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Gazaway & Lamb ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

Sally Gazaway & Lucy Lamb

Report I

ITEC 7430

September 14, 2018

Problem Analysis:

Ethical use of information is something that affects all people, including secondary education

students. Hardaway High School students have become required to use internet for research in

their education due to the ease of use and vast amounts of information available. Students find it

hard to filter through the information that is available through the internet and other media.

Students also do not understand that just because it is on the internet, it doesn’t mean that you

can use it freely. Students do not understand the difference in creative common copyright and

copyright. Students cannot fully understand how to use information properly without that


This problem is ever growing with the access to information. It also suggests a gap in the

education of students that needs to be filled. Primary school teachers do not require a lot of

research for students to run into problems with ethical use of information, therefore students

enter secondary education environments unprepared. Teachers also have trouble understanding

the copyright laws and ethical use of information as well, and can find it hard to educate students

on the subject, when they do not fully understand as well.

Gazaway & Lamb ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

Mager & Pipe Gap Analysis

Gazaway & Lamb ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

Needs Assessment:

The AASL standards framework states that “Learners act on an information need by identifying

possible sources of information” as well as “Learners follow ethical and legal guidelines for

gathering and using information by understanding the ethical use of information, technology, and

media.” These standards are set to the media centers and teachers to educate students in the use

of information and media. The desired status of the students education is for the students to

easily identify information that is accurate, usable, and relevant. The current status of the

students cannot identify information that is accurate and usable. Students have the ability to find

relevant information. Students need to be educated on reliable sources and ethical use of the

information that they find.

Optimals: The optimal situation would be for the students to quickly and easily locate accurate

and reliable information, determine if the information is usable, and give credit to the creator for

the information.

Actuals: The actual situation is that the students find it difficult to find accurate and reliable

information. They cannot determine if the information is usable, and they do not know how to

cite information.

Discrepancies: Students often use Wikipedia and other sites of the like to find information. They

are not versed in searching for information or verifying information. Students do not know the

differences in copyrights. Students do not know how to properly cite information, if to cite at all.

Goal Statement: By the end of the school year, secondary education students at Hardaway High

School will be able to seek, analyze and ethically use information found online to support their

Gazaway & Lamb ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

Instructional Analysis: The classification of this problem is an intellectual skill. Procedural

analysis will be used to map out the steps taken to achieve the goal stated.

Goal and Subordinate Skill Analysis:

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