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The Blog and its Author

About the Guide Blog

The goal of this Blog is to help out fellow players uncover more
about this ever-expanding complex game universe and to
understand what they’re getting into. Through experimentation
and research, I’ll attempt to make sense of topics such as game
play mechanics and strategies while debunking theories/
conspiracies/ presumptions.
If you find any of the content questionable or would like to know
more about a certain topic, do drop a comment and I’ll see what
I can do.
About the Author
Hey! I’m Zungedous (‘Zung’ for short), an avid DH5 player who
first started Dungeon Huntering since early August 2015. Ever
since then, I’ve been hooked on the game and been playing it
almost daily.
As for myself, I come from Singapore and currently delving
deep into my research. My interests lie in Digital Fabrication,
Knitted fabric mouldless casting methods and strategies for the
design of Functionally Graded Materials.
Playing on the Asia Pacific iOS server, I belong to the
Singapore guild (naturally also named ‘SINGAPORE’), a close-
knit family of (mostly) local players on our sunny (or other
times rainy) island, and enjoy each other company in real life.
Although my forum status writes that I’m a DH5 ambassador, do
note that I’m in no way affiliated to the development team of
DH5, Customer Care, or the parent company, Gameloft, for that
matter. Doing this more as a hobby, I collect feedback, assess
and relay them to the developers in order to improve and
balance game experience. And yes, I’m in close contact with
the devs at the moment so if there’s any burning feedback, do
drop them into the comments section and I’ll give my reply as
soon as humanly possible.
Additionally, the content released in my blog are purely of my
own findings unless otherwise mentioned otherwise where
credit is due.
If you wish to quote from my blog or adopt/edit my content, do
also drop me a note in the comments section of the respective
post. As much as I appreciate academic integrity, kindly do the
same too!


Nightmare Pits Pt.1

PUBLISHED ON July 22, 2018
With special request from Paul Rage, here’s the (very very very)
long-overdue Nightmare Pits post.
Nightmare Pits, or Pits in short, is one of the two dark
strongholds available in the game.  While it used to be one of
the better strongholds around, it is now rarely used by late-
game players as the current strengths of dark and fire minions
are rather lackluster. Thus, Pits fare as a relatively average
stronghold unless one has high minion mastery and bonuses at
his/her disposal.
Like the typical stronghold strategy posts, this entry will cover
the Nightmare Pits in general, along with some strategies to
both build it (part 1) and raid it (part 2).
*Special thanks to my guildmates, especially Shan, for their
advice on building Nightmare Pits.

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