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Basic Karma consciousness healing

Basic Practitioner Manual

© Sumant Kant Kaul 2005 onwards

With Love

To my mother Smt. Kanta Kaul, Father Shri Somnath
Kaul, brothers,
sister, my sister-in-laws, Sensei, Rajiv Vats my Judo
Coach who taught me how to respect Women the
Shakti , Mahatmaji-Shri Kashi Nath Kaul the great
shaivic teacher, my wife Neeta who always motivated me
and travelled all over the world in my spiritual Journey
as well as all my endeavours of Learning and imparting
knowledge allover the world
my son Sumeet for his great input and his constant mo-
tivation and my daughter Suneha who is the joy of my
life and hon’ble Vianna Stibal and Guy Stibal who sup-
ported me to understand with Love and Compassion the
Dynamics of this universe through God ’s perspective
and also respected Hitomi Akamatsu the wonderful Psy-
chic teacher ...I also thank all my friends, colleagues and
clients who gave valuable inputs in my journey...and
above all friends ,all my students, with whom I learnt
the Real Dynamics of Karma, who taught me the Real
Compassion, the Real Tolerance and how to be Kind
God bless them all
With God ’s Blessings may all become the best they can
be? In the highest and best way...

-Sumant Kaul

What does a person take when he leaves this earth, not
money but knowledge and karma? The goal of mankind is
knowledge. According to the Spiritual Law of Karma,
mindsets that we bring into this lifetime are our karma. If
we have the self-belief and mind-set that we are lacking or
‘not good enough’, that belief will inevitably draw into our
lives the people and circumstances that will make us feel
weak and/or inferior.

Positive beliefs and mindsets create good karma in our
lives. Wonderful things then happen and enter our lives
consistently. We are responsible for our own beliefs and
mindsets, so we must be aware to amend our beliefs if they
do not serve us in a positive manner.

Our health is our karma. Prior to incarnating (or reincarnat-
ing) we chose our family, our life challenges and our soul
mission or life purpose. We also chose our body and genetic
predisposition. Our moment-by-moment choices of emo-
tions and thoughts affect our health and vitality. This is our

The balance sheet of our karma is known as our ‘Akashic
Record’, which is a recorded history of all of our lives and

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life experiences and lessons. Our karma is carried forward
from one lifetime to the next; therefore we may not experi-
ence the consequences of our actions until a subsequent
lifetime. Because of this, sometimes there is no obvious
and/or visible co-relation between our action and its’ con-

The higher our spiritual vibration, the quicker our karma re-
turns to us. Many on the earth plane at this time are subject-
ed to ‘instant karma’. This means that whatever one gives
out comes back to them instantly. It is a sign of becoming
more evolved because the ‘karmic balance sheet’ is being
kept up to date, and the soul is not allowing karmic debt to

So if you my friends are going through a difficult time, it
could be a settling of your karma and this is better than be-
fore and can be made much more better with love, honor if
we abide by the law of karma and have some Virtues which
will help us resolve our Karmas with more Grace and Ease.

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• Tolerance

• Acceptance

• Grace

• Forgiveness

• Benevolence

• Compassion

• Kindness

• Patience 

• And above all Loyalty 

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Story of my life

Born in a Kashmiri brahmin family in this life time , I was

the youngest of the lot. I was told by my mother that my fa-
ther was a very successful man but my father walked from
his very successful ansectetrol business of Exports of Hand-
icrafts including rare artefact ,carpets etc without a penny
and restarted his life.Although my parents gave us the best
they could give but they had to work hard. There were al-
ways 15 to 20 guests including great spiritual Masters
through out the year and my mother feeding them all with
love and honour
With my parents having to work hard to feed all 5 children,
I had seen the toughness life could present as i am told that
when i was small say around 3 to 5 years onwards i could
see things which normal eyes could not see and i always
used to feel very abundant with thought and when in India
the salary of a person used to be Rs 500 with the president
of our country having around Rs 5000[ 800 USD ] Salary in
1960s ,i used to roam around asking my kid friends how
many million Dollars their father earned. I do not know
from where these Millions i used to talk about when even
talking about thousands was a big Luxury in India during
those times ,which later on i came to know that i was bring-
ing some of the knowledge from my past existences and it
is History that i helped people become Billionaires and Mil-
lionaires in India and earned respect in Business circle for
myself and my organisation
My parents did their best to inculcate virtues of abundance
in us. They taught us to pray and to ask for guidance and
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wisdom .My mother used to wake me up in the morning 5
am in Winters teaching techniques and mantras. She taught
Wealth would be a by-product of your good values and ser-
vice you do to elders, parents and teachers. Our house was
flooded always with spiritual mentors and guides. My par-
ents taught me good values and how to live a decent life.
When I grew up and entered the world, I saw people who
said they were friends in life and business but betrayed as
soon as the opportunity arrived. People broke their word of
honor. This made me extra protective and careful and for
the correct and right work also I had to use force. Later on I
realised through practices of various mind coaching tech-
niques and my intuitions that I was carrying an unconscious
belief of battling evil and inviting challenges. These unnec-
essary mental and physical challenges used to create physi-
cal stress on my back with disc problems.
Only with continuous practice of my mind coaching tech-
niques, changing perceptions and relaxation did these issues
resolve. I realised what is karma, why do people betray and
most importantly how to resolve the unforgiveness with
self-realization and forgiveness. That we attract these peo-
ple with our own unconscious transmitters and they receive
these messages with their own unconscious receptors. This
is a short note on my journey as I progressed from senior
manager in a multi national to my own Engineering busi-
ness and to the International Mentor people call me. At
heart, I am still that youngest child wanting to play with the
world and teach those values and techniques that my moth-
er and various other teachers have taught me.
Sumant Kant Kaul
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Most people clear their limiting beliefs but do not un-
derstand that unless one releases the fear that causes
such limiting beliefs and the defence mechanisms in
form of karmic oaths ,these issues linger on.

emotional attachment of human behavior:

Body develops
Defense Mechanism revenge, vows (karmic oaths);
negative learning or decision.

*This takes one away from their true / divine purpose of


for eg.when a child experiences abandonement in child-

hood,he has a fear of being
abandoned,rejected ,unworthy ,seperation from loved one.-
To protect himself from future hurts ,he creates an uncon-
scious karmic oath of being alone to be safe .

Meanwhile healing is being experienced ,forgiveness is of

the most importance.Only with self realisation can one
achieve total forgiveness.This self realisation needs to come
from a space of unconditional love creative energy as com-
pared to an angry egoistical energy.

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Chapter -1 Chakras

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Chapter -2 Karma healing Meditation

Take five long deep breaths.As you breath in you breath

Gods light with every breath you take and as you exhale
you exhale all the toxins from your body going deeper
and deeper and deeper with every breath you take,
knowing that the deeper you go more relaxed you feel
and more relaxed you feel the deeper you go.

