor volumes. Thus t!x definition Using Fig. 2-1 (lies not drawn in) this is solved as
used is: B, is the ratio of the flow rate at we&flowing tem- follows:
peratwe and pressure to the flow rate at standard cond&ns:
1 Select the group of temperarure lines for l(g = 0.70.
B, = gas flow rate ar weUlowing temp. and press. (qgaf)- Entering on the abscissa ar 2,000 psia, go vertically
gas flow rate at standard conditions (qgsC) to the 175°F position, then move left to the ordinate
(2-Z) value of 133 for l&.
As this number may be quite small, its reciprocal is 2 Selm the group of temperacure lines for yp = 0.80.
commody used Entering on the abscissa at 2,000 psia, go vertically
There are &se general ways to compute Bz, or I&. In to rhc 175°F position, then move left to the ordinate
the order presented, they are increasingly accurare and (in-
value of 138 for l/B..
evitably) increasingly lengthy.
The fkst (approximate) method assumes a typical gas. 3 The interpolation between the l/B, valuff is solved
Referring to Fig. 2-1 (reproduced from Chart Fg-1 in SK- as follows:
tion 4), l/B, is found by entering the well-flowing pr-e,
pat, on the abscissa, going vertically co both the proper gas 1
speciiic gravity, y=, and the well-flowing temperature, TM, BZ
and then left to rhe value of l/B, on the ordiite. This 0.70 133
usually requires a double level of interpolation: first between 0.74 X
temperature lines, and second, between gas speci6c gravities. 0.80 138
EXAMPLE - No interpolation needed.
Find the volume occupied by 400 scf of gas when yg = 1
-=133+0.4X (138-133) = 135
0.70, T,, = 200°F, and pti = 2,000 psia. %
Presum, psi*

Gas gravity, yg (air = 1.0)

critical pressure, pnC, and the pseudo-critical em-

peratwe, T,,., are available. This method should be
used when the produced gas contains
amounts of some non-typical component: helium,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, etc. The
method may be used with typical gases by using
“average” values of pPCand T,, as derived from Fig.
2-2 (Chart Fg-2), but this is just a laborious way
m obtain the information already shown in Fig. 2-I.
The gas deviation facmr (z) represents the degree m
which a natural gas deviates from an ideal gas under the ef-
fecesof pressure and remperarure. The ideal gas law stares:

11 12
where pressure is in absolute units (psia, kg/q cm, atmo-
g=135=---- V,, _ 600scf spheres), volume is in consistent units (cu fr, cu m), and
V,,, V, temper%ure is in absolute units (“R, OK). Incorporating
600 the gas deviation factor, the relationship for namral gases
V ,,t=-=4.44cuft becomes:
~ p.cvezv., _ &kfVM
The second (exact) method is used when the pseudo- T8C 2Tn.i (Z-3)
or, related ro the reciprocal of the gas formation volume

&=$t =(+)(2(E) (2-4)

Hence, l/B, can be deermined only as accurately as z
is known.
Fig. 2-3 (Chart Fg-3) is the chart for determining the
gas deviation factor, z., as a function of normalized (pseudo-
reduced) pressure and remperarure. This normalization is
accomplished by comparing the well-flowing pre~ure and
rernperarure to rhe pseudo-critical pressure (p,) and rem-
peramre (T,) ; these are laboratory-derived characteristics
of a given natural gas. The pseudo-reduced pressure ( pPr) is
the rario of the well-flowing pressure (p-r) ro rhe pseudo-
critical pressure (p,) : pur = pri/pPc Likewise, T,, =
T.&T,, Absolute pressures and rernperarures rnusr be used.
The pseudo-reduced pressure and temperature are, of course,
dimensionless. The gas deviation factor, z., is obtained from
Fig. 2-3, by entering ppr on rhe abscissa, going vezrically to Fig. 2-4 - (Chart Fg4): Nomograph for solsing
T,,, then horizaxally to z on the ordinate. the equation:
Find the gas deviation factor, z, and rhe reciprocal of rhe
gas formation volume factor, l/B,, for the folIowing condi-

pKf = 2,000 psia

ppe = 65Opsia
T,, = ZOOOFor 660”R
T, = 410”R

1. per = 2,000 psia /650 psia = 3.07

2. T,, = 660°R/4100R = 1.61
3. From Fig. 2-3, using pPr = 3.07 and T,. = 1.61, z =

4. Using the nomograph in Fig. 2-4 (Chart Fg4),

obrain the solution as follows:
1. Determine the swing point on Line A by drawing
a line from 2,000 psia ro 200OF.
2. Determine (l/B,) by drawing a line from the
swing point ro a 5 of 0.828.
l/B,= 135
The third merhod (also exact) is used when a complete
ga analysis has been run. If the mole fractions of the various
gas componenrs are known, pw and T,, can be computed as
shown in Table 2-l. With these two values computed, rhe
derivations of z and l/B, are identical to those in the second


Computation of pseudo-critical point

Crit temp, OR Crit pressure, psia
MO1 Lb/
wt mole Tc YTO YPr
Y = 10. PC = PPC
Carbon dioxide 0.0040 44 0.17 548 2.1 1,073 4.3
Methane 0.9432 16 15.09 343 323.5 673 634.7
Ethone 0.0390 30 1.17 550 21.4 708 27.6

T 0.51
356.4 674.9

1. Gas specific gravity, yg, is widely used in the oil
industry to characterize natural gases. Gas specilk 7, (Air=l.O)
gravity is d&ed as the ratio of the density of gas to 0-l PI
the den&y of air, both at standard conditions.

The weight of any volume of a gas can be determined
by multiplying rhe volume of gas times yz times p&i=.
The density of air at standard conditions is 0.001223
p/cc or 0.0762 lb/cu ft
2. The density of gas at any temperature and pressure
can be found from the gas formation volume factor,

-=__ Pti
BZ Pm.
~~=~,(.001223) X$ (g&cc)
Find the weight of 500 scf of gas with 1. From Fig. 2-1, and as shown in a previous example,
yg= 0.55 l/B,= 125.
2. -cc1 p
This is solved as follows: pwi (from paragraph C-2, above).
B. P,
Weight = V, X pair X Yp 3. p,=y;xO.O01223 X (l/F&).
Weight = 500 cu ft X 0.0762 lb/cu ft X 0.55 = 20.95 Ibs pti=0.7 x O.O01223gm/ccX125 =
Find the densiy of a gas at standard conditions when:
yp = 0.70 2. Using the nomograph in Fig. 2-5 (Chati Fg-5),
Solution: comrmcc a lime from yp = 0.7 to (l/B,) = 125 to
Ps=YsX Pair
pp = 0.7 x 0.001223g&cc = 0.000856 gm/cc pti = 0.11 gm/cc
Find the density of a gas when: At elevated temperames and low pressures, low-gravity
yg =0.70 gases closely resemble “perfect” gas in their behavior, while
pm = 2,000 psia at low cempaatwes and high pressures, the heavier gases
Td =ZOO’F resemble liquids.
To clarify: R = qdqosc
R’ = (qmc - q.m R.,) /qme
where R,, is the solution gas-water rario.
Find the producing gas-oil ratio when:
90s = 300 B/D
qpse= 150 Mcf/D
(Note: 1 Mcf/D is 1,000 cf/D.)
This is solved simply:
R = 150,000 cf/D =
500 cf/B
300 B/D
Find the gas flow rare at standard conditions when:
qmc = 250 B/D
R = 400 cf/B
ssc=RXq,., = 400 X 250 = 100,000 cf/D
%= 100 &F/D
The bubble-point pressure is tint pressure at which a
given volume of gas, as measured ar srandard conditions, will
be completely soluble in a given volume of oil, as measured
ar standard (wxk-tank) conditions. It is dependent on the
oil gravity, the gas gravity, the remperarure, and the amour
The charts in Fig. 2-6 (Chart Fg-6) give gas viscosity
as a function of temperature and pressure, for gases of five
dtierem gcaviries.
Nore &at aboveabout 1,500psi, an increw in tempera-
ture decrerzses the gas viscosity, while below that poim in-
cmsing the temperature bcreares the viscosity.
R is the ratio of the production rate of gas at srandard
conditions to the production fate of oil ar standard (smck-
tank) condirions. In equation form:

