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Verbs followed by to or -ing


Admit, avoid, dislike, fancy, feel like, imagine, mention, mind, miss, practise, put off,


Agree, appear, attempt, begin, decide, demand, fail, hope, intend, learn, manage, offer,
plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, want, would like.

ING or TO:

Love, like, begin, continue, hate, prefer, start.

Irregular cases:

Remember Action you have to do A memory from the past
Did you remember to bring your I remember feeling very tired at the
shoes? end of the race
Forget Action you have to do A memory from the past
Don’t forget to bring the book! I will never forget winning my first
Regret You are sorry to give the You are sorry you didn’t do
information something
I regret to tell you the secret I regret not studying harder for the
Try You have the aim The way you achieve something
I am running every day because If you want to get fit, why don’t you
I am trying to get fit try swimming?
Stop Stop to do something Not continue
During the race, he stopped to When he realized he couldn’t win,
drink some water he stopped running

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