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<t(Etm.t rftEbr< TrEft-{ fRffil
(sa[ s cq'rmel a:Ib fr-st't I
srFfiG E[entn, q'lell.<{rg,<l<EI {rl{, Drfl-sQo9
c$lrs +tsts-ol ccoo\btl8, +Iq3 buo-l-ccoo\bqbs, E-mail: bkiict.(r)bco.eor,.bd. Web Site: rvr,i,

<I(Etrk-"t +ffiEm +tBFtq {qs \osb' c4tri-{ finffu FrBEq qflfrl aFiwq 6+fr1Tq "tRun'+ +<m Emrut Sa"t ofl qcsrqr qtcpl
dIftui"Lr fidlR o r5r.Tt{ qr{t dr€cllqligl wfltft qfr<rq s-KCs w{r${ q<l srRr
TBining Sctrqdule 20'l 0

uuratr0n Starting & Couise Last Date of

shift Pre-requis
(hours) Closing Date Fee (Tk) Reqistration
oc 7
1) Training Program on Office Applications &Unicode Bangla 25.04.2018
x 90 3000,00 23.04.2018 :xperience Basic Knowledge on Offlce
.c .o _* (0nly for Women) 2.5 A7 .2418
ca! \pplication
s3s 2) Training [)rogram on Digilal l/arkcting CO
30.05 201 8 '1.S,C /Equrvalent Basic Knowledge on
= 30.09.2018
5000.00 27.45.2018
nternet use

1.S,C /Equivalent Experience Basic

1) Training Program on Offlce Applications & Unicode Bangla (0nl
90 20,05 201 8 3000.00 17.05.2018 (nowledge on Offlce Application
for Women)
icience Graduate, Experience Basic
15.05.2016 (nowledge on object oriented
2) Android Application Development 124 1 5000 00 1 0.05.2018
15 11 .2-018 )rogramming

3) Introduction to Web Site Design and Web Applications 1 0.0 5.2018 1,S.C /[:quivalent Experience Basic
E^ Development & Outsourcino Technrque
1 0000.00 08,05.2018
(nowledqe on Office Application
I [i' '1
0.05.2018 '1,S.C /Equivalent Experience in the use
aE 4) 2D Modeling, Animation &Effects 160 1 8000.00 08,05.2018
>o 0,1 0.2018
rf ICT Applications
€N '1.S.C lEquiva cnt Experience Basic
15.05.2018 10.05.2018
5) Irarning Program on Ccrtified \/cb Development Specialist 120 1 5000.00 (nowledqe on Offlce
15.1 1 .2018
Appllcation and use of intcrnet
30 04.201 8 LS.C /Equivalent Experience rn the use
6) 3D Modelrng and Animation 160 1 B000.00 26.04 2A1B
30.10.201 8 rf lC'l Applicatlons

10.0s.2018 07.05.2018 {.S,C /Equivalent Expcrience Bas c uses

7) Training Program on Graphics Design & Multimedia & 90 8500.00
12.C8,2018 rf computer Applications
0utsourcinq Technioue
06.0s.201 B '1.S,C /[ouivalent Experience Basic
1) Training Program on Advanced Office Appiication specialize on (nowiedge on Office Application
90 08 0/.2c1B 6000.00 c3.05,2018
Excel and Access

1 5 05.201 8 1.S.C /Equivalent Experience Basic

2) lntr0ductlon on Web Site Design and Web Applications 13.05.2018
124 15.11.2018 1 0000t00 (nowledge on Office Application
c Devel0pment & 0utsourclng Technique
oo 06.05.2018
(/) @ 03.05.2018
3) Training Program on E-Government Application 15 1 0 06.2018 3000.00 lraduate from any discipline
'lraining 1,5.11.24
U 4) Program on Network Adminrstration (Windows & 120
Graduate, cxperience in the use of
1 10.05.2018
15 05 20 8 Windows applicatlons
Linu x)

24 05.20 B
5) Training Progranr on Graphics Design & Multlmedla & 15.0s 2018 'LS.C /Equivalent Experience Basic uses
90 2A.AB.20 8 8500.00
Outsourcrng Iechnique rf computer Applicaiions

at6f-]E" +flr< lldtfir', .+!i fu {J'l({ 9T\A("1-Ei6T{ tR cx&c-E"n }rid r-<]:t ,sr;x ory.{t$ q;;lt6r q'Ei fif}1ir'{ sGr1>TRB ( crn-+
t1*i.'[6ac slGm' $tri \tc{r c{(!.18 rffi i+ {ixT \eTTE/(E-q6]R w{rr{ 41={c,fit {]('r+-gft fifus +xt lt(<t qfT{ I.s{n fiilj].e I

(C<l ?ll1{l',13 ol-CCoo stiS )

Director (BKllCT)

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