R is commooly referred ro as the gas-oil ratio (GOR)

In English units ir is expressed in cf/B -cubic feet (of gas)
pa barrel (of oil). In metric u&s it is expressed in cu
m/mm-cubic meters (of gas) per cubic meter (of oil).
When gas is produced along with both oif and warq
an ambiguity exists in the definition of R. The gas in the
numeram of the fraction expressed by R (q&q& in-
cludes all gas presenr in the produced fluids, free gas, solu-
tion gas in the oil, and solution gas in the water. As will be
explained, the gas dissolved in water under well flowing
conditions is dealt with separately, for practicality. Thus
rhere is a need for another symbol for GOR which rakes into
account only the free gas and the solution gas in oil. This
symbol is R’.
of gas. In English units it is expressed in psia (pounds per pressure is bubble-point pressure, pb. for rhe specified con-
square in), while cbe metric units are kg/sq cm (kilograms dirions.
per square centimeter). R., the solution gas-oil ratio at bubble-point pressure,
The bubble-point pressure may have been measured by may be choughc of as an expression of the solubilitg of gas in
the cusfomet in the laboratory. If not, * for “average” con- oil at that pressure.
ditions may be determined by the nomogmph in Fig. 2-7 Evidently, the definitions of pb and Rat, are mutually
(Chart Fgo-1 ). As the nomograph shows, there is a prac- interdependent. If the quanriry of dissolved gas is increased,
tical limit on pb of approximately 7,000 psia then Rsb has likewise increased, and a higher value of pa is
Remember that in field asage the bubble-point pres- required to hold the increased gas quantity in solurion.
sure is a function of flow rates, not volumes. That is, the rer* The value of Rsb is also dependent upon yor ye, and T.
is used as though it were written: “The bubble-point pressure It can be found with Chart Fgo-1 (Fig. 2-7, the same one as
is chat pressure at which a given flow rare of gas will be com- was wed co solve for p,,), providing pb is known or assumed.
pletely soluble in a given flow rate of oil, both flow rates R.b may have been measured in the laboratory. Such
measured at standard conditions.” measurements should be used when available. Ocherwise,
PracticaIly speaking, as the saturated oil flows up the proceed as follows:
hole, the bubble-point pressure is char pressure awxiated
with a certain depth, where gas bubbles are just starting to EXAMPLE
come out of solution. Find hb, the solution gas-oil ratio at bubble-point pres-
sure, under the following conditions:
EXAMPLE-Fig. 2-7
* =9OOpsia
Fiid the bubble-point pressure, pb, under the foIlowing T,f = 140°F
yg =0.7
q,, = 600 B/D Yo = 40" API
This is solved using Fig. 2-7 (lines not drawn in), as
F wf =**OMcfD
= 180°F follows:
yg =0.75
1. From right to left: draw a line through y0 = 40” and
Yo =4O”API yg = 0.7 ro locate a point on Line B.
Tbesohxion ir as follows: 2. From tit pains draw a line through pb = 900 psia
1. R= *40,000~f~~ =400cf/B to Line A.
600 B/D 3. From there, draw a line m T,, = 14O’F.
2. Take I(, = R, that is, the solution gas-oil ratio at 4. Read rhe answer:
bubble-point pressure is defined as being equal ro rhe Rab = 220 cf/B
producing gas-oil ratio. The assumption is implicit Recalling chat bubble-paint pressure was d&ed in
that, for all practical pupxes, all the dissolved gas terms of a given amount of available gas, the solution gas-oil
has come out of solurion when standard conditions
ratio ar a pressure greater than bubbk-+rzt @SZW~ wiU
are reached. be equal ro the solution gas-oil ratio at bubble-poim pres-
3. On the nomogmph (Fig. 2-7 ) , draw a line fmm the sure; or, R, = Rsb when plri > pb. It takes just so much
cempemture (T,.+ = 18O0F) through the solution pressure to dissolve the given volume of gas, and if pressures
gas-oil ratio at bubble-poinr prffsure (I& = 400 go higher WJ more gas is dissolved, because all of the avail-
cf/B ) to Point a on Line A. able gas is in solution. This is a case of ~rz&rsutur~~ted oil;
it could dissolve more gas if mope gas were available. Fig. 2-8
4. Draw a line from the gas gravity (vp = 0.75) is a graphical representation of this case. In the shaded area
through the oil gravity (7. = 40” API) to Point b
where P,vr > pt,, % is consram and equal to Rsb-
on Line B.
The solution gas-oil ratio at a pressure lerr tbm bubble-
5. Connect Points a and b and read the answer: b = point pressure will be equaI co some fraction of rbe solution
1,560 psia. gas-oil ratio at bubble-point pressure; or R. < Rsb when
put < pl,. There is not enough pressure to force the amount
G. SOLUTION GAS-OIL RATIO, R. of gas that is present into solurion. This is a case of saturu#ed
R. is the ratio of the volume of dissolved gas at a speci- oil, and is accompanied by free gas. Fig. 2-8 represents this
fied pressure to the volume of oil in which it is dissolved, case, too. In the non-shaded area where pti < b, the solu-
both volumes convened to standard conditions. At any given tion p-oil ratio is some fraction of the solution gas-oil
pxssue, there is a maximum limit on the amount of gas ratio at bubble-point pressure. As a rough approximation:
which will dissolve in a certain quantiy of oil; hence a maxi- R, = Rsb X (p,*/p,,) A more accurate solution for R. is
mum possible value of R,. This ratio is termed Rsb, and this through the relation, R, = k hb, and Fig. 2-9 (Chart

P-i = 4,000 psia
Bubble Point Pressure T, =170°F
s qosc =3OOB/D
zl ti = 120 Mcf/D
Yo = 40” API
yp = 0.70
The solution is as follows:

1. R = 12;$O;zD = 400 cf/B

2. Setring Rab = R, and using the nomograph in Fig.
2.7, p,, = 1,600 psia.
3 3. ~>phhence%=R.b=R=40Qd/B
8 The oil would flow up the casing/tubing wirh no free
gas, until the pwssure decreased to less &an 1,600 psia; then
gas bubbles would begin to form

