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- “refers to the complex whole that includes knowledge, 1. It serves as “trademark” of the people in a society
belief, art, morale, law by man as a member of 2. It gives meaning to man’s existence
society.”(Edward Taylor) 3. Culture unifies diverse behavior
- is an organized body of conventional understandings 4. Culture provides social solidarity
manifest in art and artifacts, which persisting through 5. Culture establishes social personality
tradition (Robert Redfield) 6. Culture provides systematic behavioral pattern
7. Culture promotes meaning individual’s existence
KINDS OF CULTURE 8. Culture predicts social behavior
1. Material Culture - refers to the concrete and tangible 9. Culture provides social structure category
things that man creates and uses.
2. Non-material Culture - refers to non-material things or MODES OF ACQUIRING CULTURE
intangible objects which the persons uses, follows, 1. Imitation - imitate values, attitudes, language and all
profess, or strives to conform. other things in their social environment. Some of those
A. Beliefs - man’s perception about reality of things things imitated are internalized in their personality and
and are shared ideas about how the environment become part of their attitude, character and other
operates. behavioral patterns.
B. Knowledge - is a body facts and beliefs that 2. Indoctrination or Suggestion - may take the form of
people acquire and accumulate over time. It may be formal training or informal teaching. Formally, the
natural, supernatural, technical and magical. person learns from school. Informally, he may acquire
C. Norms - guides or models of behavior which tell those behaviors from listening, watching, reading,
how people should behave in a particular situation; what attending training activities or through interaction.
people ought or not ought to do. 3. Conditioning - can be reinforced through reward or
1. Folkways - are customary ways of behaving punishment.
which have become habitual and repetitive. These
are the simple way of people in doing things. The ADAPTATION OF CULTURE
forms of folkways are: customs and traditions. 1. Parallelism - same culture may take place in two or
Customs are repetitive ways of doing things such as more different places.
manner and style of dressing, marriage ceremony 2. Diffusion - behavioral patterns that pass back and forth
etc. Traditions are ways of believing such as belief in from one culture to another.
God, belief in life hereafter, belief in superstition. 3. Convergence - 2 or more cultures are fused or merged
2. Mores - are norms that become more into one culture making it different from the original
compulsive and necessary for the welfare of society culture.
and take on moral significance. 4. Fission - when people break away from their original
3. Laws - these are formalized social norms culture and start developing a culture of their own.
enacted by people and are enforced formally by a 5. Acculturation - individuals incorporate the other
special political organization. cultures into their own either voluntary or by force.
4. Values - are abstract ideas of what are 6. Assimilation - when a culture of a larger society is
desirable, correct and good that most members of a adopted by a smaller society.
society share. 7. Accommodation - when the larger society and smaller
5. Language - a system of symbols which have society are able to respect and tolerate each others
specific and arbitrary meaning in a given society. culture even if there is a prolonged contact of each
6. Fashion, Fads and Crazes - Fashion follows a others culture.
special pattern of behavior such that it spreads from
the upper levels of society downward.Fads are either OTHER CULTURAL CONCEPTS
verbal or non-verbal (body piercing and tattooing) 1. Sub-culture - groups of people who do not want to
which eventually dies out. Crazes are sometimes assimilate the culture of others or follow exactly the
called rages or social epidemics (hair coloring and culture of the society where they belong.
manicuring) 2. Culture shock - when people go to other places and are
D. Sanctions - are prescribed norms of conduct confronted with a different culture of their own. A kind
exposed by society to an individual for him to conform to of negative reaction is ensured.
moral standards and accept those that are favorable to a 3. Cultural Lag - when some parts of society’s cultural
group. pattern sometimes become outmoded in relation to
others due to rapid changes that could not cope with
CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE innovation and modern changes.
1. Culture is learned and acquired 4. Cultural Universal - commonly found in all human
2. Culture is shared and transmitted cultures.
3. Culture is adaptive or dynamic 5. Cultural Dualism - a behavioral pattern of some Filipinos
4. Culture is cumulative in which 2 cultures or even more are being manifested
5. Culture is “ideational” in the personality and character of a Filipino.
6. Culture gratifies human needs 6. Cultural Relativism - is a cultural concept based on the
7. Culture is social idea that culture is relative, that no culture is perfect,
8. Culture is integration good or bad.
7. Cultural Ethnocentrism - is a belief that one’s culture
is superior, right, and normal than other cultures.
8. Cultural Xenocentrism - is a belief that one’s culture
is inferior than the other cultures.


1. Balikatan System
2. Bayanihan System
3. Pakikisama or Conformity
4. Smooth Interpersonal Relationship
5. Pakikiramay
6. Compadre and Comadre System
7. Utang na Loob
8. Desire for Socio-Economic Improvement
9. Hospitality Value
10. Fiesta Celebration
11. Indolence
12. Ningas-Kugon
13. Mañana Habit
14. Bahala Na
15. Indulging in Gambling
16. Hiya Complex
17. Amor propio
18. Lagay and Areglo
19. Palakasan Scheme
20. Use of Euphemestic Expression
21. The suerte, tadhana, malas, and buenas forms of
22. Existence of spirits, ghosts and supernatural being
23. Gaya-gaya Practice
24. Karma

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