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[OPERATING SYSTEMS] January 1, 2014

DISK SCHEDULING [Disk scheduling Theory Refer Unit – 5 ppt]

Suppose that a disk drive has 5000 cylinders numbered 0 to 4999. The drive is currently serving a
request at cylinder 143. The queue of the pending requests in FIFO order is
86, 1470, 913, 1774, 948, 1509, 1022, 1750, 130
What is the total distance (in cylinders) that the disk arm moves to satisfy all the pending requests for
each of the following disk scheduling algorithms?
Head current position – 143
0 86 130 143 913 948 1022 1470 1509 1750 1774 4999

Next Accessed [FIFO] Number of Cylinder Traversed

86 143 - 86 57

1470 1470 - 86 1384

913 1470 - 913 557

1774 1774 - 913 861

948 1774 - 948 826

1509 1509 - 948 561

1022 1509 - 1022 487

1750 1750 - 1022 728

130 1750 - 130 1620


Personal | Prepared By: CSK

[OPERATING SYSTEMS] January 1, 2014

2. SSTF [Shortest seek time first]

Head current position – 143

1 2

[ 143 - 130 : 13 ] [ 130 – 86 : 44 ]

[ 913 – 143 : 770 ] [ 913 – 130 : 783 ]
13 is the shortest seek time 44 is the shortest seek time

0 86 130 143 913 948 1022 1470 1509 1750 1774 4999

Next Accessed [FIFO] Number of Cylinder Traversed

130 143 - 130 13

86 130 - 86 44

913 913 - 86 827

948 948 - 913 35

1022 1022 - 948 74

1470 1470 - 1022 448

1509 1509 - 1470 39

1750 1750 - 1509 241

1774 1774 - 1750 24


Personal | Prepared By: CSK

[OPERATING SYSTEMS] January 1, 2014

Head current position – 143
0 86 130 143 913 948 1022 1470 1509 1750 1774 4999

Next Accessed [FIFO] Number of Cylinder Traversed

130 143 - 130 13

86 130 - 86 44

0 86 - 0 86

913 913 - 0 913

948 948 - 913 35

1022 1022 - 948 74

1470 1470 - 1022 448

1509 1509 - 1470 39

1750 1750 - 1509 241

1774 1774 - 1750 24


Personal | Prepared By: CSK

[OPERATING SYSTEMS] January 1, 2014

4. C - SCAN
Head current position – 143
0 86 130 143 913 948 1022 1470 1509 1750 1774 4999

Next Accessed [FIFO] Number of Cylinder Traversed

913 913 - 143 770

948 948 - 913 35

1022 1022 - 948 74

1470 1470 - 1022 488

1509 1509 - 1470 39

1750 1750 - 1509 241

1774 1774 - 1750 24

4999 4999 - 1774 3225

0 4999 - 0 4999

86 86 - 0 86

130 130 - 86 44


Personal | Prepared By: CSK

[OPERATING SYSTEMS] January 1, 2014

Head current position – 143
0 86 130 143 913 948 1022 1470 1509 1750 1774 4999

Next Accessed [FIFO] Number of Cylinder Traversed

913 913 - 143 770

948 948 - 913 35

1022 1022 - 948 74

1470 1470 - 1022 488

1509 1509 - 1470 39

1750 1750 - 1509 241

1774 1774 - 1750 24

86 1774 - 86 1688

130 130 - 86 44


Personal | Prepared By: CSK


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