Fig. 2-8 - Solubil~ty of gas in oil (gtwraz). EXAMPLE -Saturated Oil and Free Gas
Fii the solution gas-oil ratio under the following con-
pti = 2,880 psia
T,f = 145’F
q0.c = 100 B/D
ti = 140 Mcf/D
Yo = 50” API
.,= =0.60
The solution is:

1. R = 140,000 cm
= 1,400 cf/B
2. Setting &,, = R, and using the nomograph in Fig.
2-7, pb = 3,600 psia
3. Rough solution:
R, = Rsb x (p&d
Pwf /Pb R. = 1,400 x (2,880/3,600) = 1,120 cf/B
4. Accurate solution:
p,i/pb = 2,880/3,600 = 0.8
Fig. 2-9- (Chart Fgo-2): ‘1” us a fmctition of
FromFig. 2-9: k = 0.83


Fgo-2) which relates k ro pwJpb These p&m are sum- In the previous discussion of the solurion gas-oil ratio,
marized in Table 2-K it was shown that in the case of sartxared oil there is usually
an occurrence of free g&s. The free producing gas-oil ratio,
TABLE 2-11 which occurs only with samrated oils, is equal m the produc-
ing gas-oil ratio (R) minus the solution gas-oil ratio (R,),
or, in equation form:
RF~=R-R~,oIR=R~+RF. (2-S)
Find the free producing gas-oil ratio, if it exists, under
the following conditions:
EXAMPLE - Undersotumted Oil pai =217kg/sqcm
Find the solution gas-oil ratio under the following con- T,, = 66°C
dirions: qm= 150cum/D
qgse= 25,500 cum/D
y. = 0.88 g&c
yg =0.70

The solution is as follows:

1. R= 25,500cumD
= 170cum/cum
150~11 m/D
2. Setting Rsb = R, and using the nomogmph in Fig.
Z-7, pa = 310 kg/q cm.
3. p,Jpb = 217/310 = 0.7, and from Fig. 2-9, k =
0.77. Then R, = k x Rsb = 0.77 x 170 = 131
al m/cu m.
4. R > R,, so free gas exists.
5. RF= = R - R. = 170-131 = 39 cu m/w m


B, is the ratio of the volume of a given mass of oil with
its dissolved gas, at a given pressure and remperanue, COthe
volume of the same mass of oil at standard (stock-tank) con-
B,=- (2-9)
V0.C Compression of liquid after
As in the case of gas formation volume factor, the fezm all gas is in solution
in oil-field usage is usually associated with flow rates, so that:
increase in liquid
B.=E (Z-10) volume due to
As the well flowing pressure (p-r) increases up to the
bubble-point pressure (pb), the oil formation volume factor
(B,) increaser from 1.0 m a maximum value as more and
more gas is dissolved into the oil. Then, as pwi increases past
pt,, B, decreases as the oil is compressed with pressure. Of !i
particular interest in this conrimmm of B, values, correspond- z
ing m a continuum of pressure values, is the matimun oil
formation volume factor (B at bubble-point pressure), BOh.
Bob is a function of remperarue, oil gravity, gas gravity, b-
and solution gas-oil ratio at bubble-point pressure. Bob may
have been measured in the laborarory. If no< it can be deter- Pressure -
mined from the chart shown in Fig. Z-10 (Chart Fgo-3)
or rhe nomograph shown in Fig. Z-11 (Chart Fgo4), both Fig. Z-12 - Oil FVF (B,) as n function of j~resswe
based on “average” oils and gases. Char Fgo4 incorporates (generrzl).
borh English and metric units.

EXAMPLE - Chart Solution

the downhole well-flowing pressure increases abcwe the
Find Bob under the following condirions:
bubble-poinr pressure, no mae gas is dissolved, because no
Rsb = 260 cf/B mme is present; and the oil (with its consrant amounr of
T,i = 160°F dissolved gas) is compressed to a smaller volume. The shaded
yg =0.7 area of Fig. 2-12 shows this relationship. This is a case of an
Yo = 36” API undersaturated oil. (In some reservoir work both oil and
Using Fig. 2-10, the solurion is: warer are rreared as incompressible fluids, but, strictly speak-
1. Start at Reb = 260 cf/B ing, rhis is nor uue.)
2. Go right ro yg = 0.7 The oil compressibility factor (c,) is a function of tie
3. Go down m .,,, = 36” API densiry of the oil ar bubble-point pressure (&). Fig. 2-13
4. Go right m T,, = 160’F
5. Go down ro the answer: Bob = I .155

