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TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2016

Course : VIJETA (JP) NO. 32 & 33

This DPP is to be discussed in the week (10.08.2015 to 15.08.2015)

DPP No. # 32 (JEE-MAIN)

Total Marks : 61 Max. Time : 40 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.19 (3 marks, 2 min.) [57, 38]
Multiple choice objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.20 (4 marks, 2 min.) [04, 02]

1. Which is not an irreversible process

(A) Mixing of two gases (B*) Evaporation of water at 373 K and 1 atm in a closed system.
(C) Dissolution of NaCl in water (D) H2O(s) at – 4°C
fuEu es ls dkSulk ,d vuqRØ; izde ugh gS&
(A) nks xSlksa dk feJ.k (B*) cUn ik=k esa 373 K o 1 atm ij ty dk ok"iu
(C) ty esa NaCl dk fo;kstu (D) – 4°C ij H2O(s)

Sol. When two gases are mixed no chemical reaction takes place but the two gases cannot be seperated under
the same set of conditions without bringing further changes in the surrounditing which is a characteristic of
irreversible process.
When NaCl is dissolved in water, the two cannot be separated without bringing changes in the surrounding.
Hence it is an irreversible process.
H2O at –4°C is in ice state only, when it is brought to 0°C then H2O and H2O(l) coexist together. Hence the
changes are brought about in the surrounding. So it is an irreversible process.
Evaporation of water at 373 K or 100°C at 1 atm is a reversible process, because at this stage H 2O (l) and
H2O(g) both coexist together and they can be represented without bringing further changes in the surrounding
and secondly it is closed system.
tc nks xSls feyk;h tkrh gS rks dksbZ jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k ugha gksrh gS ysfdu ifjos'k esa fcuk fdlh ifjorZu fd;s leku
ifjfLFkfr;ksa ij nksuks xSlksa dks i`Fkd ugh fd;k tk ldrk gS tks fd vuqRØ; izØe dk ,d vfHky{k.k gSA
tc NaCl ty esa ?kksyk tkrk gS ifjos'k esa ifjorZu fd;s fcuk nksuks dks i`Fkd ugh fd;k tk ldrk gS vr% ;g ,d vuqRØ;
izØe gSA
–4°C H2O dsoy cQZ voLFkk es jgrk gSA tc ;g 0°C esa vkrk gS rks H2O o H2O (l) nksuksa lkFk lkFk jgrs gSA vr% ifjos'k
esa ifjorZu gksrk gSA blfy, ;g ,d vuqRØ; izde gSA
373 k ;k 100°C rFkk 1 atm ij ty dk ok"iu ,d mRØ; izde gSA D;ksfda bl voLFkk ij H2O (l) rFkk H2O(g)
nksuksa lkFk mifLFkr jgrs gS rFkk bUgsa ifjos'k esa fcuk ifjorZu fd;s iznf'kZr dj ldrs gS o nwljk ;g cUn ra=k gSA

2. X(s) A(g) + 2B(g) K P1 = 9  10–3 atm3

Y(s) 2B(g) + C(g)
If the ratio of K P1 : K P2 = 2atm3. The total pressure of gases over a mixture of X and Y is
;fn K P1 : K P2 dk vuqikr = 2atm3 gSA X o Y ds ,d feJ.k ds Åij xSlks dk dqy nkc gksxkA
(A) 4.5 atm (B*) 0.45 atm (C) 0.6 atm (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugh
Sol. X(s) A(g) + 2 B(g)
a (2a + 2b)
Y(s) C(g) + 2 B(g)
b (2a + 2b)

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
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Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
K p1 a
Kp 2 = b = 2  a = 2b

K p1 = a (2a + 2b)2  9  10–3 = 2b(6b)2

 9  10–3 = 2b  36b2

9  10 3 1
= = b3 =  10–3
72 8

 2  10–1 = b  0.05 = b
 a = 2  0.05 = 0.10 atm
Total pressure of gases = PA + PB + PC
xSlks dk dqy nkc = PA + PB + PC
= 3(a+b) = 3(0.15) = 0.45 atm

3. [X] + H2SO4  [Y] a colourless gas with irritating smell.

[Y] + K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4  green colour solution ; [X] and [Y] are :

[X] + H2SO4  [Y] ;g ,d cspSuh mRiUu djus okyh xa/k ds lkFk ,d jaxghu xSl gSA
[Y] + K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4  gjs jax dk foy;u ; [X] rFkk [Y] gSa :
(A*) SO32– , SO2 (B) Cl– , HCl (C) S2– , H2S (D) CO32– , CO2

Hint : SO32– + H–  SO2  + H2O

K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + 3 SO2  K2SO4 + H2O + Cr2(SO4)3 (green) ¼gjk½

4. Consider the following complex :

[Cr(NH3)4(NO2)2] : inner orbital complex.
The oxidation number, number of d-electrons, number of unpaired d-electrons on the metal ion and number of
isomers are respectively :
fuEu ladqy ij fopkj dhft, :
[Cr(NH3)4(NO2)2] : vkUrfjd d{kd ladqy gSA
blesa] /kkrq vk;u ij vkWDlhdj.k vad] d-bySDVªksuksa dh la[;k] v;qfXer d-bySDVªksuksa dh la[;k rFkk leko;oh;ksa dh la[;k
Øe'k% gS :
(A) 3, 3, 3, 2 (B) 2, 4, 0, 6 (C*) 2, 4, 2, 6 (D) 2, 4, 4, 4
18 4
Sol. Cr is in +2 oxidation state with [Ar] 3d configuration. It is inner orbital complex, so ;

[ Cr (NH3)4(NO2)2] -

Number of d-electrons is four and number of unpaired electrons is two.

