Ethanol Effects

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Effect of extended maceration and ethanol concentration on the extraction

and evolution of phenolics, colour components and sensory attributes of
Merlot wines

Article  in  Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research · December 2012

DOI: 10.1111/ajgw.12009


31 809

4 authors:

L. Federico Casassa Christopher William Beaver

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Washington State University


Maria S. Mireles James Harbertson

Washington State University Washington State University


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Casassa et al. Extended maceration and ethanol concentration 25

Effect of extended maceration and ethanol concentration on

the extraction and evolution of phenolics, colour components
and sensory attributes of Merlot wines
School of Food Science. Irrigated Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Washington State University (WSU),
Prosser, WA 99350, USA
Correspondence author: Dr James F. Harbertson, email

Background and Aims: Anecdotal evidence suggests that there may be a synergistic effect of ethanol (EtOH) and
prolonged skin contact on the extraction of certain phenolics that may negatively impact wine sensory properties.
The combined effect of extended maceration (EM) and EtOH concentration was studied during winemaking and
bottle ageing.
Methods and Results: The evolution of phenolics and colour components was followed for up to 1 year of bottle
ageing. Harvest skins and seeds and those obtained from the pomace after maceration were also analysed. Sensory
attributes were studied by Quantitative Flavour Profiling. The relationship between the chemical and sensory data
was explored with Partial Least Square Regression. EtOH concentration differing by 1.2% v/v had no effect on tannin
and anthocyanin extraction, colour, tannin mean degree of polymerisation, polymeric pigment formation and
recovery of anthocyanins and tannins in the pomace after maceration. The maceration length defined the chemical
and sensory profile of the wines. The tannin content of wines produced with EM was mainly derived from seed
tannins, whereas control wines had a balanced proportion of seed and skin tannins. The anthocyanin concentration
was lower in EM wines, whereas polymeric pigments and tannins were predictors of astringency. In control wines,
perceived red colour was associated with anthocyanins, vitisins, a* (red component), and small polymeric pigments.
Significance of the Study: Evidence of the nature and interrelation of the chemical and sensory composition of
wines obtained with EM is provided. Major chemical features responsible for the sensory properties of wines
produced by two contrasting skin contact regimes are identified.

Keywords: colour, ethanol, extended maceration, phenolic, sensory analysis

Introduction reported to decrease with ripening (del Llaudy et al. 2008,

Extended maceration (EM) prolongs skin and seed contact after Bautista-Ortín et al. 2012). Elevated EtOH concentration,
the must has fermented to dryness (Sacchi et al. 2005). This however, resulting from high °Brix fruit may increase the
practice has gathered attention because of its potential to intrinsically lower extractability of seed tannins, reportedly
enhance phenolic extraction (Auw et al. 1996, Canals et al. because of the dissolutive effect of EtOH on the lipidic outer coat
2005), stabilise wine colour (Auw et al. 1996, Puertas et al. of the seeds (Glories and Saucier 2000). In turn, enhanced
2008) and alter mouthfeel properties (Schmidt and Noble 1983, tannin extraction from seeds during maceration increased per-
Joscelyne 2009). Because of the anecdotal belief that full-bodied ceived astringency of wine (Harbertson et al. 2009).
wines can be obtained only from fruit that undergoes extended Seed tannins are compartmentalised in thin-walled paren-
ripening, there is a concern about the synergistic effect of chyma cells located between the cuticle and the inner lignified
ethanol (EtOH), resulting from high °Brix fruit, and prolonged layers of the seeds (Thorngate and Singleton 1994, Adams
skin contact on the extraction of certain phenolics that may 2006). Seed tannins are composed by catechin, epicatechin and
impart negative sensory properties. Therefore, it is of interest to epicatechin-3-O-gallate (Prieur et al. 1994), which are present
document the chemical and sensory characteristics derived from mainly as monomers, but oligomers and polymers also exist.
the interaction between EM and EtOH concentration during Moreover, the mean degree of polymerisation (mDP) of seed
winemaking. tannins is lower than that of skin tannins (Prieur et al. 1994,
Fruit maturity plays a critical role in anthocyanin and tannin Souquet et al. 1996). Generally, longer maceration times
extraction, polymeric pigments’ formation and modulation of increase the contribution of seed tannins (Vrhovsek et al. 2002,
astringency (Canals et al. 2005, del Llaudy et al. 2008, Harbert- del Llaudy et al. 2008). In model wines, seed tannins contrib-
son et al. 2009). Anthocyanin extractability into wine progres- uted 90% of the wine tannin content after 3 weeks of macera-
sively increased from ~14°Brix to 26.7°Brix (Canals et al. 2005, tion (González-Manzano et al. 2004) and similar results were
Fournand et al. 2006, del Llaudy et al. 2008). Conversely, found on an industrial scale (Harbertson et al. 2009). Conflict-
tannin extraction into wine, particularly from seeds, has been ing results however, have been reported for the effect of variable

doi: 10.1111/ajgw.12009
© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.
26 Extended maceration and ethanol concentration Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 19, 25–39, 2013