Spinal breath Meditation

1.Inhale as though you are breathing from the perineum at

the base of the spine i.e. your root chakra and as you bring
energy up from your root chakra you imagine your root
chakra swirling like a powerful chakra and you feel a
source of energy being developed by this swirling energy
and you find this energy coming up gently from your sacral
centre chakra and you find this energy swirling your sacral
centre chakra and your sacral centre chakra you imagine
and visualise like a lotus bud and as you come up, this lotus
but blossoms into a huge lotus flower and you find this en-
ergy going up though your solar plexus chakra where your
fears are stored and you find that there is another lotus bud
and as this energy passes through this lotus bud becomes a
huge lotus flower and this energy formation from the root
chakra is coming up continuously thorough your sexual
chakra solar plexus chakra and going up towards your
heart chakra
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and as you bring energy up to your heart chakra you imag-
ine and visualise your Heart chakra as a small lotus bud and
as the energy come up this lotus bud blossoms into a huge
lotus flower you find your issues of heart being resolved
moving up towards your throat chakra and imagining your
throat chakra as a small lotus bud when you find this energy
coming through the lotus but this lotus bud becomes a huge
lotus flower allowing you channel gods voice and you find
this energy going up though your third eye chakra ,you
imagine and visualise your third eye chakra as a small lotus
bud and as the energy come up through this lotus bud it
blossoms into a huge lotus flower you find your third eye is
getting very powerful as if a gods light is radiating inside
and outside of you .You are filled with divine light from
your inner and outer cosmos which actually is on and the
same moving up to your crown chakra and you imagine and
visualise your crown chakra as a small lotus bud and as the
energy come up this lotus bud blossoms into a huge lotus
flower you find that your connection to the divine, being
completely established .You are feeling confident,comfort-
able ,peaceful and strong
You are able to visualise and feel as an objective observer
as you see this energy coming from the root chakra to the
crown chakra.Visualise this energy and the complete

process .You just have to imagine the energy.What colour is
the energy.What ever colour it is it is ok. It is part of the
universe.But the true colour of the universe the ultimate
colour is white ,so what ever it is with practice it will be-
come white with time .If we mix all the colours of Rainbow

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it will become white.

2. Now Exhale as though you are breathing this energy

which came up from the root chakra from the top of the
head down to the perineum at the base of the spine i.e. your
root chakra going from all the chakras .

3. Once again inhale the same way do it 9 times the
same way and then Exhale and inhale many times in
this way, exhaling down and inhaling up. Take your time
going deeper and deeper and deeper with every breath
you take.

You will start Imagining that this breath of yours is

flowing in a thin, milky white stream from bottom to top
and top to bottom . It does not matter whether or not
you literally see the stream with your inner eye, but
know that this stream of energy is actually there in the
subtle body, and will someday be experienced directly.

4.Now do this breaths exercise 9 times and imagine

through your third eye you are able to visualise or feel
in front of you gods light from other dimension i.e. an
infinite source of energy is radiating its light, filling your
body, head, shoulders and complete body, imagine dark
energy releasing and light energy replacing in the body,
take your time. You realise that you are energetically
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and physically an extension of this light. Actually what
you see coming from outside with practice you will see is
inside you only after some time .Everything is an illu-
sion and only truth is this light of creation
5.Imagine now that this divine healing energy is flowing to
your home ,releasing all dark energies and filling space
with love and light. Even with time you will see these dark
energies which humans have created is an illusion and with
practice we come to know the truth ,the ultimate truth .

6.Imagine sending this healing light to your family

member,releasing all dark energies and filling space with
love and light.To your city, your country , your neighbour-
ing countries and to this universe .Take time to send this
healing light to also those who you feel are against you and
your journey .You will find this powerful healing light with
practice spreading love, joy and happiness every where
7.When you have visualised completely,gently imagine
yourself back in your third eye, and say this mantra that i
am aways with god one with god and see yourself getting
atomised like sugar dissolves in milk and open your eyes.

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Chapter -3 :
Karma healing with client

Take five long deep breaths.As you breath in you breath

Gods light with every breath you take and as you exhale
you exhale all the toxins from your body going deeper
and deeper and deeper with every breath you take,
knowing that the deeper you go more relaxed you feel
and more relaxed you feel the deeper you go.

Spinal breath Meditation

1.Inhale as though you are breathing from the perineum at

the base of the spine i.e. your root chakra and as you bring
energy up from your root chakra you imagine your root
chakra swirling like a powerful chakra and you feel a
source of energy being developed by this swirling energy
and you find this energy coming up gently from your sacral
centre chakra and you find this energy swirling your sacral
centre chakra and your sacral centre chakra you imagine
and visualise like a lotus bud and as you come up this this
lotus but blossoms into a huge lotus flower and you find
this energy going up though your solar plexus chakra where
you fears are stored and you find that there is another lotus
bud and as this energy passes through this lotus bud be-
comes a huge lotus flower and this energy formation from
the root chakra is coming up continuously thorough your
Page 15
sexual chakra solar plexus chakra and going up towards
your heart chakra .

as you bring energy up to your heart chakra you imagine

and visualise your Heart chakra as a small lotus bud and as
the energy come up this lotus bud blossoms into a huge lo-
tus flower you find your issues of heart being resolved
moving up towards your throat chakra and imagining your
throat chakra as a small lotus bud when you find this energy
coming through the lotus but this lotus bud becomes a huge
lotus flower allowing you channel gods voice and you find
this energy going up though your third eye chakra you
imagine and visualise your third eye chakra as a small lotus
bud and as the energy come up through this lotus bud it
blossoms into a huge lotus flower you find your third eye is
getting very powerful as if a gods light is radiating inside
and outside of you .You are filled with divine light from
your inner and outer cosmos which actually is on and the
same moving up to your crown chakra and you imagine and
visualise your crown chakra as a small lotus bud and as the
energy come up this lotus bud blossoms into a huge lotus
flower you find that your connection to the divid being
completely established .You are feeling confident,comfort-
able ,peaceful and strong
You are able to visualise and feel as an objective observer
as you see this energy coming from the root chakra to the
crown chakra.Visualise this energy and the complete

process .You just have to imagine the energy.What colour is
the energy.What ever colour it is it is ok. It is part of the
Page 16
universe.But the true colour of the universe the ultimate
colour is white ,so what ever it is with practice it will be-
come white with time .If we mix all the colours of Rainbow
it will become white.

2. Now Exhale as though you are breathing this energy

which came up from the root chakra from the top of the
head down to the perineum at the base of the spine i.e. your
root chakra going from all the chakras .

3. Once again inhale the same way do it 9 times the same
way and then Exhale and inhale many times in this way,
exhaling down and inhaling up. Take your time going deep-
er and deeper and deeper with every breath you take.