It shows geometrical and linkage isomers.
NO2 – NO2 cis-trans.
NO2 – ONO cis-trans.
ONO – ONO cis-trans.
Total number of isomers = 6.

18 4
Sol. Cr, [Ar] 3d
foU;kl ds lkFk +2 vkWDlhdj.k voLFkk esa gS rFkk ;g vkUrfjd d{kd ladqy gS] vr%

[ Cr (NH3)4(NO2)2] -

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
dh la[;k 4 gS rFkk v;qfXer bySDVªksuksa dh la[;k 2 gSA
;g T;kferh; rFkk fyadst ¼ca/ku½ leko;rk n'kkZrk gSA
NO2 – NO2 lei{k&foi{k
NO2 – ONO lei{k&foi{k
ONO – ONO lei{k&foi{k
leko;oh;ksa dh dqy la[;k = 6.

5. What is the correct order from the weakest to the strongest carbon-oxygen bond for the following species ?
CO, CO2, CO32– , CH3OH.
fuEu Lih'kht ds fy,] nqcZyre dkcZu&vkWDlhtu ca/k ls izcyre dkcZu&vkWDlhtu ca/k dk lgh Øe D;k gS ?
CO, CO2, CO32– , CH3OH.
(A*) CH3OH < CO32– < CO2 < CO (B) CO < CO2 < CO32– < CH3OH
(C) CH3OH < CO3 < CO < CO2 (D) CH3OH < CO2 < CO32– < CO
Sol. C – O = 1.43 Å ; C = O 1.23 Å ; C  O 1.09 Å

CO = C  O ; partial triple bond character ; bond length is inter mediate of C = O and C  O bonds
CO2 = O = C = O ; double bond length

CO32– = ; partial double bond character ; intermediate of C = O and C – O.

CH3OH = H  C  O  H ; single bond length.

Sol. C – O = 1.43 Å ; C = O 1.23 Å ; C  O 1.09 Å

CO = C  O ; vkaf'kd f=kca/k vfHky{k.k ; ca/k yEckbZ C = O rFkk C  O dh e/;orhZ gksrh gSA
CO2 = O = C = O ; f}ca/k ca/k yEckbZ

CO32– = ; vkaf'kd f}ca/k vfHky{k.k] vr% ca/k yEckbZ C–O rFkk C = O ds e/;orhZ gksrh gSA

CH3OH = H  C  O  H ; ,dy ca/k yEckbZ

6. A sulphite on treatment with dilute H2SO4 liberates a colourless gas in presence of zinc. The gas liberated
may be identified by one of the test.
(A*) A filter paper moistened with cadmium nitrate solution turns yellow.
(B) A filter paper moistened with sodium nitroprusside turns purple.
(C) Gives white precipitate with BaCl2 solution.
(D) All of these.
,d lYQkbV dks] ruq H2SO4 ds lkFk mipkfjr djus ij ftad dh mifLFkfr esa ,d jaxghu xSl fudyrh gSA fudyus okyh
bl xSl dks fdl ijh{k.k }kjk igpkuk tk ldrk gSA
(A*) dSMsfe;e ukbVªsV foy;u ls Hkhxk ,d fQYVj i=k vkærk ls ¼ueh ls½ ihyk gks tkrk gSA
(B) lksfM;e ukbVªksizqlkbM ls Hkhxk ,d fQYVj i=k vkærk ls ¼ueh ls½ cSaxuh gks tkrk gSA
(C) BaCl2 foy;u ds lkFk 'osr vo{ksi nsrh gSA
(D) mijksDr lHkhA

Sol. SO32– + 3Zn + 2H+  H2S + 3Zn2+ + 3H2O.

Cd2+ + H2S  CdS  (Yellow ihyk ) + 2H+

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
7. A substance on treatment with dilute H2SO4 liberates an irritating colurless gas which produces a blue colour
on a filter paper moistened with potassium iodate and starch solution and white precipitate with baryta water.
These reactions indicate the presence of :
,d inkFkZ] ruq H2SO4 ds lkFk mipkfjr djus ij ,d cSpsuh mRiUu djus okyh jaxghu xSl mRiUu gksrh gSA tksfd ikSVsf'k;e
vk;ksMsV rFkk LVkpZ foy;u ls Hkhxs fQYVj i=k dks uhyk djrh gS rFkk csjkbVk ty ds lkFk lQsn vo{ksi cukrh gS ;s
vfHkfØ;k,sa fuEu esa ls fdl dh mifLFkfr dks bafxr djrh gSA
(A) CO32– (B*) SO32– (C) S2– (D) NO2–