EtOH concentration on seed extraction. In model wines, Single- wines, with a 10-day skin contact period, and extended mac-
ton and Draper (1964) found that 14% EtOH extended the lag eration wines (EM) with a 30-day skin contact period, affording
phase of tannin extraction compared with that of 11% EtOH, 12 wines. The fruit was crushed and destemmed using a
which was attributed to a tissue toughening effect by EtOH. Yet, Mearelli crusher (Cinquemiglia, Città di Castello, Italy);
at longer contact times, higher EtOH increased extraction (Sin- 50 mg/L of sulfur dioxide (SO2) was added. The must was fer-
gleton and Draper 1964). In another report, an EtOH content mented in 300 L stainless steel jacketed fermentors with mobile
ranging from 0 to 10% v/v had a marginal effect on the extrac- lids (Ghidi Metalli, Buggianao, Italy) filled with ~120 kg of
tion of catechin, epicatechin and proanthocyanidins dimers B1, must. Musts were inoculated 4 h after crushing with dry yeast
B2 and B4 over a 96-h extraction period (Oszmianski et al. (Lalvin EC-1118, Lallemand, Montreal, Canada) at a rate of
1986) although no further analysis was done beyond this point. 250 mg/L. Malolactic bacteria (Lalvin VP41, Lallemand) were
Skin proanthocyanidins are located in the vacuoles of thick- added 48 h after yeast inoculation at a rate of 10 mg/L. Diam-
walled hypodermal cells (Adams 2006), with those associated monium phosphate was added to raise the yeast assimilable
with cell wall polysaccharides having a higher degree of polym- nitrogen to 225 mg/L prior to fermentation. Sugar consumption
erisation (Gagné et al. 2006). Extraction of monomeric and during fermentation was monitored with a handheld densito-
oligomeric tannins from skins occurs early during maceration meter (DMA 35N, Anton Paar, Graz, Austria) and tank tempera-
(Koyama et al. 2007). Relative to seeds, however, the extraction ture was maintained at 26 ⫾ 2°C using a web-based
pattern of skin tannins of high molecular weight follow an fermentation system (TankNet, Acrolon Technologies, Sonoma,
erratic behaviour because of the subsequent non-covalent CA, USA). Reducing sugar was measured by the Rebelein
rebinding by cell wall material (Bindon et al. 2010, Hanlin et al. method (Iland et al. 2004). Cap management consisted of a
2010). As in seeds, the effect of EtOH concentration on tannin whole-volume tank pump-over followed by a 2-min punch
extraction from skins has proven to be inconsistent. In model down twice a day during fermentation. Alcoholic fermentation
wines, increasing the EtOH concentration from 0 to 13% v/v was completed (reducing sugars <2 g/L) after 9 days. During
increased extraction of skin tannins in unripe fruit (Canals et al. post-fermentation, EM wines received one 2-min punch down
2005), but no differences were found when comparing extrac- per day, after which the tanks were sealed and purged under lid
tion solutions at 11 and 13% v/v EtOH applied to fruit at with N2 (30 L/min ¥ 3 min). After completion of the skin
technological maturity (Gambuti et al. 2009). contact time, free run wines were transferred to 19 L glass
Although the loss of anthocyanins during EM is well docu- carboys fitted with airlocks and stored at 22 ⫾ 2°C. Malolactic
mented (Scudamore-Smith et al. 1990, Kelebek et al. 2006), the fermentation was monitored by enzymatic analysis of L-malic
effect of variable EtOH concentration on anthocyanin extraction acid (Unitech Scientific, Hawaiian Gardens, CA, USA); after
remains unclear. In addition to their direct role on wine colour, completion of malolactic fermentation (MLF), the wines were
the presence of anthocyanins during maceration increases the racked, cold-stabilised (90 days at 2 ⫾ 2°C) and adjusted to
solubility and retention of tannins via the formation of poly- 35 mg/L free SO2. The wines were bottled in February 2011 in
meric pigments (Kantz and Singleton 1991, Singleton and 750 mL bottles sealed with screw caps, leaving a 16 mL head-
Trousdale 1992). Polymeric pigments encompass a heterogene- space using a capper machine (Technovin TVLV, Saxon, Swit-
ous array of compounds, including pigmented tannins and zerland) and stored at 10 ⫾ 2°C.
acetaldehyde cross-linked products (Somers 1971, Kennedy and
Hayasaka 2004). These pigments differ from intact anthocyanins
in that they are partially resistant to bisulfite bleaching and Chemical analysis reagents
more resilient to pH change (Somers and Evans 1977). There Reagents for spectrophotometric analyses are reported in Har-
appears to be, however, a complex relationship between tannin bertson et al. (2009). Phloroglucinol, L-ascorbic acid, L-tartaric
content, anthocyanin extraction (or loss) and polymeric acid (99%), L-malic acid (97%) and L-lactic acid (85%,
pigment formation during maceration. 13 mol/L) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO,
Quantitative Flavour Profiling (QFP) is a sensory technique USA). Malvidin-3-O-glucoside was purchased from Polyphenols
where trained panellists evaluate a list of descriptive terms pre- Laboratories (Sandnes, Norway). Acetic acid (99.7%, 17 mol/L)
viously selected by a group of experienced tasters (Stampanoni and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-grade
1993). The QFP approach has the advantage over Quantitative solvents were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
Descriptive Analysis in that the panellists do not have any
preconceived ideas because they are not involved in the devel-
opment of the descriptors (Stampanoni 1994). Fruit and wine basic analysis
Here we report the combined effect of EM and EtOH con- For fruit analysis, three 15-cluster replicates were randomly
centration on the extraction and evolution of anthocyanins, selected from each vineyard block. For each replicate, berries
tannins and colour components during and post-maceration, were separated from the clusters and placed onto a table where
and up to 1 year of bottle ageing. Sensory properties were two sets of 30 berries were selected at random. The juice was
studied with QFP. extracted using an IKA™ A11 analytical mill (Fisher Scientific,
Waltham, MA, USA) and the pulp solids and liquid were trans-
ferred to 50-mL tubes and centrifuged (5000 g ¥ 6 min at 5°C),
Materials and methods and the supernatant was analysed as follows. Total soluble solids
Winemaking (°Brix) were determined by a temperature-compensating
Merlot grapes (clone 3) were harvested on 23 September 2010 refractometer (Atago RX-5000, Tokyo, Japan). Titratable acidity
from Goose Ridge vineyard in Paterson, WA, USA, which is (pH 8.2 end-point) was measured with an automatic titrator
located in the American Viticultural Area-designated Columbia (Mettler-Toledo, Columbus, OH, USA), and pH was obtained
Valley. Two adjacent vineyard blocks differing by ~1°Brix, to using a digital pH meter (Fisher Scientific). Phenolics in the fruit
target two levels of final EtOH concentration, were harvested were analysed as described (Harbertson et al. 2002, 2003), with
separately into four 500-kg capacity bins. Two skin contact results expressed on a fresh weight (FW) basis. EtOH concen-
treatments were established in triplicate for each block: control tration was measured with a digital infrared spectrophotometer

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Casassa et al. Extended maceration and ethanol concentration 27

(Anton Paar). Free and total SO2 were measured by the aspira- from m/z 100 to 1000 in the negative ionisation mode. The
tion method (Iland et al. 2004) throughout the study. mDP was calculated as reported (Kennedy and Jones 2001).

