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4B7 – Compilation

1. The Earth’s axis tilts at an angle of exactly ____.
2. During June 22, the solar radiation directly falls on _____.
3. The arctic circle is located at an angle of exactly ____.
4. The daily extraterrestrial radiation is highest during ____.
5. _______ is when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, marked by the longest and
shortest days.


1. Earth travels about in a plane called ecliptic. (TRUE)
2. Earth’s axis is tilted at 25.3 degrees. (FALSE)
3. During the summer solstice at the northern hemisphere, solar rays fall directly on the tropic of
Capricorn. (FALSE)
4. During the winter solstice at the Northern hemisphere, solar rays fall directly on the tropic of Cancer.
5. The seasonality of solar radiation, temperature, and day length decreases with latitude. (FALSE)


1. What type of organisms are most threatened by climate warning?

A. Subtidal invertebrates
B. Intertidal invertebrates
C. Plankton
D. Polar bears
Answer: B

2. Impacts of climate change on terrestrial plant species is more complicated because

A. They’re not able to move from one place to another
B. The response to changes are affected by concentrations of carbon dioxide
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: B

3. Mass-specific metabolic rate _____ with increasing body size

A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains constant
D. Fluctuates rapidly
Answer: A

4. Increase in tree rings is concluded to be correlated with

A. Increased concentrations of carbon dioxide
B. Increased activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria
C. Decreased rate of senescence
D. Increased length of growing season
Answer: D.

5. Water stress associated with regional drought resulted to

A. Sudden initiation of the fall season
B. Smaller biological architecture of certain species of tress
C. Widespread increase in tree mortality rates
D. Two of the above
E. None of the above
Answer: C

1. Region wherein the amount of incoming shortwave exceeds outgoing longwave.
Ans.: Equator to Midlatitudes
2. Region wherein the amount of outgoing longwave exceeds the incoming shortwave.
Ans.: Midlatitudes to Poles
3. Region where convergence of winds from the North and South occurs in the equator. –
Ans.: Intertropical Convergence Zone

4. What do you call the deflection of the pattern of air flow?

Ans.: Coriolis Effect
5. The study of the timing of seasonal activity of plants and animals.
Ans.: Phenology

1. Phenological changes are greater in lower latitudes where observed warming is observed.
Ans.: False
2. In a study conducted by Peter Cotton, results state that there is a correlation between summer
mininum temperatures and the timing of departure of migrant birds in England.
Ans. True
3. Objects in the northern hemisphere are deflected counter-clockwise in the Coriolis effect.
Ans.: False
4. Objects in the southern hemisphere are deflected clockwise in the Coriolis effect.
Ans.: True
5. The zone of low pressure where surface air converges and rises is called the polar front.
Ans. True

Multiple Choice
1. The species of passerine birds Charmantier used to study the effects of regional warming to
the reproduction of said species.
a.) Mus musculus
b.) Parus major
c.) Populus tremuloides
d.) L. austrodigitalis
Answer: B

2. The primary mechanism of the planetary transfer of heat from the tropics to the poles is the
process of _____
a.) radiation
b.) induction
c.) convection
d.) conduction
Answer: C

3. Scientist who had found that amphibians had a significantly greater shift toward earlier
breeding than all other taxonomic groups examined.
a.) Camille Parmesan
b.) Anne Charmantier
c.) Peter Cotton
d.) Andreas Hamann
Answer: A

4. All are related to seasonal changes in climate conditions except:

a.) Migratory behavior
b.) Termination of dormancy
c.) Late reproductive activity
d.) Onset of reproductive activity
Answer: C

5. The descending air forms a semipermanent high-pressure belt at the surface that encircles
the Earth is called the _____
a.) trade winds
b.) subpolar low
c.) westerlies
d.) subtropical high
Answer: D

Heat Redistribution by Ocean Currents

Affects Geographic Distribution of
Ocean currents are dependent on the pattern of the surface winds and the Coriolis Effect caused
by the earth’s rotation. The ocean is dominated by the two great circular water motions called
gyres that move clockwise and counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and Southern
Hemisphere, respectively. As the currents moves further from the equator, water cools and
encounter westerly wings at higher latitudes which produce eastward-moving currents. When it
meets the western margins of the continents, cool currents are formed flowing along the
coastline toward the equator. Simply, gyres function to redistribute heat from the tropic
northwards and southwards towards the poles. Climate and physiological temperature have
direct influence on species distribution. Due to these factors, species are expected to respond to
the shift in climate and move poleward in latitude and upward in elevation. Studies show that
non-migratory organisms generally moved northward, away from the equator, while plants have
increased in their average elevation.

