Evaluating Safety Tips and Awareness Against Female: Feminism

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Evaluating safety tips and awareness against female

(A requirement for English 02)


De Leon, Austine Mari

Samonte, Anne Carla

Tabor, Alexandra Ellis


Passed to:

Professor Sybil Agreda

Faculty, CAS

San Beda College, Mendiola, Manila.


Alexandra Ellis Castro Tabor


English 02

Professor Sybil Agreda

March 9, 2015

Thesis: “Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of political, social and

economics. – Equality to men.”

I. Introduction

II. Definition of Women Abuse

A. Cases of Women Abuse

III. Types of Awareness

A. Government

B. Organizations

IV. Prevention of Women Abuse

A. Women Power

B. Safety Tips

C. Self-Awareness

V. Conclusion

Alexandra Ellis Castro Tabor

Introduction: “Evaluating safety tips and awareness against female.”

English 02

Professor Sybil Agreda

March 6, 2015.


There are proponents of Feminism that focuses on analyzing gender inequality and

promoting the rights, interests and issues of women. The notion of difference among the sexes

has been studied extensively in terms of cognition and brain activity. Feminism explains the

denigration of women victimized by men and the simultaneous neglect or exoneration of male

assailants as twin manifestations of our patriarchal culture, systematically maintaining male

domination and oppression of women. It is also the most important theoretical approach to

conjugal violence or woman abuse. Battering, often referred to as domestic violence, is one of

the most common and least reported crimes in the world. Battering happens to women of every

age, race, class and nationality. Battering takes many forms and includes a range of threatening

and harmful behavior. It also includes control of finances and one’s physical freedom.

This research paper will evaluate safety tips and awareness against female, how to

prevent women abuse through feminism.


Alexandra Ellis Castro Tabor; Anne Carla Samonte; Austine Mari De Leon


English 02

Professor Sybil Agreda

March 9, 2015

I. Definition of Women Abuse

According to the World Health Organization IPV or intimate relationship is one of the causes

of physical, sexual, or psychological harm, so as acts of physical aggression, sexual coercion,

and psychological abuse and controlling behavior. A sexual coercion by men to make women

pregnant or to stop current pregnancy. A million of 1.3 to 5.3 women experience this kind of

violence in the United States. Last 2010 the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence

Survey (NVAWS) stated that 30% of women are experiencing physical violence, 9% were raped,

17% are sexual violence and 48% had psychological aggression by the intimate partner. Many

individuals affected by this situation suffered from pain and loss of quality of life. Victims

experience post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, injuries, missed work or school days. It also

shows that larger prevalence of physical health problems, depression, substance abuse and

suicide attempts for abused women. In some cases if a pregnant woman is abused could lead to

bleeding, infections and inappropriate weight gain. Also poor pregnancy can cause early or late

delivery, low birth weight and neonatal death. Children who are exposed to this kind of violence

are also victims of life and health.(Modi, M.N., et al., 2014)

A. Cases of Woman Abuse

According to the World Health Organization, IPV or Intimate Relationship is one of the

causes of physical, sexual, or psychological harm, so as acts of physical aggression, sexual

coercion, and psychological abuse and controlling behavior. A sexual coercion by men to make

women pregnant or stop the current pregnancy. A million of 1.3 to 5.3 women experience this

kind of violence in the United States. Last 2010 the National Intimate Partner and Sexual

Violence Survey (NVAWS) stated that 30% of women are experiencing physical violence, 9%

were raped, 17% are sexually violated, and 48% had psychological aggression by their intimate

partner. Individuals that are affected by this situation suffered from pain and loss of quality of

life. Victims experience post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, injuries, miss work or school

days. It also shows that larger prevalence of physical health problems, depression, substance

abuse, and suicide attempts for abused women. In some cases, if a pregnant woman is abused

could lead to bleeding, infections and inappropriate weight gain. Also poor pregnancy can cause

early or late delivery, low birth weight and neonatal death. Children who are exposed to this kind

of violence are also victims of life and health. (Modi, M.N., et al., 2014)

II. Types of Awareness

“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness” – Lao Tzu

A person tries to solve a certain problem without knowing what the problem is. You must be

aware of where you are before you can improve anything. Awareness is the first essential step

that you have to take in order for you to develop. Awareness can be broken into several types.