EXAMPLE - Nomograph Solution

Find Bob under the following conditions:
%b = 400 cf/B
Ta = 180’F
yg =0.65
y. =45”API
Using Fig. 2-11, the solution is:
1. Draw a line from the gas gravity (yg) of 0.65
rhmugh the solution gas-oil ratio at bubble-point
Pressure (Rsb) of 400 cf/B to Line A.
2. Draw a line from Point a through Tri (180OF) to
Bob, at 1.24.
Note: This nomograph ignores rhe effect of the oil 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
gravity, y. A look at the chart for Buh Fig. 2-10, shows that hb. v/cc
the oil gravity lines are crowded together; hence, the nomo-
graph is nearly correct for all oil gravities. Fig. Z-13 - “co” as a function of &a, for “‘merage”
B, is equal ro Bob ar bubble-point pressure, but is less oils (after Calhoun, Ref. 5).
than Bob at eirher grearer or lesser pressures (Fig. 2-12) As
2. Move this point m Line B, following the guide lines
(a.3 in small-de example).
3. Draw a line from &ii pint through Bob of 1.22, to
the B. answer of I .20.
EXAMPLE -Saturated Oil
Find B. under the following conditions:
B, = 1.20
pwi = 1,800 psia
pb = 2,400psia
The solutions are as follows:
Rough solution:
1. B, = 1.0 + (p&x,) X (B, - 1.0)
2. B, = 1.0 + (1,800/2,400) X (1.20 - 1.0)
Fig. 2-14 - (Chart Fgo-5): Nonto~r@h fo find&. 3. B,= 1.15
Needed: pm,, pb, co(or P.d, md Boa. Accurate solution:
1. p,t/pn = (1,800/2,400) = 0.75
2. k = 0.80 (from Fig. 2-9)
graphs the due of co a.5a function of pob for “aveIa& Oils 3. B,=l.O+k (Bob-LO)
(given also on the right-most line of Fig. 2-14 (Chart 4. B, = 1.0 + 0.80 (1.20 - 1.0)
Fgo-5) ) At this pain< it is necessary to assume that Pa
5. B,= 1.16
can be determined.
For oil, the equation relating B, to Bob is: J. OIL DENSITY, p.
Bo=Bo~(l-co(pv-pb)) (2-11) At standard conditions the density of oil is equal m the
weight divided by the volume; or, in equation form:
where c, is the oil compressibility from Fig. 2-13.
When m drops below pb the oil volume again is re- Pm.. = W&V,, (2-12)
duced, this time because dissolved gas comes out of solution
At welKIowing conditions the density of oil is still equal to
Again, B, is reduced to some fraction of Bob This is a case
the weight divided by the volume. It is, however, not quite
of a rdwated oil, accompanied by free gas. The unshaded
straightforward because the weight of the oil has been in-
area in Fig. 2-12 shows this relationship. As a rough appmxi-
creased by dissolved gas, and the volume of the oil has been
mation: B, = Bob X ( p,t/pb) A more accurate solution for
increased by the oil formation volume factor:
B, is through+ig. 2.9, which relates k to pe’pb; then B. = 1
+k(B,,-l).* w0.c + Wdiva8 (2-13)
Vex X Bo
EXAMPLE - Undersaturated Oil 01
Find B, under the following conditions:
Bob = 1.22
pob = 0.66 gm/cc In English units:
pti = 3,000 psia
pb = 2,000 psia
Pd =
The solution is as follows:
1. FmmFig.2-13,c.= 15 X 10-B 141.5
+ 0.0002178 ysR,
2. B,=Bob(l-co(fif-pb)) 131.5 + y.
Pa’ = p/cc
B, = 1.22 (1 - (15 X 10-6) (3,000 -2,000) ) B,
= 1.20 (Z-14)
And at bubble-point pressure, ph as used in determining c,:
An alternate solution is with Fig. 2-14 (Chart Fgo-5),
the nomograph for solving for B,: 141.5
+ 0.0002178 yg Re,
1. Draw a line from 1,000 psia, the value of pw - pb, 131.5 + yo
P0Wf= p/cc
to pob ar 0.66. Mark the intersection with Line A. BOb
“8. = qow./q.s. - (w,+ q.)/q.r= - R. + 1, and B,. - R.a + 1; Note char the 0.001223 is the density of air in gm/cc,
1). subject to the indicated approximations. and rhe 5.615 is rhe necessary conversion factor to co11vat
the English units of cf/B iato B/B. The 141.5/(131.5 + yJ, 2. Draw a line from Point a to y = 30” API and estab-
of course, converts y. in “API to pm. in g&cc. lish Point b.
In metric units the above equations would simplify to:
3. Draw a lie from Point b through B, = 1.21 to the
Pm. + 0.001223 yeR, answer, porn = 017gm/cc.
P WI= (2-14a)
BO EXAMPLE-Metric units
Find pob in the foIlowing situations:
post + 0.001223 y,R,b
Pa = g&cc P... = O.&lgdcc
(2.15a) .,= =0.65
Rsb = 100 cum/cum
EXAMPLE -English units
B,,b = 1.26
Find povi in the foIlowing simarion:
y. = 30” API The solution is:
ye = 0.75 1. pan = Pow + 0.001223 y,R.b
R. = 350 cf/B BOh
B, = 1.21 0.84 + 0.001223 X 0.65 X 100
The solution is as follows: POb=
141.5 = 0.730 gill /cc
1. po..= = 0.876
131.5 + 30.0
2. p i= Posc+o.~o~17~Y~,%
ow The viscosity of a crud&l decreases with a temperature
increase and with an increase of dissolved gas.
0.876 + 0.0002178 X 0.75 X 350.0
3. powf= Heavier oils are genially more viscous than lighter oils
= 0.771 gm/cc of the same hydrocarbon base.
The question of which viscosity units are co be used may
be rather confusing since there are several differenr systems
used in the oil field. The centipoise is the unit used through-
out this document. Conversions from ocher units ro cemi-
poises are given in Ref. 1.
The chars given io Fig. 2.16 (Chart Fgo-7) correlate
crude oil viscosity with stock-milk oil graviq, remperamre,
and solurion gas-oil ratio as or below bubble-point pressure.
If the pressure on the oil is above bubble-point pressure its
viscosicy is increased by the amount given by the correccicm
Find the oil viscosity in cenripoixs, in the following
YO = 30” API
Tm= 200°F
ph = 1,700 psia
pxvr = 2,700 psia
Rab = 400 cf/B
Referring m Fig. 2-16 (English units), the solution is
made as foknvs:
F&.2-I5-(Chart Fgo-6): Nomogczph 80 find 1. Starr on the ordinate ar 30” API.
pm,. Needed: R, ya yo, and B,.
2. Go right to 200°F.
3. Drop m the Rsb value of 400 cf/B.
4. Go left m read 1 cp, the viscosity at bubble-point
An alternate &ion is with Fig. 2-15 (Chart Fgo-6), pressure, and, along the way, note the Point D.
the nomograph for determining powi.
5. Drop vertically from Poim D to the abscissa. Read a
1. Draw a line from yp = 0.75 through R, = 350 cf/B viscosity gradient of 0.07 cp/l,OOO psi. This figure
to Line A is used only when hi > pb, which is the case in this
that will dissolve in the same volume of oil under the same
Enalish conditions.
In practice, rhe water is always assumed to be saturated
with gas; that is, to contain the maximum amount of dissolved
gas, as though ir were at bubble-point presswe. Thus, for OUT
purposa, “R,C’ may be read *‘RSvb”. This ratio is a function
of pressure, temperature, and water salinity.
There is no esrablished relationship describing the S&I-
rion of gas in the presence of both oil and water. It is thus
necessary co a.ssumethat any available gas wiIl first dissolve
into the wara until sacwarion (k-b) is reached, after which
any additional gas wiU dissolve into the oil Although an ova-
simplification, these assumptions facilitate the calculations
and the error introduced is, at worst, quite sm.xK
The calculation of the solution gas-water ratio is made
by the use of Fig. 2-17 (Chart Fgw-1 ). The main section
of the chart is used m determine R’,, the solution gas-water
ratio in fresh water. Then the bottom part of the chart is used
to find FBQ the Brine Correction Factor. Finally, R, is Cal-
culated: R,, = R’., x FBC.It should be noted that the brine
correction factor is plotted only for saliniriff up to 35,000

24, I

Viscosity increase, cp/l,OOO psi

problem. The increase in viscosity is from the value

obtained on the ordinate (Step 4), so that:

k = 1.0 cp + 1 0;;07psia (pwr-Pb)

p*=1.ocp+ 0.07psia ( 2,700 - 1,700 ) = 1.07 cp



R, is rhe ratio, volume of the dissolved gas M the vol-
ume of warer in which the gas is dissolved; both volumes
converted to scandud conditions. In theory, the pressure-
solubilicy relationship for gas in water resembles chat for gas
in oil (Fig. 2-12 ) , though the amoum of gas that will diilve
in a given volume of water is only about l/60& the amoutx
produced warer has sixty rimes de volume of rhe oil, the
volume of gas dissolved in the mater will be approximately
equal 03 tit dissolved in de oil.

The density of gas-free water is a fooaion of tempera-
ture, pxssore, and water salinity. A nomogmph of this rela-
rionship is shown in Fig. 2-18 (Chart Fw-1 ) As the
solubility of gas in water (R,) is small, the e&a of the
dissolved gas is ignored, and this than is used for the density
of water at any 11,.