You will start Imagining that this breath of yours is

flowing in a thin, milky white stream from bottom to top
and top to bottom . It does not matter whether or not
you literally see the stream with your inner eye, but
know that this stream of energy is actually there in the
subtle body, and will someday be experienced directly

4.Now do this breaths exercise 9 times and imagine

through your third eye you are able to visualise or feel
in front of you gods light. Say in your mind: God let the
energy flow. Now from other dimension i.e. an infinite
source of energy is radiating its light, filling your body,
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head, shoulders and complete body, imagine dark ener-
gy releasing and light energy replacing in the body, take
your time. You realise that you are energetically and
physically an extension of this light. Actually what you
see coming from outside with practice you will see is in-
side you only after some time .Everything is an illusion
and only truth is this light of creation
5. Say in your mind: God let the energy flow,release all
fears and fill the client’s space with love. Imagine now that
this divine healing energy is flowing to your client,releasing
all dark energies and filling client’s space with love and
light. Visualise healing in the head ,heart ,abdomen ,spine
releasing all fears.Take your time.
7.When you have visualised completely,gently imagine
yourself back in your third eye, and say this mantra that i
am aways with god never separate ,always with god never
separate and see yourself getting atomised like sugar dis-
solves in milk and open your eyes.

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Chapter- 4 Spirit world and dimensions
Energy exists in different dimensions.Your consciousness is
an energy,and it vibrates in multiple dimensions at the same
time.This is a scientific fact.There are alternate worlds
where spirits of ancestors ,angels and masters reside.

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Stage 1
In stage 1, pure Consciousness exists as the underlying field
of all creation. Universal creation begins with a blank slate
of pure Consciousness – existence without content, poten-
tial without expression. This indefinable source of all cre-
ation is like the space within a tiny seed that contains the
energetic potential of a huge tree, complete with branches
and leaves.

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Even after it becomes the physical universe, this Con-
sciousness remains pure and eternal. Jesus expressed his
identification with the eternal nature by saying, “Before
Abraham was, I Am.”

Stage 2
In stage 2 of creation, the separation from oneness begins.
The move to creation begins with an initial energy pulsa-
tion, a subtle throb of and a hint of creation to be. You
could think of this stage as being like the initial process that
takes place in a cell that will one day become a living ani-
mal or human being. This stage is like the moment when
the spark of creation is struck in a cell, before it begins to

In stage 1, you have the cell of pure Consciousness. Once

this creative spark enters that cell in stage 2, it divides into
two cells, which are represented in this chart by stages
number 3 and 4.
Stage 3
During stage 3, a glimmer of the world begins to take subtle
form. You can think of this stage as being similar to the
state of your computer right after you push the button to
turn it on. None of your individual folders or icons are visi-
ble or available on the screen, but the computer’s processor
is starting to access the information, and is humming with
the promise of your upcoming computer experience.
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Stage 4
In stage 4 of this chart of universal creation, awareness be-
gins to take form. The experience of this stage of universal
creation is similar to the experience you may have just be-
fore waking up, as your awareness prepares to move from
the darkness of deep sleep into the colorful world of your
bed and beyond.

When you’re about to awaken from a good night’s sleep, a

vibration of your upcoming wakefulness starts to pulsate
through the still field of your sleeping, unconscious mind.
You begin to grasp a subtle remembrance of a world outside
yourself, without feeling any separation between yourself
and the world. You’re in a peaceful state of awareness that
is free from the complications, expectations, and judgments
of ego-based thoughts and desires. The scheduling, thinking
mind is not yet in place to diffuse your peaceful awareness
into the upcoming responsibilities and concerns of the day.

At this point, you’re still one with pure creative Conscious-

ness and free from any sense of limitation. You’re com-
pletely powerful, with nothing holding you back in any
way. You sense a world that exists outside of yourself, yet
at the same time you know that you’re completely one with
Stage 5
Once creation gets to stage 5, maya enters the picture, and
that’s when everything hits the fan. The Sanskrit term maya
is often translated as “illusion,” which is the closest English
translation for this deeply metaphysical word. Maya comes
from the root verb ma, which means “to measure, limit, and
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give form,” and is sometimes translated as “that which
measures.” The idea is that the measurings of time and
space are the basis of maya.

With maya in the picture, time and space are now measured
and therefore limited. Within the previously all-pervasive
and eternal universal Consciousness, five cloaks of limita-
tion come into the picture and reduce universal freedom to
limited experience.

Until this stage, universal Consciousness is unlimited, pure,
and perfect within itself — eternal, omniscient, om-
nipresent, omnipotent, and perfectly contented. Now, with
the forgetfulness that comes from the power of illusion, the
dream of this world begins. Universal Consciousness be-
comes covered with the five cloaks, which translate into
Sanskrit as pancha (five) kanchukas (cloaks), or pancha-
kanchukas.The five powers that become limited by these
five cloaks are omnipotence, omniscience, perfection, eter-
nality, and omnipresence. These cloaks act like veils that
cover and limit the full powers of supreme Consciousness.

Once the cloaks are in place, supreme Consciousness can
do certain things but not others, can know some things but
not others, can be in some places but not others, is satisfied
with some things but not others, and can exist in one time
but not others. When your true nature as universal Con-
sciousness is covered by these five cloaks of illusion:

• Omnipotence (universal authorship) becomes limit-

ed abilities. Your previous ability to do anything and
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everything turns into limited action, where you can do
some things but not others.
• Omniscience (universal knowledge) turns into limit-
ed knowledge. Your omniscience of being aware of
everything at once becomes limited knowledge, where
you know some things and don’t know others. Before
this stage of creation, you were all-knowing, but now
you have to study to learn things. Without this cloak,
there would be no need for schools or universities, be-
cause the awareness that is everyone would already
know everything.
• Perfection (universal satisfaction) turns into limited
desires. Supreme Consciousness has no need for the
roller coaster of fulfilled and unfulfilled desires. It ex-
periences perfect satisfaction and contentment within
itself. However, once this cloak of limited satisfaction
comes into place, the universal experience of perfect
contentment is compromised by desires, fears, fulfilled
and unfulfilled hopes, attachments, aversions, and ex-

• Eternality becomes limited time. Before this stage,

supreme Consciousness experienced everything all at
once as an eternal awareness and presence, but now it
is limited by time constraints of past, present, and fu-
ture. This limitation of time brings a whole slew of
problems. When your true nature as eternal Conscious-
ness becomes bound by the illusion of time, you begin
to hope for something in the future or worry about
things that happened in the past. You become locked
into an idea of yourself as a separate being in time.
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From within this limited experience of sequential time,
you can’t see things objectively or from a bigger pic-
ture perspective, but only in bits and pieces and in
time-based succession. With this cloak, you feel that
you belong only to this time, that you didn’t exist be-
fore, and that you won’t exist in the future.
• Omnipresence becomes limited placement. Before
this cloak, you were completely free and all-pervasive.
You existed everywhere all at once. Now, you have to
travel to go somewhere, and you know how much of a
hassle that can be. One modern analogy for the experi-
ence of omnipresence is the world wide Web of the In-
ternet, where everything is existing and available to tap
into all from one place – your computer. But once the
cloak of limitation is placed over omnipresence, you
can only be in one place at a time instead of being
everywhere all at once.
This fifth stage of creation is where all-powerful Con-
sciousness becomes trapped in its own dream, so that it ap-
pears to be at the mercy of outer forces over which it has no
control. This stage sets the stage for the dance of limited
world experience to take place.