Sol. SO32– + 2H+  SO2 + H2O

5SO2 + 2O3– + 4H2O  2 + 5SO42– + 8H+

Ba(OH)2 + SO2  BaSO3 + H2O

8. An ionic compound XY forms a crystal structure in which 'Y' atoms form ccp lattice and 'X' atoms are so
positioned that each 'X'-atom touches 6'Y'-atoms. If the nearest distance between successive 'X'-atoms on
an axis (Let x-axis) in crystal structure is 4Å, then the density (g/cm 3) of XY crystal is :
(Given : At. Mass of X = 50, At. mass of Y = 14, Avogadro’s number = 6 × 1023)
,d vk;fud ;kSfxd XY ] ,d fØLVy lajpuk cukrk gS] ftlesa 'Y' ijek.kq ccp tkyd cukrs gSa rFkk 'X' ijek.kqvksa dh fLFkfr
bl izdkj gksrh gS] fd izR;sd 'X'-ijek.kq 6Y-ijek.kqvksa ls Li'kZ djrk gSA ;fn fØLVy lajpuk esa ,d v{k ¼ekuk fd
x-v{k ij½ ij nks Øekxr (successive) 'X'-ijek.kqvksa ds e/; fudVre nwjh 4Å gS] rc XY fØLVy dk ?kuRo (g/cm 3 esa)
(fn;k gS : X dk ijek.kq Hkkj = 50, Y dk ijek.kq Hkkj = 14, vkoksxknzks la[;k = 6 × 1023)
20 5 5
(A) 5 6 (B*) (C) (D)
3 6 3
Sol. The nearest distance between two X-atom on an axis is equal to ‘a’, so a = 4Å
,d v{k ij nks X-ijek.kq ds e/; dh fudVre nwjh ‘a’ ds cjkcj gS] vr% a = 4Å
z(moler mass) 4  64 40 20
d= = 3
NA  a3 6  10 23  ( 4  10 – 8 )3 = 6 = 3 g/cm

z( ) 4  64 40 20
d= = = = g/cm 3
NA  a 3 6  10 23  ( 4  10 – 8 )3 6 3

9. At very low temperature, oxygen O 2, freezes and forms a crysalline solid. Which term best describes the
(A) covalent network (B*) Molecular crystals (C) Metallic (D) Ionic
cgqr de rki ij] vkWDlhtu O2 te (freezes) tkrh gS rFkk ,d fØLVyhd`r Bksl dk fuekZ.k djrk gSA dkSulk in Bksl
dks lgh izdkj ls O;Dr djrk gS ?
(A) lgla;kstd tky lajpuk (B*) vkf.od fØLVy (C) /kkfRod (D) vk;fud

10. The vapour pressure of a 0.05 molal solution of a weak acid HA in water at a temperature T is 50 mm of Hg.
If aqueous tension at temperature T is 50.054 Torr, then the degree of dissociation of HA at the given temperature
is :
rki T ij] ,d nqcZy vEy HA ds ty esa] ,d 0.05 eksyy foy;u dk ok"i nkc Hg dk 50mm gSA ;fn T rki ij tyh;
ruko (aqueous tension) 50.054 Vksj gS] rc fn;s x;s rki ij HA ds fo;kstu dh ek=kk gS :
(A*) 0.2 (B) 0.8 (C) 0.25 (D) 0.1
P – PS n
Sol. PS = i N
 

50.054 – 50  0.05 
 = i  1000 / 18   i = 1.2
50  
1.2 = 1 +  = 0.2

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
11. Identify the INCORRECT statement
(A) Orbitals of a subshell have same value of ( n + ) but the orbitals having same (n + ) value may not belong
to same subshell.
(B*) The orbital having value of  = 2 will have 2 orientations in space.
(C) 3p and 3d orbitals have directional character.
(D) Orbits in Bohr’s model are two dimensional in nature.
vlR; dFku dks igpkfu;sA
(A) fdlh ,d midks'k esa mifLFkr d{kdksa ds fy,] ( n + ) ds eku leku gksrs gSa] ijUrq d{kd ftlds fy, ( n + ) ds eku
leku gS] os leku midks'k ls lEcfU/kr gksa] ;g vko';d ugha gSA
(B*) og d{kd ftlds fy;s  dk eku 2 gS] ds fy, f=kfoe (space) esa nks izdkj ds vfHkfoU;kl (orientations) gksxsaA
(C) 3p ,oa 3d d{kd fn'kkRed izd`fr (directional character) ds gksrs gSaA
(D) cksgj ekWMy ds ijek.kq izfr:i esa d{kdksa (Orbits) dh izd`fr f}fofe; (two dimensional) gksrh gSA
Sol. n denotes shell and  denotes subshell
 (n + ) value will be same for all orbitals of a subshell.
Orbital having value of  = 2 will have 5 orientations in space
(dxy , dyz , dzx , d x 2  y 2 , d z2 )
Only s-orbital is non-directional
Sol. n dks'k dks n'kkZrk gS rFkk  midks'k
dks n'kkZrk gSA
 ,d midks
' k ds lHkh d{kdks
a ds fy, (n + ) ds eku leku gksxsaA
d{kd ftlds fy, dk eku 2 gS] mlds fy, f=kfoe esa dqy 5 izdkj ds vfHkfoU;kl gksxsaA
(dxy , dyz , dzx , d x 2  y 2 , d z2 )
dsoy s-d{kd vfn'kkRed gksrs gSA

12. The enthalpy of neutralisation of HCl and NH4OH is –12.3 KCal, enthalpy of neutralisation of CH3COOH and
NH4OH is –11.9 KCal and enthalpy of neutralisation of HCl and NaOH is –13.7 KCal. What is the enthalpy of
dissociation of CH3COOH in Kcal/mole.
HCl rFkk NH4OH ds mnklhuhdj.k dh ,UFkSYih –12.3 KCal gS] CH3COOH rFkk NH4OH ds mnklhuhdj.k dh ,UFkSYih
–11.9 KCal gS rFkk HCl rFkk NaOH ds mnklhuhdj.k dh ,UFkSYih –13.7 KCal gSA CH3COOH ds fo;kstu dh ,UFkSYih
Kcal/eksy esa D;k gksxh \
(A*) 0.4 (B) 1.4 (C) 1.8 (D) 3.2
Sol. (HDissociation) NH4OH = 13.7 – 12.3 =1.4
(HDissociation) NH4OH + (HDissociation)CH3COOH = 13.7 – 11.9 = 1.8
(HDissociation)CH3COOH = 1.8 – 1.4 = 0.4
(Hfo;kstu) NH4OH = 13.7 – 12.3 =1.4
(Hfo;kstu) NH4OH + (Hfo;kstu)CH3COOH = 13.7 – 11.9 = 1.8
(Hfo;kstu)CH3COOH = 1.8 – 1.4 = 0.4

