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Invitation to the Game - Chapter 4 Questions

1. What did Lisse suspect happened to her at the beginning of this


2. Give an example of personification on page. 70.

3. What is the governments solution to overcrowding?

4. What are the privileges that only the workers have? How does this
particularly annoy and upset Lisse? What did she long to do?

5. Wha tis Lisse afraid might happen to the unemployeds if the

government plan doesn’t work out?

6. What does Lisse suspect really happened to the group during The

7. What does Scylla say about the danger of questions The Game? (pg.

8. What does the group do in their first day after The Game? How has it
impacted their group dynamic? (i.e how has it changed the way they
operate as a collective - as opposed to when they were just a “nuisance” to
each other…) (pg. 73-74)

9. How have the arguments changed between Paul, Trent and Alden?

10. Where have the group been placed upon arrival at The Game the
second time? How was this eerie considering their preparation plans?

11. What mortal danger does the group face in the game this time? Where
do they end up as a result?

12. Why does the group need to sell Scylla’s and Brad’s creations?

13. What was the big “NO” the group received from the game manager?

14. What ultimately takes the group of the game this time?

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