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“Project title”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of

Bachelor of Art (Computer Application)

(Session 2016-17)

Under Guidence. Submitted By-

Satendra Singh ………….
Assistant professor Roll-no ……….
Computer Science Dept. BA(CA) VIth Sem.

MLCT College
A.P.S. University, Rewa (M.P.)
Department of Computer Science, Tel: (……………
MLCT College Email:
Rewa (MP) - 486001


1. Candidate Roll No.......................................................................................

2. Candidate Name...........................................................................................

3. Project Title.................................................................................................

4. Software Base..............................................................................................

5. Sponsoring Institute Name Address.............................................................

6. Name of the Department and University....................................................

7. Submitted for Course & year........................................................................

8. Details of Evaluation :-

Roll No. Enrollment Marks warded signature of Signature of

No. ( out of 400) External Internal

9. Forwarding by:-
................. .................
Internal Examiner External Examiner


This is to certify that the project report entitled

“………………PROJECT TITLE…………” done by me/us is an

authentic work carried out for the part of my/our curriculum

in BA(CA) VI t h semester under the associating visiting faculty

and Internal supervision of Satendra Singh.

I/We further declared to the best of my/our knowledge that

project is not a true copy of any other project submitted by

any other person or any other university for award of any

degree in India or Abroad.

Roll No. ...........

Rishi Mishra-(Principal) Computer Science
MLCT College Rewa, (M.P) Department, MLCT College
Email: ……………….. Rewa (M.P.)-486003 ,India
Mob. No. ……………. Tel: (07662)………..
Email: …………

Ref. No. : ................ Date: .............


This is to be certify that the project entitled “……………”, submitted

by ………. rollno1....... in partial fulfillment for the award of degree
of BA(CA)VIth semester, to the department of computer science,
MLCT College Rewa (M.P.), during session. 2016-17. is a bonfire &
authentic work carried out by them/him/her for project training purpose
under the internal supervision of Satendra Singh.
& external supervision of ......... …..Associated visiting faculty with the
project was Satendra Singh. The student/s is/are having /reasonable
knowledge of the work done as part of project development & was/were
able to demonstrate his/her/their project work satisfactorily in front of
the examination committee.

Internal supervisor
............................................ ............................ Satendra Singh
Associated visiting faculty External Examiner Assistance Professor
MLCT College Rewa (M.P.)


I/We take this opportunity to express our deepest sense of gratitude

to Mr Rishi Mishra “principal” MLCT College Rewa (M.P.) giving
me/us privilege and necessary facilities to carry out this project.
I also express my gratitude to Associating visiting faculty for
enables me/us to do the project.
I express my sincere thanks to Satendra Singh for giving Me
continuous encouragement, critical supervision, noble guidance and
Enabling us in timely completion of project.
I also pay thanks to ------------……for their guidance, help and
moral support



Title name........................................................... ………. i
Project Evaluation Sheet....................................................................ii
Table of contents.............................................................................. vii
Chapter-1 Introduction...........................................................1

1.1About project………………………………..
1.2 Purpose of project…………………………
1.3 Proposed system …………………………...
1.4Whey need to computerize………………….
1.5Advantage of computerized…………………

Chapter-2 Objective and Scope of the project……………….

Chapter-3 Project Overview………………………………....

3.1 SDLC Model…………………………………

3.2 Feasibility Study……………………………..

3.2.1 Technically ……………………………

3.2.2 Economically…………………………..
3.2.3 Operational ………………………….

3.3 Project Scheduling…………………………..

3.4 User characteristic……………………….......

Chapter-4 System Requirement Analysis and Specification…..

4.1 Srs……………………………………………

4.1.1Terms used in project……………………….

4.1.2 System hardware requirements……………
4.1.3 Software requirements……………………

4.2 Analysis ………………………………………

Chapter-5 System Design……………………………………

5.1 Flow chart …………………………………

5.2 Data flow diagram…………………………

Chapter-6 Database Design………………………………….

6.1 ER Diagram…………….............................
6.2 Project Hierarchy………………………….
6.3 Table specification………………………..

Chapter-7 System Input and Output Screens…………….

Chapter-8 Coding and Testing……………………………
Chapter-9 System Implementation………………………..
Chapter-10 Conclusion/Future work/Limitations…………
Chapter-11 Appendix……………………………………….
Chapter-12 References……………………………………..

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