Spectrophotometric analysis Polymeric pigments and vitisins

Must and wine samples were treated with 1 mmol/L sodium Polymeric pigments, vitisin A and vitisin B were analysed as
azide to inhibit microbial activity, centrifuged (5000 g ¥ 5 min) described by Peng et al. (2002) using a polystyrene divinyl-
and filtered through 0.22 mm filters (Fisher Scientific, Westboro, benzene column (250 ¥ 4.6 mm, 5-mm particle size (Agilent
MA, USA) prior to analysis. Spectrophotometric measurements Technologies)) thermostated at 40°C and protected by a
were carried out with an Agilent 8453 ultraviolet (UV)-visible PLRP-S guard column of the same packing material. The com-
spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, pounds were identified by their UV spectrum and retention
USA). Anthocyanins, non-tannin phenolics, small polymeric time and were quantified as mg/L of malvidin-3-O-glucoside
pigments (SPPs) and large polymeric pigments (LPPs) were equivalents.
measured as detailed (Harbertson et al. 2003). Tannins in the
fruit, pomace and wines were analysed by protein precipitation Sampling protocol
(Harbertson et al. 2002). A previously described protocol (Har- Beginning at day 4 after crush, anthocyanins were determined
bertson et al. 2009) was used to measure tannins and anthocy- by spectrophotometry and by HPLC every 2 days during skin
anins recovered in the skins and seeds collected from the contact (with samples taken immediately after the first pump-
pomace of each replicate. over), at pressing (day 10 and 30) and at day 50, 100, 300 and
The Cie-Lab coordinates L* (lightness), C* (saturation), 540 (1 year of bottle ageing) from pressing. Polymeric pig-
H* (hue angle), a* (green/red component) and b* (blue/yellow ments, vitisins and phloroglucinol adducts in wines were ana-
component) were calculated as reported in Casassa et al. lysed at day 4, 30, 50, 100, 300 and 540. Values are reported
(2012). as an average (n = 3) followed by the standard error of the
Analysis of wines with HPLC-diode-array detection
(DAD)-electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) Experimental design
An Agilent 1100 series HPLC-DAD system coupled with a 6410 The experiment was a full factorial design with two factors (skin
Triple Quadrupole ESI-MS instrument (Agilent Technologies) contact time and EtOH concentration) and two levels of each
were used for the chromatographic separations and confirma- factor (skin contact time: 10 and 30 days; EtOH concentration:
tion of peak identity, respectively. The MassHunter software 12 and 13% v/v). The harvest fruit comparison was carried out
version B.04.00 (Agilent Technologies) was used for MS data by a two-sample Student’s t-test for independent samples
analysis. (degrees of freedom (d.f.) = 10, P < 0.05). A fixed-effect two-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (d.f. = 11) with a 5% level
for rejection of the null hypothesis was used to analyse the
Organic acids effects of skin contact, EtOH concentration and their interaction
Malic, lactic and acetic acids were measured by reversed-phase for all the chemical parameters measured. Fisher’s LSD test was
HPLC (Pereira et al. 2010). used as a post-hoc comparison of means. Data were analysed
with XLSTAT v. 2009 (Addinsoft, Paris, France). Regression
analysis, significance and correlation coefficients were calcu-
Anthocyanins lated using the SigmaPlot (v. 10.0) package (Systat Inc.,
An HPLC method for separation of anthocyanins (Downey and Chicago, IL, USA).
Rochfort 2008) was applied to grapes, wines and pomace
samples. Filtered samples were transferred to brown vials and
the anthocyanins were separated on a Unison UK C-18 column Sensory evaluation
(150 ¥ 4.6 mm, 3-mm particle size (Imtakt USA, Philadelphia, Materials. Raspberry and cherry jams (Safeway Select,
PA, USA)) thermostated at 40°C and protected by a guard Grandview, WA, USA), and 100° proof vodka (Smirnoff,
column of the same packing material. Anthocyanins were iden- Diageo, London, UK) were obtained from local stores, and 6-n-
tified by ESI-MS and quantified as equivalents of malvidin-3- propylthiouracil (PROP) was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich.
O-glucoside. Mass scans were performed from m/z 100 up to m/z Reference standards for aroma and colour were prepared in a
1000 in the positive ionisation mode. base wine (2008 Merlot) previously stripped of aroma com-
pounds under reduced pressure (30°C ¥ 45 min) using a Büchi
Syncore Polyvap (Flawil, Switzerland) to a final EtOH content
Phloroglucinolysis of 10.3% v/v (Table 1). For the ‘oxidised fruit’ standard, the
Grapes, wines and pomace samples were subjected to phloro- jams were cooked (80°C ¥ 10 min) and dissolved in base wine.
glucinolysis as described (Kennedy and Jones 2001) with For colour standards, wines were obtained by varying the pH
minor modifications. Proanthocyanidin terminal and extension and/or by addition of acetaldehyde (Sigma-Aldrich), hydrogen
units were separated on an Atlantis C18 column (250 ¥ peroxide (H2O2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) (J.T. Baker, Phil-
4.6 mm, 5-mm particle size (Waters, Mildford, MA, USA)) pro- lipsburg, NJ, USA) with specifications reported in Table 1 as
tected by a guard column of the same material. The com- Cie-Lab coordinates. Unsalted crackers and deionised filtered
pounds were identified according to relative retention times water (Easy Pure II, Thermo Scientific, Dubuque, IA, USA)
and molecular ions (M–H)-, which were m/z 289.0 for catechin were provided for palate cleansing. Aroma attributes and
(C) and epicatechin (EP); m/z 441.0 for epicatechin-3-O-gallate astringency were evaluated in tulip-shaped cobalt black glasses
(ECG); m/z 412.9 for C and EP-phloroglucinol adducts; m/z (Libbey, Toledo, OH, USA) to avoid perceptual bias because of
428.9 for epigallocatechin-phloroglucinol adducts and m/z colour, (Ross et al. 2008). Clear ISO wine glasses (ISO
565.0 for ECG-phloroglucinol adducts. Mass scans were run 3591:1977) were used only for colour evaluation.

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

28 Extended maceration and ethanol concentration Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 19, 25–39, 2013

Table 1. Ingredients, specifications and lexicon of sensory analysis standards.

Reference Levels†
Low Medium High

Aroma, flavour
Red fruit character 5 g each cherry and raspberry jam 15 g each cherry and raspberry jam 37.5 g each cherry and raspberry jam
Oxidised fruit 3 g each cooked cherry and raspberry 7 g each cooked cherry and raspberry 15 g each cooked cherry and
jam‡ jam raspberry jam
Alcohol/hot Stripped wine§, EtOH: 10.3% v/v 75 mL 100° proof vodka, EtOH: 125 mL 100° proof vodka, EtOH:
13.9% v/v 16.3% v/v
Purple component NA NA Cie-Lab parameters: L* = 29.8;
C* = 76.74; H* = 36.29; a* = 61.86;
b* = 45.43
Red component NA NA Cie-Lab parameters: L* = 38.4;
C* = 56.59; H* = 17.95; a* = 53.84;
b* = 17.45
Brown component NA NA Cie-Lab parameters: L* = 45.3;
C* = 49.04; H* = 26.39; a* = 43.93;
b* = 21.8
Saturation C* = 49.53 C* = 64.48 C* = 83.77
Astringency PPT = 358 mg/L PPT = 621 mg/L PPT = 1561 mg/L

†All standards were prepared at three levels and dissolved in 750 mL of base wine. ‡Jams (50 g) were cooked (80°C ¥ 10 min) and then dissolved in base wine. §Base
wine: 2008 Merlot stripped of aroma compounds under reduced pressure (30°C ¥ 45 min) to a final ethanol content of 10.3% v/v. a*, red component; b*, yellow
component; C*, saturation or chroma; EtOH, ethanol; H*, hue; L*,: lightness; NA, not applicable; PPT, protein precipitable tannins.