You may wonder why supreme Consciousness would give

up its divine freedom and take on these illusory limitations.
The answer may be that only through these cloaks of limita-
tion can the supreme all-knowing Consciousness get to
have exciting limited experiences such as being surprised,
happy, or disappointed – in and as you and everyone else.
Only through forgetting that it is the dreamer of the dream
of creation can universal Consciousness experience the play
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of the world, with all its colorful and exciting twists and

Stage 6
With the cloaks of illusion and limitation in place, your
mind, intellect, and self-awareness take form. In this stage
of universal creation, the all-pervasive, infinite, eternal pure
Consciousness becomes you, as you know yourself to be.
Shrouded by illusion and forgetting its own nature, the lim-
ited individual experiences a world of duality through the
mind’s faculties of self-awareness, mental comprehension,
and intelligence:

• Self-awareness: In this stage, the self-conscious ego

takes birth, which is not the sense of “I” as the highest
“I Am” consciousness, but rather the ego’s “I am this
but not that” awareness of being a separate, limited in-
dividual who thinks of everything in terms of: me, me,
me, me, and me.

• Mental comprehension: Along with this limited “I”
consciousness comes a thinking, perceiving mind,
which is also called the “lower mind.” This thinking
mind builds worlds of experience from the internal and
apparently external materials of images, concepts, and

• Intelligence: Mixed in with this mental bundle at stage
6 is the superior mind, or intellect. In Sanskrit, this
higher intelligence is called buddhi, which is related to
the name of the spiritual figure Buddha, who is said to
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have achieved the great unfoldment of this superior
mind. The buddhi brings forth intuitive perceptions and
intelligent understandings that penetrate deeply into the
nature of things. This superior intellect can become the
doorway for the lower, limited person to re-enter the
higher realms of experience.

Calming your mind and ego by reading potent spiritual

philosophies and doing practices such as meditation and
inward reflection can help to strengthen and polish your
higher intelligence.

Stage 7
Once your mind, intellect, and ego are in place, the senses
and physical world take form. On the bottom rung of this
creation ladder are the physical senses (smelling, tasting,
seeing, feeling by touch, and hearing), the physical uni-
verse, which is composed of elements such as earth, air,
fire, water, and ether, and all the actions each person ex-
presses into the physical world.

It isn’t so much that pure Consciousness stops being pure

Consciousness when the world takes form. Rather, even as
pure Consciousness descends into the lower stages of hav-
ing personal experiences in a physical reality, it never
moves from its highest state of pure being.

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Imagine moving your personal consciousness walking back
up the ladder of creation from the physical world and sens-
es, through the mental conditions, beyond illusory limita-
tions, and into the great freedom of your true nature as uni-
versal Consciousness. Imagine being an enlightened person
who can live in the entire map of creation all at once, being
aware of all the levels of consciousness at the same time.

There are sometimes spirits who have not reached the other
world and are stuck due to one reason or the other.
On powerful dimensions ,master soul reside who have
reached a very high state of self realisation.The guide many
other souls and help them in their spiritual growth.We pray
to certain masters who are divine messengers of god.
On a materialistic dimension there exists all
plants,animals,soil and crystals .
All dimesions are an intercosmic play of god.
The universe is revealed to us and we flow with energy on
our purpose taking different forms of existences.
Entering in samadhi /transcendence state and going in dif-
ferent dimensions is one of the highest achievements of
There are spiritual laws of time, karma , attraction,compas-
sion that guide all the spirits .Even master souls abide by
Law of dharma or duty.

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All dimesions are within you but vibrating at different
speed in different worlds.

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Chapter -5 Samadhi state /Transcendence

Ultimate healing of body /ego will happen when conscious-

ness enters into a transcendence state .A corrupted part of
ego cannot heal another corrupted part.or e.g..An abused
part of ego cannot heal a humiliated part of ego.Only divine
transcendence consciousness can radiate and rejuvenate the
Fear of unworthiness,seperation,rejection,betrayal,loosing
support,loosing love ,humiliation all such emotions of fear
create blocks in transcendence.
In a samadhi state ,one can bring divine healing,guidance
and self realisation to achieve forgiveness and heal all cor-
ruption in mind and body.
During transcendence,breath becomes relaxed and may
even be minimal.With repetitive karma healing meditations
one can achieve wonderful thought control and achieve
amazing self healing.

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Chapter -6 What Is Karma?
Karma means action. The real meaning of Karma is not

because Karma is Action. This action starts with your
thoughts; it is more than simple action because it is not just
physical action. It is not unconscious action but intentional,
conscious, deliberate, wilful action. WHY BECAUSE

At least many times people on Spiritual Path are able to
So when we know the consequence of our Action and yet
not manage, does it not become DELIBERATE?
In its most basic sense, the Law of Karma teaches that simi-
lar actions will lead to similar results. Let us take an exam-
ple. If we plant a guava seed, the plant that springs up will
be a guava tree, and eventually it will bear a guava fruit. Al-
ternatively, if we plant a poppy seed [opium seed] the plant
that will spring up will be opium which can be used as in-
toxicant or medicine depending upon who is growing it. As
one sows, so shall one reap?     

Page 31
! !

Photo of Cell and ATP inside Mitochondria

In this case it is the karma of our wonderful soul /con-

THE DNA doing something extra to what the Soul has
It could be due to PITRA DOSHA.

What does it lead to? Let us understand this.

So if one's great -great grandfather was noble and kind, one
will have his nobility and kindness in his DNA as this in-
formation would be in the genes and around the mor-
phogenic field around the DNA.

But if your ancestor was a King, or an officer with the king
or even a soldier and to enable his tribe or kingdom to sur-
vive during the time of natural disasters or otherwise also
since the revenue generating system was feudal he had to
Page 32
go to wars and also his kingdom had to suffer the after ef-
fects of war. So your DNA has this extra amount of knowl-
edge of Suffering, Pain, Mistrust, the knowledge of never
leave your woman with a man, even if they are your rela-
tives. As most of the people at wars were relatives and
friends those times committed Atrocities and things you are
not comfortable to even talk about.
Now many times we find the relationship between a man
and a woman or even with your parents and siblings are not

People leave their parents and loved ones in seeking in-
dependence and learning and end up having more issues
in life in the name of so called independence but the brain
of a human develops completely by the age of 22 years and
parents should give proper honorable parenting with god s
perspective of responsibility and not leave their children to
experiment with life and get influenced with drugs, emo-
tional trauma which is once again due to the karma of
the people involved .
But how can the Parent teach and guide if they themselves
were not guided by their parents and this chain will contin-
ue without end aIt is this defect, which is MAJOR CAUSE
of miseries in the world.
The soul is coming from a divine plane to learn but as we
know we are here on the third plane to primarily to master
our body and if the body is mastered this life could have a
very high vibration heavenly experience. It is the defects of
the body and the DNA, which spoils the earth journey, and

Page 33
so with the knowledge we can have love, laughter, joy hon-
or, wealth, and abundance in this life.

You must have also observed in life that A MAN MEETS A

WOMAN FALLS IN LOVE gets married and then starts
fighting. You cannot fight with strangers .One has to be
committed to fight.

