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Acceptance Test Report JVM Associates

no Remarks
1 Date
2 Building Name / Address
3 Location
4 district
5 Site LAT
6 Site LONG
7 Tower / Pole Height in Mtrs
8 Type op UPS
9 UPS Capacity :
10 No. OF Batteries
11 Type of Battery ( Tubular / MF ):
12 Battery Capacity ( AH)
13 Type of Site ( PAP / SAP / Micro-PAP) :
14 Bandwidth taken from BTS (or) PAP :
15 Link Signal Strength in Rssi.
16 Bandwidth Provider ( Reliance / Aircel/Airtel ) :

17 No of Sector antennas installed :( Horizontal / Vertical ) :

No of Backhaul antennas installed ( Horizontal / Vertical
18 ):
19 Gateway (INN/Router)
20 PAP INN Coverage Node – Mother Board No :
21 L2 switch Sl No:
22 Access Controller Sl No:
23 HOP Distance :
24 BH Throughput
25 Bandwidth availability in PAP (in MB) :
26 Flat Panal / Grid with dBi.
27 P-N
Main Input Power check performed ( P-N =228V, P-E
28 P-E
=229V, E-N = 2V )
29 N-E
30 STP (CAT5E) in conduit PVC pipes
Sector Antennae are Mounted on AMSL poles (1 Mtr) on
31 tower.

32 Antenna cables are tied on tower’s legs with Proper Ties

Antenna cable loop (U Shape Preferably) for water drip
33 control is maintained
Panel Antennas / Sector Antennas mounting is secure &
34 tighten (Weather proofed )
PVC Conduit pipes are mounted on Wall (not hanging in
35 air)
36 Weather proofing completed on All Antennae Ports and
37 9 U equipment rack Mounted on wall
9 U rack is earthed properly (separate from Tower/LA
38 Earth)
39 Equipments are fixed properly in the 9 U rack
40 All equipments tighten with proper screws in rack
41 UPS Installed properly with earthing connection
UPS and batteries are kept in hygienic place and getting
42 air ventilation properly
43 Batteries are on Four legged battery stand

44 All power cables and data cables are separately routed.

45 Equipment Room is in good condition
46 Room is secure with Door, Lock & key
47 No hanging wires in Equipment Room and on Tower
48 Power / Battery Backup checked for 8 hrs minimum
Tower Lightening & Earthing is done with Separate Earth
49 Pit
50 Tower Light is fixed & working
51 Sector wise Coverage checked in the Town (360 degree)
Upload & download to be tested at Router / Switch end (
52 If it’s a PAP site ). Attach separate Sheet.
Upload & download screen shots to be tested & attached
53 per sector wise. Attach Seprate Sheet
54 Network is stable for more than 24 Hrs
55 Site is accessible for 24 * 7

Name of the Zylog Enggineer

Signature of the Zylog engineer

Name of the Installaiton Engineer

Signature of the Installation Engineer

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