A- Only first statement is correct. B- Only second statement is correct.
C- Both statements are correct.
D- None of the statements are correct.
1. Gyres move clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Gyres move counterclockwise in the Northern
Hemisphere. D
2. Non-migratory organisms moved northward towards the equator. There is an increase in the
average elevation of plants. B
3. Ocean currents create surface winds. Ocean currents create earth’s rotation. D
4. The further from the equator, the cooler the water. Eventually, easterly wings are encountered
at higher latitudes. A
5. Gyres redistribute heat from the tropics southward and northward toward the poles. Gyres
redistribute heat from the tropics northward and southward toward the poles. B

1. Once ocean currents meet the western margins of the continents, warm currents are formed
flowing along the coastline toward the equator. FALSE
2. Climate has an indirect influence on species distribution FALSE
3. Species generally shift their distributions poleward in latitude and upward in elevation. TRUE
4. L. austrodigitalis is a northern species. FALSE
5. L. digitalis has a lower thermal tolerance than L. austrodigitalis. TRUE

1. Function of gyres:
a. Redistribute heat from the tropics southward and northward toward the poles.
b. Redistribute heat from the tropics northward and southward toward the poles.
c. Redistribute heat from the tropics southward and northward away from the poles.
d. Redistribute heat from the tropics northward and southward away from the poles.
Answer: b. Redistribute heat from the tropics northward and southward toward the
2. What are the two types of organisms of limpet species studied?
a. L. digitalis and L. austrolis
b. L. astralis and L. digits
c. L. astra and L. digitalis
d. L. austrodigitalis and L. digitalis
Answer: d. L. austrodigitalis and L. digitalis
3. People of the University of Alaska found discovered three species that have been increasing.
Which of the ff is not easily detected on hill slopes and valley bottoms?
a. Cover of Alder
b. Willow
c. Dwarf birch
d. Evergreen
Answer: d. Evergreen
4. Which organisms exhibit a consistent pattern of northward range expansion?
a. Nonmigratory birds
b. Migratory birds
c. Nonmigratory butterflies
d. Both a and c
Answer: d. Both a and c
5. In a comparison of the two vegetative surveys, researchers saw that all elevations increased by
65 m EXCEPT:
a. Albes concolor
b. Rhus ovata
c. Agave deserti
d. Encelia farinosa
Answer: c. Both a and c


________ is the amount of water vapor in the air expressed as a percentage of the saturation
vapor pressure.
Answer: Relative humidity

The ________ is the temperature at which atmospheric water condenses.

Answer: dew point

The transformation of water from a liquid to a gaseous state is referred to as ________.

Answer: evaporation

Recent climate changes has been shown to influence ______________ among species within
existing ecological communities
Answer: interactions

Terrestrial biosphere models can be used to __________ the effect of rising carbon monoxide
emissions from fossil fuel burning and land clearing on future climate change
Answer: predict


Relative humidity is the

A) amount of pressure at a given temperature at which water transforms from a liquid to a
gaseous state.
B) amount of pressure that water vapor exerts independent of the pressure of dry air.
C) temperature at which saturation vapor pressure is achieved.
D) amount of water vapor in the air relative to the saturation vapor pressure.
Answer: D

The transformation of water from a gaseous state to a liquid state is known as

A) condensation.
B) evaporation.
C) saturation.
D) solidification.
Answer: A

Researchers are developing terrestrial biosphere models in order to:

A) simulate ecosystems under uncontrolled conditions
B) emulate the current situation of the world
C) predict future climate change
D) play with nature
Answer: C

________ is considered a primary influence on microclimate.

A) Aspect
B) Soil temperature
C) Rainfall
D) Vegetation
Answer: A

In contrast with north-facing slopes, south-facing slopes in the Northern Hemisphere are
characterized by
A) a lower rate of evaporation.
B) greater soil moisture.
C) lower air temperatures.
D) more vigorous growth of mosses.
Answer: B


Transformation of water into from liquid to gaseous state is called condensation

Answer: False

Dew point is the amount the amount of water vapor in the air expressed as a percentage of
saturation vapor pressure
Answer: False

Increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide causes climate change

Answer: True

Climate change influence interactions among species within existing ecological communities
Answer: True

Atmospheric moisture is measured in terms of relative humidity

Answer: True
1. _________ is the narrow region where trade winds meet.
Answer: Intertropical Convergence Zone
2. Precipitation is highest in the region of the _______.
Answer: equator
3. The ITCZ is characterized by high amounts of ________?
Answer: precipitation
4. As the ITCZ migrates southward it brings ____ to the southern summer.
Answer: rain
5. ______causes change in local communities as a result of both species extinction and
latitudinal range shift.
Answer: regional warming
1. Lusitanian are northern species that extends north into Norwegian Sea, Icelandic waters south
to British Isles.
Answer: False
2. Rainfall is greater in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere.
Answer: True
3. ITCZ tends to migrate toward regions of the globe with the warmest surface temperature.
Answer: True
4. The Sun is directly over the geographical equator only thrice a year.
Answer: False
5. The temporal variation is directly linked to the seasonal changes and has no effect on the
movement of global pressure systems and air masses.
Answer: False

1. At the northern summer solstice, the Sun is directly over the
A. Tropic of Cancer
B. Tropic of Capricorn
C. Equator
D. Both B and C
Answer: A