13. Assume P =  (reduced pressure)

VC =  (reduced volume)

TC =  (reduced temperature)
Where P,V,T are the pressure volume and temperature of for 1 mole of a real gas and PC,VC, TC are the critical
pressure, volume and temperature respectively.
What will be the form of vander waal's equation in terms of reduced parameters (volume, pressure and
ekuk PC =  (lekuhr nkc)
VC =  (lekuhr vk;ru)

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
TC =  (lekuhr rkieku)
tgk¡ P,V,T ,d okLrfod xSl ds 1 eksy ds fy, nkc] vk;ru rFkk rkieku gksrs gS rFkk PC,VC, TC Øe'k% Økafrd nkc]
vk;ru o rkieku gksrk gSA lekuhr izkpky ¼vk;ru] nkc o rkieku½ ds inks esa ok.Mjoky lehdj.k dk :i D;k gksxk
 a   1 
 
(A) P    (  –b) = R (B)    (  –b1) = R
 2   2 

 3   3 
 
(C)    (3  –1) =  (D*)    2  (3  –1) = 8
 2   

 a  8
Ans. P = PC =   ; V =  VC = 3  b ; T = TC =
 27b 2  27Rb
 a 
sustituting in the equation (lehdj,k esa izfrLFkkih djus ij )  P  2  (V–b) = RT
 V 

 
  3 
use get (dks iz;qDr djus ij)  2  (3  – 1) = 8 
  

14. What is the formula of aluminium arsenate :

,Y;wfefu;e vklsZusV dk lw=k D;k gS \
(A) Al(AsO3) (B*) Al(AsO4) (C) AlAsO5 (D) AlAsO2
15. S1 : Magnitude of first electron gain enthalpy of an atom is the same as the first ionization energy of the
monovalent anions.
S2 : Aqueous solution of Al2O3 can react with both H2SO4 and NaOH.
S3 : Electronegativity of phosphorus is greater than that of sulphur, due to its stable half filled configuration.
S4 : Ionic size of isoelectronic species increases as nuclear charge of ion increases.
S1 : fdlh ijek.kq dh çFke bysDVªku
W xzg.k ,aFkSYih dk ifjek.k mlds ,d la;ksth _.kk;uksa dh izFke vk;uu ÅtkZ ds cjkcj
gksrh gSA
S2 : Al2O3 dk tyh; foy;u] H2SO4 rFkk NaOH nksuksa ds lkFk fØ;k dj ldrk gSaA
S3 : QkWLQksjl dh fo|qr_.krk lYQj dh fo|qr_.krk dh rqyuk esa mlds LFkk;h v)Ziwfjr foU;kl ds dkj.k vf/kd gksrh
S4 : lebysDVªkWfud çtkfr;ksa dk vk;fud vkdkj vk;u ds ukfHkdh; vkos'k c<+us ds lkFk c<+rk gSA
(A) T F T T (B) T F F F (C*) T T F F (D) F T F F
Sol. X–  X HI.E. = X ; X  X– Heg = – a
Al2O3 is amphoteric.
E.N. of P = 2.1, E.N. of S = 2.5
nuclear charge (Z eff)  ionic size .
X–  X HI.E. = X ; X  X– Heg = – a
Al2O3 mHk;èkehZ gSA
P dk E.N. P = 2.1, S dk E.N. S = 2.5
ukfHkdh; vkos'k (Zeff)  vk;fud vkdkj .
16. S1 : AgI is less soluble in water than AgF due to more polarisation of I- in comparison to F– ion.
S2 : LiI is less soluble in water than LiF due to more polarisation of I– in comparison to F– ion.
S3 : Melting point of BaCl2 is higher than the melting point of BeCl2 due to greater ionic nature of BaCl2.
S4 : Order of hydrated radii is : Al3+ (aq) > Mg2+ (aq) > Na+ (aq)
S1 : AgI, AgF dh rqyuk esa ty esa de foys; gksrk gS D;ksafd I- dk F– vk;u dh rqyuk esa vf/kd /kqzo.k gksrk gSA
S2 : LiI, LiF dh rqyuk esa ty esa de foys; gksrk gSa D;ksfd I– dk F– vk;u dh rqyuk esa vf/kd /kqzo.k gksrk gSA
S3 : BaCl2 dk xyukad BeCl2 ds xyukad dh rqyuk esa vf/kd gksrk gSa D;ksfd BaCl2 vf/kd vk;fud çd`fr dk gksrk gSA
S4 : ty;ksftr f=kT;kvksa dk Øe gS % Al3+ (aq) > Mg2+ (aq) > Na+ (aq)
(A*) T F T T (B) T T T T (C) T F F T (D) F F T T

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
Sol. AgI is less soluble than AgF due to covalent nature. LiI is more soluble then LiF due to high size difference
of ions more ionic nature, more melting point.
g y- lgla;kstd çd`rh ds dkj.k % AgI ; AgF dh rqyuk esa de foys; gS rFkk vk;uksa ds vkdkj esa vf/kd vUrj rFkk vf/kd vk;fud
çd`rh vkSj vf/kd xyukad ds dkj.k LiI ; LiF dh rqyuk esa vf/kd foys; gSA