QFP the 15-cm line scale. Standards were available to panellists until
The wines were subjected to sensory analysis approximately 9 the beginning of the formal sessions.
months after crushing. All individuals involved in the study The three replicates of each treatment were assessed during
were previously screened for bitterness sensitivity to PROP four evaluation sessions in individual booths (20 ⫾ 2°C) lighted
(Tepper et al. 2002) and for visual disorders using Ishihara with Lumichrome full spectrum lamps (6500 K) (Lumiram Elec-
images (Legrand et al. 1945). None of the panellists had colour tric Corporation, Larchmont, NY, USA). Aliquots (25 mL) of
deficiencies and 31% of the panellists were insensitive to PROP wine at room temperature were poured into wine glasses coded
(Pickering et al. 2004). with three-digit random numbers and covered with aluminum
An assessment of the wines by three experienced wine lids to trap volatiles. Wines were presented under a randomised
tasters (two super-tasters and one medium-taster) revealed the balanced block design. Results were collected in ballots with
absence of off-flavours and green aromas. This assessment also responses decoded in cm. Individual performances were
served to select relevant sensory attributes that were deemed to assessed by checking the correlation of each panellist ratings
differ in intensity among the wines. Three aroma attributes with the panel mean and by their contribution to the
(hot/EtOH, red fruit and oxidised fruit), four colour descriptors panellist ¥ wine interaction for each attribute (Lattey et al.
(purple, red, brown component and saturation) and one 2010). Based on these analyses, it was decided to remove data
mouthfeel attribute (astringency) were retained by consensus. from one panellist (final n = 14).
A trained panel (n = 15, eight males and seven females, ages
ranging from 23 to 62 years old) was recruited from the WSU
Prosser community and the professional staff of two wineries. Data analysis and Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR)
Panellists received minimal information about the nature of the The trained panel data were analysed by a three-way mixed-
study and signed an informed consent form approved by the effects ANOVA with replication considering panellist as a
WSU Review Board for human subject participation. random effect and treatment and replicate as fixed effects, with
Panellists were trained over seven training sessions. Astrin- their interactions. Separation of means was accomplished using
gency was defined as a summation of two sensations, surface Fisher’s LSD with significance established as P ⱕ 0.05. The
texture and drying (Gawel et al. 2000). During the training and XLSTAT v. 2009 package (Addinsoft) was used for ANOVA and
evaluation sessions, a 15-cm line scale was used, labelled with mean separation. The relationship between the chemical data
terms ‘low’ and ‘high’, at the 1 cm and 14 cm mark from the left (as the X matrix, or predictors) and the sensory data (as the Y
end of the scale, respectively. Except for the purple, red and matrix, or responses) at the two EtOH concentrations was
brown colour components, the standards were prepared at explored with PLSR. Only significant chemical parameters and
‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ levels (Table 1), representing sensory attributes (P < 0.05) were included in the model. The
anchors located at 1 cm, 7.5 cm and 14 cm from the left end in analysis was performed with X and Y weights normalised and

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Casassa et al. Extended maceration and ethanol concentration 29

Table 2. Total soluble solids, titratable acidity and pH of the fruit from the two Merlot vineyard
blocks at harvest. Average values followed by SEM (n = 6).

Vineyard block Total soluble solids Titratable acidity pH

(°Brix) (g/L tartaric acid)

12% EtOH† fruit 23.4 ⫾ 0.4 7.2 ⫾ 0.01 3.59 ⫾ 0.04

13% EtOH fruit 24.3 ⫾ 0.6 7.1 ⫾ 0.01 3.65 ⫾ 0.04

Two-tailed Student’s t-test for independent samples to compare data. †EtOH: approximate potential ethanol content (% v/v) of the fruit
of each vineyard block. EtOH, ethanol; SEM, standard error of the mean.

Table 3. Berry weight and phenolic composition of the fruit from the two Merlot vineyard blocks at harvest. Average
values followed by SEM (n = 6).

Vineyard block Berry weight Skin anthocyanins‡ Skin tannins§ Skins mDP‡ Seed tannins§ Seeds mDP‡
(g) (mg/g FW) (mg/g FW) (mg/g FW)

12% EtOH† fruit 1.08 ⫾ 0.03a 0.57 ⫾ 0.02b 0.35 ⫾ 0.01b 14.82 ⫾ 0.32 3.26 ⫾ 0.16b 5.31 ⫾ 0.39
13% EtOH fruit 0.97 ⫾ 0.02b 0.73 ⫾ 0.02a 0.44 ⫾ 0.03a 15.45 ⫾ 0.52 3.97 ⫾ 0.11a 5.05 ⫾ 0.17

Two-tailed Student’s t-test for independent samples to compare data: different letters within a column indicate significant differences at P < 0.05. †EtOH: approximate
potential ethanol content (% v/v) of each vineyard block at harvest. ‡Determined by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode-array detection-electrospray
ionisation-mass spectrometry. §Determined by the Adams-Harbertson Assay (Harbertson et al. 2003). EtOH, ethanol; FW, fresh weight; mDP, mean degree of
polymerisation; SEM, standard error of the mean.

Table 4. Basic chemical analyses of the finished Merlot red wines at bottling. Average values followed by SEM (n = 3).

EtOH (%)† Skin Ethanol pH Titratable acidity Malic acid Lactic acid Acetic acid Free SO2
contact (% v/v) (g/L tartaric acid) (g/L) (g/L) (g/L) (mg/L)

12 Control 11.77 ⫾ 0.08b 3.76 ⫾ 0.03b 5.5 ⫾ 0.01 0.10 ⫾ 0.03 1.53 ⫾ 0.02a 0.49 ⫾ 0.06b 31 ⫾ 1
EM 12.11 ⫾ 0.16b 3.82 ⫾ 0.01a 5.4 ⫾ 0.01 0.13 ⫾ 0.01 1.33 ⫾ 0.06b 0.72 ⫾ 0.03a 28 ⫾ 1
13 Control 13.29 ⫾ 0.14a 3.78 ⫾ 0.01ab 5.4 ⫾ 0.01 0.10 ⫾ 0.02 1.47 ⫾ 0.03a 0.41 ⫾ 0.02b 30 ⫾ 2
EM 13.09 ⫾ 0.15a 3.79 ⫾ 0.01ab 5.6 ⫾ 0.02 0.13 ⫾ 0.01 1.26 ⫾ 0.01b 0.74 ⫾ 0.01a 29 ⫾ 1
Significance (P-values)
EtOH <0.0001 0.523 0.340 0.923 0.095 0.343 0.875
Skin contact 0.879 0.080 0.829 0.059 0.846 <0.0001 0.248
EtOH ¥ skin contact 0.053 0.191 0.371 0.763 <0.0001 0.135 0.182

Analysis of variance to compare data: different letters within a column indicate significant differences for Fisher’s LSD at P < 0.05. Control: 10-day skin contact;
extended maceration (EM): 30-day skin contact. †Approximate final ethanol content (% v/v) of each set of wines. EtOH, ethanol; SEM, standard error of the mean.

full cross-validation using the NIPALS algorithm (Unscrambler Wines were analysed for basic composition after bottling,
version 10.1, Camo Software, Oslo, Norway). which occurred 150 days after crush (Table 4). The difference in
the EtOH content of the wines of both vineyard blocks averaged
Results and discussion 1.2% (v/v). While post-fermentation oxygen exposure during
EM was minimised by N2 purging under lids, EM wines showed
Fruit chemistry and basic wine composition
a 47% increase (12% EtOH wines) and an 80% increase (13%
The present study evaluated the impact of the length of macera-
EtOH wines) in the content of acetic acid. The latter can be
tion (10 and 30 days) and EtOH concentration (12 and 13%
attributed to the oxidative metabolism of Acetobacter pasteurianus
v/v) on the extraction and evolution of colour and phenolics.
and Acetobacter aceti, as reported in wines undergoing EM (Drys-
We selected two blocks of a Merlot single vineyard differing in
dale and Fleet 1988).
initial °Brix and therefore potential EtOH concentration. No
difference in the basic fruit chemistry, however, was found
between the 12% EtOH and the 13% EtOH fruit (Table 2). Phenolic extraction and colour evolution during winemaking
Likewise, the mDP of skin and seeds of both vineyard blocks and ageing
were found at a comparable level (Table 3). Anthocyanins, skin Protein precipitable tannins were followed at 2-day intervals
and seed tannins on an FW basis showed a 28, 25 and 18% during maceration (Figure 1) to gain insight into the kinetics of
increase, respectively, in the 13% EtOH fruit over that of the extraction of these compounds as affected by maceration length.
12% EtOH fruit, although these differences did not translate Tannins peaked at the end of the maceration period of each
into the wines, as it will be further commented. treatment. For EM wines, tannin extraction reached a plateau,

