Dissolving The Ego

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‘THENAVHIND TIMES-08-MAY-2011 Tantra - An Ancient Technology By SADHCURU he nature ofthe uma mind isch that if y | Viv ean dstinty create someting in our Iind, the nest sep could be to empower itwith our fe energies If we ean do that, ‘tWilbecome living reality by tse Most human beings have lost this power to truly create, becaee the mind hae become restless and the life energies are not suficientiy bnganised to put them behind Whatever you wish to = the hole sience of tantra is just this Tuntrahasfallenuponsuch bad times, mierepresentation, misinterpretation "and every ind of misuse that i possibie, that today, 1 ter the word ‘tantra Hi supposed to be totally‘, he tantric ways generally seem "extreme. for soc Situations, because they do not Bt into any norms, Tani are wnting too just sbout anything for thee growth Sr to have one inch of growth or movement within themselves So they hve no Tight and wrone They ‘wil simply do what is needed. ecause ofthis, they rested and earned a wrong ype of repatation that they are doing all kinds of weird things all he time, bucthat isnot what tant really. ‘Therearethre dimensionstoit-one mantra, ‘mantra means a pure sound, The next oneis yantra, yantrameans corresponding form. Ifyou feedsound Into theosciloscope,asoundmeasuringinstrument depending upon the frequency, amplitude, and other aspects of the sound, it gives out a certain form, So every sound has a form attached to it Similarly every form hus a sound attached to it. $o the sound is called as mantra, ‘the orm sreferred toas yantra: the technique of using these ‘two things togethers called the tantra. ‘Tantra literally means ‘technology. Technology is designed to create what you ‘want. Physical technologies are all about creating physical Situations the way we want them, and when the human sinds try to ereate what they want, they will ask for many things. If all your prayers were answered, your life could traly bea disaster, Fortunately, mort ofthem are not answered. So tantra does not believe in creating what you want in terms ofthe physical existence around you, Dut is focused on what is generally considered as ‘paranormal, in ereating forms and identities which ‘will funetion way beyond your own intelligence. So {tantra essentially focused on malingan intelligence beyond one's present capabilites available. In yous. itisknownas tantra yoga learning touse your body, ‘The Mavhind Times | Sunday May®, 2011 [uss ‘your mind and your energies a just instruments of Iifeso that it becomes available to a much higher possibility. 'So if one wants to have this capability of being truly able to create as the Crestor did, the ‘most fundamental thing is to be able to keep your personality offyour imagination, ‘Generally people donot know how to act towards something that does not concer them, for they are not involved in It Ifyou ean cross that limitation, you can do such miraculous things, tt can become like that if only you can take away your individual person from your thought, your emotion, your activity and your energy So the whole yoga that you are doing here is fundamental to take away your individuality from simple things that you do ~ very deep reverse of ‘what has happened in the world today. Atone point In time, they were preaching, “you must believe in God now they are preaching. you must believe in yourself If dont believe in myself, how can T be ‘onfident? How ean Tact in the world? Individual identification has become so strong that it has completely dislocated the human being from his original nature; he has stopped operating as life I he operates a life and just life alone, his ‘capabilities are immense and do not need to be limited to what is contained within his physical cess to everything via mann ad Isao, pea.aditratonaly r= sowed spate Shr wt aedperenglege rhe nin ur peopel wewishabndatonar

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