17. The lattice energy of solid NaCl is 772 KJ mol–1 and enthalpy of solution is 2 KJ mol–1. If Hydration energy of
Na+ and Cl– are in the ratio of 6 : 5 the enthalpy of hydration of Na+ is (in KJ mol–1)
Bksl NaCl dh tkyd ÅtkZ 772 KJ mol–1 rFkk foy;u dh ,UFksYih 2 KJ mol–1 gSA ;fn Na+ o Cl– dh ty;kstu ÅtkZ dk
vuqikr 6 : 5 gS rks Na+ dh ty;kstu dh ,UFkSYih (KJ mol–1 esa) D;k gksxhA
(A) – 350 (B) – 420 (C) – 148 (D) None (dksbZ ugha)


772 – 6K – 5K = 2  K = 70
( Hhydration ) = – 6K = – 6  70 = –420 KJ mol–1

18. On sparking, the volume of 1 litre of dioxygen reduces to 0.8 litre. The mol fraction of ozone in the resulting
mixture is
fo|qr vkdZ ij 1 yhVj MkbZ vkWDlhtu dk vk;uu ?kVdj 0.8 yhVj jg tkrk gSA ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa vkstksu dk eksy fHkUu
(A*) 0.5 (B) 0.4 (C) 0.2 (D) 1

Sol. O2  O
3 3
1– x x
1–x+ x = 0.8
x = 0.2  x = 0.6
0 .4
X O3 = = 0.5
0 .8

19. STATEMENT-1 : Dow's process is the extraction of magnesium from sea water.
STATEMENT-2 : Hydrated magnesium chloride is made anhydrous by heating in a current of dry HCl gas.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B*) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
oDrO;-1 % leqnz ty ls eSXuhf'k;e dk fu"d"kZ.k MkWÅ çØe gSA
oDrO;-2 % ty;ksftr eSXuhf'k;e DyksjkbM dks 'kq"d HCl xSl dh ,d /kkjk esa xeZ djds futZyhd`r fd;k tkrk gSA
(A) oDrO;-1 lR; gS, oDrO;-2 lR; gS; oDrO;-2 oDrO; -1 dk lgh Li"Vhdj.k gSA
(B*) oDrO;-1 lR; gS, oDrO;-2 lR; gS ; oDrO;-2 oDrO;-1 dk lgh Li"Vhdj.k ugha gSA
(C) oDrO;-1 lR; gS, oDrO;-2 vlR; gSA
(D) oDrO;-1 vlR; gS, oDrO;-2 lR; gSA

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Sol. STATEMENT-1 :MgCl2 (sea water) + Ca(OH)2  Mg(OH)2 + CaCl2

Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl  MgCl2 + 2H2O

On crystallisation hydrated MgCl2 is obtained.

 MgCl + 6H O.
STATEMENT-2 :MgCl2.6H2O dry HCl 2 2

g y- oDrO;-1 % MgCl2 (leqnz ty) + Ca(OH)2  Mg(OH)2 + CaCl2 ; Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl  MgCl2 + 2H2O
fØLVyhdj.k ij ty;ksftr MgCl2 çkIr gksrh gSA

oDrO; -2 % MgCl2.6H2O  MgCl2 + 6H2O.
20. In which of the following arrangements, the order is not correct according to the property indicated against
(A) increasing size : F < O < N < Ne
(B) increasing E1 : B < C < O < F
(C*) increasing negative value of first Heg : Se < S < O
(D*) increasing E1 : Sc < Y < La
fuEufyf[kr O;oLFkkvksa esa ls] Øe ds fo:) fy[ks x;s xq.kksa ds vuqlkj lgh Øe ugha gSaA
(A) vkdkj dk c<+rk gqvk Øe : F < O < N < Ne
(B) izFke vk;uu ÅtkZ ¼E1½ dk c<+rk gqvk Øe : B < C < O < F
(C*) çFke Heg ds _.kkRed eku dk c<+rk gqvk Øe % Se < S < O
(D*) izFke vk;uu ÅtkZ ¼E1½ dk c<+rk gqvk Øe : Sc < Y < La


Total Marks : 73 Max. Time : 47 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.7 (3 marks, 2 min.) [21, 14]
Multiple choice objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.8 to Q.13 (4 marks, 2 min.) [24, 12]
Integer type Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.14 to Q.20 (4 marks 3 min.) [28, 21]

1. Which of the following processes are used for the extraction of Mg and Ag respectively?
(A) Carbon reduction and cyanide process. (B) Cyanide process and electrolytic reduction.
(C*) Electrolytic reduction and cyanide process. (D) Carbon monoxide reduction and cyanide process.
Mg rFkk Ag ds fu"d"kZ.k ds fy,] fuEu esa ls dkSulk çØe ç;qDr djrs gS\
(A) dkcZu vip;u rFkk lk;ukbM çØeA (B) lk;ukbM çØe rFkk fo|qrvi?kVuh; çØeA
(C*) fo|qrvi?kVuh; vip;u rFkk lk;ukbM çØeA (D) dkcZu eksuksvkWDlkbM vip;u rFkk lk;ukbM çØeA
Sol. MgCl2 Mg2+ + 2Cl–
At cathode : Mg2+ + 2e–  Mg