Find the density of wafer under the following condi-
csm= 9woo ppm
L, = 200’=F
p& =2,ooopsia
Using Fig. 2-18, the solution is as follows:
F&2-18-(Chart Fw-1): Nomograph to find
1. Starting from Csacl = 90,000 ppm, draw a line
~zm,. Needed: C~Nocb
Tm and pm?
through T,, = 200’F to Poim a.
2. Starting from p-.1 = 2,000 psia, draw a line through
Point a fo warer density (pIrKf). of 1.035 gm/cc.
ppm Above 35,000 ppm the value of F,o fades into oncer-
taimy, but seems IO remain less than onicy. ‘Thus, for any N. WATER FORMATION VOLUME FACTOR, g.
salinity, R., will probably be less rhan R’.w. B, is the ratio of the volume of a given mass of water
One published extrapolation’ of FBCcan be pm into the with its dissolved gas, a~ a given pressure and temperatore,
form: to the volume of the same mass of wanx ar standard condi-
tions In equation form:
FBC= 1.0 - 0.079-o.,,($J] x [C$gqJ
(2-16) (2-17)
For instance, at. 250°F and with Cyacl = 140,000 ppm: As in the case of oil formation volume factor, in oil field
usage the term is wdly associated with flow races, so chat:
FBC= 1.0 - 0.079 - 0.019 (S)] x [ 1;;;;; ] )

FBC = 1.0 - ( [0.079 - 0.0475] X [ 141) = 0.56 (2-18)

EXAMPLE In practice, however, the amoom of dissolved gas is

ignored because it is so small. This leaves the mass-flow-rate
Find the solution gas-water ratio, R,, when:
TVf = 1800F
Pm = 3,400 psia
G&J = 20,000 pp or:
Referring to Fig. 2-17, the solution is as follows:
1. From the rap pxn of the than R’, = 16 cf/B
Hence, in practice, B, is equal lo the ratio of the density of
2. From the bottom pan of the chart, FBo = 0.91 the water at standard conditions to the density of the warer
3. TheoR., - FBo X R’., = 0.91 X 15 cf/B at welLflowing conditions.
As the solution gas-water ratio is very much smaller
than the solution gasoil ratio -roughly 1/6Oth - its e&t EXAMPLE
will only be noticed when the produced warer is gready io Find the water formation volume factor under the fol-
excess of the produced oil. For instance, if the produced lowing conditions:
stock-tank oil has ten times the volume of the produced CN&., = 120,000 ppm
water, the gas dissolved in water will be on the order of TV, = 1800F
1/600rh of the gas dissolved in oil. On the other hand, if the PWf = 1,500 psia
Using Fig. 2-18, the solution is as foIlova:
1. Ar standard conditions, pISC = 1.088 g&cc
conditions, pwwf = 1.060 gm/cc
2. At well-flowing
3. Bw = ~w.dPwwc = 1.088/1.060 = 1.026

The viscosity of water is primarily a function of rem-
peranm and water salinity. Fig. 2-19 (Chcrri Fw-2) shows
rhis relationship.
Find the viscosity of water under the following condi-
Cxac, = 150,000 ppm
TM = 200°F
Using Fig. 2-19, the solution is:
1. ~-0.43cp

The viscosity of a water-in&l emulsion may be many
times that of either the water or the oil. As a practical limit,
however, the viscosity of a water-in4 emulsion does not
exceed 5 cp.


These field problems are chosen m familiarize you with

rhe use of the fluid-conversion charts, nomographs, and rela-
tionships. Both English-unit and m&c-unit examples are
Each case gives, on the left-hand page, a work-sheer
development of rhe problem, complete with small illusua-
tions of the appropriate charts. On the right-hand page is
shown a flow chart, with a block for each operation. Some
cases involve making decisions as to which branch of rhe
flow chart to follow; the chosen route is indicated by a heavy
flow line (as in Examples 4,5,6,7, and 8).
In each case, the solutions are given in bold-face type, or
in heavy-lined boxes


1 Water (injection) Metric 18

2 Gas English 18

3 Gas Metric 20
4 Gas and Water English 22

5 Oil and Gas (No Free Gas ) English 24

6 Oil and Gas (Free Gas) English 26

7 Oil, Gas, and Water Metric 28

8 Oil, Gas, and Water English 30


EXAMPLE No. 1 (Metric)
In a warer injection well, iind the downhole waxer flow rare (qwwi) under
the following conditions:

qwsc = 100 N m/D

Crac, = 120,000 ppm

The solution is as follows:

pti = 135 kg/sqcm
Tti = 55°C El
1) Chart Fw-1 : pws. = 1.090 gm/cc
2) Chart Fw-1 : ~,,-f = 1.077 &cc
3) B, = &,Jp,,, = 1.090/1.077 = 1.01
4) q-f = Bwqm = 1.01 X 100 = 101 cum/D
EXAMPLE No. 2 (English)
At well flowing conditions, find the gas flow rate (q*f) and the gas
density (PpRf) at the following conditions:
q,,, = 2,500 Mcf/D
T,r = 360°F
pRf = 6,000 psia
y* = 0.70
The solution is:
1) Chart Fg-1 : l/B, = 235
2) ~r=q,/(2,500,000/235) = 10,640&D
3) &,t= 0.001223 (yp) (l/B,) =0.001223 X 0.70 X 235
(or: ChartFg-5)
4) PM’ 0.201 gm/cc
I. Surface Production: WATER

I Metric
Must know or estimate
This example uses metric units
100 cum/o qwsc 629 BID
120,00O/pm CNoCl 120,OOOppm
135 kg/sqcm Pwf 1,925 PSia
55oc Twf 131 OF
(OK= oC+Z73D) (“R=oF+4600)

/Must know or estimate 1

example English units I Simplified


7 10,64Ocf/D =0201 gm /cc
EXAMPLE No. 3 (Metric)
At well flowing conditions, what is rhe gas flow rare, q,r, and the gas
density, pgwf, at the following conditions:
qegc= 39,500 cum/D yg =0.65
T, = 217°K pwr = 200 kg/q cm
P ~ =46kg/sqcm T,, = 70”Cor 343°K

The solution is as foflows:

1) pp. = pM/pPe = zoo/46 = 4.35
2) T,,=T,*/Tw = 343/217= 1.58
3) Chart Fg-3: z = 0.82
4) Chart Fg-4, or from:

5) qgvf = qggc/ ( l/B,) = 39,500/199 = 198 cu m/D

6) P,,= 0 001223 yg l/B, = 0.001223 X 0.65 X 199.0 =
0.158 gm/cc
or: Chart Fg-5: &wf = 0.155 gin/cc
I Surface Production : GAS
w or estimate


1. ;Chort Fg-4 =I99

f: Chort Fg-I

I .-. This example
I t I I uses
%I= PFgvf : metric units
I/BP Chart Fg-5

= 198 cu m/D = 0.155 gmkc


EXAMPLE No. 4 (English)

At well flowing conditions, find the gas and water flow rates, qFti and
g-f, and the gas and water densities, pEgRt and paaa at the following
qgsr = 600 Mcf/D Cm, = 30,000 ppm
q,wc = 500 B/D PWf = 2,800 psia
ye =0.70 Tw1 = IGOOF

The solution is as follows:

1) Chart Fgw-1 : R’., = 14.5 cf/B, and FBO= 0.85, hence
R,, = R’., X FBC= 14.5 X 0.85 = 12.3 cf/B
2) Chart Fw-1 : p-c = 1.027 &cc
3) Chart Fw-1 : pypwf = 1.007 &cc
4) B, = P.&J-‘,, = 1.027/1.007 = 1.02
5) qarr=qa3c XB,=510B/D
6) Rm= (qgse-qaseX%-n)/qwsc
R+ = (600,000 - 500 X 12.3) /500 = 593,850/500 =
where RFga is the ratio of free gas to water
7) qQse = qwsc X Rpm = 593,850 cf/‘D
8) Chart Fg-1 : l/B, = 200
9) qrg~t = q& ( l/B,)= 593,850,‘200 = 2,970 cf/D
10) ChartFg-5: pFgWr=0.17gm/cc
I Surface Production : GAS and WATER I

Must know or estimate

Metric English
16992 cum ID qgac 600 Mcf/D
79.5 cum/D qwsc 500 8/D
0.70 Y9 0.70
30000 PPm CN.CI 30.000 pm
lS’kg/sq cm I Prf 2,GM) pda
71-c 1 Twf 1 16OOF
R,,:Chart Fgw-I =12.3 cf/S

= 1.007 qmkc
This example uses
English units =1.02

Free Gas Pesent

qwf =
510 S/D
I _I
99?ic-‘&rcRrr =I,188
RFg = Cf/S

No Free Gas

Insignificant amount of
gas: treat as water Yell. I
: Fg.

