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/ §At¡ l6t{ACIO


FINAL EXAM (2016-1)
Professor : Alex Manuel Sánchez Navarro
Section : 06A1Ty06D1M
Duration : 120 minutes

Specific instructions for this exann: Yes

lnstrucciones este examen: Si
Use of basic calculators, scientific, non-programmable X
Uso de calculadoras simples, científicas, no proqramables
Use of programmable calculators X
Uso de calculadoras proqramables
Use of laptops, tablets, Smart phones X
Uso de laptops, tablets, teléfonos Smari
Use cf tables, forms, rnanuals, nomograi'ns, etc. X
Uso de tablas, for¡^nuiarios, manuales, namogramas, efc.
Use of class notes, books, data sheets, copies X
Usc Ce materialde c/ase apuntes. librcs separa/as s
Use of additionai sheets
Uso Ce hojas adtcic,r:/;-.

1. (1 point) Which of the statements is NOT TRUE?

a) Mode choice measures the satisfaction of user for taking a spe cifio<ñ-oIe
/of transportation
,ó Linear regression is used for trip distribution "/ /
' c) Trip assignment considers the shortest path on a network
d) The logit model is used for mode choice ¡/.
None óf ,bore

2'. (1 point) True/False. During the lgdt three years, 18 accidents have occurred
on route '1, and 22 accid-en}l on roqte 02; therefore, route .2 is more
lángerousthan route o, t ) v,c cd..ú " .1 \ c. [*7.i ..r vr.c]r-. J -'a'trn

3. (1 point) True/False. The principal characteristic
$B/us napid Transit
(BRr) is that it
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4. (2 pointg/which statement isrn]¡gi- -*i''{ 'e é)la(
is the time between buses r''
b) \-Fleet is the number of buses per hour
' c) Cycle time is the roundtrlp !![g, which doesn't include time at terminals-'
d) Operation time is the time between the initial and final time of the trip,
which includes time at terminals and bus stops.
e) None of above

lllllllll Page 1 of8

5. (2 point) The segment between intersections A and B suffered 30 accidents
in 2010. li has an ADT of 30,000 vpd and a length of 1.0 mile, Calculate the
2010 crash rate.
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6 (2 points) You are eniering the Estadio Nacional to watch the final game of the
soccer champiory;hi .¡.:¡-¡ to purchase tickets. Each
ticket pr-lrcha The a.¡erage arrivai rate is 3
persons/rninulá. Find the and average waiting-
time in qu-^ue assumlnE

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7. (2 points) Using tfr{t-f-f"sneet provided, deterrnine the trips generated by a
new development thát contains:
a) A hotel with 600 rooms
b) A supermarket with 12,OOO ft2
c) General office buildings with 20,000 ft2
d) A building with 650 apartments

q 600*ocLtz j¿Ó {'rt(! §'. f,

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)) 6so * o,6L

8. (2 points) A transit agency has an exisiing 8.5 rnile bus ror-lte (in one
direciion) where the average speed between siops is 16.9 mlies per hour.
The route has 22 stops along the route.
1. lf the average dwell time at each stop is 20 seconds, what is the
average qgsspge44jong the route as a whote?
2. And, if a 1O-minute layover is required at the far end of the route,
what is the total round-trip travel time? Assume the time for the
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9. (3 points)A study has detern'¡ined this equation for a given city:

Ux=ár-0.003X1 -C.04Xz
X1 = trip costs in cents
X2 = trip tirne in rninutes
Att¡'ibute aK Xr Xz
Private car -0.20 120 30
Express Bus -0.40 60 45
Regular Bus -0.60 30 55

a) Calculate the ma¡ket pa:'ticipation if the served trips (Tij) will be

_/z p, o o o peop_le-_t!pt,
b) Calculate thé éffect of an overall cost increment of 60%
f urr-§ ( (é>§ t¡ L
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Page 4 of 8
10.(4 points) Find the trip distribution for the system shown below. F is ihe
friction factor.




f,. n,1 lr
2 fr'r És + í * ,s(t
h{*tB-éoL L 3r ¿ L\
I A., €t
(i) )-t
B ¿" \- ( 62* +r q¿
I ,,t,s F5

ii;) t-z
35 ot I8

i,l) 3- \
l{t, 9L
\) )
r-' 'í' ii i

h, ??

Page 5 of8


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