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TRUNK SECTION-Vertical Breakwater

Scour Process:
If sand is small, suspension will occur to upper cell, therefore erosion and deposition

Incident+Reflected wave=Standing Wave --Causes

recirculating cells (top and bottom).

a)If sand is small,

suspension will occur to upper cell, therefore erosion and deposition pattern
b)If sand is big, no suspension will occur to upper cell, only bottom cell therefore erosion and deposition

Mode of sediment transport plays important role.

Two types:
1)Suspension mode 2)Non Sus mode
1st Condition for

2nd COndition for suspension where w is the fall velocity.

Scour Depth:

No suspension mode depends on


suspension mode depends
Generally, scouring is more in fine sad or suspension mode. All other
dependencies are same

When flow is oblique, almost all parameters about circulatory cells, standing
wave(2H) is same, except there is a steady streaming flow which has velo 3-4
time larger than progressive incident wave(largeness depends on angle)

The modes are similar to before, but mass transport longitudinal to the
wall(Steady streamig flow) causes extra scours

TRUNK SECTION-Rubble Breakwater

1)No scour just bellow vertical, scour just below rubble, because apparently no streaming flow just near
vertical and vie vera. E find flow in rubble because may be slop or flow from inside.
2)Larger scour in antinode in rubble than antinode in vertical(no explanation)
3)Smaller maximum scour in rubble than in vertical because low streaming flow(25)%

Scour depth increases with angle of incidence. All other dependency parameter are the same.

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