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

30 Extended maceration and ethanol concentration Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 19, 25–39, 2013

Figure 1. Extraction of protein precipitable tannins during fermentation, post-fermentation and bottle ageing (n = 3) of Merlot wines having
an approximate final ethanol content of (a) 12% and (b) 13%. ( ) Control: 10-day skin contact; ( ) extended maceration (EM): 30-day skin
contact. Black and grey arrows indicate pressing time in control and EM wines, respectively. CE, catechin equivalents. Different letters indicate
significant differences for Fisher’s LSD at P < 0.05. If not shown, error bars are obscured by treatment symbol.

Table 5. Tannin content and mean degree of polymerisation (mDP) observed in skins and seeds in the pomace, and
estimated proportion of skin and seed tannin extracted into Merlot wine. Averages values followed by SEM (n = 3).

Treatment Pomace Estimated extracted

proportion (%)

EtOH (%)† Skin Skin tannins‡ Skins mDP§ Seed tannins‡ Seeds mDP§ Skin tannin Seed tannin
contact (mg/g FW) (mg/g FW)

12 Control 0.14 ⫾ 0.04ab 5.42 ⫾ 0.14 2.96 ⫾ 0.08b 6.87 ⫾ 0.44 48a 52b
EM 0.11 ⫾ 0.01b 5.25 ⫾ 0.35 2.30 ⫾ 0.18c 7.23 ⫾ 0.26 22b 73a
13 Control 0.21 ⫾ 0.00a 5.16 ⫾ 0.31 3.62 ⫾ 0.25a 7.51 ⫾ 0.62 42a 58b
EM 0.14 ⫾ 0.01ab 5.16 ⫾ 0.21 2.66 ⫾ 0.16b 7.85 ⫾ 0.22 19b 80a
Significance (P-values)
EtOH 0.124 0.401 0.021 0.215 0.502 0.502
Skin contact 0.091 0.095 0.002 0.741 0.004 0.004
EtOH ¥ skin contact 0.403 0.103 0.429 0.105 0.754 0.754

Analysis of variance to compare data: different letters within a column indicate significant differences for Fisher’s LSD at P < 0.05. Control: 10-day skin contact;
extended maceration (EM): 30-day skin contact. †Approximate final ethanol content (% v/v) of each set of wines. ‡Determined by the Adams-Harbertson Assay
(Harbertson et al. 2003). §Determined by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode-array detection-electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry. EtOH, ethanol;
SEM, standard error of the mean.

which occurred between day 10 and 22, and was followed by cipitation and phloroglucinolysis, with results summarised in
an almost linear increase up to the peak of extraction. This Table 5. The extracted proportion of skin or seed tannins was
linear increase is consistent with the extraction of seed tannins determined by the difference between what was found in either
(Hernández-Jiménez et al. 2012). It has also been suggested that the skin or seed at harvest and the amount left in the pomace
post-fermentation extraction of tannins could be the result of a and then dividing by the total amount of tannin extracted
desorption mechanism mediated by EtOH, which leads to the (Harbertson et al. 2009). Tannins recovered in seed pomace
disruption of the non-covalent interactions of the previously were on average 22% (12% EtOH) and 37% (13% EtOH) lower
extracted tannins that were bound to cell wall material (Hanlin in the EM treatments, implying more tannin extraction from the
et al. 2010). Whether this reported linear increase is the result seeds. Indeed, tannins of seed origin accounted for 73 and 80%
of one or a combination of both mechanisms remains to be of the wine tannin content at pressing in the 12% EtOH and
clarified. By the end of the study (day 540), overall tannin 13% EtOH wines, respectively. In control wines, which were
extraction was enhanced by 80% (12% EtOH) and by 50% pressed after 10 days of skin contact, the tannin concentration
(13% EtOH) in EM wines relative to that of the controls. recovered in the seeds after maceration was consistently higher
In an effort to determine the origin of the tannins extracted relative to that of the EM pomace, implying comparatively less
in control and EM wines, tannins in skin and seed samples extraction from the seeds. Accordingly, skin tannins accounted
recovered after maceration were also analysed by protein pre- for 48% (12% EtOH) and 42% (13% EtOH) of the extracted

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Casassa et al. Extended maceration and ethanol concentration 31

Table 6. Mass balance indicating the proportion of anthocyanins and total tannins extracted from Merlot fruit,
recovered in the pomace and unaccounted for.

Treatment Anthocyanin proportion (%)‡ Total tannin (seeds + skins) proportion (%)‡

EtOH (%)† Skin contact Extracted Recovered in Unaccounted Extracted Recovered in Unaccounted
pomace for pomace for

12 Control 45a 30a 25b 11b 86a 3b

EM 25b 6b 69a 19a 67b 15a
13 Control 36a 26a 38b 11b 86a 3b
EM 21b 8b 71a 17a 64b 19a
Significance (P-values)
EtOH 0.420 0.420 0.420 0.401 0.401 0.401
Skin contact <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.003 0.003 0.003
EtOH ¥ skin contact 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.733 0.733 0.733

Analysis of variance to compare data: different letters within a column indicate significant differences for Fisher’s LSD at P < 0.05. Control: 10-day skin contact;
extended maceration (EM): 30-day skin contact. †Approximate final ethanol content (% v/v) of each set of wines. ‡Proportion was calculated on the basis of the
concentration of each phenolic class at the end of the skin contact time for each treatment with data analysed on a mg/g berry fresh weight basis. EtOH, ethanol.