Why do we do this? This is karma.
You start with Roses and CHOCOLATES AND THEN
do-good people do this. This is Karma.

So what do people do? Some Marry and some not as they
do not marry since they are not sure of the relationship.
They have doubt. And even if they marry since they have or
had doubt Law of Karma wins and either they leave their
partners and never commit of even if they commit once
again the doubt and the pain of the previous memory
lingers. This is Karma.
This will continue in new relationship also.
So the partners leave each other.
It is still not always a guarantee that they will choose to be
happy themselves even after that. Because if they had the
power to be happy, then under the Law of Compassion they
would have influenced your karma with their presence and
sangati /company.
Your DNA has a Past Life through your ancestors and you
too are going to leave your DNA through your children and
Page 34
all that you went through in life. Your DNA has the com-
plete knowledge of the existence of this

universe .You know how Jejus, Prophet Mohammad,
Krishna, Buddha, Guru Nanak and other Great Masters
brought Love to this earth through their great teachings.
Your DNA also has the knowledge of the sufferings on this
earth life wars, slavery, famines, poverty and other things.
So your body may not suffer directly but will still suffer as
the body has left his /her children i.e. their physical body as
their DNA and as the DNA has the knowledge of goodness,
it also takes the knowledge of suffering and so not only
your soul has to keep on suffering, your body also suffers
through your descendants and this is an ENDLESS STORY.
Thus it keeps on going on and on and on and on, and that is
the Truth.

As under Law of Truth comes the Law of Motion and
Law of Motion states once in motion always in motion,
so you will keep on reincarnating and suffering. But the
good news is that under Law of Motion is the Law of
Thought, I think therefore I am.
So if you make your thought powerful, and master certain
virtues, you can change your KARMA OF NEGATIVE
VIBRATION leading to Difficult life to POSITIVE VI-
BRATION leading to Joyous Living and experiences of
Page 35
Love, Honor, Respect, Gratitude, Wonderful family and
This way you can halt the entire suffering of your genetic
line coming from the time immemorial i.e. from the times
of Rama, Jesus, Buddha Krishna or even earlier and change
the consciousness of your present life like they did.
This is only possible; I repeat only possible if you have a
body, which does not have the information of hate, anger
and fear in your DNA of any of your ancestors. Now, this
is impossible to remove unless you specifically work on it.
You can’t say that the body is corrupted and the soul is of a
master.It might be but it has to know its job specifically and
to resolve the Karma of the DNA of the lineage if it is a
Master Soul

Page 36
Whatever you have thought in your life subconsciously has
made you what you are today. If you can get control over
your thought, you will become the master of your life. As
shown in the figure below subconscious mind is 88% part
of your mind that stores all the data, emotions, programs
and is spread throughout your body. According to its pro-
grams, this part of the mind creates your life.
Your subconscious does not change the reality of the world
around you; it changes your own reality thereby making
you feel the world is different. It just filters the information
that you present to it in order to support your beliefs or the
picture that you hold in your mind.
Filtering out and deleting is one of the most useful func-
tions of our mind. The mind is bombarded with millions of
bits of information every second. The subconscious mind
has the power to filter out the unimportant stimuli.

Page 37
Sumant: “Thought has the ultimate power. You are what
you are because of what you think. So take RESPONSI-
We pay attention only to what is important. Having the abil-
ity to ignore 99% of the input is a great natural gift and we
could not survive and operate efficiently without it.

We are blessed with the ability to block input from all our
senses. This deletion/filtering function is designed, by na-
ture, to enable us to not waste time and energy on concepts
that are deemed “understood” by our mind.
We may refer to the deletion function as “Mental Scotoma”
or “Negative Hallucination.” To understand mental sco-
toma, let’s first look at physical Scotoma.
Physical Scotoma
Scotoma is the phenomenon of looking at an object, yet not
seeing it. It is based on the physical structure of the human

Try the following experiment:

Hold the book about a foot from your face. Close your right
eye and look at the right star. Now slowly bring the page
towards you. What happened to the left star?
At some point the left star disappears from view. Yes, it is
still there, but you just don’t see it. The explanation is sim-
ple. On our retina there is a spot without any light-sensitive
cells. This is the notorious “Blind Spot”.

This is due to the fact that all the nerves from the light-
Page 38
sensing cells lining the retina converge in one spot to form
a thick “cable” of nerves that exit from the eye and into the

Page 39
Page 40
•Exercise -

Script for Inner Child Transformation
So get comfortable take three deep breaths, breathing
right down into your abdomen. As you breath out feel-
ing relaxed. Let relaxation enter your eyes, relax your
scalp and forehead... feel the tiny muscles letting go and
becoming smooth... relax your eyes, cheeks, mouth and
jaw... let the muscles go... unclench your jaw and relax
your tongue... let your shoulders become loose and limp,
let all tension go, let it flow away... relax your chest and
let your breathing become slow and easy... relax all the
way down your back, your shoulder blades down to the
base of your back... let any tension in your tummy flow
away... relax your hips, right down your legs, down your
calfs... feel your feet relaxing and your toes, like when
you take off tight shoes... and let your arms go limp and
heavy... and your hands letting go... allow your thoughts
to become peaceful, breathing away tension, problems
and things on your mind... breathing them all away... let
your whole body become completely relaxed... feeling so
peaceful... and focus on your breath as you count slowly
back from ten to zero in your thoughts... good, now I
want you to think about a place you remember as a
child, it may be your family home, school, a playground
or something else... just let that come into your mind, it
doesn't matter if it isn't very clear or if you just sense
it... imagine you see your child self coming toward you,
you as you were when you were a child... you may look
different to what you had expected or you may not... no-
Page 41
tice what you are wearing and your hair... notice your
expression, how do you look?... Perhaps you are holding
something... now imagine you, the adult you, are walk-
ing up to your child self... tell the child who you are...
tell them you have come to be their friend... (help the
child release and heal all
fear ,abuse ,sadness ,loneliness,unworthiness ,shame and
betrayal at this point some of you may become emotion-
al, especially if your inner child was lonely or suffered in
childhood)... or you could hold their hand or let them sit
on your lap... ask them if they have anything to say to
you and answer any questions, but always remain lov-
ing, supportive and reassuring...,pamper and nurture
the child ,take care and heal the child .Give lots of love
and verbal assurance to the child.
now it is time to say goodbye to the child, do whatever
feels natural, give them a big hug or kiss or just wave
goodbye... and come back all the way ,open
your eyes.

Page 42
Chapter 8
•There are three types of individual karma:     

Sanchita Karma 

1] Total of all past life karmas accumulated [sanchita kar-

ma ] This is the sum total of all     past karmas yet to be re-

Prarabdha karma

2] Past life karmas to be resolved in this lifetime [prarab-

dha karma

This is that portion of     our     past life karma [sanchita karma

] scheduled to be experienced in the present life, shaping its
events and conditions, including the nature of our bodies,
personal tendencies and associations.    
• kriyamana karma]    

Page 43
3] Present life karma you are creating [kriyamana karma]  
This karma is that what you are creating while settling your
sanchita or prarabdha karma i.e. the karma you are pres-
ently creating. Presently living this life.