2. Which statement is incorrect?

A. Precipitation is highest in the region of the equator.
B. ITCZ is characterized by low amounts of precipitation.
C. At the winter solstice, the Sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn
D. The ITCZ is not stationary but tends to migrates toward regions of the globe with the warmest
surface temperature.
Answer: B
3. A/An ________ in regional sea surface temperature has led to major reorganization of
calanoid copepod species composition and diversity in entire North Atlantic Basin.
A. increase
B. decrease
C. no change
D. none of the above
Answer: A
4. Which of the following is not a group of calanoid copepod species that co- occur in
communities associated with specific environmental conditions in North Atlantic Ocean?
A. Subarctic species
B. Southern shelf edge species
C. Arctic species
D. Mesopalgic species
Answer: D
5. Which of the following causes significant change in the species composition of the plant
communities along the elevation gradient?
A. climate change
B. independent shifting of elevation ranges of individual species
C. decrease in temperature
D. Both A and B
Answer: D



1.) ______is the pattern based on how the temperature changes depending on the proximity to the

2.) Coastal regions have smaller temperature ranges as a result of what is called as ____.

3.) ______is the amount of thermal energy necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of a
substance by 1 degree Celsius.


1.) Coastal regions experience more seasonal variations than the land areas farther from the coastline.

2.) Ocean currents maximize seasonal variations in the surface temperature of the water.


1.) To raise the water temperature by 1°C, it takes approximately ____the amount of thermal energy.

A.) two times

B.) three times
C.) four times
D.) five times
2.) Proximity to large water bodies also tends to have a positive influence on ___levels.

A.) Density
B.) Precipitation
C.) Temperature
D.) Pressure

3.) The interior of continents generally experience less ___than the coastal regions do.

A.) Density
B.) Precipitation
C.) Temperature
D.) Pressure

Answer key for Chapter 2.7

IDENTIFICATION 1.Continentality 2. Maritime influence 3. Specific Heat
TRUE OR FALSE 1. False 2. False



1. The decline in NPP was a result of __________which led to increased evaporation and reduced water
availability for plant growth.

2. NPP ____over large areas in the Northern Hemisphere but ____in the southern hemisphere.


1. Ecosystems in all temperate regions and those in the high latitude of the Northern Hemisphere
accounted for 80 percent of the increase in NPP.

2. The largest increase in NPP was in tropical ecosystems.

3. The decline in NPP was a result of low temperature leading to decreased evaporation and increased
water availability.


1. Climate has a direct influence on key ecosystem process of NPP. What does NPP stands for?
A. Net production process
B. Net primary production
C. Net photosynthesis production
D. Net precipitation process

2. Which of the following did not result in the decline in NPP?

a. high temperature
b. increased evaporation
c. reduced water availability
d. low temperature


IDENTIFICATION 1. High temperature 2. Increased; decreased
TRUE OR FALSE 1. False. 2. True. 3. False

1. Complex computer models of Earth's climate system. Ans: General Circulation
2. Rate of decline in temperature with altitude. Ans: Lapse rate
3. Amount of water vapour in the air expressed as a percentage of the saturation vapour
pressure. Ans: Relative Humidity
4. Temperature at which saturation water vapour pressure is achieved. Ans: Dew point
5. Gases that are good absorbers of long wave radiation. Ans: Greenhouse gases

TRUE- Mountainous topography influences local and regional pat- terns of precipitation.
FALSE (NORTHERN) - Little Ice Age brought bitterly cold winters to many parts of the
Southern Hemisphere.
TRUE - Variations in the level of solar radiation to Earth’s surface are also associated
with sunspot activity—huge magnetic storms on the Sun.
TRUE - During an El Niño event, the trade winds slacken, reduc- ing the westward flow
of the surface currents.
FALSE - Environmental temperatures rarely influence the metabolic processes
minimally through determining heat exchange with the surrounding environment

1. As temperature cools to the dew point temperature, where does precipitation occur?
A. At the lower latitudes of the windward side
B. At the upper latitudes of the windward side
C. At the lower latitudes of the leeward side
D. At the upper latitudes of the leeward side
E. Both upper latitudes of the windward and leeward side
Answer: B

2. What happens when the waters of the eastern Pacific are abnormally warm?
A. Sea level pressure rises in both the western and eastern Pacific
B. Sea level pressure drops in both the western and eastern Pacific
C. Sea level pressure rises in the eastern Pacific and drops in the west
D. Sea level pressure drops in the eastern Pacific and rises in the west
Answer: D

3. What happens during upwelling?

A. Surface currents flow westward, bringing cold, deeper waters to the surface off
Peru's coast
B. Surface currents flow westward, bringing warm, shallow waters to the surface off
Peru's coast
C. Surface currents flow eastward, bringing cold, deeper waters to the surface off Peru's
D. Surface currents flow eastward, bringing warm, shallow waters to the surface off
Peru's coast
Answer: A

4. The following are components of greenhouse gas emissions EXCEPT:

A. methane (CH4)
B. chlorofluourocarbons (CFCs)
C. hydrogenated chlorofluourocarbons (HCFCs)
D. nitrous oxide (N2O)
E. None of the above
Answer: E

5. The following are effects of global warming EXCEPT:

A. decreased species diversity and evenness
B. increased height and cover of deciduous shrubs and graminoid species
C. decreased cover of mosses and lichens
D. both B and C
E. none of the above
Answer: E

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