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Regional Aspirations

Very Very Short Answer Questions

(Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence)
1. What is regional aspiration?
2. What is Indian approach to regional aspiration? ~
3. What was the dispute between India and Pakistan in the first year of Independence?
4. Who signed the instrument of accession of Kashmir to India?
5. Who was called Sher-e-Kashmir?
6. Who is Periyar?
7. What was DK movement?
8. What was Azad Kashmir?
9. What is Article 370?
10.What is the demand of people in Kashmir?
11. What is the main reason for insurgency in Kashmir?
12. What is Akali Dal?
13. What was the demand of Akalis in 1960s?
14. Who was Master Tara Singh?
15. What was Anandpur Saheb resolution?
16. What was operation Blue-Star?
17. What is described as anti-sikh riots?
18. What is Punjab accord?
19. What was the other name of Punjab accord?
20. What are the names of the seven states of North—East India?
21. Name any one secessionist organisation in North—East.
22. What was the agreement on Mizoram?
23. What is the movement against outsiders in Assam?
24. Who is A.Z. Phizo?
25. What is AASU?
26. How did Sikkim merge in India?
27. Name any one lesson learnt from demands of regional aspirations.
28. How did Goa merge with India?
Very Short Answer Questions.
1. What is Indian approach on regional aspirations?
2. Explain any two areas where demands for regional aspiration have been made.
3. Describe the composition of the Kashmir state.
4. What is the special status of Kashmir under Article 370?
5. Write a short note on Sheikh Abdullah.
6. What were the aims of Dravidian movement?
7. How has the politics of Kashmir been affected since 1948?
8. Write a short note on insurgency in Kashmir.
9. What was the Anandpur resolution?
10. Why was Indira Gandhi assassinated?
11. Describe the insurgence movement in Punjab.
12. What was the Rajiv-Longowal Accord?
13. Describe the states of seven-sisters North-East India.
14. How have demands for autonomy been fulfilled in India?
15. Describe the secessionist movement in North—East.
16. What have been the movements against outsiders in Northeast India?
17. How was the process of Sikkim’s merger with India completed?
18. Describe the procedure for accommodation and national integration in India.
19. How was Goa liberated?
Short Answer Questions `
1. Write a note on Longowal Accord.
2. What was the crisis in Punjab? How was it resolved?
3. How was internal and external disputes resolved in Punjab?
4. What was D.K. movement?
5. How was Goa Liberated?
6. How did Sikkim merge with lndia?
7. What were problems of national integration face by India?
8. Write a note on operation Blue-Star.
9. Describe the separatist movement in Kashmir.
10. Why is there a movement against outsiders in Assam?
11. Write a report on politics in Kashmir after 1948.
12. What were anti-Sikh riots?
13. What was the secessionist movement in Mizoram?
14. What were the key areas of tension after 1947?
Long Answer Questions
1. What were the main provisions of the Punjab accord? In what way can- they be the basis for further
tensions between the Punjab and its neighbouring States?
2. Why did the Anandpur Sahib Resolution become controversial?
3. Explain the internal divisions of the State of Jammu and Kashmir and describe how these lead to
multiple regional aspirations in that State.
4. What are the various positions on the issue of regional autonomy for Kashmir? Which of these do you
think are justifiable? Give reasons for your answer.
5. The Assam movement was a combination of cultural pride and economic backwardness. Explain.
6. All regional movements need not lead to separatist demands. Explain by giving examples from this
7. Regional demands from different parts of India exemplify the principle of unity with diversity. Do you
agree? Give reasons.
8. Describe the problems which cropped up after Independence.
9. What was the status of J & K after Independence? What has been the external and internal disputes
related to it? How did it lead to insurgency? Give effects.
10. What was the Dravidian movement? What were its fallouts?
11. How did Punjab crisis generate into liberation movement? What is the situation at present?
12. Describe the political turmoil which has prevailed in North-East India.
13. What are the lessons on accommodation and national integration? Elucidate.

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