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School of EECE


Mapua shall be among the best universities in the world.

a. The University shall provide a learning environment in order for its students to acquire the
attributes that will make them globally competitive
b. The University shall engage in publishable and/or economically viable research,
development, and innovation.
c. The University shall provide state-of-the-art solutions to problems of industries and

Within the five years after graduation, the graduates of Computer
Engineering program shall have:
Undertaken, singly or in teams, projects that show ability to
1 ✓ ✓ ✓
solve complex engineering problems.
Had substantial involvement in projects that take into
consideration safety, health, environmental concerns and the
2 ✓ ✓ ✓
public welfare, partly through adherence to required codes
and laws.
Demonstrated professional success via promotions and/or
3 ✓
positions of increasing responsibility.
Demonstrated life-long learning via progress toward
completion of an advanced degree, professional
4 ✓ ✓ ✓
development/continuing education courses, or industrial
training courses.
Demonstrated technical expertise, professionalism, and
ethics in ICT, computer hardware and software systems
5 development, entrepreneurship or other related fields in the ✓ ✓
practice of computer engineering for the advancement of
industry and society.

1. Course Code CPE102L


3. Pre-requisite NONE

4. Co-requisite NONE

5. Credit/ Class Schedule 2 units / 9 hours per week

6. Course Description This course deals with the study of the computer systems in
general, its history and evolution, number system, number system conversion and arithmetic
operations, computer software, and computer hardware. It also covers the study of the different tools
and techniques available in developing computer program logic such as flowchart and pseudo code.

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by: 1
Programming Logic and 1st Quarter
Page of 4
Design SY 2018-2019 July 9, 2018 Analyn N. Yumang Noel B. Linsangan
7. Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives
Program Educational Objectives
Student Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and
(a) √ √ √
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to
(b) √ √
analyze and interpret data
An ability to design a system, component, or process to
meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as
(c) √ √
economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams √
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
(e) √ √ √
(f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility √ √ √
(g) An ability to communicate effectively √
The broad education necessary to understand the impact
(h) of engineering solutions in a global, economic, √
environmental, and societal context
A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in
(i) √ √
life-long learning
(j) A knowledge of contemporary issues √ √ √
An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
(k) √ √ √ √
engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Knowledge and understanding of engineering and
management principles as a member and leader in a
(l) √ √
team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary

8. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes:

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
A student completing this course should at a
a b c d e f g h i j k l
minimum be able to:
1. Construct structured programs through the
use of modular approach.
2. Apply decision making, repeating instructions
and array manipulation to solve programming
problems through the use of pseudo code
and flowchart.
3. Develop structured programs in file handling
and advanced techniques on modularization I I I I I I
and data handling.
4. Build class diagrams to apply object-oriented
programming approach in solving a problem.
* Level: I- Introduced, R- Reinforced, D- Demonstrated

9. Course Coverage :

1 ● An Overview of Computers and

Lecture Learning Tool 1
● Elements of High-Quality Problem
Programs Solving CO1
2 ●
Understanding Structure Board work
Activity Quiz No. 1

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by: 2
Programming Logic and 1st Quarter
Page of 4
Design SY 2018-2019 July 9, 2018 Analyn N. Yumang Noel B. Linsangan
● Lecture
Making Decisions Learning Tool 2

Looping Problem
Solving CO2
4 ●
Arrays Board work Quiz No. 2
5 ● File Handling and Data Lecture
Learning Tool 3
6 ● Advanced Data Handling Solving CO3
● Advanced Modularization Board work
Techniques Quiz No. 3
7 ● Object-Oriented Programming Lecture
Learning Tool 4
8 ● More Object-Oriented Problem
Programming Solving CO4
9 ● Event-Driven GUI Programming
10 ● Board work
Multithreading and Animation Quiz No. 4

10. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component:

Engineering Topics – 100%

11. Textbook
Comprehensive Programming Logic and Design, Ninth Edition by Joyce Farrell

12. Lifelong-Learning Opportunities

Use of program logic formulation as part of the software development cycle.

13. Course Evaluation and Guidelines

Student performance will be rated based on the following:
Minimum Average
Assessment Tasks Weight for Satisfactory
Learning Tool 1 CO1 2.50% 1.75
Quiz 1 CO1 9.99% 6.993
Learning Tool 2 CO2 4.81% 3.367
Quiz 2 CO2 19.24% 13.468
Learning Tool 3 CO2 4.81% 3.367
Quiz 3 CO2 19.24% 13.468
Learning Tool 4 CO3 2.88% 2.016
Quiz 4 CO3 11.53% 8.071
Final Exam CO2 25% 17.5
TOTAL 100% 100% 70%

The final grades will correspond to the weighted average scores shown below

Low High Grade

0.00% 69.99% 5.00
70.00% 73.00% 3.00
73.01% 76.00% 2.75
76.01% 80.00% 2.50
80.01% 83.00% 2.25

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by: 3
Programming Logic and 1st Quarter
Page of 4
Design SY 2018-2019 July 9, 2018 Analyn N. Yumang Noel B. Linsangan
83.01% 86.00% 2.00
86.01% 90.00% 1.75
90.01% 93.00% 1.50
93.01% 96.00% 1.25

14. Other Course Policies

a. Attendance
According to CHED policy, total number of absences by the students should not be more
than 20% of the total number of meetings or 9 hrs for a three-unit-course. Students
incurring more than 9 hours of unexcused absences automatically gets a failing grade
regardless of class standing.

b. Submission of Assessment Tasks

Late submissions of learning tools will not be accepted.

c. Language of Instruction
Lectures, discussion, and documentation will be in English. Written and spoken work may
receive a lower mark if it is, in the opinion of the instructor, deficient in English.

d. Honor, Dress and Grooming Codes

All of us have been instructed on the Dress and Grooming Codes of the Institute. We have
all committed to obey and sustain these codes. It will be expected in this class that each of
us will honor the commitments that we have made.
For this course the Honor Code is that there will be no plagiarizing on written works. Proper
citation must be given to authors whose works were used in the process of developing the
final thesis document.

e. Consultation Schedule
Consultation schedules with the Professor are posted outside the EEC Faculty room. It is
recommended that the student first set an appointment to confirm the instructor’s

f. System of Grading
The course evaluation recommended will be followed. Any misconduct as grounds for
failing grade besides academic deficiency will automatically incur a 5.0 grade on the final
grade of the student.

15. Other References

An Object-oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design, Fourth Edition by Joyce

16. Course Materials Made Available:

PowerPoint presentations and Lecture hand outs
MindTap by Cengage

17. Committee Members:

Meo Vincent Caya
Carlos Hortinela IV
Dionis Padilla
Jumelyn Torres
Analyn Yumang

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by: 4
Programming Logic and 1st Quarter
Page of 4
Design SY 2018-2019 July 9, 2018 Analyn N. Yumang Noel B. Linsangan

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