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Indian History (Cod e - 12)

Time : 3 Hours
eTRfrq 5ld6m (Ef,s-r z) M.M.: 150
TrIq ' g dt efE-o-a-a sirF: Iso

Note: i)Ancmpt five questions. All qucstions carry equal marks. Question numbcr 1 is compulsory. Answer any
trvo questions from Parl I and two questions fron Part IL The parls of the same questions must be answered
together and must not be interposed between answers to other questions.
ii) In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions. English version will be taken as final.

*e:i) uiu q.ed6dotr aaft+ si6zroraBr sea ziGn r $ftrardtl arBr r *d qe+aen a+rrr z *
fl *---\
-: sedT 61
- sf,t :rd I EE qea d z+aft siet 6T 3crrt !6 lrrE t; E'6 qed + eieil tnr smu qst qee d 3ieil

d aq a d- srlr
ii) ?TA 3iffi €?i ftd fr-d{q fr o}S GRirrh d, * 3iffi ft-{i"r 3iR-ff arcrr qrtrrrTl

Q. t Write notes on any four of the following

Frafufo-a d * ffi qrt q{ +d ftffi
(a) Ashoka's Policy of Dhamma.
sret'6 E1 qH 6t ffft:
(b) Gandhara and Mathura Schools of Art.
o-e: ea1 aiqrz ao: aga e)fuai
c) Growth of Feudalism in North India (750 AD to 1200 AD)
J.<il e{r{d d sda-Erc 6r relq (zsod. i r zood.)
(d) Marke: reforms of Alauddi:r Khilji and its impact.
3r-d .rs-<-ff-d fufrff d erqru gErt ?T?ir sdor geraE

(e) Dual Administration in Bengal (1765-1772) and its impact.

.idnd fr tq
eTrtra (r zos- tttz)
deTT T{ltFT ge{kr

(f) Nature and Limitations of lndian Renaissance of 19rh century

g-ff erard ot 'e{rufrq aqqldl{nr' - &'sq deTr ?m
Part-l (anor- t )

Q. 2 Critically analyse the achievements of the Cholas in the fields vr

of wvv'v'rJ'
economy, administration, military .rru
4urr'!'rrr@'v't'*rrrorJ and
*a ens-+l of s{trq{*Er, s€TTTFr, *q aen uiqfd-6 eH * sq-dtqs} 61 3lr*E-drdffi frerdsw +tftr}r

Q. 3 Discuss the contribution of the Bhakti and Sufi movements of the Medieval India to the process of cultural (30)
aqor#a anea * a+fu aeTr qd sr-ffi o,r ffi qF{e{rdd .bt qb-qr fr *4Erd ot fra-{dr otffi r

Q. 4 Critically analyse the expansion of Maratha power under Peshwa Baji Rao I. Do you think that the Maratha
political sffucture under the Peshwas in the i8th century was semi-feudal? Give reasons for your answer.

tero Erd-+s-t d elr+a afio elk d fuffe 6T B{rds-drd6' Fedsq dffi | wr 3{rq qe fftzr} t 16
3tFRff erdrd d terers* d a{d-d d{rdT ?Tqetr6 dTd-dr srd-ffdilErff 4a sonq rae fifu}l

12tCSfl4 Cont.
Part -II (arot-z)

Q. 5 What were the causes of 'De-industrialization' under the British Rule in India? To what
'.'r 'ALE'L
w.b there
extent was
" (30)
policy to deliberately 'deindustrialize'India on behalf of Govemment?

arrga fr Bfui ceTnra +

3{r#d "fts$toftozq" 3{etaT "frsffioTr" * 61 org"r t ? fuq #or a-o
erzorl +t dft 6ra-q€r6-E firud ai Fffidtrftqa o-ce o1 *e

Q. 6 Discuss the causes, spread, and participation of various social goups in the Swadeshi Movement (1905 to (30)
1917) ofBengal.

d-dnd + wleft s{i+ffi (r eos-r e1z) + .nr{ofi, futrru aqT frldfa srafto a-ril + sTraffi +1 fta-drar
dfrr$ r

Q. 7 Discuss the contribution of Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan to the Muslim Reform Movement in the 19th Century. Do (30)
you think that he laid the foundation of Muslim Communal politics of the Twentieth century? Give reasons.

sffi €rdrd * gkn gEr+ 3{i*ffi d a-s *q{ ga-f,ffi si A +dqrd o1 fr}+dr 61b+ | @r 3{rq q€f
drda t fu s-€te ffi erard 61 €kn lrraqefts ?r6r*ft +1 e{rERftrcTr d a

r2tcsn4 2.

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