tannins in control wines, indicating a balanced extraction from A mass balance analysis, assuming an average of 1 g per
both skins and seeds. As reflected by the P-values, it was the berry on the grapes, was conducted to estimate the proportion
skin contact treatment, but not the EtOH content, which deter- of both anthocyanins and tannins extracted from the original
mined the proportion of extracted seed and skin tannins. fruit as well as the proportion recovered from the pomace
In spite of some differences in the tannin content of seeds (Table 6). The proportion of tannins extracted was significantly
and skins between both vineyard blocks, the difference in EtOH lower than that of the anthocyanins, with the vast majority of
content of 1.2% (v/v) on average between the two sets of wines them recovered in the pomace. This was particularly evident for
had no effect on tannin extraction (Figure 1). It has been sug- control wines, in which 89% of the fruit tannins on average
gested that extraction of seed tannins can occur only after were recovered in the pomace after maceration.
hydration of the seeds is complete, which often occurs after the The evolution of the mDP and the percentage of recoveries
seeds have absorbed 50% of their weight in water (Oszmianski were followed at critical points during winemaking to gain
et al. 1986, Hernández-Jiménez et al. 2012). The leakiness of qualitative and quantitative information on the average
the parenchyma cell outside the true seedcoat, however, polymer length (Figure 2). Beginning at day 30, EM wines at
appears not to be function of the EtOH content (Adams and both EtOH levels consistently showed an mDP lower than that
Scholz 2008, Hernández-Jiménez et al. 2012), and in fact, under of the controls. This is consistent with a higher extracted pro-
our experimental conditions, it seems to be affected more by the portion of seed tannins, which had a comparatively much lower
amount of time it takes to reach maximal seed hydration. This mDP relative to that of skins (Table 3). From day 300 to day 540,
hypothesis is supported by the higher proportion of tannin the mDP increased by 50 and 27% in the controls and by 42 and
extraction from seeds in EM wines, which was exclusively 24% in EM wines of the 12% EtOH and 13% EtOH treatments,
affected by the skin contact time. respectively, but this occurred along with a progressive decrease
Interestingly, tannins recovered in the skins after macera- of the recovery percentage from day 4 to day 540. The decrease
tion had a significantly lower mDP than that found in the in the proportion of tannin recovered after phloroglucinolysis
skins of the fruit (Table 3). Conversely, the mDP of the tannins during wine ageing suggests that wine tannins progressively
recovered in the seeds from the pomace was higher than that increase their compositional variability, leading to the adsorp-
previously measured in the seeds at harvest. In the skin tion of some tannin structures during the chromatographic
tannins from pomace, the lower mDP resulted from the molar purification (Kantz and Singleton 1991, Kennedy and Hayasaka
contribution of epicatechin-3-O-gallate as terminal subunit 2004) or yielding new structures that are unquantifiable using
(21% on average), which was not previously detected on the the phloroglucinolysis method. The final result is a decrease of
skin samples from the grapes (Supporting Figure S3). Because the analysable tannin pool. In this context, the mDP as a sole
epicatechin-3-O-gallate is proportionally higher in seeds but parameter of wine proanthocyanidin length should be taken
virtually absent in skins (Prieur et al. 1994, Cortell and cautiously. Instead, an account of the distribution of polymer
Kennedy 2006), one plausible explanation for this result is a lengths and proanthocyanidin concentration of each polymer
rebinding of seed tannins onto the skin surface in the pomace, length in the final wine (Hanlin et al. 2011) could be followed.
a phenomenon not previously reported. Alternatively, the The extraction and evolution of different anthocyanin
lower mDP in the skins recovered in the pomace after mac- derivatives grouped as a function of the aglycone moiety are
eration suggests that the extraction of higher molecular weight shown in Figure 3. Generally, anthocyanin extraction into wine
tannins from skins effectively took place, although these were was not affected by the two EtOH concentrations. ANOVA
not recovered in the wines, as previously shown (Hanlin et al. showed no differences within the controls of both EtOH levels
2011). On the other hand, no epigallocatechin was detected for malvidin, petunidin, delphinidin and peonidin derivatives.
on the seeds recovered from the pomace (Supporting Fig- For EM wines, malvidin derivatives were higher in the 12%
ure S4), suggesting that no incorporation of skin tannins on EtOH wines, but the opposite was found in the 13% EtOH wines
seed pomace occurred. for petunidin, delphinidin and peonidin derivatives.

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

32 Extended maceration and ethanol concentration Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 19, 25–39, 2013

Figure 2. The mean degree of polymerisation (mDP, represented in lines) and conversion yield (represented in bars) at selected time points
during the winemaking process (n = 3) of Merlot wines having an approximate final ethanol content of (a) 12% and (b) 13%. ( , black bars)
Control: 10-day skin contact; ( , white bars) extended maceration (EM): 30-day skin contact. If not shown, error bars are obscured by
treatment symbol.

Irrespective of the aglycone, anthocyanins peaked between day 30 in EM wines occurred along with a drop of total anthocy-
day 4 and 6 of maceration. Subsequently, a variable loss contin- anins of 202 mg/L (12% EtOH) and 261 mg/L (13% EtOH) in
gent upon the skin contact treatment was observed. Relative to this same period (data not shown). Control wines, in contrast,
the controls, a dramatic loss of anthocyanins was observed mostly increased their polymeric pigment content in the last
during the post-fermentation phase in EM wines, as previously stages of bottle ageing with major synthesis taking place
reported (Scudamore-Smith et al. 1990, Harbertson et al. 2009). between days 300 and 540 (Figure 4a). The net result was an
Loss of anthocyanin during prolonged skin contact can be attrib- equivalent concentration of polymeric pigments in all wines
uted to a variety of factors including ionic adsorption by yeast after 540 days.
cell walls (Vasserot et al. 1997), adsorption onto bitartrate crys- Results were also expressed as a proportion of polymeric
tals and other solids (Somers and Evans 1977, Cheynier et al. pigmented material to total pigment content (Figure 4b). In
2006), incorporation into polymeric pigments (Adams et al. addition to polymeric pigments, total pigment content included
2004), and formation of pyranoanthocyanins and acetaldehyde monomeric anthocyanins, vitisin A and vitisin B (Alcalde-Eón
cross-linked products (Drinkine et al. 2007, Rentzsch et al. et al. 2006). At day 4, polymeric pigments contributed less than
2007). In the present study, re-adsorption onto grape pomace 5% to the total pigment content of the wines. From day 30
can be ruled out, as only a marginal 6–8% of the initial anthocy- onwards, the contribution of polymeric pigments increased pro-
anin content was recovered in the skin pomace of EM wines gressively and was determined by the skin contact treatment
(Table 6). Formation of pyranoanthocyanins proved to be a (P < 0.0001). By day 540, polymeric pigments contributed 18%
minor factor, as the concentration of both vitisins A and B of the total pigment content in control wines compared with 30%
combined ranged from 2.9 mg/L in EM wines to 3.5 mg/L in for EM at both EtOH concentrations. It should be noted,
control wines at day 540 (data not shown). Therefore, polymeric however, that in EM wines, the proportion of the contribution of
pigment formation emerged as especially relevant for this study. polymeric pigments to total pigments was higher not because the
The formation of polymeric pigments during maceration concentration of polymeric pigments was higher but rather
and ageing is shown in Figure 4a. EM wines increased their because the actual concentration of anthocyanins was lower. For
polymeric pigment content by 98% (12% EtOH wines) and by control wines, a drastically less pronounced drop of anthocyanins
132% (13% EtOH wines) in the period spanning from day 4 to was observed thus resulting in a lower proportion of the contri-
pressing (day 30), whereas for control wines, the increase bution of polymeric pigments to total pigments (Figure 4b).
during this same time period varied between 38 to 40%. Previ- Because skin contact time was a determining factor on the
ously, Harbertson et al. (2009) reported that in EM wines (20 tannin, anthocyanin and polymeric pigment content of the fin-
days of skin contact), LPPs increased three-fold relative to that ished wines, the relationship between anthocyanins and SPPs
of a control (7 days of skin contact). In the present study, the (i.e. pigments that do not precipitate with the bovine serum
two-fold increase in the polymeric pigment content of EM wines albumin (BSA) protein) and LPPs (i.e. pigments that precipitate
was consistent with the major registered losses of anthocyanin with the BSA protein) was explored by regressing both of these
derivatives (Figure 3). Because the anthocyanins recovered in parameters against the anthocyanin content. Data were ana-
the skin pomace of EM wines were found in lower concentra- lysed on the basis of the skin contact treatment and over time to
tion relative to that of the controls (Table 6), it is tempting to demonstrate the progressive nature of this relationship. No rela-
hypothesise that these missing anthocyanins could have been tionship over time was observed between anthocyanins and
incorporated into polymeric pigments. It appears, however, that SPPs (control wines: r = 0.18, P = 0.34; EM wines: r = 0.22,
the formation of polymeric pigments alone can only be partially P = 0.22). A negative correlation was found when the anthocy-
responsible for the observed anthocyanin loss. Evidence of this anin content was regressed against LPPs, indicating that the
is found in that an increase in the polymeric pigment content of decrease in anthocyanins during winemaking occurred along
12 mg/L (12% EtOH) and 14 mg/L (13% EtOH) from day 4 to with the progressive and preferential formation of LPPs