While some Present Life i.e. Kriyamana Karma bear

fruit in the current life, others are stored for future births.
This can be so confusing to your brain, this is what is the il-
lusion created by the density of this third plane of existence
that we are not able to decide what to do and sometimes
what not to do as the action which we sometimes take
thinking the result is going to be good some brings an un-
wholesome effect i.e. People fall in love, get married and
then fight.    
Mother gets her son married with lot of love and then fights
with daughter in law.     Palmistry or Astrology does indi-
cates the patterns of karma to certain extent.     

Prarabdha karma i.e. the Past life Karmas to be resolved in

this lifetime determines one's time of birth, which dictates
one's Palmistry ,    astrology, which in turn delineates the in-
dividual life pattern by influencing the release of these
karmas. Thus, an individual will experience certain astro-
logical periods as difficult and other periods as auspicious
Page 44
and positive. Palmistry or Astrology does not dictate our
karma, rather our karma determines our Palm or astrology,
and so understanding our horoscope helps us knowledge-
ably manage our karma as it arises to be faced.    

Karmas are either active or inactive.     

Sanchita, prarabdha and kriyamana karmas can each be di-

vided into two categories: arabdha i.e. the karma that is
sprouting and we are tackling in this life time in the now;
and anarabhda karma not commenced that is lying dormant
as a seed karma which will come in our future
incarnations . An analogy can be drawn to a garden in
which a variety of seeds have been planted. Some types of
plants will sprout in a few days, others will take weeks and
still others lie dormant for months. Similarly, some of our
karmas will manifest in the next few years, some toward
life's end and others in a future life...If It Is Only Yours   
  Since You Created Them ,Then Perhaps As Noble Soul
You Would Accept It , But Why Should Your Children
Have To Suffer     Because Your DNA Is Going To Relay To
Their DNA This Information Of Suffering.

Page 45
We create our own future
Our actions in the present are creating what we will experi-
ence in the future, even in future lives. The point here is
that when we think of karma, we normally tend to think of
the past. which is not true as Karma is Dynamic we reflect
upon the rewards and punishments from the past that are
now manifesting and what we must have done to create
them. However, we must also think about our future in this
life and lives to come. Our actions in the present are influ-
encing that future, making it pleasant or unpleasant. There-
fore, before acting, a wise person reflects on that action's
karmic consequences and thereby consciously molds his fu-
And this can only happen when you have a POWERFUL
THOUGHT     so that you work with the divine laws and   
  stop your factory and government or doer ship and allow   
  the God to take over ,submit to the will of god with love,
surrender to his love with love .
Down loads

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of to make my
thought powerful.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of how to live
my life God's way happily.

Page 46

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of how to create
positive karma.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of how to resolve
my karma.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of power of your

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you are re-

Do you want to know god ’s perspective that responsibility
comes naturally to you.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of being happy.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of being joyous.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of being compas-

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you love
yourself and others.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you are liv-
ing in gratitude for every blessing and you are blessed.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you are
having lots of fun in life.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you are

Page 47

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you know
your Ego is your amigo.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of how to be com-
fortable with change.

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that there’s
plenty for everybody

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you are re-
sponsible for everything in your life and that you are pow-

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you are
friends with everyone and that you are supported by every-

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you are
comfortable to request and ask for help. 

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of that you are
loved and admired and you enjoy it. 

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of how to live in
balance easily and effortlessly. 

Do you want to know god ’s perspective that you are ac-
cepted and loved by everyone. 

Do you want to know god ’s perspective of how to be re-
sponsible and courageous in the highest and best way. 

Page 48

Money Karma is connected with Karma of parents 

Most of such Karmic debts come from issues with parents
in previous lives or with ancestors of the present physical
body [Genetic Beliefs And Habits] or in present life.

Interestingly, the problems with your parents are also con-

nected with your money problems or your money karma. 50
percent of money karma is bound up in that relationship to
your parents, their way of bringing you up, and their way of
relating with you in life situations. Your issues in the money
situation are partly based on your issues in dealing with
your parental situation. Because of that, the money situation
becomes much harder and more difficult to deal with.

We have in history an incident that occurred in the life story

of Baber, the first Mughal king in. India. His son Humayun
fell seriously ill.

The king in silent sympathy prayed to God that he might be
permitted to take over his son’s illness and from that very
moment the prince began to recover while the king died.
No one can escape from the fruits of his actions.

Deeds or karmas may be grouped under the heads of indi-
vidual karmas and group karmas. The latter are karmas per-
formed by a society or a nation as a whole.

As an individual bears the fruits of his own karmas (ac-
Page 49
tions), so does a society, for it has to bear the fruits of the
general policies it pursues with the result that innocent in-
dividuals have also to suffer for the wrongs arising from the
wrongly conceived dharma of the society to which they be-
long. When Nadir Shah of Persia invaded India and ordered
a general massacre of the people of Delhi, there was a gen-
eral feeling among the people that the social wrongs of the
nation had assumed the form of Nadir.

Karmas sometimes can become the most contagious
form of invisible diseases to which a man is ever exposed
that is why master souls taught people to be always on
the alert and to refrain from company that does not cre-
ate wholesome actions. A man is certainly known by the
company he keeps.
Again, of Lord Krishna himself, it is said that he met his
death by the chance arrow of a bhil, thus requiting his past
karma committed ages before as Rama, who killed the in-
vincible Bali, by shooting an arrow from behind the cover
of a tree. It is believed by more than one billion Indian peo-
ple that Rama and Krishna were both incarnations of Lord
Vishnu in different ages one of the three main deities in
Hindu religion.
Similarly, of King Dasrath, the father of Rama, it is said
that one night while hunting in the forest, he heard a sound
that appeared to him to be of some wild animal. Guided by
the sound, he directed his arrow in that direction, hitting a
young man, Sarvan, who had gone to the riverside to bring
water for his blind and thirsty parents.

Page 50
Hearings the cry of his victim, the king rushed towards the
man, who told him of his plight and begged him to take the
water to his parents. Full of grief, the king went to the aged
couple and told them of the mishap. They could hardly bear
the shock and died, wishing the same fate as theirs for him.
In course of time, the king also met the same fate, when he
died in bitter agony caused by separation from his son,
Rama, who had been exiled for fourteen long years. This is
how Karma overtakes each one in his turn giving what is
due unto him.

Page 51
Exercise Healing States of the Masters:
Taking positive energy from the masters and absorbing
their virtues and healing energies from them through
god is a wonderful experience.Masters are role models
and being in their energy and experiencing them is a
lifetime opportunity.Its very easy to connect to feel the
sensations of a master.Different masters have mastered
different Laws.So asking specific questions from them
and seeking their divine guidance is beneficial.
1.With the healing skills you desire, identify a “Master”

2.The subject goes deeper into trance relaxation

3.Focus and visualize yourself and connect to god and
make the
command to connect to desired master .

4.Shoot healing energy to yourself.

