"Do Good" Project Scope

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“Do Good” Project Scope

Title of the Project: (Write the Creative Name of the Project)

Name of Members:

Sacdalan, John Aron B. Sacdalan

Samonte, Anne Carla
Malabute Gian Armon
Valino, Ken Joshua

Target Date of Implementation: (Saturday or Sunday of Midterm Week, or the week after


Homeless , Street Children , Tricycle Drivers


Total Budget: P 1000.00

Rationale of the Project: The purpose of this project is to feed individuals who can't afford to
buy and also for those who are working late night .The truth is that we often look at human
well-being on a personal basis and simply set aside the structural dimension of it. In this
respect, if society is to address the issue of extreme poverty, then we have to look at it from
an institutional perspective, including how societal culture and positional differences inform
our decisions. In doing so, this simple act that we would like to conduct will help them.

A. Project Scope

I. Project objective:

To feed and share of what we can afford

II. Deliverables: (Must include Work Breakdown Structure or WBS and Table of
Deliverable and Work package)

(Work Breakdown Structure Diagram with 4 levels)

(Deliverables/Work Package in Table Format)


(derived from level 2 of WBS Diagram) (derived from level 4 of WBS Diagram)
Deliverable 1: Preparation of The Food Work package 1: Buying of Ingredients
Work package 2: The Quantity to be
.WP 1 Will be buying of ingredients that
will set with the allocated budget
.WP 2 Will be accounting of how much
will be produced with the ingredients

Work package Y: The Food

Work package 1: Use of available mode

Deliverable 2: Transportation
of transportation
Work package 2: Routing the Location
of the feeding program
.Either public transportation or private
.locating what areas to be drive-by

Work package Y: The Transpo


Deliverable X: Funding Work package 1: Allocating of Budget

Work package 2: Savings
.The souring of the funds needed for the
.The students may save from daily
Work Package Y: The Funds

III. Milestones

Gathering of Funds
Food Preparation
Checking of Availability of Transportation

IV. Technical requirements

(Equipment and Materials Needed)

(Methodology of the Event)

Line Item Budget

Item Budget
V. Limits and exclusions

Food and drinks before handed out 100% fresh, clean & contained with good based on
healthy nutritional specs.

Food & drinks are only handed out to those who aren’t able to afford much of a meal
for atleast 3x a day, main focus are the less fortunate, vendors and drivers working at
least more than 15 hours a day.

VI. Reviews with customer

Not yet applicable

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