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Casassa et al. Extended maceration and ethanol concentration 33

Figure 3. Extraction and evolution of: (a) malvidin derivatives, (b) petunidin derivatives, (c) delphinidin derivatives, (d) peonidin derivatives,
and (e) cyanidin derivatives during fermentation, post-fermentation and bottle ageing (n = 3) of Merlot wines having an approximate final
ethanol content of 12 and 13%. ( ) Control: 10-day skin contact; ( ) extended maceration (EM): 30-day skin contact. Black and grey
arrows indicate pressing time in control and EM wines, respectively. Different letters indicate significant differences for Fisher’s LSD at
P < 0.05. If not shown, error bars are obscured by treatment symbol.

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

34 Extended maceration and ethanol concentration Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 19, 25–39, 2013

Figure 4. Evolution of:

(a) polymeric pigments
(mg/L malvidin-3-glucoside
equivalents), and (b) polymeric
pigment as a proportion of the
total pigment content at day 4,
30, 50, 100, 300 and 540
(n = 3) of Merlot wines having
an approximate final ethanol
content of 12 and 13%.
Control: 10-day skin contact;
extended maceration (EM):
30-day skin contact.

Table 7. Means separation for the sensory attributes of Merlot wines assessed by a trained panel (n = 14).

Treatment Wine attributes‡

Colour component Aroma, flavour Mouthfeel

EtOH (%)† Skin contact Purple Red Brown Saturation Red fruit Oxidised fruit Hot/alcohol Astringency

12 Control 8.04ab 7.16a 1.59b 9.07b 4.61c 2.63 5.20b 6.53c

EM 8.59b 5.91b 1.91ab 9.62a 6.71b 2.43 5.96b 8.77b
13 Control 7.41a 7.74a 1.62b 9.38ab 7.90a 2.78 7.44a 8.09b
EM 7.78a 6.95b 2.04a 9.92a 5.85b 3.44 7.94a 10.48a

Analysis of variance to compare data: different letters within a column indicate significant differences for Fisher’s LSD at P < 0.05. Control: 10-day skin contact;
extended maceration (EM): 30-day skin contact. †Approximate final ethanol content (% v/v) of each set of wines. ‡Evaluations were made along a 15-cm line scale.
EtOH, ethanol.

(Figure 5). The coefficients of determination (r2) indicated that difference was found in the other Cie-Lab parameters between
66% of the variation in polymeric pigment formation was the wines of both EtOH concentrations. A difference between
explained by the observed decrease in anthocyanins in EM both skin contact treatments, however, was observed for L*,
wines, whereas for control wines, 56% of this variation was C* (saturation) and a* (red component). EM increased L*
explained. decreased C* and a* relative to that of the controls from day 10
The evolution of the Cie-Lab colour parameters during mac- to 50 (Figure 6a,b,d), but after 1 year of bottle ageing, only the
eration, post-maceration and ageing is shown in Figure 6. Light- EM wines of the 12% EtOH treatment had a lower value of C*
ness (L*) was higher in the 12% EtOH wines but no major and a*. The hue angle (H*) and the yellow component (positive

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Casassa et al. Extended maceration and ethanol concentration 35

et al. 2004) revealed no difference in bitterness, thus this

attribute was excluded from those that can potentially differen-
tiate the wines. Among these potential attributes, astringency
was rated 34 and 30% higher in the EM wines of the 12 and
13% EtOH treatments, respectively. In Cabernet Sauvignon
(Scudamore-Smith et al. 1990) and Merlot wines (Yokotsuka
et al. 2000) produced with an EM of 42 and 64 days, respec-
tively, the astringency rating was 22 and 24% higher relative to
that of the controls. In the present study, the higher astringency
rating in EM wines is consistent with the relatively high tannin
content of the seeds (Harbertson et al. 2002), which were the
primary source of tannins for these wines (Table 5). It is also
possible that the higher polymeric pigment content at day 300
in the EM wines (Figure 4) could have contributed to the rela-
tive higher perceived astringency as well.
Control wines had a higher predominance of the red com-
ponent, lower brown component and lower astringency ratings.
The red fruit character received the lowest rating for the 12%
EtOH control wines, but the opposite was found for the 13%
EtOH control wines; EM wines showed intermediate values for
this attribute. The EtOH concentration had no effect on any
sensory attribute, with the exception of the hot/alcohol sensa-
tion in itself: the 13% EtOH wines were rated higher in hot/
Figure 5. Three-dimensional scatter plot of the relationship
alcohol than the 12% EtOH wines.
between anthocyanins and large polymeric pigments (LPPs) as a
function of time of Merlot wines having an approximate final ethanol
content of 12 and 13%. Data points represent wines of the three
replicates at day 30, 50, 100, 300 and 540 after crushing. ( ) PLSR
Control: 10-day skin contact; ( ) extended maceration (EM): To gain insight into the chemical features that were responsible
30-day skin contact. Control and EM wines from both ethanol levels for relevant sensory attributes in the wines, PLSR was applied
were pooled together for the analysis. Linear correlations of anthocy- using the chemical variables as predictors of the sensory data at
anins versus LPPs: control wines: r = 0.75, P < 0.0001; EM wines: a discrete point, corresponding to 3 months of bottle ageing.
r = 0.81, P < 0.0001. A520: absorbance units at 520 nm. Using two latent factors, PLSR scores separated the wines into
four quadrants, with factor 1 discriminating the wines according
b* value) were higher for EM wines at the 12% EtOH concen- to the skin contact treatment and factor 2 separating the wines
tration, but no differences were observed in these two param- as a function of the EtOH concentration (Figure 7a).
eters for the 13% EtOH wines. PLSR loadings (Figure 7b) defined EM wines with a positive
The most dynamic changes in anthocyanins and polymeric correlation between the chemical attributes tannins, polymeric
pigments were also reflected in the Cie-Lab colour parameters. pigments (HPLC), LPPs, b* (yellow component) and the sensory
For EM wines, a rapid increase in polymeric pigments from day attributes brown component and astringency. Similarly, LPPs
4 to 30 occurred along with a decrease in a* and C* and an and tannins clustered in close proximity in young Merlot wines
increase in L*, thus resulting in a significant colour difference also subjected to PLSR (Jensen et al. 2008); Villamor et al.
(P < 0.05) relative to that of the control wines at this point (data (2009) report a correlation coefficient of 0.677 between per-
not shown). For control wines, polymeric pigment formation ceived astringency and LPPs, consistent with the clustering of
was favoured from day 300 to 540, which consequently LPPs and astringency in the present study. The descriptor hot/
increased L* and decreased C* (Figure 6a,b, respectively). EtOH was located close to its chemical counterpart for the 13%
EtOH wines and the brown colour component clustered near
the non-tannin phenolic and acetic acid content. The remaining
Sensory analysis by QFP sensory attributes and the chemical variables pH, lactic acid and
Wines were analysed for selected sensory attributes (Table 1) by H* were located within the inner annulus of the PLSR loadings
a trained panel using the QFP approach. For the 13% EtOH plot, implying that these variables were not relevant to the PLSR
wines, EM wines were perceived to have a more pronounced model.
brown colour component (Table 7), which was also reflected in For control wines, PLSR loadings revealed a strong correla-
the higher H* value (Figure 6c), in the positive b* value (i.e. tion between the chemical attributes anthocyanin derivatives,
yellow tones, Figure 6e) and in the polymeric pigments content SPPs, S vitisins (visitin A + vitisin B), mDP, a*, C* and the sensory
at day 300 (Figure 4a) of these wines. Yokotsuka et al. (2000) red colour component, thus suggesting that red colour is associ-
attribute a decrease in red colour and an increase in the brown ated with anthocyanins, pyranoanthocyanins and miscellaneous
component in EM wines to the oxidative polymerisation of cycloaddition products or pigmented oligomers. SPPs are com-
anthocyanins with other phenols to produce polymeric pig- posed by tannin–anthocyanin dimers either of direct condensa-
ments. As evidenced also by the acetic acid content, the oxida- tion or mediated by acetaldehyde (Adams et al. 2004). Among
tive process on EM wines was clearly reflected in the colour them, the dimer catechin-(4a→b8)-malvidin 3-O-glucoside
measurements and also in the perceived colour. presents a wavelength of maximum absorption at 520 nm at
EM has been reported to enhance bitterness because of the wine pH which corresponds to red colour (Salas et al. 2004). This
contribution of low molecular weight tannins from seeds (Yoko- is consistent with the clustering of SPPs around the red compo-
tsuka et al. 2000, Joscelyne 2009). In the present study, assess- nent. SPPs may also contain cycloaddition products (Adams et al.
ment of the wines by three bitter-sensitive tasters (Pickering 2004), which explains the close proximity of SPPs and S vitisins.