5.Locate your Master (Masters) on the dimension of the
6.Completely absorb those skills.

7.Bring your skills back down and do the energy break.

Page 52
Chapter-9 Different stages of souls
The soul is evolving through different stages by process of
learning and relearning. This is where you will compare
your journey with below and what ever and where ever you
find yourself, please do not Judge your self. You are karma
healers and now you have a choice to become a Master
Soul through Karma Breakthrough and karma healing
which is the ultimate Goal of an incarnated soul on its jour-
Stage -1 Instinctive soul    –At this stage the soul does not
even know the difference between good and bad. The soul
of the person along with the body normally kills for a living
and has animalistic tendencies just like a tiger does not see
good and bad when it hunts a deer. It is born to do that, so it
does, it would operate on instincts of hormones
Stage -2 Infant souls    –At This stage the soul is in ignorant
form, the soul can be rash, may have too much passion and
addictions, instinctual desires, interest in only materialistic
things and lot of unbalanced ego and may take decisions
that brings unhappiness to them and their loved ones.
Stage-3 Intermediate soul    –At this stage the soul knows
the difference between good and bad but still may have of
selfish interests, It believes in goodness and does good so
that good comes to him or her.

Stage-4 Old soul    –This stage comes when the soul goes
through the practical process of Law of Karma in many
lives, the person understand the spiritual laws and methods
of changing the duality which we find on earth. The soul
may face difficulties or joy but it knows that it itself is the
Page 53
cause of it and takes responsibility blaming no one and in
the path of evolution.     
Stage-5 Master soul –    At this stage the soul has under-
stood about the illusion of duality of third plane of exis-
tence and also other planes of existence of the universe The
soul comes out of the illusion and becomes a
Master .The soul comes out of the drama of reincarnation
by having settled its karma. The Master soul then can from
a higher plane itself inspire soul of lower stages to come out
and find liberation or the Master soul can reincarnate to lib-
erate some souls that have fallen into a gigantic karmic debt
by guiding them. They have a choice to do what they want
with god ’s perspective as has come out of the Law of
Gravity from the God 's Perspective. Great Maters like Je-
sus, Prophet Mohammed, Krishna, Said Baba are some of
these Masters

Page 54
Chapter-10 Types of Karma
There are 3 types of Karma:
• Negative or unwholesome karma: All those karmas/
actions, which have a low vibration and result in ef-
fects of pain and suffering. Illnesses are a sign of neg-
ative Karma. 

• Positive karma or wholesome karma: All those kar-

mas/actions of high vibration bringing joy and happi-
ness to an individual. 

• Neutral karma: It is said that Neutral karma is karma

that has no moral consequence either because the very
nature of the action is such as to have no moral conse-
quence or because it is done involuntarily and uninten-
tionally. For example, sleeping, walking, breathing,
eating, and so forth in them have no moral conse-


Page 55
Below are 6 Negative or unwholesome actions that one
must avoid.     

The unwholesome actions that are to be avoided are    

By avoiding these ten unwholesome actions we will avoid
their consequences.      

the unwholesome actions have suffering as their fruit. The
fruit of these unwholesome actions can take various forms.
The fully ripened fruit of the unwholesome actions consists
of rebirth in the lower realms, in the realms of suffering and
unhappiness in this life as a human being. 

Some more method of avoiding negative Karma is be-
Page 56
1. Create No Negative Karmas & Consider the Conse-
quences, Forego Retaliation:

There has to be a firm commitment to refrain from actions
that create new negative karma.
That Is Possible Only When we make God The Doer.
Would You Like To Know
1] What it feels like to make God The Doer...and your
guide 2] How to make God The Doer...and your guide

3] God s Perspective what it feels like to make God The
Doer...and your guide?
4God s Perspective what it feels like to make God The
Doer...and your guide?

5] That you are allowed and it is possible to make god
of all that is The Doer...and your guide.
1] would you like to know how to surrender your will to
god and that you are safe in doing so.

2] what it feels like to surrender your will to god and
that you are safe in doing so.
2] How to surrender your will to god 

3] God s Perspective of surrender your will to god 

4God s definition of surrendering your will to god and
that you are safe in doing so.

5] that you are allowed and it is possible to surrender
your will to creator and that you are safe in doing so.

6] How to live your daily life surrendering your will to
the god of all that is

Page 57
Quite often our actions are based upon an emotional reac-
tion to what someone has done or said to us. The conse-
quences of such actions are often not clearly and carefully
thought about. For example, someone insults you, so you
insult him or her back. If you did reflect, you would see that
the consequence of harming someone else with your words
in the present is for you to be harmed again in the future by
someone else's words. This behaviour creates an endless
cycle of being harmed and harming others, which is only
stopped by considering the consequences before acting and
not harming back.

Mahatma Gandhi an Indian Freedom Leader once said, "An
eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
So, Early Primitive instinctive retaliation makes the whole
world angry. The principle of considering the karmic con-
sequences pertains equally to positive actions. The wisest
approach is to not simply react to things that happen to us,
but to take time to consider the karmic repercussions of all
actions before we take action. This means act, not react.
Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right.

2.Avoid Killing (body)

For example, habitual killing which is motivated by ill-will
and anger and which results in the taking of the life of other
beings will result in rebirth where one’s experience is of
anger and ill-will and a person may be repeatedly killed.
Then it will result in rebirth in a Difficult Life.I remember I
had a client who came and said that in his line of duty as a
soldier he and other soldiers had to kill a dacoit. After re-
Page 58
tirement also he said that the soul of the dacoit comes and
pesters with his life.

This means that the soul of the body who was killed is still
wandering around .We can send the spirit to the god ’s light
but the person is feeling so guilty of his deeds that he is not
ready to release the fallen spirit.
So guilt is a negative trait and humans are the only species
who keep on reincarnation f since they are not able to for
give themselves even after working on again and again and
bring their guilt back and also with it the original pro-
grammed of suffering
3. Avoid Jealousy and competition (mind)
Jealousy is motivated by fear of other people’s success.
God has success for everyone. Jealousy creates a negative
vibration and successful people know that to be successful,
other people around them must also be successful. It is pos-
sible that some body whom you helped betrayed you and
became successful and you are surprised that how come
they became successful where as they betrayed you.
You have to understand that thy came in your life to teach
you something as that was the original program and now
you do not remember .If you ask this question in crystal
layout god of that is going to explain you through the law
of cause and effect and specifically you will see that in your
akashic record. You need to forgive them and move for-
wards sending them unconditional love. If you are a Master
soul you would do that in 11 seconds as the universe opens
its portal after 11 seconds and it becomes a karma and
you have a choice to change it
Page 59
4.Avoid Anger and Harsh words (mind)
When you are angry your aura opens and foreign energies
enter your space resulting in more anger and wrong deci-
sions resulting in difficult life. Then the person justifies the
anger becoming angrier. Work on your belief that Anger is

Page 60

Where does anger come from to destroy your life
Anger comes from: All anger comes from fear.
• The past – reminds you of past event/experience/person.

• The present – a reaction to a real or perceived violation.