At anode : 2Cl–  Cl2 + 2e–

4Ag + 8CN– + 2H2O + O2  4[Ag(CN)2]– + 4OH–

2[Ag(CN)2]– + Zn  2Ag  + [Zn(CN)4]2–

g y- MgCl2 Mg2+ + 2Cl–
dSFkksM ij : Mg2+ + 2e–  Mg

,uksM ij : 2Cl–  Cl2 + 2e–

4Ag + 8CN– + 2H2O + O2  4[Ag(CN)2]– + 4OH–

2[Ag(CN)2]– + Zn  2Ag  + [Zn(CN)4]2–

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2. An aqueous solution contains 3% and 1.8% by wt. urea and glucose respectively. What is the freezing point
of solution? (Kf = 1.86ºC/m)
,d tyh; foy;u 3% o 1.8% Hkkj dk Øe'k% ;wfj;k o Xywdksl j[krk gSA foy;u dk fgekad D;k gS \
(Kf = 1.86ºC/m)
(A*) – 1.172ºC (B) –2.27ºC (C) –1.5ºC (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ

n1  n2 
Sol. Tƒ = Kƒ  W  1000  ;
 solvent 

 3 1. 8 
  
60 180
Tƒ = 1.86  95.2  1000   1.172
 
 
Tºƒ – Tƒ = 1.172ºC ; Tƒ = – 1.172ºC ;

3. Diamond has face-centred cubic lattice. There are two atoms per lattice point, with the atoms at (000) and
 1 1 1
  coordinates. The ratio of the carbon-carbon bond distance to the edge of the unit cell is
 4 4 4

 1 1 1
ghjk Qyd&dsfUnz; /kuh; tkyd j[krk gSA funsZ'kkad (000) o   ij ijek.kqvksa ds lkFk] izfr tkyd fcUnq ij nks
 4 4 4
ijek.kq mifLFkr gSaA bZdkbZ dksf"Bdk ds fdukjs ij dkcZu&dkcZu ca/k nwjh dk vuqikr gSA
3 1 1 1
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
16 4 4 2
Sol. Carbon atoms are at corners and are at alternate tetrahedral voids. So from geometry.

a 1
3  . = 2r
2 2

2r 3 3
So required ratio =   .
a 4 16
Sol. dkcZu ijek.kq dksuksa ij rFkk ,dkarfjr leprq"Qydh; fjfDr;ksa esa gksrs gSa vr% T;kfefrA
a 1
3  . = 2r
2 2

2r 3 3
vr% vko';d vuqikr =  
a 4 16

4. One mole of N2O4(g) at 300 K is kept in a closed container under one atmosphere. It is heated to 600 K when
20% by mass of N2O4(g) decomposes to NO2(g). The resultant pressure is :
300K ij] ,d can ik=k esa N2O4(g) ds ,d eksy dks ,d ok;qe.Myh; nkc ij j[kk tkrk gSA bls 600 K rd xeZ fd;k x;kA
tc N2O4(g) dk 20% ¼nzO;eku ls½ NO2(g) esa fo;ksftr gks tkrk gSaA rc ifj.kkeh nkc gS %
(A) 1.2 atm (B*) 2.4 atm (C) 2.0 atm (D) 1.0 atm
Sol. Let the volume of container be V L.
At 300 K, only N2O4 is present ; P = 1 atm
 PV = nRT
 1 × V = 1 × R × 300s
 V = 300 R L
At 600 K, 20% N2O4 dissociates
N2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g)
t=0 1 mole 0

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20 20
t eq 1– ×1 2× ×1
100 100
= 0.8. = 0.4.
Total moles at equilibrium = 0.8 + 0.4 = 1.2
n T RT 1.2  R  600
 PT = = = 2.4 atm.
V 300R

5. Na2SO4.10H2O(s) Na2SO4(s) + 10H2O(g), KP = 1.024 × 10–27 the V.P. of water at 0ºC is 4.56 torr. At what
relative humidity will Na2SO4 be deliquescent (i.e. absorb moisture) when exposed to air at 0ºC
(A) below 33.33% (B*) above 33.33% (C) below 50% (D) none of these
Na2SO4.10H2O(s) Na2SO4(s) + 10H2O(g), KP = 1.024 × 10–27, 0ºC ij ty dk V.P. ¼ok"i nkc½ 4.56 torr gSA
0ºC ij tc Na2SO4 (s) dks ok;q eas [kqyk j[kk tkrk gS] rc fdl vkisf{kd vkanzrk ij Na2SO4 ueh dks vo'kksf"kr
(deliquescent) (i.e. absorb moisture) djsxk \
(A) 33.33% ls de (B*) 33.33% ls vf/kd (C) 50% ls de (D) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA
Sol. Na2SO4 will become diliquescent when PH2O required to maintain given equilibrium.
Na2SO4. 10 H2O (s) Na2SO4(s) + 10H2O (g) Kp = 1.024 × 10–27
 (P)10 = 1.024 × 10–27
P = 2 × 10–3 atm
= 2 × 10–3 × 760 torr = 1.52 torr.
If PH2O > 1.52 torr..
Na2SO4 will absorb moisture.
Actual vapor pressure
Relative Humidity = Saturated vapour pressure × 100

= × 100 = 33.33%

6. The combustion of 0.2 mol of liquid carbon disulphide CS2 to give CO2(g) and SO2(g) releases 215 kJ of heat.
What is Ho for CS2(l) in kJ mol–1 :
nzo dkcZu MkbZlYQkbM CS2 ds 0.2 eksy ds ngu ij CO2(g) rFkk SO2(g) fu"dkflr gksrh gS rFkk 215 kJ Å"ek fu"dkflr
gksrh gSA CS2(l) ds fy, Ho dk eku kJ mol–1 esa fuEu gksxk %
 H
o kJ mol –1
CO 2(g) –393.5
S O 2(g) –296.8

(A) 772.1 (B*) 87.9 (C) –385 (D) – 475

Sol. CS2() + 3O2(g)  CO2 (g) + 2SO2(g) ; Hºrxn. = 5 × – 215 = – 1075 kJ
Hºrxn. = Hºf (CO2) + 2 × Hºf (SO2) – Hºf (CS2)
Hºrxn. = (– 393.5 – 2 × 296.8) – (–1075)
Hºrxn. = 87.9

