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The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) were set up in each state on the

pattern of N.C.E.R.T. As education is a state subject, NCERT cannot do much to improve education
in the state. The SCERT has a Programme Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of the State
Education Minister. It has the following functions:

(i) To act as an agent of change in school education, lifelong non-formal education and teacher

(ii) To supervise the working of the Teacher Training Colleges, Secondary Training Schools and
Elementary Training Schools.

(iii) To arrange for the in-service training and orientation of teachers, inspecting officers dealing with
pre-school, elementary, secondary and higher secondary education in the state.

(iv) To arrange for in-service training of teacher-educators working in teacher training institutions
for all stages of education.

(v) To organise programmes, including correspondence-cum- contact courses for overall professional
development of teachers, teacher-educators and supervisory/inspecting officers.

(vi) To provide extension services to teacher training institutions at all levels.

(vii) To develop curriculum and produce instructional material, text-books for the use of educational
institutions and teachers of pre-school, elementary, secondary and higher secondary stages in the

(viii) To prescribe curriculum and text-books for the school and teacher training centres.

(ix) To co-ordinate the work of Extension Services Centres of teacher training institutions in the

(x) To produce instructional materials for the use of teacher educators.

(xi) To organise and implement the special educational projects sponsored by UNICEF, NCERT and
other agencies for the qualitative improvement of school education, teacher education and
supervision of education.

(xii) To coordinate the programmes of different subject-teacher associations in the state.

(xiii) To evaluate the adult and non-formal education programmes or any other project entrusted to
it by the Government from time to time.

(xiv)To function as a controlling authority for elementary teachers education to conduct studies
concerning problems of education in general, in the training of teachers and in curriculum
(xv) To conduct public examinations at the terminal stages viz, at the end of class III and class V and
select candidates for scholarships through such examinations.
The Director SCERT will have the following functions and powers in addition to those
mentioned above:

(i) The Director will visit the Training colleges and Training schools to evaluate the quality of teacher
education and assess the performance of teachers. (ii) He will formally assess the work of the
personnel of the Training Institutions for maintenance of the Annual Confidential Reports. (Hi) He
will exercise control over the supervisory staff for implementing the teacher education programmes
and other educational programmes recommended by the advisory bodies of the State government.


The SCERT has the following Departments and units: (i) Department of Curriculum Development

(ii) Department of Teacher Education and in-Service Education (Hi) Department of Educational
Research (iv) Department of Science and Mathematics Education (v) Department of Educational

(vi) Department of Evaluation and Examination Reforms.

(vii) Department of Non-formal Education
(viii) Department of Population Education
(ix) Department of Pre-school and Elementary Education
(x) Department of Adult Education and Education for Weaker Sections
(xi) Department of Extension Service and School Management
(xii) Publication Unit
(xiii) Library Unit
(xiv)Administrative Unit

SCERT is serving as the academic wing of the Department of Education. It is trying to bring about
the qualitative improvement of school education and teacher education. It is maintaining close links
with the national and international organisations of education. It is organising a large number of
workshops and training courses for various categories of teachers and teacher educators.

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