• The future – an imagined or anticipated violation expected
to occur

Page 61
5. Avoid Sexual misconduct (body & mind)
Balancing the Estrogen, testosterone, serotonin,
dopamine and oxytocin hormones is very important.

Sexual misconduct results in marital distress, unhappy mar-
riages and even relationships, which have still not culmi-
nated in marriages. While unwholesome actions produce
unwholesome results suffering, wholesome actions produce
wholesome results happiness. If you are unhappy in a rela-
tionship you know this could be one of your earlier Karma
and you have manifested a similar partner of similar or
worse vibrations.
Let’s Discuss This Further And Understand What It
Means and what is Proper Sexual Conduct For Joy And
Happiness according to spiritual law of karma

Page 62

In the picture above you can see that people who meditate
IN God S ENERGY OF LOVE, their brain scan reveals
more energy at the centre of the brain shown in red color
as increased blood flow.
However in the picture below, which reveals scan of lust, it
is clear that energy in the centre of the brain has diminished
and gone behind the brain at the visualisation site. Thus it
becomes difficult to hold a spiritual vibration with lustful

Page 63
One of the most important topic to evolve in spirituality and
not create any seeds of unwholesome karma is regarding
Sexual Conduct but normally people and teachers tend
to avoid this subject .One has to release the lustful inap-
propriate thoughts and replace them with thoughts of love
for your partner only then you will feel liberated otherwise
you may will feel like a deceiver, a phony. We will show
some techniques how to do so. But please do not blame
yourself if you have them in future or if you have had them
in your past. This is all a game of hormone.
Even if you are a sage you can have these thoughts as even
sages have diabetes which is due to improper development
of hormone called insulin in the pancreas and they have to
do special spiritual exercise to create insulin in the body or
take medication for that, similarly the human body has
testosterone in males and estrogen hormone in females
which gives rise to the sexual feeling .It is human to have
those feelings and the same can be and in may time is found
in infants to an old adult of 80 years and the society has so
many taboos that in some countries the parent make their
children feel guilty and also the old feel guilty due to the
group consciousness that sex is dirty and as you observe so
will you find your reality. To have sexual feeling is to be
NORMAL and be Human.
Even sages have these feelings and have children and
they use this energy if they have taken a vow of celibacy
to transform it into spiritual energy. We will discuss this
also if we have time through god s perspective later on Sex
is divine and is important for the survival of the human

Page 64
species and its progeny. So what is Sexual Conduct accord-
ing to the law of spiritual karma? Let us find
So what is sexual conduct and sexual misconduct?
Sexual misconduct is an act of thought or physical action
between One Two Or More People where after executing
the act in thought or in Reality any soul or physical body or
both are left feeling unhappy and in low vibration mode
AND INCOMPLETE either due to guilt, shame, betrayal of
trust, pain and abuse.
Sexual conduct thus will be avoidance of any such acts
where any soul or body involved in the act will be guilty or
unhappy .It is Easier Said And It Is Easy To Do. And a
person feels the flow of divine energy, love and honor for
their partner
Remember sex is sacred .You should indulge in it to only
feel joy and not guilt, shame betrayal and pain. Sometimes
girls and boys irresponsibly get in to this act forgetting that
they are sharing Dna And On Separation As Per

6.Avoid disloyalty to your Partner, family friends and

particularly teachers
It is important not to disrespect teachers as the knowl-
edge that is learnt from them goes away when needed
the most .It is very important to forgive and be at peace
with all the teachers and release your karmas with

Page 65
Here we will make Pair and do an exercise going to the god
and coming to the edge of the universe and going to our
most significant past life as mentioned in our later chapter
of Past life Script where we may have created any Karma
pertaining to Disloyalty to Partner ,family, friends or teach-
ers and resolve them one by one.To find any oaths ,vows
and commitments we may have made and renounce them
To also find out any pralabdh and kriyamana karma created
in past

life at genetic level or soul level which we need to resolve
now as per our Sanchit , Pralabdh Karman and are resolving
now or this could come in future life time of our soul incar-
nation or we may have gifted this to our children at genetic
level or may also take in future life times at soul level and
thus would come under Kriyamana Karma and then to give
specific down loads .

Page 66
Exercise of Forgiveness:
1.Connect to god 

2.Command for Forgiveness: God let the energy flow
and that Forgiveness be asked and given through god
where I created or experienced karmic issues of Fear,
hatred, anger, jealousy, guilt, shame, pain, lack of sup-
port, suppression, grief, abuse of all forms, betrayal,
doubt, cruelty and all other negative non-serving kar-
mas with all the souls in the best and highest way, thank
you, god show me.

3.Now see from the light ,spirit of all people one by one
from your family members to relatives, friends, boss,
colleagues, seniors, juniors, partner, teachers coming
and energy of forgiveness being sent and received. In
the end also forgive yourself. Come back when the ener-
gy is finished
Let's do the Karma Cleansing meditation for Body & Soul

Page 67
Chapter 11
Remove Evil Eye, Black Magic, Curses, Psychic At-
All these are negative thought forms that enter the
energy field of a person and have the potential to
enter into DNA since DNA absorbs light, it can store
light information of psychic attacks.

The way to clear such energies is to send energy of

love, safety and forgiveness to physical and auric
body .However in major cases, the source memory of
such negative energies must be known and cleared
from the root.

These energies can cause difficulties in relationship,

money, health and spiritual growth. They may
also occur due to our ancestral negative karma.
Meditation to remove such energies
1.Get comfortable now and allow your eyes to close
gently. Bring your awareness to your breath and take
really nice, long, slow, deep letting-go breaths. Breath-
ing in peace and harmony on the inhale and letting go
of any cares, worries and tension on the exhale.
2.Accumulate energy along your spine , radiate into uni-
verse, into source become one with it .

3. Make the command to release all forms of nega-

tive psychic attacks, evil eye into god’s light.

Page 68
4. visualise the light releasing energy from physical
and auric body.

5. experience healing happening.

Page 69
Chapter 12

Creating Protection from psychic attacks

1.Get comfortable now and allow your eyes to close
gently. Bring your awareness to your breath and take
really nice, long, slow, deep letting-go breaths. Breath-
ing in peace and harmony on the inhale and letting go
of any cares, worries and tension on the exhale.
2.Accumulate energy along your spine , radiate into uni-
verse, into source become one with it .
3.Make the command to create a protection of love ,for-
giveness and safety of god’s light to block and send to
source automatically all psychic attacks ,evil eye,black
magic and curse.
4.visualise the light creating energy from physical and
auric body.

5. experience healing happening.

Page 70
Chapter -13 :Angels and Guides

Creating Protection with angels and guides

1.Get comfortable now and allow your eyes to close
gently. Bring your awareness to your breath and take
really nice, long, slow, deep letting-go breaths. Breath-
ing in peace and harmony on the inhale and letting go
of any cares, worries and tension on the exhale.
2.Accumulate energy along your spine , radiate into uni-
verse, into source become one with it .
3.Make the command to meet your angels and guides and
have conversation with them and bring blessing
4.visualise the light creating energy
5. experience healing happening.

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