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7. STATEMENT-1: Ag2 S + 4 KCN 2K [Ag(CN)2] + K2S
STATEMENT-2 : The reaction is carried out in presence of air or O 2 so that K2S is oxidised to K2SO4 thereby
shifting the equilibrium in forward direction.

dFku-1 : Ag2 S + 4 KCN 2K [Ag(CN)2] + K2S

dFku-2 : vfHkfØ;k dks ok;q ;k O2 dh mifLFkfr esa blfy, djkrs gS] ftlls K2S , K2SO4 esas vkWDlhd`r gks tk;s rFkk bllsa
lkE; vxz fn'kk esa foLFkkfir gks tkrk gSaA
(A*) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True
(A*) dFku&1 lR; gS] dFku&2 lR; gS ; dFku&2, dFku&1 dk lgh Li"Vhdj.k gSA
(B) dFku&1 lR; gS] dFku&2 lR; gS ; dFku&2, dFku&1 dk lgh Li"Vhdj.k ugha gSA
(C) dFku&1 lR; gS] dFku&2 vlR; gS ;
(D) dFku&1 vlR; gS] dFku&2 lR; gSA

Sol. Ag2 S + 4 KCN 2K [Ag(CN)2] + K2S

4K2S + 5O 2 + 2H2O  2K2SO4 + 4KOH + 2S 

8. Which of the following pair(s) of metals is/are correctly matched with their purification methods?
(A*) Si, B – Zone refining (B*) Ni, Zr – Vapour phase refining
(C*) Zn, Hg – Distillation (D*) Cu, Ag – Electrolytic refining
fuEu esa ls /kkrqvksa dk dkSulk@dkSuls ;qXe muds 'kqf)dj.k çØe ls lgh :i ls lqesfyr gS \
(A*) Si, B – tksu ifj'kks/ku (B*) Ni, Zr – ok"i çkoLFkk ifj'kks/ku
(C*) Zn, Hg – vklou (D*) Cu, Ag – fo|qrvi?kVuh; ifj'kks/ku
Sol. All are correctly matched. ¼lHkh lgh :i ls lqesfyr gS½A

9. Which of the following are part of the blood buffer ?

jDr cQj (blood buffer) dk Hkkx gS ?
(A*) HCO3 (B) CO23 (C*) H2CO3 (D) CH3COO
Sol. Fact based questions
rF; ij vk/kkfjr iz'u

10. Names of which of the following end in-ous acid?

fuEu esa ls fdl vEy ds uke ds vUr esa 'vl vEy' (ous acid) vkrk gS?
(A*) HNO2 (B) H2 CO 3 (C*) H2 SO3 (D) HBO 2
12. Correct order of boiling point is/are :
DoFkaukd dk lgh Øe gS@gSa %
(A*) CH3 — O — CH3 < CH3 — CH2 — OH (B*) O2 < Cl2 < Br2 < IBr
(C*) HCl < HBr < HF > HI (D) SbH3 > NH3 > PH3 > AsH3

13. For the given reaction,

A(g)  2B (g) ; rH = 30 kJ/mole rS = 150 J/mol at 300 K

If CP, A = 20 J/Kmol and CP, B = 20 J/Kmol. (n 3/2 = 0.4)

Which of the following statement is /are correct?

(A*) H will increase on increasing temperature
(B) H will decrease on increasing temperature
(C*) At 300 K, G is negative
(D) At T = 200 K, G is zero

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300 K ij nh xbZ vfHkfØ;k]

A(g)  2B (g) ; ds fy,rH = 30 kJ/mole, rS = 150 J/mol

;fn CP, A = 20 J/Kmol rFkk CP, B = 20 J/Kmol. (n 3/2 = 0.4) gksaA
fuEu esa ls dkSulk@dkSuls dFku lgh gS@gSa \
(A*) rkieku esa o`f) djus ij H esa o`f) gksxhA
(B) rkieku esa o`f) gksus ij H esa deh gksxhA
(C*) 300 K ij G _.kkRed gksrk gSA
(D) T = 200 K ij G dk eku 'kwU; gksxkA
Sol. (A) part (CP) is positive therefore S T  ; H 
(C) part G = H – TS
 200 
(D) part G200 = [H300 + (CP)r (200 – 300)]  200 S300  (C P ) r ln  0]
 300 
Sol. (A) Hkkx (CP) /kukRed gS] vr% S T  ; H 
(C) Hkkx G = H – TS
 200 
(D) Hkkx G200 = [H300 + (CP)r (200 – 300)]  200 S300  (C P ) r ln  0]
 300 
14. How many of the following ores are oxide ores?
haematite, limonite, magnetite, magnesite, cuprite, argentite, bauxite, sphalerite, zincite
fuEu v;Ldksa esa ls fdrus vkWDlkbM v;Ld gS\
gsesVkbV] fyeksukbV] eSXusVkbV] esXuslkbV] D;wçkbV] vtsZUVkbV] ckWDlkbV] LQsysjkbV] ftadkbV
Ans. 6.
Sol. Haematite : Fe2O3 ; Limonite : Fe2O3.3H2O ; Magnetite : Fe3O4
Magnesite : MgCO 3 ; Cuprite : Cu2O ; Argentite : Ag2S
Bauxite : Al2O3.2H2O ; Sphalerite: ZnS ; Zincite : ZnO
g y- gsesVkbV : Fe2O3 ; fyeksukbV : Fe2O3.3H2O ; eSXusVkbV : Fe3O4
esXuslkbV : MgCO3 ; D;wçkbV : Cu2O ; vtsZUVkbV : Ag2S
ckWDlkbV : Al2O3.2H2O ; LQsysjkbV : ZnS ; ftadkbV : ZnO
15. How many of the following metallurgies involve leaching?
Al2O3  Al, ; Ag2S  Ag ; Au  Au ; CuFeS2  Cu ; PbS  Pb