A. Government

Government authorities put up laws that can help increase awareness and can also decrease

domestic violence. Countries that already have laws in their law book should review them so that

the people and authorities can be ensured that these laws are specific and actionable. Additional

reforms should include the implementations of policies that can regulate criminal procedures and

responses to the victims.

The law implementation should include easy access programs such as awareness and

communications campaigns, hotlines for the victims, advice programs for men, and training

judges and other authorities regarding domestic violence, awareness, how to treat victims and

proper implementing of laws and its features. (World Development Report, 2012)

III. Prevention of Women Abuse

Every minute that passes by, there are women being abused in certain countries all over the

world. People should be properly educated with Safety Tips and Self Awareness on how to

prevent women abuse.


A. Women Power

There are influential feminists that helps the world realize the worth and rights of the female

race. Feminists such as Susan B. Anthony help campaigned against slavery and let women vote

for the sake of their country. Susan was the co-founder of the Women’s Temperance movement

which campaigned that laws on alcohol should be tighten up. She also plays an important role in

raising the banner to see men and women equally.

Women can be used as an instrument so that we could live peacefully. Their strengths and

weakness can help defend the country’s resources and can make it a place where all can live

happily and peacefully.

B. Safety Tips

There are preventive steps women, men and also government officials should know so that

the rising domestic violence can put to a stop. Every individual should practice each and every

preventive tip so that the world would be harmonious.

One of these preventive tips is to avoid watching or supporting “porn” sites or videos.

According the research study in Psychology Today proves that a person that supports this kind of

videos is more likely to be a suspect in violating women and their rights. If you know someone

involved in physical abuse, speak up and get the police involved, it is not okay, her life is in

danger. Another one is to teach the children in our generation today, boys and girls, that they

need to treat everyone fair and everyone deserves respect. And lastly, think before you speak.

You have to think twice what you’re going to say, it may be harmless to you but to another

perspective it’s not. Words can hurt someone especially when they are emotionally and mentally

drained due to an incident. (Care2.com)

C. Self-Awareness

Other than laws that can help demand women regarding their rights, justice system needs to

be more responsive regarding this situation. There are certain fields that need the actions of


First, a woman needs someone that can represent them in organizations in charge with the

formulating, implementing and enforcing such laws. And voices of female individuals must be

reflected within the justice systems. In some countries, greater representation has been achieved.

They set quotas for female judges, police officers and certain officials that implement laws.

Second, certain parts of the justice system should be sensitive enough with women’s rights

and their needs. In that way laws that protect the rights of female netizens will be more effective.

The PEKKA (Program for Woman Headed House Holds) conducts seminars and trainings in

villages that focus on domestic violence and family laws. Government official such as judges,

prosecutors, police, and NGOs are invited to raise awareness of gender issues. Judges who have

taken the training conducted by PEKKA should change their perceptions regarding violence


Third, data’s must be collected and should be made to public so that problems of women can

be easily access and be more visible to others. Other countries still lacks certain comprehensive

data on issues around the type and quality of justice services available to women and the barriers

that female faces that engages the judicial institutions. (World Development Report, 2012)

IV. Conclusion

Feminism can help support the fight of people that pursues that all men and women should be

treated equally. Women could do almost everything what men can do, it may be in the field of

sports, academics, or politically. Some organizations seek justice for the women who are violated

domestically. A person who doesn’t care about this kind of issues isn’t aware of what’s going on.

There are seminars and trainings that can help increase our awareness. In this the world could be

harmonious; no more chaos peace will be equally distributed to all the countries.


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