=2,970 cf/D =0.17 gm/cc
EXAMPLE No. 5 (English)
AC well flowing mnditions, is the oil saturated or undersamraced? If satu-
rated, find qp,r and 40-i. Find /&vr and &wf. If undersanxared, fmd qoti and
powt. The following is known:
q,, =450B/D yp =0.70
%c = 200 Mcf pui = 2,600 psia
YO = 35” API T,, = 142OF

The solution is:

1) R = q&q-c = 200,000/450 = 444 cf/B
2) Chart Fgo-1 : pb = 1,900 psia
3) pm. = 141.5/ (131.5 + 35.0) = 141.5/166.5 = 0.85 g&cc
4) pb - = 1,900 - 2,600 = - 700 psia
Conclusion: undersaturated oil, no free gas
5) R.=R(sinceallrhegasisdissolvedinoil) =444cf/B
6) ThenlerRgb=Rs=444cf/B
7) Chart Fgo-3 or Fgo-4: B,,t, = 1.23
8) Chari Fgo-6: &b = 0.75 gm,‘cc
9) Chart Fgo-5: co = 10 x 1W
10) Bo=Bots[l-co(pwf-pb)l
B, = I.23 [ 1.0 - IO X 1W” X (2,600 - 1,900) ]
B.= 1.23 (1.0 - 0.007) = 1.221
Or from Chart Fgo-5: B, = 1.22
11) Chart Fgo-6: powr = 0.755 gm/cc
12) qowr =q,,.c B, = 450 X 1.221 = 550B/D
13) q,,,=O.Ocf/D
I Surface Production: OIL and GAS I
Must know or estimate
I 1
1i Saturated oil and free (10s

Metric English
71.7 cu m/D qosc 450 B/O
5,680 cu m/D agsc 200 MCf/D
0.84 gmkc PO- Yn 35O API
0.70 yg 0.70
163 kg/y cm Pwf 2,600 psio
61 OC Tuf 142-F

1 R= qgsc/qosc /=444cf/6
1 pb: Chart Fgo-I )=l,SOOPsia
, I

This example uses I

English units. if oil in *API I
& =0.85 gm/cc

Undersaturated oil and no free gas - +

F‘b-p”,, /

=444 cf/B

Saturated oil
and no free gas

1 t’ob: Chart Fgo-6 /=0.75gm/cc

EXAMPLE No. 6 (English)
At well flowing conditions, is the oil sanuated or mdersamrated? If satn-
rated, what are qpm and q&? pFw and &wr? If undersaturated, what are
qm and PM? The following is known:
q- = 200 B/D bI = 4,300 psia
& = 360 Mcf/D Tm = 195°F = 655%
YO =45”ApI b =68Opsia
yz =0.65 Tw = 345%

The solution is as follows:

1) R = 360,000/200 = 1,800 cf/B
2) Chart Fgo-1 : pb = 5,500 psia
3) pm= 141.5/(131.5 +45.0) =0.802gdcc
4) * - * = 5,500 - 4,300 = 1,200 psia
Conclusion: saturated oil with free gas
5) LetR.b = R = 1,800 cf/B
6) pal/pb = 4,300/5,500 = 0.78
Chart Fgo-2: k = 0.825
R. = k X Rsb = 0.825 X 1,800 = 1,485 d/B
7) R~z=R-RR.=1,800-l,4?35=315cf/B
8) Chart Fgo-2 or Fgo4: B.b = 1.93
9) k=0.825 (fromb)
B, = 1.O+ 0.825 X 0.93 = 1.77
10) Chart Fgo-6: &t = 0.57 &cc
11) q,t = qm B, = 200 X 1.77 = 354 g/D
12) qrgse = q,, Rpg = 200 X 315 = 63,000 cf/D
13) hr = p~t/p~. = 4,300/680 = 6.32
14) T,r = T,,/T, = 655/345 = 1.90
15) Chart Fg-3: z = 0.978
16) Chart Fg4: l/B, = 237
17) qrmf = qFme/ ( l/B,) = 63,000/237 = 266 cf/D
18) Chari Fg-5: pFd = 0.188 gm/cc
I Surface Production: OIL and GAS 1
Must know or estimate
Metric Enalish 1
31.9 C” m/o qosc ( 20 0_- B/D- 1
Saturated oil
10.200~~ m/O qgsc 360 Mcf/O
0.802 pm ICC PO---Y. 45O API
0.65 7, 0.65
303 kg/q cm Pwf 4.300 psi0
so-c Twf 195 OF k: Chart Fgo-2
= 1,485
I cf/B

This example uses 1 Pb:Chart

“ps’a 1 [ D ,Chor; Fgo-3 ( ~. ^_
English units I
if oil in O/LPI
PO,, :Ct,mt Fgo-, =oB02 gm’cc

Undersaturated oil and no free gas _

Saturated oil and

no free gas I-
= 354 B/O

A R*=R=Rsb

= 237

P, :Chort Fgo-6

= 266 cf/O gm/cc

EXAMPLE No. 7 (Metric)
At well flowing conditions, is the oil saturated or undersatwared? If sate-
raced, what are qrmi, qowt q~, pm-r, and P,W? If mdersanuated, v&at
are qowf and qwwr? povi and pwar? The following is known:

qoS =4 cu m/D_ Ys = 0.75

%c =34Ocum/D C mc, = 30,000 *pm
q,vae= 160 N m/D P-i = 120 kg/sqcm
pa.. = 0.85 gdcc T, =55”C

The solution, following the flow diagram, is as follows:

1) Chart Fgw-1 : R’,, = 2.0cum/cnm, FBC= 0.84
R,, = R’,, X FBc = 2.0 X 0.84 = 1.7 N m/cum
2 ) Chart Fw-1 : p,,... = 1.028 gm/cc
3) ChartFw-l:p,,,=1.013gm/cc
4) B, = p&p- = 1.015
5 ) q-i = q,, B, = 160 X 1.015 = 162 cum/D
6) R’=R,+R,=(q,,,R,,)/q,,=(340-160X1.7)/4
7) FromChart Fgo-l,pb = 33 kg&cm
8) pb-pwi=33-120=-87kg/sqcm
Gmchion: undersaturated oil and no free gas
9) LetRab=R’=17cum/cum
IO) Chart Fgo-4: B.b = 1.08
11) Chart Fgo-6: pob = 0.80 p/cc
12) Chart Fgo-5: B, = 1.07
13) Chart Fgo-6: pow = 0.81 gm/cc
14) qowr = qoacB, = 4 X 1.07 = 4.28 cu m/D
15) qFgswi = 0.0 cf/D