MgCl2  Mg ; FeCO3  Fe ; Low grade copper ore  Cu ; HgS  Hg
fuEu /kkrqdeZ esa ls fdrus esa fu{kkyu çØe lfEefyr gS\
Al2O3  Al, ; Ag2S  Ag ; Au  Au ; CuFeS2  Cu ; PbS  Pb

MgCl2  Mg ; FeCO3  Fe ; fuEu Lrj dk dkWij v;Ld  Cu ; HgS  Hg
Ans. 4

Sol. Al2O3 + 2NaOH + 2H2O  2NaAlO2 + 3H2O ; Ag2S + 2CN–  [Ag(CN)2]– + S2–

Au + 2CN– + 2H2O + O2  [Au(CN)2]– + 4OH– ; CuFeS2  No leaching

PbS  No leaching ; MgCl2  No leaching ; FeCO3  No leaching

2Cu2O (s) + 4H2SO4 (aq) + O2 (g)  4CuSO4 (aq) + 4H2O () ; HgS  No leaching

g y- Al2O3 + 2NaOH + 2H2O  2NaAlO2 + 3H2O ; Ag2S + 2CN–  [Ag(CN)2]– + S2–

Au + 2CN– + 2H2O + O2  [Au(CN)2]– + 4OH– ; CuFeS2  fu{kkyu ugha gksrk gSA
PbS  fu{kkyu ugha gksrk gSA ; MgCl2  fu{kkyu ugha gksrk gSA
FeCO3  fu{kkyu ugha gksrk gSA
2Cu2O (s) + 4H2SO4 (aq) + O2 (g)  4CuSO4 (aq) + 4H2O () ; HgS  fu{kkyu ugha gksrk gSA
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16. What is the coordination number of aluminium in mineral cryolite ?
[kfut Øk;ksykbV esa ,yqehfu;e dh leUo; la[;k D;k gS \
Ans. 6
Sol. Cryolite is 3NaF.AlF3 or Na3[AlF6]. It gives that coordination number of aluminium is six. It can expand its
covalency by using empty d-orbitals.
gy % Øk;ksykbV 3NaF.AlF3 vFkok Na3[AlF6] gSaA blesa ,yqehfu;e dh leUo; la[;k 6 gSA fjDr d-d{kdksa dks iz;Dq r dj bldh
la;kstdrk dk izlkj fd;k tk ldrk gSA

17. The five successive ionisation energies for an atom X are 800, 2425, 3660, 25025 and 32800 KJ/mole
respectively. The number of valence electrons are :
(Ionisation Potential)
,d ijek.kq X ds fy, ik¡p Øekxr vk;uu ÅtkZ,¡ Øe'k% 800, 2425, 3660, 25025 o 32800 KJ/mole gSA la;ksth
bysDVªkWuksa dh la[;k gS %
Ans. 3

18. A 200 ml aqueous solution of KCl was electrolysed for 16 min and 5 sec. If the pH of the final solution was
13 and volume of solution remains practically unchanged, then the average current used in ampere is.
KCl ds ,d 200 ml tyh; foy;u dk ] 16 feuV rFkk 5 sec,ds fy, fo|qr vi?kVu djk;k x;kA ;fn vfUre ifj.kkeh
foy;u dk pH = 13 gks] rFkk izk;ksfxd :i ls foy;u dk vk;ru vifjofrZr jgrk gS] rc mi;ksx dh x;h ¼iz;qDr gqbZ½
vkSlr fo|qr /kkjk ¼,Eih;j esa½ D;k gksxh ?
Ans. 2 amp
Sol. 2H2O + 2e– H2 + 2OH—
pH = 13
pOH = 1
[OH–] = 10–1M
mole of OH– = 10–1 × 0.2 = 2 × 10–2
OH– ds eksy = 10–1 × 0.2 = 2 × 10–2
i  (16  60  5)
number of faraday QSjkMs dh la[;k = 2 × 10–2 = 96500
i = 2 amp.

19. How many of the follwoing are polar in nature :

fuEu esa fdruh Lih'kht dh izd`fr /kqzoh; gS %
1. C6H6 2. XeF2 3.XeF4 4. XeF6 5. PCl5 6. PCl4+ 7. PCl6– 8. PCl3 9. CH2Cl2
Ans. 3
Sol. XeF6, PCl3, CH2Cl2

20. Let Z be the compressibility factor for a real gas at critical conditions and Vander Waal constant be is

R  TC 
dipendent as b = m  P  , then find the product (Z × m).
 C

ekuk dh] Øakfrd ifjfLFkfr ij] ,d okLrfod xSl ds fy,] lEihM~;rk xq.kkad Z gS rFkk ok.Mjoky fu;rkad b, fuEu çdkj

R  TC 
ls fuHkZj djrk gS] b = m  P  , rc (Z × m) dk xq.kuQy Kkr dhft;s \
 C
Ans. 3

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Sol. For a real gas at critical point, Z = RT =
C 8

R  TC 
Also, b = 8  P 
 C
 m=8
 Product (Z × m) = × 8 = 3.

g y- Økafrd fcUnq ij ,d okLrfod xSl ds fy,] Z = RT = 8

R  TC 
rFkk, b =  
8  PC 

 m=8
 (Z × m) dk xq.kuQy = ×8=3

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