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Fully Solved (Question-Answer)

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper for
CBSE Class X Examination

Max. Marks : 80


1. This question paper comprises of five Sections A, B, C, D and E.You have to attempt all the sections.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Internal choice is given in sections B, C, D and E.
4. Question numbers 1 and 2 are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one word or in one
5. Question numbers 3 to 5 are two marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 words each.
6. Question numbers 6 to 15 are three marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 words each.
7. Question numbers 16 to 21 are five marks questions. There are to be answered in about 70 words each.
8. Question numbers 22 to 27 are based on practical skills. Each question is of two marks. There are to be
answered in brief

Section {A}
1. If an object is placed at the focus of a concave mirror, where is the image formed?
2. Give an example of a flower which contains both stamens and carpels.

Section {B}
3. Our government launches campaigns to provide information about AIDS
prevention, testing and treatment by putting posters, conducting radio shows and
using other agencies of advertisements.
(i) To which category of diseases AIDS belongs? Name its causative organism.
(ii) Which kind of value is government trying to develop in the citizens by conducting the
above kind of campaigns.
. × 10 −8 Ω-m and radius 1 mm is required,
4. What length of a copper wire of resistivity17
so that it’s resistance is 1Ω?

5. List any four advantages of water harvesting.

Or ‘Religious beliefs help in the conservation of forest biodiversity’. Justify.

Section {C}
6. Draw the electron dot structure of ethyne and also draw its structural formula?
A mixture of ethyne and oxygen is burnt for welding. In your option, why can we not
use a mixture of ethyne and all for this purpose?
(i) What are esters? How are they formed?
(ii) Write two uses of esters?

7. What role does stomach play in the digestion of food in humans?

8. Show that the mirror formula for spherical mirror holds good for a plane mirror too.
9. A boy was making a model of electric bell. He connected to the coil in the circuit and
switched it ON. However, the magnetism produced in the coil was not strong
enough. Then, he made some changes in the coil and the circuit was now working
properly. He also found out other ways of producing strong magnetism.
Read the passage and answer the following questions:
(i) What changes did the boy make in the coil?
(ii) What values of the boy would you appreciate?
(iii) Which other ways did he discover for increasing the strength of magnet?

10. What is an electric motor? On what principle does an electric motor work? Do AC
motor and DC motor work on the same principle?
Name the rule to determine the direction of
(i) magnetic field produced around a current carrying conductor.
(ii) force experienced by a straight conductor carrying current placed in a magnetic field
which is perpendicular to it.
(iii) current induced in a circuit by the changing magnetic flux due to the motion of a

11. State the sign convention of u, v and f for a concave mirror when it forms a virtual
Or What is linear magnification? Explain the size of images formed in convex lens.
12. The resistance of two conductors in series is 40 Ω and their resistance become 6.4 Ω,
when connected in parallel. Find the resistance of individual conductor.

13. A person needs a lens of power − 4.5 D for correction of her vision.
(i) What kind of defect in her vision is?
(ii) What is the focal length of the corrective lens?
(iii) What is the nature of the corrective lens?
14. In a party of children, Yathartha used stainless steel glasses in place of disposable
glasses as kids were small and not able to handle them properly. Yathartha washed
stainless steel glasses with potassium permanganate.
Answer the following questions:
(i) What is the composition of stainless steel?
(ii) Why Yathartha used KMnO 4 ?
(iii) Mention the values associated with this act of Yathartha.
15. Write the role played by the following in the plants
(i) Ethylene (ii) Auxin (iii) Abscisic acid

Section {D}
16. (i) Write the harmful effects of using plastic bags on the environment. Suggest
alternatives to plastic bags.
(ii) ‘Energy flow in a food chain is unidirectional’. Justify this statement. Explain how the
pesticides enter a food chain and subsequently get into our body.
What are chlorofluorocarbons? How are they responsible for causing ozone hole in
atmosphere? What will be the consequence of ozone hole?
17. (i) With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the process of electrolytic refining of
(ii) Name the substance formed on the surface of copper when it reacts slowly with moist
CO 2 in the air.
18. (i) (a) Draw a neat diagram of human brain and
(b) Label medulla and cerebellum
(c) Write the functions of the above mentioned parts
(ii) ‘Both overproduction and underproduction of growth hormone leads to disorders in
the body.’ Explain.
19. Baking soda is used in small amount in making bread and cake. It helps in making
them soft and spongy. An aqueous solution of baking soda turns red litmus blue. It is
also used in soda acid fire extinguisher.
Use this information to answer the following questions.
(i) How does baking soda help to make cake and bread, soft and spongy?
(ii) How does it help in extinguishing fire.
(iii) Is the pH value of baking soda solution lower than or higher than 7 ?
Why does micelle formation take place when soap is added to water? Will a micelle
be formed in other solvents such as ethanol also?
20. Pure breed pea plants with round and yellow seeds were crossed with pure breed pea
plants having wrinkled and green seeds. It was found that only particular type of
seeds were produced in F1-generation. When F1 plants were self-pollinated then two
new varieties of seeds were produced in F 2-generation.
Considering the above, answer the following questions giving reasons:
(i) What is the genotype of F1 seeds?
(ii) State the dominant and recessive traits.
(iii) What is the genotypes of the new varieties of seeds that were produced in
F2 -generation?
(iv) Out of all the traits, which variety is produced in minimum and which variety is
produced in maximum numbers?
Does geographical isolation of individuals of a species lead to the formation of a new
species? Provide a suitable explanation.

21. (i) State Dobereiner’s law of triads.

(ii) Name two noble gases.
(iii) The position of three elements A, B and C in the periodic table are shown below:
Group-16 Group-17
– –
– A
– –

Give reasons for the following

(a) Element A is a non-metal
(b) Element B has larger atomic size than element C
(c) Element C has valency of 1

Section {E}
22. List the observations you make when you add zinc granules to a test tube containing
dilute hydrochloric acid. Also, write the reactions involved.
When an aluminium strip is kept immersed in freshly prepared ferrous sulphate
solution taken in a test tube. What change is observed in the test tube.

23. In an experiment, the formation of image of an object AB placed in front of a concave

lens is shown, with an incomplete ray diagram. Complete the ray diagram and state
position and nature of image formed.


24. Crystals of copper sulphate are heated in a test tube for sometime.
(i) What is the colour of the copper sulphate crystals.
(a) before heating and (b) after heating?
(ii) What is the source of liquid droplets seen on the inner upper side of the test tube
during the heating process?
What would happen, if a bottle filled with concentrated sulphuric acid upto brim has
left open in the atmosphere by mistake. Will there be any increase in the level of
liquid? Explain, your answer with reason.

25. Veeru wanted to find out if a whole plant could be grown from potato pieces. How
could he observe this?
Riya was amazed to see that her mother could grow new plants from leaves of some
specific plants. She tried this with rose. However, none of the leaves developed into
new rose plants. Can you explain Riya why new plants could not be formed in Rose?
Also, suggest a method for growing rose plant.

26. A student observed a permanent slide showing asexual reproduction in yeast. Draw
diagrams of the observations he must have from the slide. Name the process also.

27. In an experiment, two resistors of 3 Ω and 5 Ω are connected to a battery. Draw the
circuit diagram when the two resistors will have the same current passing through

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