I Surface Production: OIL, GAS. and WATER 1
Itumtad oil and fm gor

R,.,:Chart Fgw-I = 1.7cu m,cu m
I This example uses
Pw.. : = I.026 pm/cc
PVW‘: Chart Fw-’ = 1.013 gm/cc metric units

R,=R’=R,b = 17 cum/cum

&: Chart Fgo-6 =0.80 pm/cc

I&: Chart Fgo-5 I= 1.07

EXAMPLE No. 8 (English)
At well flowing conditions, is the oil saturated or undersaturated? If sacw
==d, find qrgnt qowi, q-t; and PP,~, pm+ pmt. If undersaturated, find
poti, qwwf, Powr, and pwwf.The following is known:
qcm = 50 B/D C NiaCI= 80,000 ppm
qeae =80 Mcf/D p-i = 3,200 psia
qwac= 300 B/D TWf = 170°F = 630”R
70 =45”Ap1 PC+ = 660 psia
.,g =0.65 L = 390”R

The solution is:

1) Chart Fgw-1 : R’s, = 15.5 cf/B, and FBC = 0.65 (estimated)
2) %, = 15.5 X 0.65 = 10.0 cf/B

4) B, = p,../&,r = 1.060/1.037 = 1.022

5) qM=q,,B, = 300 X 1.022 =3076/D
6) R’=R.+&= (Gc--qw,.L)/qo..= (80,000-300
X lO.O,/SO = 77,000/50 = 1,540 cf/B
7) Chart Fgo-1 : pb = 4,500 psia
8) pb -p-t = 4,550 - 3,200 = 1,350 psia
Conclusion: saturated oil and free gas
9) LetR.,=R= 1,54Ocf/B
10) p&pb = 3,200/4,550 = 0.703: Chart Fgo.2: k = 0.775
R. = kR.b = 0.773 x 1,540 = 1,193 cf/B
11) RF. = R’ - R, = 1,540 - 1,193 = 347 cf/B
12) Chart Fgo-3 or Fgo4: Bob = 1.78
13) FromlO,k=0.775
B,= 1.0 + k (Bob - 1.0) = 1.0 + 0.775 (0.78) = 1.60
14) ChartFgo-6: pow,=0.610gm/cc
15 ) goti = qw< B,=50~1.60=80B/D
16) qF=e = qow Rpg = 50 x 347 = 17,350 cf/D
17) pp. = 3,200/&O = 4.85
18) TDr = 630/390 = 1.62
19) Chart Fg-3: z = 0.848
20) Chart Fg4: l/B, = 212
21) qpwr=qr~e,‘(l/Bg) =17,350/212=81.8cf/D
22) &se= 0.001223 yz (l/B,) = 0.001223 X 0.65 X 212
= 0.169 gm/cc
I Surface Production: OIL, GAS, and WATER 1
Saturated oil and free gas
Must know or estimate I
= 1,540 cf/B
I Metric
7.95 cu m/D qosc
50 B/D =I,193 cf/B
2,266 cu m/D qgsc 80 Mcf/D
47.7 cu m/D qwsc 300 B/D -I=347 cf/B
0.8 gm/cc POJC * To ( 45’API
7” [ 0.65 ml=,.78

R,,:Chert Fgw-I = 10.0 cf/B WI= 0.610 gm/cc
This example uses
English units.

Undersaturated oil, no free gas

II 1 [*I= 307 B/D
P 1

( R,=R’=Ptb 1

I I PPr=Fw:Pw I= 4.85
11T.r=Twt1T.c )=I.6

i = 0.848

hwf: Chart Fgo-6


=8l.B cf/D =O.l69gm/cc

Ch.rtr and Nomog..phs,4




Fg-1 35
Fg-2 36

b-3 37

b-4 38
Fg-5 39

b-6 40
Fgo-1 41
Fgo-2 42
Fgo-3 43
Fgo-4 44
Fgo-5 45
Fgo-6 46
Fgo-7 47

Fgw-1 48
Fw-1 49
Fw-2 50
After Standing and Katz, Ref. 3.

prerarre. psia

Find V@. 1. Select “ys = 0.70” section. Enter absassa at 2,000 psia, go vertically to 200’F.
Given: V, = 400 cu ft
2. Goleftm L= 125.
YP = 0.70 %
T we = 200’F
pwt =2,000 psia V &=3.2cuft
After Brown et at. Ref. 4.

Gas grav ‘ity, yg (air = 1.0)

Find T, and pw 1. Enter abscissaat 0.75. Go up to:

Given: yg = 0.75, average gases T, = 406OR
pp. = 664 psia
After Standing and Katz, Ref. 3.

Pseudo-Reduced Pressure, ppr

Pseudo-Reduced Pressure, ppr

Find z. 1. ppr = par/pw = 2,000/ 650 = 3.07.

Given: Pti = 2,000 psia 2. Tpr = TM/T, = 660/410 = 1.61
pm = 650 psia 3. Enter abscissa (top) at 3.07 (p,,). Go down ro Tpr of 1.61, between
T,, = 200°F (660”R) 1.6 and 1.7 lines.
Tw = 410’R 4. r=0.828

Pwf -!-
kg/sq cm 2 Twf
l~ooo- / OF ‘C
10,000--- ~2,000 0.3’

--500 loo-.
5,000- 0.4- ‘-50
--zoo 0.5- 150-

2,000-- -200

--loo _I00 0.7- 200-

l,ooo~- Solving for -!-
-50 0,
-40 250-’
500- -20
--20 = IO

200- 1.5-
-5 350--
IOO- -2 2.0- 400-



Find l/B,.
Given: pwf = 140 kg/q cm
T,, = 93°C
z = 0.828

1. Enter pwr scale at 140 kg/q cm. Follow lines as in small diagram.

2. l/B, = 135

yg (Air =l.O) PFgwf Bg
0. s-


0. I- im



0.6 : 10

Find PF+
Given: yp = 0.75
l/B, = 140

1. Connect yg = 0.75 and l/B, = 140, as in small diagram

2. pFmf=0.13 gm/cc
Courtesy of Oil and Gas Journal, May 12,1949

Pressure, 1,000 psia

Pressure, 1,000 psi a

22 0.07
z 0.06
E 0.05
0 0.04
$ ,“z
0 I 2 3 4
Pressure, 1,000 psi0
Find F@. 1. Enter yg = 0.70 chart at put = 2,000 psia.
Given: yg =0.70
2. GouproT~=200°F
pwi = 2,000 psia
T,i = 200°F 3. pm = 0.018 centipoises.