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

36 Extended maceration and ethanol concentration Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 19, 25–39, 2013

Figure 6. Evolution of: (a) lightness (L*), (b) saturation (C*), (c) hue angle (H*), (d) a* parameter and (e) b* parameter during fermentation,
post-fermentation and bottle ageing (n = 3) of Merlot wines having an approximate final ethanol content of 12 and 13%. ( ) Control: 10-day
skin contact; ( ) extended maceration (EM): 30-day skin contact. Black and grey arrows indicate pressing time in control and EM wines,
respectively. Different letters indicate significant differences for Fisher’s LSD at P < 0.05. If not shown, error bars are obscured by treatment

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Casassa et al. Extended maceration and ethanol concentration 37

Figure 7. Partial Least

Squares Regression analysis:
(a) wine scores, and (b)
correlation loadings of the
relationship between chemical
analysis (X matrix, in blue
fonts) and sensory attributes
(Y matrix, in red underlined
fonts). Factor 1 (horizontal)
explained 87% of wine
chemical parameters and 27%
of wine sensory attributes,
while factor 2 (vertical)
explained 6 and 22%,
respectively. For conciseness,
only significant chemical and
sensory attributes (P < 0.05)
were included in the model.
Control (C): 10-day skin
contact; extended maceration
(EM): 30-day skin contact.

Conclusions balanced proportion of seed and skin tannins. In EM wines,

In this experiment, the maceration length defined the chemical major losses of anthocyanins occurred during post-maceration
and sensory profile of the wines. A difference of 1.2% v/v EtOH along with the synthesis of LPPs, suggesting that the post-
had no major effect on tannin and anthocyanin extraction, fermentation stage has a larger influence on the formation of
mDP, polymeric pigment formation and pomace recovery of polymeric pigments relative to other winemaking steps. For
anthocyanins and tannins from skins. Further, at the EtOH control wines, major synthesis of polymeric pigments occurred
concentrations and maceration lengths studied here, extraction towards the end of bottle ageing, but the contribution of poly-
of tannins from skins was not significantly affected. Conversely, meric pigments to total pigments remained lower relative to
extraction of tannins from seeds was contingent upon macera- that of the EM wines.
tion length and occurred under EtOH concentrations that can be Sensory analysis by QFP coupled with PLSR revealed
considered at the low end of those commercially relevant, sug- that polymeric pigments, LPPs and tannins clustered around
gesting that even in low EtOH conditions, extraction of tannins astringency in EM wines. From this perspective, maceration
from seeds readily occurs and is mainly driven by maceration techniques that favour seed tannin extraction and LPPs for-
length. Future research may be directed to evaluate a difference mation should result in more astringent wines. For con-
in EtOH content greater than 2% EtOH (e.g. achieved by chap- trol wines, anthocyanin derivatives, S vitisins, mDP and SPPs
talisation of grapes at the same maturity level) to further clustered around the sensory descriptor red component,
explore the effects of EtOH. suggesting that perceived red colour is associated with mono-
Qualitative analysis of tannins in grapes and seed/skin meric anthocyanins, cycloaddition products and pigmented
pomace samples recovered after maceration suggested a rebind- oligomers.
ing or incorporation of previously extracted seed tannins onto
the skins during maceration, although the reciprocal process,
i.e. the incorporation of skin tannins onto the seeds, was not Acknowledgements
observed. Also, this phenomenon was independent of the mac- The Washington Wine Advisory Committee, the Fulbright Com-
eration length and the EtOH concentration. In light of the rather mission and the Walter Clore scholarship are thanked for finan-
low recovery percentages after phloroglucinolysis obtained in cial support. Goose Ridge vineyard (Washington State, USA) is
the pomace and in aged wine samples, a combination of differ- thanked for generous donation of the grapes for this research.
ent analytical approaches, e.g. fractionation followed by acid- We also extend our gratitude to Dr Richard Larsen (WSU
catalysis of the individual fractions, should help to gain a more Prosser) and Dr John Thorngate (Constellation Wines, USA) for
comprehensive understanding of these phenomena. critical review of the manuscript. Panellist members from the
Consistent with an astringency rating 32% higher relative to WSU Prosser community and Chateau-Saint Michelle Wine
that of the controls, the contribution of seed-derived tannins in Estates are acknowledged for outstanding commitment to
EM wines varied from 73 to 80%, whereas control wines had a this study.

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

38 Extended maceration and ethanol concentration Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 19, 25–39, 2013

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Manuscript received: 19 July 2012

Revised manuscript received: 9 October 2012
Accepted: 4 November 2012

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

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