Rsb Pbhvf)
:g/sqcm psi0
(R,) 15,000
cu m/cu m Cf/B f
700 4000
500 3000 Oil Gas
2000 Pose Yo Yg

300 4000


ii?- -20 -1.1

% 0.9: -1.0
70 1000
--30 -0.9

50 -0.8
60 \
500 0.8- -0.7
30 400
20 300 -0.6

15 200
150 0.7--70
40 i
0.65- .-0.35

Find pa 2. Rab= R, since the field-wage definition of pb stipulatesgiven flow

Given: T, = 180°F ratesof oil and gas,taken here to be qoscand use (above).
qm = 600 B/D
3. On the nomograph locatePoint caby a line through T,t = 180°F
~c = 240 Mif/D
and Rsb= 400.
yg =0.75
y. =40” API 4. LocatePoint b by a line through yp = 0.75 and y. = 40” API
1, R = 240,00Ocf/D Connecta and b: pb = 1,560 psia
= 400 cf/B. 5.
600 B/D

R, = k x R,, B, = I + k( B,,- I )

0.9 I!

pwf hb

Find k
Given: pti= 250 kg/q cm
pb = 185 kg/sq cm

1. pwf/Pb = 0.74.

2. Enter abscissaar 0.74

3. k=O.SlO.
After Standing, Ref. 6.

Find Bob
Given: Rsb = 260 cf/B
T, = 16O’F
yg = 0.7
70 = 36” API

1. Enter upper left scale ar R.a = 260.

2. Go right m yp = 0.7

3. Go down to yo = 36.

4. Go right ro T,r = 160.

5. Go down to the answer:

Bob= 1.155

Bob - z5
YU - 2.4

(air = 1.0)


I.4 #






Find Bob
Given: Rsb = 400 cf/B
Tw = 180°F
yg = 0.65
y. =45”APl

1. LocatePoint a by lie &rough 7%= 0.65 andRat,= 400

2. Draw a line from a thmugh T,, = NOoF, to the answer:

B, = 1.24

&f-b) B
O\ Bob Pob co
psia kg/sq cm \

.-1 -1 ii;
20 0.

SO- 1.7,
,*5 1.6
1m .. 1.5,
200 -. SOLVING FOR 80
:20 1.3,



Find B,
Given: Bob = 1.22
pob= 0.66 @n/cc
pti = 3,000 psia
pa = 2,000 psia .w
1. Since pwi > pb, oil is undersaturated. Connect pRI - pb = 1,000 psia to f&b = 0.66.
Mark the point 50 located, as shown in small diagram.

2. Move this point as shown, following mend lines.

3. Connect this point ro Boa = 1.22 and read:




70 0.7 - 1.0
I , I I I I
0.6 0.59 0.56 0.57 0.56 0.55

Yi (air = 1.0)

Find pd. 1. LocatePoint a by a lie from yz = 0.75 through R. = 350.

Given: y. = 30” API
2. LocatePoint b by a line from Point a coy,, = 30” API.
yp =0.75
Rs = 350 d/B 3. Draw a line from Point b through B, = 1.21.
B, = 1.21
Poai = 0.77 gm/cc
English Metric







Viscosity increase, cp/l,OOO psi Viscosity increase, cp/lOO kg/sq cm

Find poti.
Given: y. = 30” API
* = 1JOOpsia
ppt = 2,700 psia
% = 400 cf/B

1. Enter odinate at yosc= 30” API.

2. Go right to Tm = 200.

3. GadovmtoRst,=400

4. Go left toanswer, 1catingPointD ontheway:~~=l.Ocentipoire.

5. Since bf > ph hti > bb From Point D, go down to read: viscosity increase = 0.07 cp/l,OOO psi

6. pLonr= pa,, + Ap(p,, - p,,)/l,OOO = I.0 + 0.07(2,7@0 - 1,700) /l,OOO = 1.07 centipoises.
After Dodson and Standing, Ref. 2.

24, I
4.0 -1

I i
j j-.y&%y~
60 Ioa I40 180 220 260 20 40 100 120
Temperature OF Tezperatu: “C
Cunxtion for brine salinity Cccection for brim salinity

OBO IO 20 30
Total solidsin brine,ppm
x IO-J T&l skids in brine, ppmx IO-J

Fiid &,
Given: TwI = 180’F
= 3,400 psia
E=.,, = 20,000 ppm
1. (Top) Enter rhe abscissaat Twf = 180.

2. Goupto pm = 3,400.

3. R&R’., = 16 cf/B.

4. (Bottom) Enter the abscissaat 20 (20,000 ppm) Go up to T = 180. Read FBC= 0.91

5. R., =R’,,FBc = 16 x 0.91= 15 d/B.


&f 01 Psc
Q$ ,
CNaCl cc





Sto;ldard I .I5


-I .20

Given: CNsCl= 90,000 ppm

Tm =ZOO’=F
w = 2,ooopsiz

1. Locate Point a by a line from CNaa = 90,000 through Twr = 200

2. Draw a line from Pwf = 2,000 through a. Read: pwwr = 1.032 gm/cc.

Temperature, T,f : “C

Temperature, Twr: OF

Find pwur.
Given: CNacl = 150,000 ppm
T Vf = 200°F

I. Enter abscissaat Twr = 200.

2. Go up to CN,C, = 150,000.

3. hi = 0.43 cp



A-1 TO determine proportion of mud filuare to formarion wara 52

from resistiviry of recovered water.

A-2 Resistivity of NaCl Solutions 53

A-2 Flow rate vs average fluid v&&y: 54

no Production Logging tool in stream.

A-4 Flow rare vs average fluid velocity: 55

1 11/16-h tool in stream.

A-5 Flow rate vs average fluid velocity: 56

2 l/S-in. tool in stream.

Rrf = Resistivity Recovered Fluid

Rw I Rcsirtivity Formation Water

Rmf= Resistivity Mud Filtrate

Rrf - Rw- Rmf must be at


so 40 so so 70 .o 110 ICO 180 I40

/ / // /
STATIC;fp, 1’; / / / /
SC I I/ / / /- . /--
810 -100 L ,/ ’ 8a/ 9
80 10’ so se Kw) 110 IS0 I80 1.0 IS0 Is0 Ire 1.0 Isa




.v 0



I I I ,!I,
. 5 J2 57
00 %

1. “Schlumberger Production Log Interpretation”, Schlum-

berger Limited, New York, 1973 revision.
2. Dodson, C. R. and Standing, M. B.: “Pressure-Volume-
Temperarure and Solubiliry Relations for Natural-
Gas-Warer Mixrures”, Dr&ng and Production
Practice, API, 1944, p. 173.
3. Standing, M. B. and Katz, D. L.: “Density of Crude Oils
Saturated with Narural Gas”, Tram. AIME, Vol.
146 (1942).
4. Brown, G. G., Karz, D. L., Oberfell, G. C., and Alden,
R. C.: “Natural Gasoline and the Volatile Hydro-
carbons”, Natural Gas Association of America,
Tulsa, Okla., 1948.
5. Calhoun: “Fundamen~alr of Rawvow Engineering”, Uni-
versiry of Oklahoma Press, 1953.
6. Standing, M. B.: “A Pressure-Volume-Temperature Cor-
relation for Mixtures of California Oils and Gases”,
API Drilling md Productimz P,anice, 1947, p. 275.
.-.. -

For additional information write to:

any of the following addresses:
P.O. Box2175
Houston, Texas 77001
1250 Elveden House
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Apartado 1608
Ccwocas, Venezuela
42, rue Saint Dominique
Poris7. France

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